2018-07-09 07:26:32
简介:One word per photo. 20 words per level. 380 words in the game. Can you find all of them? Sometimes you have to think beyond the obvious. Good luck!
This game:
• is fun for the whole family
• exercises your brain
• can be played in English, French, German, Russian or Spanish
This is an addictive and challenging word puzzle. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:25:27
简介:Look at the picture and find the word.
Each picture means something: an emotion, a verb, an adjective or a noun. It is up to you to find the answer! Tap on the picture to zoom in and try to find the answer! Some clues are simple and some are more difficult. If you like word games or puzzle game, this word game is for you!
• Available in English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese
• more than 200 words.
A word game for the whole family!
2018-07-09 07:25:18
- 100+真棒游戏模式
- 钢琴音乐声音效果
- 易于玩所有年龄段。
- 自定义颜色瓷砖
- 支持社会参与
- 与朋友和全球玩家竞争
- 心形钢琴瓦2018年
2018-07-09 07:24:33
简介:”广东之道“ 是个能让小孩子边学习边玩乐的小游戏。
在”广东之道“里,可爱的“比比”和“娜娜”会跟大家一起学习广东语的基础,例如 :颜色,家庭称呼等等。
游戏特点 :
Chinese Cantonese Version
Meet and play the cute Aribi and Nana in the beautiful fantasy chinese sceneries - quot;temple run quot; style.
Alphabet Run is the perfect game for your pre-schooler kids.
Learn spelling chinese cantonese characters and words with a twist on a running challenge!
- Easy controls with tutorial - flip left and right to move, gesture swipe up to jump.
- Hot button to control the speed.
- Many categories.
- Choose from the store the cute Aribi and Nana.
- Score for the alphabets and words collected.
Patent Pending: PI 2014703238
Great app for Cantonese speaking kids in Hong Kong, Guangdong Province, Malaysia and the rest of the World!
2018-07-09 07:24:13
简介:EasyRPG Player 是個可以玩用 RPG Maker 2000 和 RPG Maker 2003 做的遊戲的程式 (XP、VX、VX Ace、MV 等其他較新的 RPG Maker 版本是沒有支援的)。
This app is not affiliated with Kadokawa Corporation.
2018-07-09 07:23:51
简介:Новая детская игра по мультикам от СТС без рекламы!
В игре нет рекламы, т.к. мы бережно относимся к вашим детям.
Обучающие и развивающие приключения героев мультсериала quot;Три Кота quot; :
- Ищем музыкальные предметы и наводим порядок в комнате, собираем свою музыкальную группу
- Решаем загадки и ловим Разбойника, устраиваем веселый кукольный театр
- Разгадываем тайны Египта, спасаемся от Дедушки-мумии и находим Сокровища
- Развлекаем Маму-кошку и Папу-кота, показывая увлекательные телевизионные передачи
quot;Три Кота: Домашние приключения quot; развивают и обучают ваших маленьких котят!
Игра подходит для самых маленьких. Красочный интерфейс и интуитивно понятный геймплей, позволяет насладиться любимыми персонажами по мотивам мультсериала quot;Три Кота quot; телеканала СТС.
Пока дети погружены в веселую, добрую и безопасную игру, родители могут насладиться покоем.
После установки игра не требует сети Интернет.
2018-07-09 07:22:17
简介:Năm 2014 tình hình thế giới diễn biến phức tạp, thế chiến thứ 3 có thể bùng nổ bất cứ lúc nào.
Một lực lượng vũ trang tự xưng là ES đã xâm chiếm toàn Đông Á, Nam Phi và đang tiến hành áp dụng luật pháp diều hâu để kiểm soát 1 vùng lãnh thổ rộng lớn nơi đây, chúng khủng bố người dân, chiếm các mỏ dầu và tuyên bố sẽ thâu tóm toàn bộ các thành phố lớn ở các châu lục để thành lập một liên minh các quốc gia đưới trướng.
Các cường quốc trong khối vệ binh hòa bình Trái Đất GATO nhận thấy ES là mối đe dọa cho toàn nhân loại nên đã không kích chúng bằng máy bay và tên lửa Raptors, tuy nhiên chưa thể tiêu diệt được ES nếu không dùng tới bộ binh.
Tháng 10/2014 ES lại sát hại các nhà báo, các tình nguyên viên nhân đạo khi họ tham gia các chiến dịch tình nguyện tại các quốc gia mà ES có chiếm đóng và tham vọng thâu tóm GATO và các đồng minh quyết định cử các đội đặc nhiệm ưu tú nhất hành tinh SEAN, SWAN, SAT, DANTA và một đội đặc nhiệm bí ẩn đến các căn cứ tình nghi của ES và giải cứu người dân vô tội.
Bạn sẽ gia nhập lực lượng đặc nhiệm nào để tham gia chiến dịch lịch sử này ? hãy tham gia Mobi Army 3 và chọn đội mình yêu thích nhé.
2018-07-09 07:21:59
简介:Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga - Best Words Game in Bahasa Malaysia. Janji fun, senorok dan istimewa seperti dalam TV Show. Putar, Teka Kata amp; Menang besar dengan Halim. Jadi Jutawan, Cekeriawan, Menangi Hadiah Terkini dari AppAsia Sempena perlancaran AppAsia E-marketplace, pasaran Online yang bakal menjadi pasaran online terunggul in Asia Tenggara.
Permainan pertama kali di Malaysia dan dibawa khas untuk permain-permain di Malaysia. Segala kata-kata kuiz dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Anda boleh bermain bersama ahli-ahli keluarga untuk menangi 15 hadiah tersedia disamping merapatkan hubungan keluarga. Bermain bersama-sama dan mencabar antara satu sama lain untuk menjadi Juara Jutawan dalam Permainan yang terkini and permata kali di Malaysia. Kalau anda adalah permain yang bijaksana, terimalah cabaran ini dengan merebut Mata IQ yang tertinggi dan menjadi orang yang paling bijak dalam permainan ini.
Jangan TUNGGU lagi, muat turun sekarang juga and merebut peluang untuk memenagi hadiah lumayan yang tersedia. **Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat.
Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga adalah satu permainan yang menagih dan menyeronokkan untuk perkataan dan frasa dalam kategori pilihan anda secara percuma.
Anda boleh putar roda untuk mendapatkan urutan huruf yang betul supaya anda boleh mendapat keuntungan kecil dalam duit syiling maya. Tetapi jika anda tidak bernasib baik anda akan kehilangan giliran atau jatuh muflis bergantung di mana penunjuk itu berhenti. Uji kuasa otak anda sambil berseronok dan bergembira. Anda boleh bermain dengan diri sendiri, dengan yang tercinta atau pun rakan-rakan. Anda boleh mengharapkan kegembiraan serta masa terluang yang menyeronokkan bersama keluarga, anak-anak, rakan-rakan, rakan sekerja. Ia juga sesuai untuk pengenalan atau sesi pembinaan pasukan juga!
Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga direka dengan grafik bagus yang mencerminkan tema budaya Malaysia, Sejarah dan masyarakat secara amnya. Anda boleh membuka kategori untuk memperluaskan pilihan anda dengan perkataan dan frasa untuk menjadikan permainan impian anda lebih menarik dan mencabar.
Sebanyak 23 kategori di dalam Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga. Jenis perkataan amp; frasa kuiz adalah seperti berikut: -
1. Buah
2. Kenderaan
3. Alat Muzik
4. Pekerjaan
5. Negara
6. Tumbuhan
7. Kata Kerja
8. Organ Badan
9. Orang Terkenal
10. Jenama
11. Isi Rumah
12. Emosi
13. Makanan
14. Frasa Kata
15. Filem
16. Lagu
17. Sukan
18. Pakaian
19. Sambutan
20. Peribahasa
21. Tempat
22. Kewangan
23. Pertanian
Cara bermain aplikasi Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga:-
1. Muat turun dan buka aplikasi
2. Klik ikon aplikasi untuk kuiz
3. Pilih untuk mendaftar masuk sebagai akaun tetamu atau talian Facebook
4. Pilih kategori yang anda mahu untuk bermain kuiz perkataan dan frasa
5. Pada permulaan, dua kategori di buka ( tidak dikunci) untuk bermain
6. Cuba untuk menyelesaikan kuiz sama ada melalui perkataan atau frasa. Jika anda bernasib baik, anda akan menang 5000 syiling apabila anda menyelesaikan kuiz dengan roda
7. Putar roda untuk menguji nasib anda untuk mendapatkan duit syiling
8. Buka kunci mana-mana kategori lain dengan syiling anda anda yang telah terkumpul
9. Terdapat beberapa lagi pemain maya di dalam aplikasi ini untuk bermain dengan anda
Sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur! Walaupun anda telah menyelesaikan perkataan atau frasa untuk kategori tertentu dalam kuiz roda. Anda boleh melatih permainan roda ini berulang kali walaupun anda telah membuka semua kategori yang terkunci untuk mencapai Impian anda.
Muat turun aplikasi permainan Roda Fantasi: Hiburan Keluarga sekarang secara percuma dan kegembiraan yang tidak terhingga!
2018-07-09 07:21:22
2018-07-09 07:20:40
简介:Apa yang anda tahu tentang Roda Fantasi? Main aplikasi percuma ini dan cabar diri anda di dalam Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah !
Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah merupakan permainan yang mudah, menguji kecergasan dan melatih minda anda.
Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah permainan yang akan menagih anda bermain dengan menyelesaikan perkataan dan frasa dengan mengisi huruf kosong megikut kategori yang anda pilih. Permainan ini merupakan permainan percuma.
Anda boleh putarkan roda untuk mendapatkan huruf yang betul supaya anda boleh mendapat keuntungan kecil dalam duit syiling maya. Tetapi jika anda tidak bernasib baik anda akan kehilangan giliran atau jatuh muflis bergantung di mana penunjuk itu berhenti. Uji minda anda dengan gembira. Anda boleh bermain permainan ini secara berseorangan dan bersama orang lain. Dengan permainan ini, anda boleh meluangkan masa bersama sesi keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Tambahan pula, permainan ini memberi kita semangat berpasukan dan dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan.
Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah direka dengan rekaan grafik yang menarik yang mencerminkan tema budaya Malaysia, Sejarah dan masyarakat secara umum. Anda boleh membuka kategori untuk memperluaskan pilihan anda dengan perkataan dan frasa untuk menjadikan permainan impian anda lebih menarik dan mencabar.
Sebanyak 15 kategori di dalam ini Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah dalam aplikasi permainan ini dalam bentuk perkataan amp; frasa kuiz adalah seperti berikut: -
1. Kedah
2. Perlis
3. Pulau Pinang
4. Perak
5. Selangor
6. Kuala Lumpur
7. Negeri Sembilan
8. Melaka
9. Johor
10. Pahang
11. Terengganu
12. Kelantan
13. Sabah
14. Sarawak
15. Malaysia
Cara bermain Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah aplikasi
1 Muat turun dan buka aplikasi
2 Klik ikon aplikasi untuk kuiz
3 Pilih untuk mendaftar masuk sebagai akaun tetamu atau akaun facebook
4 Pilih kategori yang anda mahu untuk bermain kuiz perkataan dan frasa
5 Pada permulaan, dua kategori di buka ( tidak dikunci) untuk bermain
6 Cuba untuk menyelesaikan kuiz sama ada melalui perkataan atau frasa. Jika anda bernasib baik, anda akan menang 5000 syiling apabila anda menyelesaikan kuiz dengan roda
7 Putar roda untuk menguji nasib anda untuk mendapatkan duit syiling
8 Jika syiling anda cukup dikumpul,anda boleh membuka kategori lain yang dikunci.
9 Anda boleh bermain beberapa permainan bermaya yang lain dalam aplikasi ini.
Permainan ini sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur. Anda boleh melatih minda anda berulang kali walaupun anda telah membuka semua kategori yang terkunci untuk mencapai Impian anda.
Muat turun aplikasi permainan Roda Fantasi - Inspirasi Jelajah secara percuma serta memberi kegembiraan yang melepasi batas untuk mencapai Impian anda dengan muluaskan pengetahuan anda.
2018-07-09 07:20:25
简介:Discover the world of the beautiful Princess doll and begin a fabulous beauty process to make her look even more beautiful. You’ll need to give her a facial makeover in order to make her skin look flawless, choose a cute makeup and hairstyle and, of course, dress her up in a jaw-droopingly chic dress.
All the hottest clothes, shoes, bags and dresses are yours to play with in Princess doll makeup salon game. Design the most chic fashions in your spa, choosing from the best bags, shoes, clothes, skirts and dresses for your models. Everyone wants to look pretty, and your spa has the tools to do it. You can even dress up like beauty princess too. This is Princess Makeover, Pink Princess Makeover, Salon game for Girls, Girls Game, Makeover game for Girls, Princess Makeover Game, Princess Spa Salon Game, Prom Party, Glam Doll, Doll Makeover Game, Princess Dress up game, Princess makeup game, Princess wedding, Royal princess, Bridal Princess, Bridal salon game, And Free Game for Girls.
• Clean up Section
• Makeup Section
• Dress up Section
• Many princess hair styles and hair colours to choose
• Try on dozens of different eye colours, eyeliners, eye-shadows, mascaras, lipsticks, and more
• Plentiful shoes of different styles to choose
• A lot of pretty dresses, tops, skirts to choose
. Several fantastic stockings to choose
• A huge variety of princess style decoration items, including earrings, necklaces and headgears to choose
• Lots of dynamic and vivid backgrounds with cheers, laughter and different music to choose
• Take a photo with the girl together
• Screenshots of the girls can be saved in your photo album
• Share the perfect girls via facebook or E-mail with just one click
2018-07-09 07:19:35
简介:Unscramble word parts to find words that describe the photos.
Two words per photo. 20 words per level. 580 words in the game. Can you find all of them? Sometimes you have to think beyond the obvious. Good luck!
This game:
• is fun for the whole family
• exercises your brain
• can be played in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
This is an addictive and challenging word puzzle. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:19:23
简介:Catty Monster Noir is a super talented werecat girl and a stylish student at the famous Monster School.
She struggled from an early age for a place in the music industry and now, at her 16 year-old, Catty is a world-famous pop star and teen idol, who has many fans at Monster!
Entertaining others is one of Catty’s favorite activities in life, but even if she enjoins doing that she’s a bit upset because she doesn’t have too much time left to take care of herself, so can you help her out, ladies?
Step in getting this brand new High Design Monster game started and first of all help our stunning little diva here deal with her hair. Give it a professional wash and care and then cut Catty’s blunt tips in order to obtain a better look for it. Pick up your favorite styling tool to arrange Catty’s brand-new hairstyle and then feel free to go to the next page of the game to deal with her makeup look, too. Choose the loveliest pastel colors for her eyeshadow and a bold lipstick color to create a flawless makeup look for our super talented singer here.
2018-07-09 07:18:35
简介:One word per photo. 30 words per level. 570 words in the game. Can you find all of them? Sometimes you have to think beyond the obvious. Good luck!
This game:
• is fun for the whole family
• exercises your brain
• can be played in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
This is an addictive and challenging word puzzle. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:18:27
- 热愿景
- 紫外相机
- 红色乱过滤器(独家)!
- 夜间视力
- X射线视觉
- 所有的过滤器在实时模式下工作使用你的相机!
2018-07-09 07:17:17
简介:这是一场非常艰难与疯狂的反恐战斗,但如果你可以使用多种技巧,你可以让自己的人物变得更强。只要用一指就可玩,让你快速上手与畅游,等着你来追寻过关斩将的无尽快感!简洁的动作 RPG 体验,令人跃跃欲试!快开始你的传奇故事作为龙男孩在“英雄少年传说-无尽的战斗”!
用你的策略和武器来阻止你的敌人的强大的攻击!你将靠拳打脚踢来闯过 ,让他们知道谁是这个世界上最强的人!记住,不要被击倒,因为你的敌人的攻击每次都会越来越激烈。强化装备,扫除敌人,最精彩,最吸引,最动作的游戏等待你的加入!
•在危险的旅途中享受完整的 RPG 体验
2018-07-09 07:17:16
简介:Challenge yourself with this amazing riddles and show your friends how better you #39;re at it.
many more little riddles are waiting to be solved in this easy and fun game for everyone!
riddle me
2018-07-09 07:16:31
简介:One word per photo. 30 words per level. 570 words in the game. Can you find all of them? Sometimes you have to think beyond the obvious. Good luck!
This game:
• is fun for the whole family
• exercises your brain
• can be played in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
This is an addictive and challenging word puzzle. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:15:20
简介:Your female warrior princess has arrived. Its rare to find a mobile adventure game with a female cast as the lead fighter. Our goal at Wildfoot was to do just that. Tamed is a new action adventure survival game by Wildfoot set in the Jurassic era. The game evolved from players feedback. You are a female warrior princess, destined for epic greatness. Is this a tautology? Yes? You don’t care? Played from a third-person perspective, Tamed : Jurassic Survival takes you on the ultimate adventure though the Jurassic landscape. Your goals simple :
1) Find a Weapon
2) Build a Shelter
3) Find a suitable mate
4 ) Tame a wild Boar
5) Tame a wild Raptor
6 ) Tame a flying Pterodactly
7) Craft Magic
8) Defeat the Bosses and Ultimate ending
These animals have evolved enough to be tamed and ridden around. Feed these wild animals some magic mushrooms and they will be putty in your hands. Ultimately, it will come down to survival. This warrior princess is tough as nails. Help her find her way.
Explore this massive 3D world, loaded with caves, volcanoes, rocks, and much more.
We tried to take a slightly different spin on classic survival Adventure game.
How will it end? Its entirely up to you. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:15:15
简介:Guess the Pokemon is a fun and challenge guessing games for a big fan of Pokemon anime!
Take this Pokemon trivia quiz to test how much you know about Pokemon cartoon.
You will see only the shadow of Pokemon characters, try to guess the Pokemon names!
Huge collections of Pokemon wallpapers and pictures puzzle to complete!
Some example of Pokemon are Pikachu, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Alakazam, Charizard, and many more. How many do you know?
Easy game play, just tap on the letters to complete the name, tap again to remove it.
Challenge your friends and family!
Perfect for all Pokemon fans both kids and adults.
This game is truly an entertaining and challenge!
Download now and try it yourself!
2018-07-09 07:14:28
Poke Story -- The Newest Mobile Game Integrated with capture, cultivation, collection and battle. Over 720 different kinds of pets for you to catch. Each pet has four evolutaion ways. Evolution will not only change the appearance and attribute but also bring you a surprising play way beyond your imagination. The pet can transform into MEGA form to help you defeat your opponent!
◆Features System◆
◆No Version Restriction——Poke Story has collected all the monsters from every version! You will be no longer resticted by game version, go and catch want you want!
◆Battle Control——In Poke Story you can enchant ultimate skill in time to break your enemy. And you can also use the Poke Ball to capture the enemy monster.
◆Skills Combo——In battle, pets Each pet has his own exclusive skill. Coordinate the corresponding pet to trigger the skills combo.
◆Nature Restrain——Fire, Water, Grass, Flying, Electricity ,Earth...different nature restrict each others. It is a great challenge for trainer to embattle the group before battle and enchant the special skills combo. By using tactics you can defeat the strong by the week.
Cutie anime style——Poke Story faithfully revive the poke story! Make good use of levelup, promotion, evolution and MEGA form to feel the surprising art of combat.
2018-07-09 07:13:38
Farm Animals Makeover是喜欢宠物的男孩和女孩的最爱游戏:
· 经营美容院,照顾四只农场动物:小猫、兔子、狗和猫!
· 做发型,使用各种时尚的衣服和饰品打扮一番!
· 查看新发型目录,并为您毛茸茸的朋友选择最合适的发型!
· 随心所欲对动物的头发进行卷曲、波浪、拉直、梳理和染色处理!
· 给小猫露西打扮一番,让她看起来像天鹅一样优雅!
· 帮毛茸茸的兔子做个最引人注目的发型!
· 使用花哨的衣服将小狗朱迪打扮得漂漂亮亮的!
· 为猫咪卡罗寻找最合适的发型,并将头发染成彩虹一样!
· 每天玩玩游戏,创建大量的疯狂新外观!
· 升级并为农场动物解锁令人兴奋的新饰品!
· 观看儿童视频,收集奖励金币!
Farm Animals Makeover - Cute Virtual Pet Salon免费玩,但也包含某些可能需要使用真实货币购买的游戏内物品。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2018-07-09 07:13:24
简介:기본적으로 개인 한글 타자 연습을 할 수도 있고, [블루투스]를 이용하여 양자간 타자 배틀을 즐길수 있는 한 차원 높은 타자 연습 게임앱 입니다.
배틀 게임을 즐기기 위해서는 양자간 서로 블루투스를 키시고 [ #39;배틀- gt;설정 #39;] 화면에서 배틀 시작 스위치를 키고, 주변 블루투스 검색 혹은 이미 검색되어 있는 블루투스를 선택하여 서로 연결후 배틀을 하시면 됩니다.
배틀 게임은 양자간 모두 연결이 된 후에 가능하기 때문에 [배틀 시작 스위치]를 켬(On) 상태로 해야만. 상대방 측에서 연결이 가능합니다.
승패 에 따라서 결과가 기록되며 향후 좀더 다이나믹한 배틀 아이템도 추가 할 예정입니다.
* 무료 버전도 유료 버전이 업데이트 될때 같이 업데이트됩니다.
* 무료 버전은 기능상 제약이 있습니다.
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개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-09 07:13:02
简介:One word per photo. 30 words per level. 630 words in the game. Can you find all of them? Sometimes you have to think beyond the obvious. Good luck!
This game:
• is fun for the whole family
• exercises your brain
• can be played in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
This is an addictive and challenging word puzzle. Enjoy!
2018-07-09 07:12:20
这个突变蜘蛛机器人英雄游戏的游戏是非常有趣和Easy.You可以将您的蜘蛛机器人变成超级蜘蛛反恐怖主义黑蜘蛛机器人和昆虫与不同的超级机器人和机械钢机器人斗争。在这个多机器人蜘蛛超级英雄城市犯罪战斗游戏,你可以与机器人战斗像惊人的突变蜘蛛超级英雄的战斗和可以使用你的机器人蜘蛛的力量转变成蜘蛛机器人。所以准备好对于蜘蛛英雄组合的行动,突变机器人转变后突变蜘蛛机器人英雄突变体蜘蛛昆虫。在这个蜘蛛机器人:最终机器人凡人战争中,你可以使用你的特殊机器人蜘蛛英雄的力量摧毁敌人机器人。你可以使用导弹选项来摧毁变形机器人。如果你对超级蜘蛛机器人转换游戏和警察蜘蛛机器人汽车驾驶游戏感到疯狂,那么不需要任何其他动作英雄的游戏。用Spider bot中最新的蜘蛛机器人游戏惊艳自己:Final Robot Mortal war Games和蜘蛛机器人格斗游戏。