2018-08-03 07:59:14
2018-08-03 07:59:08
简介:★오늘부터 김부장이 쏩니다.★
★엽기,발랄,코믹 농구게임★
★새로운 캐릭터들로 공을 미친듯이 공을 날리면 됩니다★
★고난이도 색다른 터치 방식 타이밍 게임★
★웃겨서 배꼽은 던지면 안됩니다★
★10쿼터이상 클리어 하시면 헬모드가 오픈합니다★
일반공 : 점수 획득
파란공 : 점수 획득 + 코믹 슛동작
무지개공 : 3개를 획득하면 피버 모드 작동
펫은 1번 사용하면 다시 상점에서 획득할 수 있습니다.
펫은 보상을 통해 획득 가능
캐릭터 소개
재미있는 레트로 캐릭터 30여종 등장
김부장 : 부활 가능 (HP: 20%)
김여사 : 부활 가능 (HP :20%)
에스키모 : 부활 가능 (HP :20%)
킥에스 : 부활 가능 (HP :20%)
-색다른 방식의 타이밍 농구게임
-다양한 코스튬에 각 코스튬마다 색다른 농구공 등장
-여러가지의 슛모션 적용
-스테이지 방식을 통해 보상 증가
다양한 캐릭터
20여 가지의 다양한 캐릭터들이 자신만의 공을 던질 수 있습니다.
머리, 얼굴, 유니폼을 다양하게 조합하여 새로운 농구선수를 만들 수 있습니다.
파인애플 아재, 잡스 행님, 순siri, 소룡이 행님등
페이스북 페이지 : https://www.facebook.com/bastetballkim/
개발자 연락처 :
2018-08-03 07:57:22
简介:3D最好的保龄球粉碎3D游戏真正的保龄球洗牌保龄球是一个全动作包装游戏10针为一个冒险运动爱好者保龄球十保龄球最好的3D国王Boling好的游戏免费保龄球游戏免费球滚动游戏投球手投掷球。具有挑战性的亲miniclip游戏圆珠笔游戏圆碗3d游戏保龄球的孩子们玩真正的bol简单的免费酷游戏3D PBA保龄球挑战。
b 粉碎保龄球王 - 真正的碗主分数这两个球员最好的电视游戏玩球投票不错的游戏,用手指把球扔在目标投票游戏的粉碎保龄球免费的应用程序,你可以保龄球没有互联网游戏池保龄球世界粉碎保龄球smasher。
b 粉碎保龄球之王 - 真正的碗主分数打球最容易上瘾的运动应用程序与极端保龄球应用挑战刺激击球碗轨道和旋转球飞行。有很多有趣的滚球在这个模拟中提供良好的保龄球游戏,选择你喜欢的保龄球球并开始有趣的任务。滚球手势,转动和调整是显着的池游戏免费的应用程序。
b 粉碎保龄球之王 - 真实碗主分数您可以将球拖到左侧或右侧位置以击球。所以现在看看,你如何能够连续进球得分
b 粉碎保龄球王 - 真正的碗主分数去一系列令人惊叹的地方去打保龄球,自定义选项是无穷无尽的,从多个地点选择并选择您最喜欢的球投掷。用手指向前轻击以钩住球并瞄准击打碗针。
b 粉碎保龄球王 - 真正的碗主分数与你的朋友玩这个有趣的保龄球,通过调整你的立场,方向和球旋转创建任何类型的球。挑战世界各地的球员,获得更多连续的打击并成为俱乐部的保龄球统计数据。
b 粉碎保龄球王 - 真正的碗主分数
Google Play游戏在线排行榜和成就。
Shuffleboard和10 Pin Bowling可作为应用内购买或观看短视频广告。 /b /b /b /b /b /b
2018-08-03 07:57:22
简介:This is a free turn-limited version of the Battle of Luzon 1945.
You are in command of the American forces, tasked with taking back the control of the strategically and economically important Luzon - the largest island in the Philippines - which fell to Japanese forces in the spring of 1942. Unlike the previous U.S. attacks in the Pacific campaign, which only required handful of smaller units, the invasion of Luzon threw 10 U.S. divisions and handful of independent regiments plus guerrilla forces into the largest campaign of the Pacific war. MacArthur surprised the Japanese defenders, who expected attack in the Southern Luzon, by landing American troops in the western Luzon (Lingayen Gulf). By landing close to the main roads of the island MacArthur could immediately start to advance south to seize the key airfields and liberate Manila city - the Pearl of the Orient.
+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.
+ Thanks to in-built variation and the game #39;s smart AI technology, each game provides a unique war gaming experience.
+ Challenging: Crush the opponent quickly and seize the top spot on the Hall of Fame.
+ Multi-layered AI: Instead of just attacking on direct line towards the target, the AI opponent balances between strategic goals and smaller tasks like encircling nearby units.
+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look of the gaming experience: Change difficulty level, hexagon size, Animation speed, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, Square, block of houses), decide what is drawn on the map, and much more.
In order to be a victorious commander, you must learn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units give support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut off its supply lines instead.
If you want to test this WWII game, a free 20-turn version is also available
Privacy Policy (full text on website and app menu): No account creation is possible, the made-up username used in the Hall of Fame listings is not tied to any account and does not have password. Location, personal, or device identifier data is not used in any way. In the case of crash the following non-personal data is sent (vie web-form using ACRA library) to allow quick fix: Stack trace (code which failed), Name of the App, Version number of the App, and Version number of the Android OS. The app only requests the permissions it needs to function.
Join your fellow board game generals in changing the course of this classic WWII scenario.
This Series has offered highly rated Android-only strategy games since 2011. The campaigns are based on the time-tested gaming elements TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiar with from both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletop strategy board games. I also want to thank the fans for all the well thought-out suggestions over the years which have allowed these campaigns to improve at a much higher rate than what any indie developer could dream of. if you have feedback about the series please use email, this way we can have a constructive back and forth conversion without all the limits of the store #39;s comment system. In addition, because I have huge number of projects on multiple stores, it’s just not very sensible to spend handful of hours each day going through hundreds of pages spread all over the Internet to see if somebody has posted a question somewhere -- just send me an email and I will answer to it as soon as I #39;m online. Thanks for understanding!
2018-08-03 07:56:32
• 易学,难以掌握冲浪游戏轻踏和释放的要点
• 尝试让冲浪新手用不同风格完成任务
• 一旦你从浪上腾空飞起(空中特技)即开启了幽灵模式
• 在令人放松的冲浪过程中,获得奖励对话
• 流体并基于物理原理的挑战游戏
• 美丽的日夜景色
• 原始的乐曲
• 收集漂浮物在冲浪器材店升级你的游戏
2018-08-03 07:56:14
简介:Taipan was a home computer game from the early #39;80s that was fun and addicting despite its lack of graphics. It invented the trading-game genre. Taipan was inspired by James Clavell’s novel quot;Tai-Pan quot;.
This Android version is modeled after the popular Apple II version. The infamous bug in the original game remains in this version.
• To skip most pauses, press the text shown.
• To speed up battles, tap the Fight or Run buttons again.
• Includes the simple quot;beep quot; sounds of the original.
• Tablets are supported.
2018-08-03 07:55:16
简介:화면을 클릭해 얻는 돈으로 삽을 구매하여 더욱 많을돈을 얻는 간단한 게임입니다.
2018-08-03 07:54:34
① 有吸引力军士的惊险刺激战斗动作
② 多入方式包括殴打鼓
③ 两个用户们对战一台机器
2018-08-03 07:53:15
简介:Bahasa :
Mencari permainan yang menyenangkan untuk mengisi waktu luang anda? Coba Domino Gaple, permainannya seru membuat waktu senggang kamu lebih menyenangkan.
Domino Gaple adalah permainan kartu domino versi Indonesia. Permainan ini sangat menarik untuk semua kalangan. Bisa dimainkan untuk segala usia.
Domino Gaple bisa dimainkan oleh 2,3, atau 4 orang. Domino Gaple juga bisa dimainkan secara tim (2 x 2 orang).
English :
Looking for a fun game to fill your spare time? Try Domino Gaple, the exciting game makes your more leisure time fun.
Domino Gaple is an Indonesian version of the domino card game. This game very interesting for all people. Can be played for all ages. Domino Gaple can be played by 2.3, or 4 people. Domino Gaple also can played on a team basis (2 x 2 people).
2018-08-03 07:53:12
简介:A fan of the old Avalon Hill board WW2 strategy wargames? Like to move counters around a hex printed wargame board? Then this is the wargame for you!
Operation Fall Gelb - The Battle for France 1940 – started on May 10th 1940.
This is a solo player wargame in which you get to play both as the Allies desperately defending France and as the Germans equally desperate to capture it.
Turn-based strategy action in WW2
Hot-Hand multiplayer battles
Hex grid for the best overview possible
Detailed graphics
Full tablet support
2018-08-03 07:52:49
简介:这精彩的塔防战略防御游戏让你有机会在第二次世界大战中当上英雄角色。 这是一款策略和角色扮演的魅力之作!使用不一样的超级武器来摧毁德国军团保护你的军地!使用大脑和谨慎的策略,建立你的施工,以防止具有不同战斗能力的德国敌人进入竞技场战的基地!玩家需要逐渐建立自己强大的团队来精心计划正确的排兵布阵才能成功的摧毁敌人来袭的危险步伐。游戏里拥有不同能力和用处的英雄角色,例如小乔治·史密斯·巴顿, 麦克阿瑟, 艾森豪威尔夹克, 丘吉尔, 约瑟夫·斯大林, 卡斯特罗菲德尔, 切·格瓦拉, 哈里·S·杜鲁门, 弗拉基米尔·普京, 巴拉克·奥巴马. 这些英雄们都可让你训练,让他们更加坚强勇敢的面对敌人的来袭。
• 免费下载
• 非常上瘾的游戏
• 12 个不同战略地图
• 6 中不同的功率塔
• 最多3倍快进速度功能
• 拥有升级的兵器能力
• 高清分辨率的战斗画面
• 具有挑战性
• 加强大脑思考和策略能力
现在马上下载Tower Defense: Clash of World War 2!训练你的军队和兵器,精心建立你的防御塔楼,保护美国军地从德国军队的入侵!在学校休息或上班休息时间来一局精彩的手机游戏吧。和成千上万从世界各地的玩家一起战斗, 挑战你的策略大脑,称上最伟大的英雄!
2018-08-03 07:52:18
简介:Spider Solitaire是一款非常受欢迎的Solitaire Solitaire游戏,游戏规则是根据套装从A到K安排卡片,从而删除所有卡片,当然,玩这个游戏并不困难,它需要你耐心思考 通过。
2018-08-03 07:52:14
简介:New Hint for play Guitar Hero
New Trick for play Guitar Hero
Best Tips for play Guitar Hero
Best Strategy for play Guitar Hero
You will be a winner
2018-08-03 07:51:28
简介:FNAF Piano Tiles2. Piano Tiles games with classic FNAF background music!
2018-08-03 07:51:22
简介:Have fun coloring and playing games with your favorite PBS KIDS characters like Elmo, Daniel Tiger, Sid the Science Kid and Arthur! ... Sand Art Spectacular.
2018-08-03 07:51:20
简介:This application let you as Vainglory player, to check your latest match history and overall stats inside the app. It also allows you to get heroes and items information as well.
Since the API is still in alpha release, it might have some error on the data that is provided.
REMINDER: The app only shows match history for a player that play in the last 30 days.
Quick tutorial to search for a player:
1. Choose the server you are playing on
- na = North America
- eu = Europe
- sa = South America
- ea = East Asia
- sg = South East Asia
2. Enter your vainglory user name on the search field (case sensitive)
3. Click search for a player.
4. Star button is used to save your user name inside the app. Thus it will load instantly the next time you open the app.
I will add more features in the future to show more data. Here will be some list that might be added in the future:
- Match Detail (Show more info when match is selected on match history) (DONE)
- More Statistical information (Such as, Win percentage for each hero, avg KDA for hero, main Role, etc)
- User Records
- New Hero Update and Database 2.4 update (DONE)
- Increase the total number of matches recorded (currently 50)
- More tabs for specific match type history (e.g. ranked match history, blitz match history, etc)
This app is not sponsored by or affiliated with Vainglory and parent company Super Evil Megacorp. All trademarks of Vainglory are intellectual property of Super Evil Megacrop.
All Vainglory copyrights and art assets belong to SuperEvil Megacorp.
2018-08-03 07:50:18
简介:mma 격투 스포츠 게임입니다
2018-08-03 07:50:15
简介:This is a very fun game, suitable for everyone.
No special skills needed, all you need is mind and focus with finger speed!
do not ignore this game because this piano game is very suitable to train the finger and eye keceptan.
let #39;s play the piano game with a beat following the rhythm of the music.
There are four types in this game:
1. (Classic) follow the music of the song.
2. (Arcade) do not lose tiles.
3. (Zen) game with the given time.
4. (Bomb) do not touch the red tile, it #39;s a bomb.
Collect your score as much as possible, and look for your highest score.
Do not forget the rating for this game, thank you.
2018-08-03 07:49:28
简介:Now you can play the card game everyone loves to play in their free time on your SmartPhone!
Play the popular game of patience included in Microsoft #39;s Windows, FreeCell wherever you are!
No over-the-top features allow you to play at your leisure.
Even for first-time players, there is help included and the rules are simple so anyone can play!
Move the cards by either touching and tapping, or dragging!
Compatible with all SmartPhones and of course Tablet-Devices!
There are many rule-variants of Solitaire, such as Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell.
This application follows the commonly enjoyed FreeCell rules.
Great for those who:
・ love games of patience such as Solitaire, Klondike, FreeCell, Spider Solitaire
・ are looking to kill some time between bus and train rides on the way to and from work or school
・ enjoy a good puzzle
・ are interested in other card games, such as Poker, Blackjack, and the Japanese Daifugo
・ enjoy other board games such as Reversi, Othello, Crosswords, Chess, and the Japanese Shogi and Go
No need to register your email address!
This app is a free download.
2018-08-03 07:49:18
简介:NO ADS!!!
Are you tired of kids #39; apps that have way too many ads? Are you tired of having to uninstall apps that your child clicked on while trying to play an app?
This app has ZERO ADS!
Multiple instruments to choose from!
Interactive Keys!
Great Sound Quality!
Simple kid friendly graphics!
You #39;ll want to try it too!
Did I mention it #39;s absolutely free?
Give it a try today!
Note from developer:
I will update this app if enough people like the game. I am planning on adding more instruments and interactive songs if there are enough replies and reviews. Thanks for taking a look!
2018-08-03 07:48:25
简介:FreeCell Solitaire game on the iPhone is now available.
FreeCell Solitaire is one of the most popular card games included with Windows, and is now available for free for your iPhone device! Play solitaire games that require skill, strategy and patience to win! A true brain training experience!
FreeCell Solitaire adds a new element of strategy to the classic solitaire games Klondike. After dealing from a standard deck of 52 cards, use the four free cell spots as placeholders as you try to move all of the cards from the Foundation stacks for a win. Just like Klondike solitaire games, you must move cards from the Tableau to the Foundation cells by suit, in ascending order. Most FreeCell games can be solved, if you can find the right strategy.
You #39;ve played FreeCell solitaire on your computer, and now you can play FreeCell free, anywhere at any time of the day! You won’t want to play any other FreeCell solitaire game again!
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Game state saved when interrupted
- Unlimited undo
- Hints
- Auto complete to finish game
- Statistics
Solitaire Games Free
- FreeCell Solitaire is free, just like on Windows computers!
- Klondike solitaire or other solitaire game fans will love FreeCell!
- Solitaire games can be random or one of one million well known games.
Brain Games with Solitaire
- FreeCell Solitaire can be for beginners or those looking for an addicting brain teaser!
- FreeCell instructions included in the app.
FreeCell solitaire has never been more fun! With two unique control schemes, randomized FreeCell card decks, in-depth stat tracking, and social sharing features, FreeCell Free is one of the fun addicting games you’ve been waiting for.
2018-08-03 07:48:14
简介:Keke Challenge Piano is Do you love me music with piano tiles. Is a viral keke challenge music #inmyfeelingchallenge #kekechallenge #kikichallenge.
Just don #39;t touch the white tiles and keep Do ou love me music playing.
Let #39;s download and play with your friends and make #inmyfeelingschalleng in your version. Welcome done all Keke Challenge lovers.
2018-08-03 07:47:56
简介:h1 b The angriest axe clicker on the store! /b /h1
Step in the boots of Oswald, the angry dwarf, and start chopping and cutting down all sort of things!
Are you brave enough? Strong enough? Is your b axe /b already sharp? Axe is your best friend, so sharpen it gently. Earn enough money to become a dwarf billionaire
Learn how to b chop /b big trees, b upgrade /b and b forge /b new axes, and chop even bigger trees. Chop everything, nothing stands in your way! b Easy /b and b simple /b to play, the more you chop - stronger you get! Get more b experience /b and confront stronger obstacles. ️
h2 b STOLEN AXE /b /h2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Once upon a time, there was a dwarf named Oswald. He had an axe, so powerful, so beautiful, that he was the proudest dwarf alive.
And then something terrible happened. His axe was stolen! Oswald became the angriest dwarf on the planet and swore to chop down everything that was taller than him - which is basically everything. He will stop at nothing, he will destroy trees, towers, landmarks,... Everything!
From that time on, he became known as Oswald - the angriest dwarf in the world.
h2 b FEATURES /b /h2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
● Easy to chop, hard to stop
● Use magic potions to chop even faster
● Earn money even when not playing
● Confront awesome different enemies
● Unlock cool achievements for your hard work
● Upgrade Oswald’s skill
● Forge completely new and powerful axes
● Get ready to chop everything, prepare to be surprised
● Explore waste map with beautifull locations
● Collect coins for every chop
Let’s start chopping, clicking, tapping and cutting!
2018-08-03 07:47:38
简介:Historia-Battles is a 2D multiplatform turn-based strategy game reproducing real historical battles.
Inspired by classic chess game and traditional war board game, the main game design philosophy is player involvement in real historical context, fun and challenge, keeping low game complexity and time to learn.
The reproduced battles are:
- Tutorial
- Chess Board
- 1183 A.D. AL-FULE BATTLE (Trial)
- 1183 A.D. KERAK SIEGE BATTLE (Trial)
- 1191 A.D. ARSUF BATTLE (Trial)
The full version of the game has more available battles and will be updated adding new scenarios, it can be played in network game mode and has hall of fame ranking functionality. Also it contains the Military Strategy View based on APP-6A standard and historical general picture bookmarks on map. if the game is of your interest consider to support the developer downloading the complete chapter.
Desktop version of the game is available on: https://vpiro.itch.io/
Rules of the game:
Victory condition: all enemy units killed or enemy home conquered.
Unit has specific attack, fire range and defend points also influenced by ground type.
An unit increases experience,attack and defend points, also recovers all life points, when kills an enemy unit.
Flank Attack: A unit attacked from side or back is heavy damaged considering zero defend points.
A unit attacked and damaged can not move in the same turn.
Unit severely wounded causes panic damage to near ones.
Unit located near home location gets some healing points for each turn.
2018-08-03 07:47:31
简介:Calculating and recording game points using pen and paper can be boring and slow. This app will remove those problems by providing calculators for different TAAS (Card) games. Currently, this app contains a Marriage Calculator.
Current Features:
- Contains an easy calculator for Marriage Game
- Saves scores in a log book
- Helps to share the scores among players e.g. by screenshot of the log book via email
- Stores scores offline so that it can RESUME existing games.
- Stores six previous games which can be resumed when needed. It is GREAT when your phone shuts suddenly e.g. when battery is dead