2018-07-10 01:58:07
简介:Polisi vs Hantu adalah permainan game strategy defense, dimana kamu harus mempertahankan kota dari serangan hantu/setan seram seperti Pocong, Genderuwo, Tuyul, Leak, Babi Ngepet, Jenglot, Buto Ijo, Palasik dan Mak Lampir.
Dengan pasukan khusus polisi Indonesia yang memilik kemampuan spesial seperti menaruh bom, membekukan musuh dan juga melemparkan roket untuk membasmi hantu yang akan menyerang kota, menjadikan permainan lebih seru lagi dan menegangkan bagi hunter.
Dengan level yang sangat banyak dengan mode normal dan sulit, anda dipastikan akan selalu mendapatkan tantangan yang tidak ada habisnya dari serangan para hantu menyeramkan itu. Setiap kamu menyelesaikan level ada kemungkinan kamu dapat memberi dukun koleksi hantu baru seperti Pocong, Tuyul, Mak Lampir, Babi Ngepet dan lainnya.
Selain itu dengan adanya misi-misi yang dapat dijalankan, sehingga kamu bisa mengumpulkan gem dan bintang untuk upgrade kemampuan dari pasukan polisi kamu sehingga menjadi lebih kuat dan perkasa untuk menghilangkan situasi horor akibat datangnya setan-setan tersebut.
Permainan/Game ini sangat cocok dimainkan pada saat senggang, baik untuk anak-anak, dewasa maupun bersama keluarga. Game ini juga dapat dimainkan secara online maupun offline. Dengan grafik dan animasi yang menarik, dapat dipastikan game ini merupakan salah satu game terbaik Indonesia di tahun 2018.
Selamat bermain ya untuk semua DaGamers.. Untuk informasi lainnya silahkan dapat follow instagram kami di @digital_artha
2018-07-10 01:57:34
简介:Module TD由TD粉丝为真正复杂的鉴赏家创建,准备测试塔防任何美食类型的实力和特征!各种不同的附加组件的更大的数量和改变炮弹的每个不同类型的敌人的能力塔!另外,你可以改变敌人的路径,重新安排水平,你认为合适。但不要认为这会促进你的任务!每个新的水平将是一个挑战,你将不得不用你的智慧找到胜利的道路。
2018-07-10 01:54:27
简介:We bring to your attention an interesting, exciting game, Bubble Chunlee - Gold Bunny Rescue. This puzzle game is created specifically for you. Spend your time with interest and pleaser. You need to collect three bubble filled with water of the same color, in order to blow up bubbles and rescue all the gold rabbits! Earn bonuses and spend them on boosters in order to pass as many levels as possible. With this exciting game, time will fly by unnoticed.
2018-07-10 01:53:51
简介:Welcome to the Moon, commander! This time, you should build the whole lunar base for incoming astronauts! So, enough talking, your future awaits!
Build the lunar base from different modules on the Moon’s surface! Control robots and moon trucks, quarry resources, build new modules or repair broken ones – feel like a real space builder with Space City Construction Sim in 3D!
Cooperate actions of robot builders and human engineers! Be careful – it’s just Moon, but here can be some aliens – or it’s just silly rumors, who knows? Earn points to improve your station and unlock new modules or buy new robots!
Have fun with Space City Construction Sim 3D and build the biggest Lunar base ever!
Space City Construction Sim 3D features:
Realistic Moon landscape for you to explore
Large lunar base to build and improve
Various heavy vehicles to drive – moon trucks, robot bulldozers, robot cranes, robot excavators and even more
Quarry resources to build new station modules or fix broken ones
Amazing 3D graphics
Real technologies for your astronaut
Detailed Moon base and shuttle
Feel like and astronaut and builder the same time! Enjoy the views of the Moon, build the lunar city and have fun with Space City Construction Sim 3D!
Privacy policy: http://ksgu3304.wixsite.com/mypocketgames/single-post/2017/02/16/MY-POCKET-GAMES-PRIVACY-POLICY
2018-07-10 01:53:34
30 个神圣的战场,挑战您的战略
4 座防御塔,加强守卫
2 个可升级的盟友
2018-07-10 01:50:02
简介:Big City Craft - Builder Blocky World - offers you a limitless and endless metropolis that you can enjoy everyday. You are offered a lot of different items in your inventory to build separate house including rooms, yards, gardens, houses, and even places where animals can stay. To show their talents in the construction using a huge number of units, interior items. Populate your skyscrapers people create beautiful apartments, big craft building crafting survival creative games in voxel worlds, lets build lots of buildings, a transit system, vehicles, and lots of ideas that hope may inspire you to build your own big city and jobs. This game should give you a lot of pleasure and fun!
- FREE for all players
- Building City Simulator
- Men and women like this game!
- Build and explore block crafts
- Much more blocks;
- New graphics
- Better management.
2018-07-10 01:49:43
简介:Slither Snake是一个有趣的蛇游戏,让你爬你的滑蛇。
Slither Snake 2018是游戏中的主角。 你可以选择你喜欢的策略,并选择你的Snake Online:
2018-07-10 01:49:27
简介:二战, 10装甲师故事. 指挥部队.
2018-07-10 01:43:12
在历史上由国王王冠的战争,农民从父亲到儿子为几个骄傲的一代他的村庄被毁灭后的野蛮入侵和其他维京人! 他决定重建一切以保护家庭
2018-07-10 01:42:12
A battle strategy game :
- choose your branch of an army
- click on the soldier to order them marching
- occupy the front to win the battle!!
- 4 levels in the game
- multiplayers mode coming soon
2018-07-10 01:41:23
简介:Boom Battle - Tower Defense is an ultimate defense game. Get ready to experience the best strategic and tactical defense game ever.
The tower defense game that has it all: frenzied action battles! Hordes of devious enemies! Lightning bolts! Helicopters! Explosions!
Playtime’s over, soldier! It’s time for some real fast paced tower defense / tower defence action. Lucky for you, Bunker defense is the next. Forget about castles and clans — jump into epic TD combat zone, take command of powerful vehicles, hone your strategy skills and become the ultimate commander of your army to win any World war.
Boom Battle - Tower Defense has the best elements of tower defending games. Also you have air strike and mines available for the tough times.
Think you’re tough enough? Then sharpen your tactics and tackle dynamic battles on Arena from across the globe.
They may be toy soldiers, but this no place for toying around! World war is in full play and only your army can win this epic battle zone. It’s up to you build an unstoppable army, take on unforgettably awesome td battles, work out the best strategy, conquer your enemies and seize victory!
Awesome Features
- 30 explosive levels
- Defend the Earth with thrilling free to play tower defense action
- Rise to the challenge and perfect your strategy
- Deploy infantry across a variety of demanding terrains
- Devise the ultimate defense with an array of devastating towers
- Unlock powerful new towers and abilities to aid your defense
- Airstrikes for high damage.
- Blitz through waves of creeps at high speed with our fast forward feature
Boom and blast those creeps with powerful towers! Mow them down with sturdy infantry units! Zap them with the supercharged Tesla Tower! Upgrade your weaponry, plan your strategy and get ready for action!
Download now and take down the enemies from your zone.
2018-07-10 01:40:24
简介:Mostantól Clubcard pontokat is gyűjthetsz a játékon keresztül!
A világon az elsők között exkluzív betekintést nyerhetsz a Tesco világába, építsd és szépítsd a Tescódat és játssz jót a barátaiddal.
Tesco Timi bevezet a Tesco világába, megmutatja, hogy mi mindennek kell teljesülnie ahhoz, hogy a Tescódat működtetni tudd. Építsd ki az Árufogadót, töltsd fel az árukészleted, rendezd be az üzletteret, és dekoráld ki a Tescód! Nemcsak a vásárlók mondanak véleményt az üzletedről, a barátaiddal is meg tudjátok nézni egymás Tescóját és kereskedni is tudtok egymással.
Az én kicsi Tescóm minden napra remek szórakozást nyújt, névől ismered az összes betérő vásárlót és neked kell kitalálnod, hogy mit keresnek, ez alapján rendelsz árut!
Tarts lépést az igazi Tescóval! A szezonális termékeket te is kiteheted a saját boltodban!
Én Kicsi Tescóm játékelemek:
- közösség játék, versenyezz a barátaiddal
- több, mint 100 szint
- több mint 80 karakter
- ranglista, a heti slágertermékek értékesítése alapján
Tartsd nyitva a szemed bevásárlás közben, figyelj a limitált szériás termékekre, a saját boltodban is megtalálhatod őket!
Én Kicsi Tescóm technikai leírás:
- Azon kevés játékok egyike, mely offline módban is játszható!
- Facebook kapcsolat
- Multiplayer
2018-07-10 01:39:37
简介:Knights Age: Heroes of Wars will bring you to different historical eras of humanity: from the savage stone age to the unbelievable futuristic environments. This game goes beyond than just annihilating the enemy and its military bases. Your main mission is to become the leader of your army to defend your territory while attacking the enemy.
You will have to fight through the feature age from the Stone Age then evolve to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Roman, Present and the Future. For each age you will have a base to train sevent types of soldier. You also have two types of turret to build to protect your base too. Especially, each age has one special skill to attack the enemy.
- War across the Ages!
- 4 difficulty modes and Generals
+ Addictive gameplay.
+ 8 unique age with different types of soldier, turret and skill.
+ Beautiful graphics for battle game with a friendly user interface.
+ Dynamic sounds and musics.
Should you have any problems, we are here to help:
Email: [email protected]
All of your inquiries will be addressed within 24 hours.
2018-07-10 01:38:29
简介:Третий Мир: Война Королей - популярная военно-экономическая онлайн стратегия!
Присоединяйтесь к сотням тысяч игроков, постройте сильное королевство, объединяйтесь в альянсы, империи, создавайте – надежную опору для союзников, вселяющую страх в сердца противника! Пройдите путь от скромного поселения до мощнейшего королевства, включающего в себя десятки замков и миллионы армий.
★ 4 уникальные расы: Люди, Эльфы, Гномы и Орки!
★ Более 50 разнообразных зданий!
★ Тренируйте более 15 типов боевых и специальных воинов: пехоту, магов, разведчиков и бунтарей!
★ Отправляйте войска на поле битвы!
★ Проявите тактику, хитрость и смелость в боевых действиях!
★ Захватывайте, осваивайте новые замки в своем Королевстве!
★ Проводите торговые операции, и отправляйте экспедиции за поиском артефактов!
★ Развитая система Альянсов и Империй! Проводите совместные боевые действия!
★ Игра полностью на русском языке!
★ Более 400 000 активных игроков по всему СНГ!
★ Красочная 3D графика!
§ Объединяйтесь. Создайте свой Альянс или Империю - проявите качества лидера и тактика, объедините вокруг себя многочисленных игроков, покорите сильнейших правителей мира.
§ Развивайтесь. Около 50 разнообразных зданий и объектов мировой карты позволят превратить скромное поселение в мощную цитадель – первую ступень в покорении мира.
§ Расширяйте свое королевство. Захватывайте замки противника или возводите собственные замки в любой точке карты.
§ Воюйте. Более 15 боевых и специальных юнитов в каждой расы:
- воины;
- разведчики;
- разрушители;
- штурмовые и осадные орудия;
помогут Вам сломить и покорить нерешительных и слабых правителей соседних территорий.
§ Торгуйте. Развитая система торговли поможет получить ресурсы и золото, мощнейшие боевые артефакты и замки, необходимые для развития Вашего королевства.
Отправляйтесь в экспедиции. Найдите и используйте мощнейшие магические предметы. Уничтожайте орды противника при помощи силы предметов канувшей в лета цивилизации.
§ Станьте первым! Система рейтингов, охватывающая большую часть игрового процесса, не оставит Ваши успехи незамеченными.
§ Покажите себя, Общайтесь. Развитая социальная часть игры поможет великому правителю отвлечься от завоеваний и найти новых боевых друзей и собеседников. Форумы, блоги, чат и система диалогов не позволят Вам заскучать в перерывах между жаркими битвами.
У вас проблемы? Пишите нам на: [email protected]
Посетите домашнюю страницу: http://twwk.ru
Подпишитесь на новости Вконтакте: http://vk.com/twwk_ru
Следите за нами в Твиттере: http://twitter.com/@rutwwk
2018-07-10 01:37:13
简介:**Clash of Plans is a third party application that is intended to assist you while playing the main game. This application has no affiliation with the official game or developers of the game.**
Clash of Plans provides users with the ability to build their CoC army as fast as possible! Its simple! Tell Clash of Plans which army troops you would like to build and the app tell you how to build them! Clash of Plans will tell you which army troops to build in each barracks available, how long it will take to build these troops, and how much elixir it will cost you. Clash of Plans is the perfect army planner for any fan of the official game.
You can even send these troop assignments to the notifications bar of your phone so you can easily see them while in the game!
-Unofficial army planner companion app-
**This application does NOT automatically build troops for you inside of the game.**
**This application does NOT assist you in cheating at all.**
Now with the ability to save troop loadouts!
How to use:
1. Enter the levels of your barracks and spell factory.
2. Enter the levels of your army camps
3. Enter the levels of your troops
4. After the initial setup, tell the application how many of each troop you would like to build.
5. Hit submit and the application will tell you who how to build your army as fast as possible!
The name Clash of Clans is property of its respective owner. This is not a game. This application has no affiliation with the official game or developers of the game. This application is intended to assist people while playing the official game. All image, characters,and game content are copyright of their respective owners and use of this app falls withing fair use guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns or feel like there is a copyright or trademark violation, please contact my email and we can discuss it.
2018-07-10 01:36:16
简介:Build your own base, mine, castle or whatever you imagine! Do EVERYTHING!
Exploration is a game - this sandbox crafting game allows you to move, craft, build and transforming the terrain in the 3D environment.
In the event that you like outrageous games and you #39;re not searching for simple ways - then play in the survival mode. Here you get a great deal of helpful abilities for survival and a considerable measure of adrenaline!
On the off chance that you need to do all what you need without confinements - more prone to make a world in innovative mode!
What #39;s more, make certain - spared each world that you have made, and you can backpedal at whatever point you wish!
Welcome exploration pro fans to your companions to the diversion in multiplayer mode - to play together more fun!
Pro survival
world aventure
building and crafting
block build craft
builder craft
exploration craft
lucky craft
dream house craft
pixy craft
Exploration Pro Lite
Build Craft Exploration is a building and crafting game where you can block build craft. It #39;s a builder craft where you can explore and build lucky craft, pixy craft amp; dream house craft.
Exploration Craft World Adventure pro survival is a game where you challenge your imagination to build your brain.
Download it now and enjoy.
- Crafting system
- Pre-build blocks
- Amazing controls
2018-07-10 01:35:21
简介:New Base Maps for Clash of Clans TH7 is Free Application in Strategy Category, in this App I want to help Clash of Clans to build base layout in 2017. in this App included top base layout and best war layout and any other to get inspiration how to build strongest Base Layout in four base in this App. for example is War Base Layout, Farming Base Layout, Hybrid Base Layout, and Trophy Base Layout.
This Map is very Strongest and Good for defence if you want to War in your Clan.
The maps of Clash Of Clans. Including the best War maps and top base layout.
A lot of the top player #39;s real defense maps. It will make your base stronger and stronger.
These maps had good defense in the battle.
The best the strategy map of COC, defense map, farming map for everyone.
*High resolution maps.
*Top player #39;s real defense maps. Help you to become a top player.
*Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
*Add your favorite map into your Favorites. Easy to review it.
*Including farming, trophy, hybrid, war maps.
*Easy to navigate between maps.
*High resolution maps of Clash of Clans.
*Town hall levels TH7
*Including farming, trophy, hybrid, war maps.
*Free maps.
*Favorites function and You can ZOOM base map.
Download For free and dont forget to Rate 5 Star, because you will suppot me to craetive in Developer Android App.
2018-07-10 01:34:21
简介:Epic war campaign is waiting for you, our ultimate warrior! Be ready to be wise and fast thinking over your battle strategy and choosing the tactics, ‘cause it’s Stickman Epic Rome Battle War Simulator game! Choose the battlefield, place your stickman troops and start the fight for the sake of the true stickman’ Roman Emperor!
• If you have some great experience in commanding the largest army ever, check this stunning Roman Empire assault;
• Learn how to control the whole army carefully and attentive, and don’t forget to appreciate its every unit;
• Stop the legion of rebels trying to dethrone the current emperor and throw them back to the border!
• Skirmish mode will give you an ultimate opportunity to control both sides of the conflict at once and just watch their battle;
• Campaign mode will tell you this legendary story about Roman stickmen fighting for the truth – from the small battles to the largest ones!
• Try to unlock as many different units as possible - gladiator, legionary, horse rider, centurion, auxiliary and many other warriors!
• Power up your army earning points for each successfully passed battle – buy new weapons, stats and more;
• Learn how that’s easy to control your stickman battalion – just tap the screen and your insight will tell you what to do next;
• Watch fantastic surroundings made with colorful 3D graphics and just enjoy the atmosphere of a real epic Roman battle!
Protect your country from the conquerors playing Stickman Epic Rome Battle War Simulator – you #39;ll enjoy it!
Your use of Stickman Epic Rome Battle War Simulator is free of charge in exchange for safely using some of your device #39;s resources (WiFi and very limited cellular data), and only when you are not using your device. You may turn this off from the settings menu. Please see our TOS for further information: http://epicbattlestudio.wixsite.com/epicbattlestudio/single-post/2017/12/19/EPIC-BATTLE-STUDIO-PRIVACY-POLICY
2018-07-10 01:33:26
简介:PLEASE NOTE: Google Chromecast is required to play this game.
Tricky Titans is a turn-based local multiplayer game in which you and up to four of your friends are pit against one another until a victor is decided.
Play as a Titan that has roused from its million-year slumber in time for the Primal Smackdown — the biggest sports event since time began.
Deceive your friends, defend your village, fling mountains at whoever you please, and smash your way to victory in this casual yet chaotic couch game.
Designed around the fun factor of local games, players input commands through their smartphone or tablet devices and watch the chaos unfold on a Chromecast-enabled monitor or television.
Each round, players must choose between attacking, defending, or powering up. Players must be wary of their competitors’ intentions and choose their own actions wisely — otherwise they’ll find themselves smashed to the bottom of the rankings.
- Customize your Titan with different horns, beards and outfits.
- Adjust the number of rounds you wish to play each game.
- Choose the number of players and AI bots you wish to compete against.
- Google Chromecast and an internet connection.
- One smartphone or tablet device per player (capable of running Tricky Titans).
2018-07-10 01:32:43
简介:The kingdom is under fire. Recruit the bravest heroes, train them to new heights, equip them with weapons and items, lead them to victory and bring peace once again to the kingdom.
Evil orcs are attacking the kingdom. You, as the general need to stand up and push back the frontier. But you cant do it alone. Heroes will come and battle not only for you, but also for the kingdom itself. Progress in the world and continue your journey even on the tournaments
Use your tactical abilities and build your team of heroes with familiar classes, from killers and tankers to healers and supporters, each hero with unique stats and skills. Equip them with the best weapons and items you #39;ve got. Attack the forces of evil when you are ready. As you push back the frontier, the difficulty increases, requiring you to use all your resources to fight them. Get the generous rewards after each victory, and use the new found wealth to train your heroes for lots of exp, level them up to increase their stats and finally evolve them, ranking them up and turn them into even stronger heroes.
Manage not only your heroes stats, but also their weapons and items. Give the best weapons to the heroes who need them most. Use the items at the best moments. Some times like the orb even summons heroes. Each hero has their unique skills. Pick the set of heroes that fits your strategy.
Go to the tournaments and see which team has the best heroes. Win rewards and increase your rank on the world leaderboard.
- Play the perfect game for management and strategy lovers
- Choose from a roster of more than 30 heroes, each with unique special skills.
- Build your perfect team of heroes with the unique 4 classes: Healer, supporter, killer and tanker
- Evolve you heroes to 5 advancement tiers
- Build your arsenal with a huge collection of weapons, each with special abilities.
- Strategically use items at the right moment in battle
- Complete challenges and defeat insane bosses in the vast world
2018-07-10 01:31:18
简介:Test your reflexes against the AI or a Friend.
Draw first and be the Quickest Gunslinger in the west.
Challenge a friend, and see if you are the Fastest.
2018-07-10 01:30:49
简介:Smite God Manager- the app for Smite players
Manager based on “SMITE: Battleground of the Gods”. Create your own team and demonstrate you control the metagame picking the most OP Gods and creating the best team compositions, combos and synergies. 100% based on statistics from SMITE ranked matches.
Show your knowledge to the SMITE community.
Guides and tips are boring and many times they are not up to date. However, our APP will allow you to become a professional player in a more natural and funnier way. Always up to date with the last patch data you will be able to apply all your new knowledge to your SMITE games to promote in the league. Forge ahead!
Our OP points system orders and classifies alls Gods based on their win, pick and ban rates. These statistics are updated after each official patch. Stay tuned and find the most OP Gods for each patch: solo, jungler, mid, adc or support. Learn how to create an unbeatable team composition to carry your team.
Odin, Zeus, Loki, Bloodforge, Chronos, Cerberus, Artemis, all of them classified based on real statistics from the SMITE API.
Legal advise:
This app is not created, sponsored or endorsed by Hi-Rez Studios. This app is not an official app or connected to the game #39;s developer or publisher. All of the in-game imagery, icons, names, and the rest of “Property” are copyright and/or registered trademarks of Hi-Rez Studios, and usage for this app falls under fair use guidelines.
2018-07-10 01:29:12
简介:The MarketGlory application provides an easy and secure way to log into your account, on the browser of your choice.
MarketGlory is a mass online browser game in which all the virtual currecy can be exchanged into real money.It is an economic, political, social and military simulator where you can use your local currency into your benefit. Each player from the MarketGlory community has the opportunity to: work, set up companies, run for the government, recommend referrals, gain military ranks and build their own organization.
The road to success in MarketGlory is achieved through a personal strategy by each player in the community. There is no time limit, some will reach objectives sooner than others. It is important to be present in MarketGlory and develop something that gives you satisfaction in this game. Success is the result of an activity which is based on action and perseverance. In every field of life, those who do not give up will certainly reach all their goals. Therefore, success in MarketGlory can give you a substantial income in real life. Money does not bring happiness, but its quantity does.
Before you start, take a minute to read the TOS (http://www.marketglory.com/info/tos) and the Documentation of the game (http://www.marketglory.com/info/documentation).
2018-07-10 01:25:15
简介:CASH of VIKINGS: Стань отважным командиром отряда викингов. Сражайся с врагами, нападай на их владения. Увлекательная HTML5 игра для твоего смартфона.
2018-07-10 01:24:21
简介:FernanFloo Vs JuegaGerman 2 es la segunda entrega del juego del que todo el mundo habla, donde estos dos amigos se enfrentan a muerte en un duelo lleno de sangre y acción. Si te gustó el primero amarás este gran juego divertido y original, aunque ahora no será tan fácil superar los 80 niveles, sí como lo lees, ¡Ochenta Niveles! llenos de desafíos para que pases horas y horas divirtiéndote a lo grande. Los niveles están divididos en 4 etapas: La Ciudad, El Desierto, La Playa y La Nieve. Lógicamente para cada escenario Fernan y Germán se visten para la ocasión.
Muchos nos pidieron que los personajes hablen, recibimos miles de pedidos y en esta entrega lo hicimos realidad para ustedes, ya hablan, y a medida que aumenten las descargas dirán más y más cosas geniales.
+ Un diseño impresionante
+ Extremadamente Divertido
+ Fácil de Jugar, difícil de ganar
+ Completamente Gratis (sin compras integradas)
+ Liviano para todos los teléfonos y tablets
+ Guarda tu progreso automáticamente
+ Muchos niveles para divertirte a lo grande
+ Físicas muy realistas
+ Sonidos Simpáticos
+ Intuitivo
+ Más sangre y efectos
+ Muchos más niveles
+ Distintas etapas con distintos disfraces
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Esperamos que disfruten mucho este juego y como siempre recomendamos visitar los canales de nuestros amigos Fernan y Germán y obviamente suscribirse...
Fernanfloo: https://www.youtube.com/user/Fernanfloo
JuegaGerman: https://www.youtube.com/user/JuegaGerman
Juego ofrecido por Crazy amp; Fun Free Games