2018-07-08 16:08:34
简介:p Car Eats Car携风雷之势重磅回归!你以为自己的遥控车天下无敌,街坊四邻的恶少们却突然祭出各种威猛车型前来挑衅。你不甘心,希望找个法子把他们的车撞个稀烂。那天晚上你做了个梦,梦见开上了自己的遥控车,在疯狂的关卡中横冲直撞。 /p p b 游戏特色 /b
• 征服4个世界、超过35个新关卡!
• 超越敌人,虎口脱险!
• 用空翻、杂耍、特技制霸街头!
• 收集超酷升级装备,强化座驾!
• 炫酷卡通风格游戏画面!
• 马力全开,一骑绝尘! /p p b 狂飙猛进 /b
这款极速赛车游戏需要一些高难度驾驶技能。跳过障碍物、躲避迎面而来的赛车、左右转向绕开物体并收集超级加速器来提速!在赛道上横冲直撞勇夺第一吧! /p p b 虎口求生 /b
不要放松警惕!关卡危机四伏,更有迅捷凶猛的地方车辆伺机把你一口吞掉。夺取超级炮、加速器等装备,抢先一步摧毁敌人! /p p 你有本事在这款飙车游戏中脱险求生吗? /p
2018-07-08 16:08:29
font color="red" ☆かんたん操作☆ /font
font color="red" ★ビギナーボーナスあります★ /font
font color="red" ☆ライバル店を襲うのが楽しい☆ /font
font color="red" ★お店をあなた好みにデコレーション★ /font
font color="red" ☆可愛いゾンビに癒される☆ /font
font color="red" 【注意事項】 /font
font color="red" 【動作推奨】 /font
メモリ 1GB以上
2018-07-08 16:08:28
单词列表是由人而不是计算机创建的,以确保您的单词列表总是有趣和准确的。 免费版本有16个类别,包括一个巨大的词汇库,超过4000单词。 解锁版本可提供100多个类别。
- 容易选择字母
- 反向单词选择
- 字母网格自动适配您的设备
- 无限的谜题
- 清洁多彩的外观
- 4000多个手工制作的谜题
- 很多其他的谜题可供选择!
- 高分记录!
2018-07-08 16:07:49
简介:Word Chums is the highest rated word puzzle game, b voted 4.8 stars by Android users. /b Play free with friends or solo against the computer!
◆ For lovers of anagrams, word builder games or crossword puzzles like Scrabble or Words with Friends, Word Chums takes it to another level with fun graphics and sounds, a built-in dictionary, team mode, 3-4 player mode, and more.
◆ Word Chums is a new word game that’s easy to pick up and play, but challenging to master. It’s fun for the whole family or with friends – you’ll love it, we promise! Try it once and you just may find yourself doing a daily crossword puzzle game with several of your friends!
Oozing with personality, they bring the game to life. Have fun earning gear to outfit your Chum and expressing your style. They’re guaranteed to make you chuckle.
Put your vocabulary to the test in this word making game by rearranging a word scramble into a real word that you can play. The better your word’s Scrabble dictionary score, the more XP you earn. XP helps you level up and unlock more gear for your chums!
Word Chums is a pleasure to play. See words validate instantly as you place letters and see the scoring badge automatically indicate word strength.
Word Chums stays true to the classic word builder gameplay that vocabulary game lovers enjoy and cross word lovers can’t get enough of.
Earn experience points with each word played and level up to become King or Queen of the Chums. Show off your “wordly” prowess by climbing your way to the top of the weekly crossword game leaderboards.
See how all your friends are doing from the friends list on the main screen. Experience a new level of collaborative word puzzle game fun by grabbing a teammate for a couples word game online. Invite anyone you like, whether they’re friends, family, adults or kids. Word Chums is the best word game app that’s easy to learn, challenging to master and fun for all!
If you suddenly feel like you’re playing a word scramble game and need some help figuring out a word you can use, just activate b Word search hints. /b In a pinch, Word search hints can point you to the location of a better word and help you unscramble your vocabulary memory.
For all the daily crossword puzzle gamers, Word Chums offers achievements, best word challenges, leveling, player stats, crossword game leaderboards and much more. It’s a deep gaming experience for everyone that gamers can master.
Word Chums is the best word game online, great for adults and kids alike! As a vocabulary game, Word Chums is great for word maker game lovers looking to get their text twist on and flex their anagram game muscles, while also helping beginners to expand their vocabulary via the built-in dictionary – just tap any word to see its definition. Experiment with new letter combinations and instantly discover new words to succeed.
• 2-4 player games
• Play versus friends, random opponents, and computer Chumbots
• Customizable Chum characters
• Scrabble based dictionary – Know valid words before you press play
• Automatically see the strength of your word
• Weekly cross word game leaderboard competitions
• Find the best word and beat the hint challenges
• Drop a Bomb and take your turn with a new set of letters
◆ ABOUT PeopleFun
Word Chums is a word builder game, and comes to you from the makers of Age of Empires, one of the best-selling and most award-winning games of all time. Give it a try!
2018-07-08 16:07:21
简介:Car Driving in Crazy Town – Get ready to witness ultimate craziness!
With 90 fun-filled levels and 15 different cars, you will get to drive around the crazy people as you help them with their crazy demands!
It’s a town that’s completely crazy, and you are going to love it – just don’t drive yourself too crazy.
Running away from cops, to helping some of your customers find the culprits, you will witness it all. Crazy Town is funny, unique and engaging, as it puts your driving skills to test!
Hop on to this entertaining car ride now! It’s a crazy game, it’s a funny game, and you are going to love it!
Download Car Driving in Crazy Town @Games2Win from Google Play Store and let the fun begin!
Car Driving in Crazy Town Features:
- 90 fun-filled car driving levels
- 15 super cars
- A Crazy Town with unique elements
- Realistic driving mechanics
- 2 different camera views
* ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : This permissions is required by ad networks.
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
About Games2win:
Games2win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have 800+ proprietary free games that are available both online and on mobile. Some of our smash hit games are Driving Academy 2017, High School Driving Test, Friends Forever Stories, Star Fashion Designer and Fab Tattoo Design Studio. Currently, our company boasts of more than 120 million app downloads and 9 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/Games2win
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/Games2win
Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Car Driving in Crazy Town.
2018-07-08 16:07:01
简介:Wanna boost brain power? Like letter spelling games? Welcome to Word Gallery! Swipe to find answers in crossy words, and sharp your mind with 500+ challenging levels!
In Word Gallery, there are hundreds of well-designed levels to test your spelling skills and enhance vocabulary, imaginative puzzle themes to promote your creative power, and attractive natural landscapes to fresh your eyes.
- Classic crossword game to build words, simple and easy!
- Swipe up, down, left and right to crush letter blocks, enjoy blast fun!
- Well-designed themes for every level, catch the flash of genius!
- Beat special challenge levels, win big prizes!
- Solve puzzles to unlock new landscapes, feast your eyes!
- Offline game, free to play!
- Swipe and connect letters to build words.
- Crush letter blocks and solve puzzles.
- Make the best of the theme and find words related to it.
- Plan ahead to pick words in right order.
Word Gallery is a perfect game to play with friends or family.
Searching for a new toy for kids? Need to improve vocabulary?
Wanna kill daily time when having soup or making cookies?
Download Word Gallery and enjoy the best crossword game ever!
If you have any suggestions on Word Gallery, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can either send us a message in Word Gallery,
or email us at: [email protected]
or follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Word-Gallery-194202794544540/
2018-07-08 16:06:47
卷起、拉直或剪短她的头发,以制作一种全新且令人激动的发型。这会令她的朋友们羡慕不已。 运用你专业的技能,你可以轻松地将她装扮完毕。通过为她精心地化妆,你将为她穿上你所选择的全套新服装!
- 在用精油按摩之前,清洗并漂洗她的背部
- 将美容石放置在背部一小会儿时间,然后将它们除去
- 使用滋润霜,以帮助皮肤变得柔和与光滑
- 将精油和油泥按敷在你角色的背部,然后将其洗去
- 清洗、漂洗并吹干她的头发,然后再打造一个全新的造型
- 剪短、拉直、卷起或印染她的头发,以使其看起来焕然一新
- 更换她的睫毛膏、睛彩、腮红、眼影以及口红,以给她一个全新的面貌
- 选择并穿上全套新服装,包括头巾、衬衫、裤子、裙子、连衣裙、首饰和鞋子,以完善她的外观
2018-07-08 16:06:32
空气中悬浮外倾与游戏,最好的驾驶经验。ABS、ESP、硝空气悬浮液。6个不同的拍摄角度。 漂游戏。 Vites,游戏模式和控制。悬拱你不会看到时间的流逝,与游戏2018年的天气。阿拉伯极度的驱动。最好的阿拉伯字母。 赛车,街,漂移,simatutorecek的。天气拱悬浮液。 第4号的城市现实漂移的游戏。
2018-07-08 16:06:21
简介:Интеллектуальная головоломка на составление слов.
Вам нужно составлять слова из букв предложенного слова. Например, из слова «программа» можно составить слова «грамм», «рог», «гора» и т.д.
— 169 уровней, более 4500 слов, которые можно составить
— богатый словарь, включая неологизмы и редкие слова
— разные типы уровней, включая уровень на время
Разрешено использовать нарицательные существительные в именительном падеже и единственном числе (множественном числе, если слово не имеет единственного числа, например, «ножницы», «ворота» и т.п.). Слова должны состоять минимум из трёх букв.
Введенные слова автоматически проверяются и добавляются к списку отгаданных. Все слова разделены по сложности на 3 категории:
1. Простые. Общеизвестные широкоупотребительные слова: мама, дом, балет и т.п.
2. Слова посложнее, например, инок — православный монах, капа — зубной протектор боксера и т.д.
3. Сложные. Узкоспециализированные, устаревшие или редкие слова, например, дукат — старинная монета, палм — единица длины и т.д.
За каждую букву отгаданного простого слова вы получаете одну монету, за каждую букву слова посложнее — 2 монеты, сложного — 3.
Монеты можно использовать, чтобы получить подсказку (открыть букву в слове, узнать значение слова или открыть все слово), для этого нажмите на любое неоткрытое слово.
Головоломка также известна как «наборщик», в эту игру играли в финале передачи «Звёздный час». Приложение будет интересно любителям таких игр как «Балда», «Составь слова», «Словобор», «Виселица», «Поиск слова», а также любителям разгадывать кроссворды и ребусы.
2018-07-08 16:06:12
简介:A modern twist on a beloved classic! Crossword quiz is a unique puzzle crossbreed based on 3 types of clues: word descriptions, emoji combinations, and photos. Put your visual, word, and critical thinking skills to the test in this mash-up puzzle extravaganza!
Find yourself stuck on a puzzle? Don’t give up just yet! Use the coins you’ve earned to set you back on track with Hints by selecting to expose a letter, remove unused letters, or to totally solve the puzzle! Do your best to save your coins to buy hints for more challenging questions and for unlocking new categories (coins can also be purchased in-game).
Reveal a single letter of a phrase. This is the perfect hint to use when the answer is on the very tip of your tongue!
Remove all letters from the letter bank that are not part of the answer. This hint is perfect for when you need a bump in the right direction!
Having a total blank-out? No worries! Simply select this hint option and move forward with your crossword!
2018-07-08 16:05:51
2018-07-08 16:05:32
2018-07-08 16:05:26
简介:Japan Drag Racing 3D
In this game you can:
Race in night japan city!
Customize your car!
JDM Game Style!
Upgrade your Engine!
Drive with hard opponents!
Earn money!
Feel the Night Racing Atmosphere!
2018-07-08 16:05:20
简介:Для поклонников игр quot;Составь слова quot;, quot;Слово в Слове quot;, quot;Слова из слова quot;, quot;Наборщик quot; и quot;Эрудит quot;.
Новая игра серии! Самые длинные слова!
В игре вам доступно слово из 10 букв, из которых вы должны составить новые слова. Они могут быть меньше по количеству букв или равны слову из задания.
Введенные слова автоматически проверяются и добавляются к списку отгаданных.
К каждому слову доступно определение. Просто нажмите на слово и вы узнаете, что оно значит.
Также в игре есть подсказки. За 1 монету вы можете узнать определение слова, которое ещё не отгадано. За 5 монет можно открыть слово.
Таблица рекордов стала неотъемлемым составляющим игры. Соревнуйтесь с друзьями и другими эрудитами!
Составлять слова из слова можно дома, в метро, на улице, по дороге на работу и в отпуске! Используйте ваше свободное время с умом - составляйте слова.
Игра регулярно обновляется, в неё добавляются новые уровни-слова.
2018-07-08 16:04:36
简介:CONNECT WITH FRIENDS. PLAY WITH WORDS. Get a game of SCRABBLE going with just about anyone – or play solo against the computer! Plus, now you can play SCRABBLE in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, or Brazilian Portuguese.
• Challenge friends via Facebook and more
• Find an instant opponent with a single touch
• Play solo against the computer to improve your skills
• Get numerous games going at once – more than any word game on the App Store
Connect to Facebook and share your best scores. You can even talk a good game with enhanced chat and notification features.
Become a SCRABBLE master with the exclusive “Teacher” feature - see what your best word could have been after every turn.
Use the in-game word list, built-in official SCRABBLE dictionary, or the exclusive Best Word feature to see your highest scoring choices.
Want to recreate the feeling of a real-time in-person game? Try the new Speed Play mode where you and your opponent agree to 2 or 5 minute turns. If words aren #39;t played in time, nudge and forfeit options are unlocked.
View every detail on the board with HD-quality graphics made to maximize the Retina display.
Ready for the first and last word in word games? Don’t accept imitations. Just say, “LET’S PLAY SCRABBLE!
You must be 13+ to play this game.
Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy amp; Cookie Policy and User Agreement.
2018-07-08 16:04:32
简介:Словесная игра - 4 Фотки 1 Слово: Классика! - это классический вариант популярной игры на русском языке.
Правила игры очень просты. В каждом уровне Вы видите 4 фото (картинки), а так же набор букв, и поле для ввода. Вам надо угадать одно слово, которое объединяет эти картинки и ввести его. Это очень увлекательно!
Сложность заданий будет постепенно возрастать. Будьте очень внимательны, ведь в некоторых заданиях могут встречаться простые прилагательные и глаголы, например, если Вы видите преимущественное наличие на всех картинках красного цвета, то попробуйте ввести слово quot;КРАСНЫЙ quot;. Возможно Вам встретится задание, где будет изображено какое-нибудь действие или свойство, например quot;бег quot; или quot;жарко quot;.
За каждое отгаданное слово вы получаете монеты, а за очень быстрый ответ Вас ждет дополнительный БОНУС! Накопленные монеты Вы можете использовать для открытия букв в следующем слове. Одним словом чем больше у Вас монет, тем больше шансов пройти игру.
Играйте и развлекайтесь!
Играйте каждый день и получайте ежедневные бонусы!
Играйте всей семьей или с друзьями, и получайте удовольствие!
2018-07-08 16:04:29
简介:Experience the thrill of piloting a nitro-methane guzzling Top Fuel Dragster drag car producing over 9000 bhp on your phone!
Wait for the three yellows and throttle down in the blink of an eye as you cover 1000 ft in less than 5 seconds.
Race on 4 different race tracks with increasing prize money. Win races and earn money to improve your dragsters chassis, engine and tires.
Race against 4x ANDRA Top Fuel Dragster Champion Darren Morgan.
Win your way through four rounds to the final round.
Race on 4 different race tracks with increasing prize money.
30+ performance upgrades engines, tires and reduce chassis weight.
Race against other drivers from around the world.
Realistic 3D graphics, car physics and performance.
Before each pass drivers are allowed to perform a burnout which cleans and heats the driving tires for improved traction. Watch the temp bar on the left but be careful, too much throttle will overheat the tires and reduce grip!
• Pre-stage heat up your tires for better grip but don #39;t over cook them!
• Go on the 3 yellow lights, don #39;t wait for green!
• Win 4 rounds in a row for a final round victory.
• Prize money increases after each round win.
• Spend winning credits on upgrades and new liveries.
• Unlock new Tracks for bigger prizes and new opponents.
Throttle down and post a top time on the leaderboards today. Good luck!
2018-07-08 16:04:21
简介:4 pics 1 word - Do you want to play Guess the word with pictures puzzle? 4 pics one word is simple and highly addictive instant fun game. This game provides the hints when you will need help and also remove a useless letter in the hint letters.
Find the correct answer and unlock levels one by one with improve brain power. Try to guess what word is related to 4 pics and to answer to get more coins. 4 Pics 1 Word quiz support English language, so you can easily play with your friends or family.
In 4 Pics 1 Word game you can play with clues and also remove the wrong letter. After add a correct answer coin will be added automatically to your wallet. But if you see the hint this app charge a small amount of coin before the display.
Pictures puzzle app is one of the simple and Brainpower improve app which also shows the high score of your competitors. 1 Word 4 Pics application helps to more concentrate and focus your mind on free time. 4 pics 1 Word answer app provide numbers of levels and every level present with interesting pictures.
4 Pics Quiz is a simple guess the word game which more interesting and challenging as a level by level. Do you want to zoom picture or frame photo? You need to click on it and display with large size.
1 word 4 pics puzzle game use a play store Leaderboard to store your game store online. You will display your top score after play game in the pictures puzzle app and also see the score of your competitors. If you are a 4 Pics 1 Word game user, you can easily compare your score with your competitors. 4 pics puzzle game also help to focus your mind on the more future fun game.
How to play 4 Pics 1 Word answer App
1. Just open 4 Pics App and click on play button.
2. After that, you will see 4 pics and empty input boxes for the answer.
3. You guess the suitable answer and put given letters one by one.
4. After filling all input box you will see the answer as a right or wrong.
5. Without putting the right answer you will never jump to next level in the 4 Pics 1 Word application.
Features of 4 Pics 1 Word APP:
1. Users can easily play the game.
2. Allow hint to guess the Right answer.
3. Remove the wrong letters.
4. Check setting section.
5. Easy to use amp; Attractive design.
6. Quick sharing with the friend.
7. Easily on/off vibration.
Best Feature of 4 Pics 1 Word Game:
a) Support 250+ level for play one by one.
b) Hint and remove the wrong letter after pay small amount of coin.
Disclaimer of 4 Pics 1 Word App:
1. 4 Pics 1 Word application not recommended for use with confidential/secret information.
3. 4 Pics 1 Word application not affiliated with other information apps.
2. Please report by mail any issues before giving a bad rating.
If you have any query regarding this app! please contact me at my email [email protected].
2018-07-08 16:03:55
简介:Recommend you a great baseball game! In the game, the direction key to control the runner to be scored, guard and pass, obstruct the runner. In addition, 4 teams,3 different arenas,3 models. Do hope you enjoy more pleasures here!
You can alo play this App in iWawa, a best App for kids: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sencatech.iwawa.iwawahome
2018-07-08 16:03:42
简介:Tractor pulling is just around the corner, but you can pull from your couch right now for free! Hook your tractor to the sled and give it a pull. Pull the sled like a pro, pull against the best.
Rev up the tractor to get your turbo boost spun and engine warm then slowly, but quickly, drop the clutch and let it rip.
Drag the sled over 300 feet to get a full pull and win the tractor pulling tournament.
Get cash to buy more tractors, while upgrading your tractor or diesel pulling truck to win events.
Watch the live leaderboards to see who #39;s team is pulling the farthest today in tractor pulling, diesel pulling, or truck pulling. Pull with an M1 Abrams tank.
Drive up your bankroll and buy more tractors, diesels, dragsters and trucks. Upgrade tractors to win more tractor pulling events.
Easy to play tough to master.
Have Fun.
2018-07-08 16:03:39
简介:We love mind games, stylish graphics, and crisp insanity.
This application is for such freaks as we are.
REBUS is a game of associations, logic and design that energizes the brain.
It doesn’t matter how long you would like to play, either an hour or several minutes, every solved rebus will make a pleasant snap in your head. Enjoy!
And yes! We do plan to update the app and add new levels regularly.
2018-07-08 16:03:30
简介:i WordMix is a fun and addictive word dice game. /i If you like Scrabble, Boggle, crossword puzzles and anagrams, this is just the game for you!
Toss the dice and arrange the jumbled letters to form valid words, both horizontally and vertically. Try to use as many tiles as possible before the time runs out. You get points for the letters used only in correct words, for all unused letters you get minus points.
Challenge yourself, and see what words you can find in each game.
b Rules: /b
Form words horizontally and vertically just like in crossword puzzles! Simply move letters around by tapping on them. If you long tap on a group of letters you can move whole group.
Tap on the joker to select the letter you want it to stand for.
In i WordMix Pro /i you are further allowed to swap some of your letters once per game.
b Points: /b
Except for the jokers, each letter has a certain value. If a letter is part of two words it counts twice. Points for unused letters are subtracted at the end. For a word to count it must contain only green letters, so it must not cross with an incorrect word.
By default all correct words have to be connected to count, but there is an option to allow separate groups of words.
b Available dictionaries: /b
Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese (experimental), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Maths (e.g. quot;5*2+4=7*2 quot;).
You can easily add new words to any of the dictionaries, even during the game by long tapping on the word. You can also disable the dictionary completely.
In the word list you can find all the words you ever played. The local highscore list helps you keep track of your achievements. You can also upload and compare your scores with other players in the online ranking list.
b Language-specific options: /b
Some languages support specific options, like accents and other diacritics. If enabled, words must be spelled with the correct accents to be valid. Letters that allow accents are marked with quot;... quot;. Tap on the letter to select the needed accent.
b WordMix Pro: /b
WordMix is free of advertisement! Please upgrade to WordMix Pro to support the developers. Here is what you get extra:
• 3D graphics, sounds and animations
• swap letters during the game
• suggestions during game
• more backgrounds
Have fun discovering just how much of a word wiz you are!
2018-07-08 16:03:17
简介:Welcome to the driving school that helps you learn how to drive like a pro in UK. From the makers of superhit games like ‘Driving Academy’ and ‘High School Driving Test’ comes an exciting new car simulator game – Driving Academy UK.
Every country has its own road rules and UK has plenty of them. Here’s a car game that serves as a handy guide to driving like a pro. Decode the road signs and learn all the rules and regulations. Master the roundabouts, pretzel loops and steep hill turns. There are tests levels to perfect your skills. Choose from 15 awesome cars and get going on the road.
Experience real life driving lessons and UK’s road etiquettes. Download Driving Academy UK @Games2win from the Google Play Store for free.
Driving Academy UK Features:
Experience real-life driving in the city of London
- 75 levels to play, including the License Tests and Academy!
- 45+ unique road signs to learn
- 15 different cars to choose from
- 3 different camera views
- Realistic driving mechanics
- Drive through iconic locations of London.
Driving Academy UK game requires the following permissions :
* ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION : This permissions is required by ad networks.
Minimum Requirement :
2GB RAM | Android 4.0 or later | Device powered by an ARMv7 (Cortex family) CPU | GPU support for OpenGLES 2.0 is recommended
Please note that we use Advertising ID for serving better ads and improving the product through Analytics
Games2win is a fun company that believes in creating amazing and enjoyable games for all ages. We have 800+ proprietary free games that are available both online and on mobile. Some of our smash hit games are Driving Academy 2017, High School Driving Test, Friends Forever Stories, Star Fashion Designer and Fab Tattoo Design Studio. Currently, our company boasts of more than 120 million app downloads and 9 million gamers a month. And this is just the beginning!
VISIT US: http://games2win.com
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Contact us at [email protected] for any problems you may have with Driving Academy UK.
Privacy Policy: http://www.games2win.com/corporate/privacy-policy.asp
2018-07-08 16:03:04
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