2018-08-02 11:22:15
简介:Enjoy playing Car Blase and monsters speed and be the super blaze truck ! run is an amazing running game for kids, you have to pass so many levels with your blaze car and avoid obstacles and take coins to buy gasoil for your monster truck ! They are waiting for you to get into the amazing world of blaze. Start blazing with your monster machine truck and begin your adventure monster trucks NOW! Start racing against Crusher and Starla right away in The Snowy Slopes, Badlands, or The Monster Dome! For more tracks and challenges.
Free Blaze amp; The Monster Machines has several levels and you have to try to drive the monster machine as well and collect blaze coins along the way to increase your score, but be careful because there are many obstacles along the road.
We make your wish come true by giving you this blaze driving game ! Forward to adventure! Blaze and the monster machines-games are already at the start! Invite all your friends to see who is going to win this blaze game and who is going to be the next kids truck game champion! There are 4 Levels, and so many enemies to beat! Start blazing with your monster machine truck and begin your adventure monster trucks NOW! Start racing against Crusher and Starla right away in The Snowy Slopes, Badlands, or The Monster Dome! For more tracks and challenges,
=Features of Blaze :
=This game for everyone who loves Car Blase and monsters speed racing game.
= Earn maximum blaze points.
= Free game and a lot of fun.
= many blaze trucks to chose from
= Share your score using a screenshot with your friends!
= Stunning HD Graphics art design- Cool graphics and smooth physics simulation
= Designed to look good on low resolution and high-resolution devices (incl. tablets)
= Blast your opponents out of the race
= Experience awesome 2D graphics
= Attractive background sound play
= Enjoy the mad mayhem on- or offline on your smartphone or tablet.
Collect as many coins as you can to get harder levels.Blaze Race Car is the new best blaze racing game EVER for every kid who loves racing games! those booring blaze coloring book, you need blaze race gam. Blaze amp; The Monster Machines is one of the most addictive and entertaining physics based driving Monster truck games! And it #39;s free! Free Blaze amp; The Monster Machines has several levels and you have to try to drive the monster machine as well and collect blaze coins along the way to increase your score, but be careful because there are many obstacles along the road.
Disclaimer :
this game not affiliated in any way to blaze and the monster machines , this is just for only enjoying goaHas nothing to do with the games or cartoon, we are not cartoon maker and we don #39;t claim a relationship with it.This just a regular game , it is not authorized .
2018-08-02 11:21:25
- 高端3D鬼屋图形。
- 恐惧和紧张的气氛。
- 恐怖和有趣的游戏关卡。
- 大量的鬼怪,怪物和邪恶的生物。
- 上瘾和具有挑战性的客房。
- 棘手的难题和创新的brainteasers。
- 隐藏的物体,锁和钥匙等待挑战!
- 华丽的图形和不同主题的房间!
- 可怕的气氛。
- 高品质的音乐。
- 高品质和逼真的图形。
- 令人神往的层层神秘。
立即下载闹鬼的游戏,并在Google Play上享受疯狂的恐怖主题邪恶杀戮游戏!
2018-08-02 11:20:31
简介:“魂”の可能性が世界を導くシリアスファンタジーRPG『ソウルリバース ゼロ(ソルゼロ)』の第二部が始動!
◇◆セガが贈る 新作RPG!◆◇
【ソルゼロ ストーリー】
Production I.G
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki「e of s」Lyrics,Music and Arrangement by 澤野弘之(SME Records)
ilumine works
天乃 聖樹(エッジワークス)
赤井てら、麻谷知世、天野英、稲山、えびら、岡田学彌、荻野アつき、オサム、がおう、風間雷太、かわすみ、木志田コテツ、kyo、吟、クレタ、黒葉.K、シガタケ、柴乃櫂人、シルバー、神藤かみち、すーぱーぞんび、タカヤマトシアキ、卵の黄身、チェロキー、teffish、Tobi、友野るい、西野幸治、hakus、バシウス、HACCAN、春乃壱、晩杯あきら、hikaru、ピスケ、日田慶治、左、ひと和、日野慎之助、藤ちょこ、ポップキュン、masaki、碧風羽、三好載克、四々九、芳住和之、lack、竜徹、Ryota-H、RARE ENGINE(50音順・リリース後に追加予定の声優も含みます)
2018-08-02 11:20:23
简介:للعبة مغامرة للمتعة والإثارة ،، سنأخدك في عالم المغامرة الحقيقة عبر لعبة سوبر ماكس لإكتشاف عالمك الإفتراضي
واجهه الأعداء بقوة وتحدي لتنقذ عشيقتك !
2018-08-02 11:20:00
欢迎来到Haunted Manor 2,一个测试你胆量和解难题和迫使的秘密的能力的游戏。
Haunted Manor 2的游戏体验能比得上一个恐怖片,但现在的主角就是你!你准备好了吗?
如果有任何的评价或古老,尽管给我们发邮件到[email protected]
喜欢Haunted Manor 2?评价我们或给我们留个评论:你的意见对我们来说特别的重要!
2018-08-02 11:18:25
1 极限难度:低于10%的人可以通关,确实很多用户表示很囧。
2 在每个场景中都有隐藏的线索,收集到相关的物品才可以找到“锤子”,需要一点点耐心哦~~
3 更多场景和隐藏物品,陆续更新中,喜欢的话给我们一个评价,这是我们前行的最大动力...
“ 越狱:第二集 刑房”,强烈建议下载:
第三集:太平间: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chudanqing.escape3
P.S. 广告是本游戏的唯一收入来源,可以补贴部份我们制作后续精彩关卡的资金投入。我们仅限在一个场景植入了广告,并不会影响游戏的剧情。望您给予理解,谢谢!
2018-08-02 11:17:21
简介:*** Slenderman Must Die: Chapter 1 - Sanatorium ***
- Completely New Slenderman Experience on Android
- You have to collect 8 pages, but this time you have a GUN !!!
- Shoot Slenderman and Escape the Horror.
- Great 3D Graphics
- Change Level of Details to fit your device!
- Slender Man Free Full Version
This game is not like any other Slenderman you #39;ve played.
Join Us On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Poison-Games/1518806855058641
You came at your first location. Sanatorium. There are rumors that Slederman likes to hang around these grounds.
Take your gun and shoot him. You have to collect 8 papers, because that is the only way that Slenderman will appear to you!
If you are lucky, you can find a shotgun!
Be careful, ammo is very limited. You have just enough to kill him... Or die trying!
2018-08-02 11:16:36
简介:■ 6/28(목) 업데이트 소식 ■
★ 여정 19챕터 오픈
여정 19챕터 #39;동 트는 여명의 전쟁 #39; 오픈!
새로운 챕터와 함께 추가되는 다양한 신규 의상 세트를 만나보라옹!
★ 풍림화산 이벤트 _ 6/28(목) ~ 7/15(일)
아샤 왕국의 운명을 좌우할 전장의 소용돌이
#풍 #림 #화 #산 그리고 #천하태평까지! 지금 만나보라냥
★ 2주년 접속 보상 이벤트 _ 7/5(목)
아이러브니키의 2번째 생일을 맞아 7월 5일(목) 접속해주신
모든 스타일리스트님께 푸짐한 접속 보상을 드린다냥! 꼭 접속해달라옹!
★ 휴면유저 초대 이벤트 _ 6/28(목) ~ 7/15(일)
잠시 아이러브니키를 쉬고 계신 스타일리스트님들을 초대하여 복귀 성공 시 푸짐한 보상이 기다린다냥
■■ 게임 특징 ■■
1. 당신의 로망을 채워줄 수천 가지 의상
허전한 나의 옷장을 채워줄 6천여 종의 의상, 헤어, 구두, 액세서리, 메이크업~
데일리룩, 스포티룩, 보헤미안룩, 보이시룩, 판타지룩 등 세상의 모든 스타일을 지금 바로 GET !
2. 니키, 스타일로 논다!
미션에 맞는 당신의 스타일을 보여주세요!
오늘 저녁 데이트는 러블리하게 , 내일 면접은 오피스룩 ~ 불금 밴드 공연은 섹시한 펑크룩을 !
매일매일 드레스 UP ! 레벨 UP !
3. 의상 제작으로 수집하는 나만의 인생템
채우고 채워도 채워지지 않는 옷 욕심?
옷장 속 잠든 옷을 다양한 패턴으로 리폼하여 컬러풀한 의상을 모으세요!
리폼하고 진화할수록 더욱 아름다워지는 나만의 인생 아이템~
4. 한편의 순정만화 같은 상큼발랄 스토리
어느 날 갑자기 미라클 대륙으로 소환된 니키와 고양이 모모!
7대왕국을 여행하며 만나는 매력적인 친구들과의 소녀 감성 이야기~
유명 성우진의 보이스 지원도 놓치지 마세요!
[접근권한 안내]
필수적 접근권한
- #39;버그 확인을 위한 단말기 정보 수집 #39;을 위해 필요합니다.
선택적 접근권한
- #39;게임 내 사진 및 공유하기 #39; 기능 이용을 위한 데이터 저장, 액세스에 필요합니다.
※ 선택적 접근권한의 허용에는 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
접근권한 철회방법
- 안드로이드 6.0 이상 : 단말기 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
- 안드로이드 6.0 미만 : 운영체제의 한계로 접근권한 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱 삭제로 철회 가능
※ 안드로이드 6.0 미만의 운영체제에서는 접근권한의 개별 동의 선택을 지원하지 않기에 단말기 내 소프트웨어 업데이트 기능을 통해 6.0 이상으로 업그레이드할 수 있는지 확인하시기 바랍니다.
6.0으로 업데이트 시 기존 앱에서 동의한 접근권한이 바뀌지는 않으므로, 접근권한을 다시 설정하기 위해서는 설치한 앱을 삭제 후 재설치하여 주시기 바랍니다.
■■ 공식 페이지 ■■
- 공식카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/ilovenikkicafe
- 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/ilovenikkimobile
- 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/celeb.nikki/
개발자 연락처 :
(13529) 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 152번길, 알파돔타워 14층
2018-08-02 11:14:23
简介:黄金矿工新 游戏是熟识和非常吸引的黄金矿工游戏。包括好看的HD图像,已被改进的玩法为多种不同难度的水平,就陪你们进入寻找黄金的有趣旅程。
黄金、钻石、火药?这些造成了一种经典的游戏。在 黄金矿工新 游戏中,你扮演一个矿工,你的任务就是采掘到真多黄金以找到更多金钱。石头、老鼠、火药是各种绊脚石,是否能放慢你采掘黄金速度?你准备好了吗?立即体验 黄金矿工新 游戏吧!
黄金矿工新 游戏的特出:
+ 简单玩法,你只要把手指摸于屏幕上以放钓钩,努力放到黄金和钻石
+ 超拔、好看的HD画图
+ 多种丰富和好看物品:吉祥叶、加强水、火药、增加钻石价值药、增加石头价值书、…
祝你们有轻松娱乐时间跟 黄金矿工新 游戏。
2018-08-02 11:13:16
简介:Our intelligence agencies trained special force of pigeon for spying purpose, and also monitor important location and weapons of enemy across the border but one of our special spy pigeon caught by enemy birds hunter forces.
Fortunately pigeon successfully break the prison bars and now trying to fly back to home land help our bird in this rescue fly run , one of the birds hunter forces commando see the pigeon and chasing him.
Help in pigeon fly and guide him to cross the jungle.
don #39;t forget to support us by +1 and sharing your reviews
2018-08-02 11:12:32
- 引人注目的图形和对细节的关注,这将让你沉浸在森林中充满了危险和棘手的难题需要解决。
- 收集是在路径的项目,并利用它们来解决难题,并取得进展的游戏解决方案
- 在屏幕的上方还有找到的对象的清单,可以在你要解决的难题是在游戏的各个阶段非常有用。
- 这个冒险游戏是适合广泛的受众,但考虑到其神秘而黑暗气氛仍建议成人的存在。
2018-08-02 11:11:33
简介:脱出ゲーム バケモノの館
2018-08-02 11:10:31
2018-08-02 11:09:19
简介:This is an escape game with a 360-degree view.
Turn viewpoint vertically and horizontally.
You have woken up in your workroom and found that the door could not be opened.
Escape from the room by using various items.
Game Features:
-Rotate viewpoint 360-degree
-Free to Download
-Realistic 3D graphics
-Low degree of difficulty
-Auto save
-Simple control
2018-08-02 11:08:33
[脱出ゲーム 悪夢からの脱出]
▼脱出ゲーム 悪夢からの脱出の特徴▼
2018-08-02 11:06:19
简介:Get your balancing act right as the gorilla is on the bar while the monkeys try to make him fall in the pond below. Monkeys do not want to miss this chance to get back at the angry gorilla, so they start jumping off the branches onto the bar to make him fall. They try their best to distract the gorilla by throwing bananas, which If collected will give bonus points. If that was not enough, the snake will also start attacking the gorilla. Do all that it takes to keep the gorilla on the bar and drop the monkeys off it. Remember if the number on the bar exceeds the limit then the bar will fall. Keep it light and safe!
2018-08-02 11:05:15
简介:BẮN CÁ - trò chơi nổi tiếng đã có mặt trên di động.
Nếu bạn từng yêu thích trò bắn cá ở các siêu thị, thì chắc chắn không thể bỏ qua Bắn Cá Online – Fish Hunter
Đây là một trò chơi giải trí nhẹ nhàng, với đồ hoạ 3D vô cùng sinh động. Bạn sẽ thỏa sức “câu cá - ăn tiền” ngay trên điện thoại.
Đặc biệt, bạn có thể thi đấu bắn cá với người khác thông qua tính năng thi đấu Online (cần kết nối 3G/Wifi)
Tag: ban ca, game ban ca, ban ca an xu, ban ca online
2018-08-02 11:04:22
简介:AE Fish Hunter - Shootinh - Fishing the famed game has been on mobile.
If you ever dear the sport shooting fish in supermarkets, it actually cannot be unnoticed Shoot Fish on-line - Fish Hunter
This is a gently fun game, with 3D graphics unbelievably vivid. you may unleash quot;Fishing - eat money quot; right over the phone.
In explicit, you #39;ll play shooting fish with others through play on-line options (need 3G / Wifi)
original song, original game cases, police coin original song, original song on-line
2018-08-02 11:03:20
简介:Wake up after nightmare dream on the strange island, full of abnormal creatures! You don’t remember how you came here, but you should try to know it! And, you should know another strange fact: the whole world become pixel and cubical!
Be a man, lost and lonely, spending his time on the vast tropical pixel island! Live the life of survivor trying to make this island his home! Explore this survival island full of mysterious things such as shining wolves and horrific sounds from night jungles. Quarry resources to craft survival tools and weapons that may help you to explore the island!
Hunt wild animals to make it your next meal, use your survival skills to stay alive, avoid battling against furious island predators (they can breathe fire, you know!) and discover the secrets of this mystic island with amazing survival simulator in 3D! Hunt, fish or gather plant food to stay alive, build shelters to hide from predator and enjoy a peaceful life on a desert island with Craft Tropic Island Survival 3D game!
Survive in this strange cube island full of secrets and dangers! Mind your blocky man indicators - health, energy and hunger. Never let it drops – you need to survive to escape from this terrific pixel place! Various survival tools such as cube axe or blocky fish rod would help you to stay alive! Find treasures, cube weapons and special tools exploring this mysterious blocky island! All of the things around may help you to get home!
Be careful – besides “magical” creatures, this island is full of “natural” wild predators ready to attack you! Battle against animals to save your life, use powerful weapons and guns and make this desert harsh place your home! Check Craft Tropic Island Survival in 3D and gain ultimate experience exploring tropical jungles! Use all your exploration, battling and hunting skills and feel like a real survivor!
Craft Tropic Island Survival features:
Great survival simulator in unusual cubical environment
Health, energy and fullness indicators for your blocky survivor to mind
Find or craft survival tools and weapons, craft resources, build houses – do anything possible to make your life safe and comfortable
Hunt for wild animals, gather plant food or go fishing to find food
Fight for your life versus natural and supernatural predators – they are starving for your meat!
Spend time in a mysterious place with Craft Tropic Island Survival in 3D! ! Discover secret places with interesting Items, treasures, and teleports, and thrive in this unusual cubical environment!
2018-08-02 11:03:01
简介:◈ ◈ 제작 후기 ◈ ◈
코에이 테크모 삼국지 시리즈 게임은 1985년 런칭부터 즉시 호평을 자아냈고
국내에서도 두터운 팬층을 보유하고 있다.
은 의 정품 권한 인증을 받아
개편한 3D 모바일 멀티 전략 시뮬레이션이다.
게임은 본연의 IP의 특점을 보류하고 RPG 컨텐츠를 도입함으로
유저들한테 더 신선하고 참신한 체험감을 느낄 수 있다.
◈ ◈ 게임특징 ◈ ◈
※ 코에이 정품 권한 인증
정품 권한 인증!
삼국지 시리즈 프로듀서 키타미 켄의 전반 기획!
※ 원작을 향한 경의, 본연의 체험
삼국지 시리즈 고전 음화, 고전 무장, 고전 PK설정 등을 보류.
조작의 간략화를 진행하여 원작의 대입감은 보류하고 전투 원소는 풍부해졌다!
※ 막강한 전투 표현
동유형 제품 중 최강의 전투 표현!
무장 스킬, 군사 스킬, 각종 군계 설정, 병종 억제 등, 책략성과 지미를 대폭 증가하였다.
※ 만인 동서버 중원 통일을 위하여
공성전 - gt; 군단전 - gt; 세계대전.
제일 복잡한 중원 판도에서 펼쳐지는 세계 대전!
◈ ◈ 공식 커뮤니티 ◈ ◈
※ 이메일: [email protected]
※ 공식카페: http://cafe.naver.com/sam2018
※ 페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/sangokushiM/
공식적인 이벤트 진행 및 안내는 공식 카페를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
◈ 접근권한 안내 ◈
게임 이용을 위해 접근 권한을 허용해주세요.
※ 저장공간
게임 데이터 저장을 위해 필요합니다.
※ 기기 정보(사진, 미디어, 파일 포함)
게스트 로그인 및 게임 최적화를 위해 필요합니다.
※ 마이크
음성 채팅 및 카페 동영상 녹화 이용을 위해 필요합니다.
2018-08-02 11:02:33
简介:Will you escape the Puppeteer?
You ran off the horrors of the dreadful house of Forgotten Hill and are finally back to your car, just to find out that your girlfriend is not there anymore! Following the few clues she left, you find yourself inside a terrible and grotesque Puppet Theatre. Can you Survive?
Take this new challenging adventure in Forgotten Hill, solve intriguing puzzles, look for the clues hidden around the theatre and investigate the mystery to escape.
Download this free escape game, here #39;s what you will find:
- Beautiful and original graphics
- All text translated into 8 languages
- A brand new hint system
- Challenging puzzles and riddles, work for your quot;little grey cells quot;
- Odd characters that will twist your mind
- Compelling story that will help you to unveil another piece of the mystery of Forgotten Hill
- Sequel to the successful Forgotten Hill: Fall
- Totally Free, no hidden fee, no in app purchase, no registration. Simply install, play and enjoy!
Check out www.forgotten-hill.com for more secrets about Forgotten Hill.
2018-08-02 11:01:40
简介:It’s the time to go for desert adventure with your camel and bring lots of diamonds! Swipe left and right to control camel run and collect as many diamonds as possible. Do not hit obstacles, make high score and challenge with your friends!
Perfect flavor of adventure with Arabic them game is ready to hit the market! Unless like all Arabian games this is designed for family and kids, who wants to do a camel safari ride on their phone!
Endless Arabian camel Safari
Real Desert theme with cute characters.
First Camel Runner game!
Challenge your friends and be a Top Scorer!
Arabic Language support
Free to Play and Family Supported game
2018-08-02 11:00:39
简介:■■■■■ strong 游戏介绍 /strong ■■■■■
font color="#0000CD" Home page /font
font color="#FF0000" https://goo.gl/wDvnvn /font
font color="#FF0000" https://www.facebook.com/daerisoft /font
font color="#FF0000" https://twitter.com/daerisoft /font
■■■■■ strong 游戏特点 /strong ■■■■■
■ font color="#FF0000" Tilt 操控 /font
- 上手极为简单, 你只需要知道如何倾斜您的设备,就能很直观的操控角色
■ font color="#FF0000" 收集企鹅朋友 /font
- 收集鱼饼,获得拥有个性技能的企鹅朋友
■ font color="#FF0000" 冰屋系统 /font
- 用5个鱼饼通关,即可获得碎冰!
- 获得的碎冰可升级冰屋!
■ font color="#FF0000" 游戏方法 /font
- 躲避一切障碍,和企鹅朋友们一起到达终点!!
strong 全球四千万玩家的选择“飞翔的企鹅“ /strong
2018-08-02 10:59:22
简介:To save your game progress tap «save» button in the pause menu!
b Stay alive in really harsh and cold badlands – Siberia with this winter survival simulator! /b
Explore empty snow-covered forests to find water, food or wood to make fire! Don’t get frozen! Use special survival tools hidden around or craft your own. Build a shelter with a fireplace to hide from freezing cold! Stay alive at all costs with Siberian Survival: Cold Winter 3D game! Do you feel the fear quaking with cold? Upgrade your survival skills hunting, gathering and crafting!
b Dive into the wilderness as a person lost in Siberian taiga – build shelters, craft weapons, hunt, battle amp; explore! /b
Play this ultimate survival simulator in 3D! You are a person lost in Siberian woods. It’s too cold here! Find or build shelter to hide, hunt for wild animals to get food and find water to stay alive. Mind survivor’s indicators – health, fullness, water rate and, of course, warmth rate! Avoid freezing cold – it’s a right way to the end!
b Level up your survival skills and be ready for the life full of adventure – hunt for wild animal, battle against predators and try not to catch a cold playing this survival simulator in 3D! /b
Explore forest badlands, avoid meeting with aggressive Siberian predators or hint them to make your next meal. Find weapons and other survival tools or craft it yourself! But be really careful! Outdoor temperature might be about -30 degrees, build a fire to keep yourself warm! Hunt animals to feed your character, cut trees to get wood and use your loot to build a house and stay alive! Don’t forget to check survivor’s status – don’t let it become red! Keep yourself fed, warm and sleep well. It’s the only chance to survive in this extreme conditions! Try Siberian Survival: Cold Winter – great game to overcome the fear of freezing cold!
b Siberian Survival: Cold Winter features: /b
li Explore cold Siberian badlands – snow-covered forests inhabited by dangerous predators /li
li Various survival tools to find and craft new ones – clothes, weapons, matches, wood to make a fire and others /li
li Use your loot carefully – mind all the survivor’s indicators and statuses to stay alive /li
li Hunt animals to find food and protect yourself from predator’s attacks /li
li Ultimate survival simulator in extreme winter conditions /li
b Ready to survive in cold dangerous badlands? Remember, Siberia is not a tropical survival island! It’s high time to fight for your life! /b
Explore Siberian woods, hunt animal and build shelter not to freeze to the full! Upgrade your survival skills hunting, gathering and crafting! Dress warmly in new armor of Siberian predator #39;s skin and go in search of adventure on the frozen expanses of the game! Enjoy Siberian Survival: Cold Winter game in 3D!
2018-08-02 10:57:15
简介:要是您玩过 quot;密室逃脱:花园木屋 quot;,