2018-07-07 20:51:49
简介:在Merge Gems!中,你可以将各种石头合并成美丽的宝石!合并和匹配相同的石头、金块和其他物品,即可获得闪耀的宝石。
本游戏的规则很简单 — 你有一盒宝石,你唯一的任务就是匹配和合并这些宝石,让它们变得越来越璀璨。你会不时地获得一颗新宝石 — 你越快轻触屏幕底部的盒子,宝石就会越快出现。开始匹配相同的石头和宝石,然后找到天然钻石吧!
赏玩Merge Gems!,立即发现更多宝石!
Merge Gems!特点:
-建立个人合集,收集Merge Gems!中的最好宝石!
合并和扩大宝石,充分发挥宝石潜能。赏玩Merge Gems!,合并、扩大并获得闪耀的宝石
本应用程序的使用受到 Zynga 的服务条款的约束,详见 www.zynga.com/legal/terms-of-service。
2018-07-07 20:51:00
简介:Build a team of your favorite Cartoon Network characters to conquer a unique match 3 adventure in Cartoon Network Match Land!
Once you make a match, you can keep on matching until the timer runs out. How many matches can you string together? Plus, you can move pieces diagonally to put a whole new angle on classic match 3 gameplay.
Battle a horde of sentient food items to keep the Cartoon Network Food Festival running. Punch a pizza! Clash with cupcakes! Fight some french fries!
Choose your heroes from 20 different Cartoon Network characters with unique abilities. And keep your eyes peeled for CN cameos among the customers and shop owners!
Level up your heroes, then evolve them into much more powerful versions. Earn gold from 20 different food shops you can unlock and upgrade.
Get even more gold, gems, tokens, and other goodies in the Lunar Sea Spire, an entirely separate arena mode that lets you test your team’s true power for awesome rewards.
Match your way to victory in CARTOON NETWORK MATCH LAND!
This game is available in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Korean and Japanese.
This app may contain ads that feature other products, services, shows or offers from Cartoon Network and our partners.
Your privacy is important to us at Cartoon Network, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. This game collects and uses information as described in Cartoon Network’s Privacy Policy linked below. This information may be used, for example, to respond to user requests; enable users to take advantage of certain features and services; personalize content; serve advertising; perform network communications; manage and improve our products and services; and perform other internal operations of Cartoon Network web sites or online services. Our privacy practices are guided by data privacy laws in the United States. For users residing in the EU or other countries outside the U.S., please note that this app may use persistent identifiers for game management purposes. By downloading this application, you accept our Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement, and you give permission for such uses for all users of your device. The Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement are in addition to any terms, conditions or policies imposed by your wireless carrier and Apple, Inc. Cartoon Network and its affiliates are not responsible for any collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information by Apple or your wireless carrier.
Terms of Use / Privacy Policy: https://www.cartoonnetwork.com/legal/priv_tou.html
2018-07-07 20:50:59
【搭乘七曜飛艇 冒險一觸即發 完美還原系列劇情主角】
【光與影再度交織 夥伴協力守護永恆的覊絆】
【遙遠誓言的試練 探索迷亂之大地抵達聖痕的彼岸】
【回憶中的畫面真摯浮現 這是屬於我們的軌跡】
2018-07-07 20:49:32
塔防 - 策略游戏有了新的突破,成功从上一代Zonmob塔防御继承并有国防类游戏显着改善带来了更多愉快的体验。
塔防 - 策略游戏投资于图形的细节,这给玩家最真实的感觉,刺激时发挥每个塔防地图的单个神经元。
塔防 - 策略游戏不同的地图比Zonmob其他塔防游戏,游戏的地图水平保持手机屏幕作为塔防区旧版本,但是知名度已经扩大更广泛的概述,轻松地拿出一个合理的战术。
+ [GET_ACCOUNTS]此权限需要您的游戏帐户与Google帐户信息之间的链接和通知。
+ [READ_CONTACTS,READ_PHONE_STATE]同步您的通讯录和访问好友邀请的设备状态的权限。
2018-07-07 20:48:19
简介:Welcome to crafting and building 2018, the addictive new crafting and building game! This exciting exploration game has no rules and no goals. Just crafting, building and exploration! That #39;s what makes it so fun! Building and crafting is an endless and exciting game that you need to try right now!
When you start the game you suck at everything. You start with a few torches, some sticks, some wood, and an axe. The tools you make are poor quality and have limited durability. You are clueless when it comes to smelting metals and you ruin most of the lumps you try to smelt. You must mine ores and fight mobs to gain experience. You can use this experience to increase your skills.
2018-07-07 20:48:17
简介:This one is for all wrestling games fans. This game is to satisfy your taste of superhero ring fighting games. This game is a combination of your favorite kind of tag team wrestling games with the best superheroes for kids!!! We give you a variety of favorite characters to choose from within the comic world. Then we bring them face to face for exciting wrestling matches in best superhero games 2018, Superhero Wrestling Tag Team Ring Fighting Arena!!!
Your favorite superheroes games are set in the state of the art wrestling ring environment. The most unique feature of this fun wrestling games for kids is that in this game is that the opposing players in this championship are in fact different superheroes wrestling superstars. You get an option to pair your favorite super hero for tag team wrestling game. They enter the ring battle arena with full fanfare and the audience is presented to cheer on their favorite wrestler fighting as they enter the ring to compete against each other for tag team championship games 2k18. This is world wrestling mania much better than cage wrestling. The revolution of wrestling is here.
Superhero Wrestling Tag Team Ring Fighting Arena Game Features
• Variety of Superhero Wrestlers to Choose.
• Realistic Fighting Ring Arena Battle.
• Ability to Tap and Switch your superhero fighter during wrestling match.
• Intense Superhero arena ring battle.
If you are looking for a new kind of wrestling championship simulator, then you have come to the right place. This fun action game presents superheroes games like never before making the wrestling games way more exciting. Come join us in the ring fighting championship where we have assemble super star line up. You will get to experience jam packed ring battle arena revenge. Get ready for an intense wrestling championship battle star studded with best superhero wrestling Battle of wrestling superstars. Your wait for revolution in wrestling is over.
You will experience best ever 3D simulation wrestling and adventure with most breath taking ring fighting graphics in a wrestling match. The fighting arena battle environment is just extraordinary. Not to mention you have whole variety of superhero wrestling opponents to choose from. So hurry and download now. Challenge your opponent for best tag team matches in hell cell 2K18 they ever played.
The games has variety of challenging game play options which allows you to mix and match your superheroes. Each superhero wrestler has their own fighting techniques and various special super power and attack combos. Superhero wrestling fighters enter the ring fighting arena revenge once there name is pronounced. Let’s commence the wrestling match. This match will decide who is the best superhero fighter in this fun superhero games. This is world wrestling mania much better than cage wrestling. Promised revolution in wrestling has arrived.
Superhero Wrestling Tag Team Ring Fighting Arena Revenge Game Play
• Choose either single mode or Superstars team championship game mode.
• Select your superhero wrestling opponent and desired arena environment.
• Use screen controls to unleash wrestling Battle combo
• Once your health gets low, tag your partner to switch wrestler fighting
• Knock out the opponent in Hell Cell 2K18 ring environment
• Realistic Fighting Ring Arena in 3D simulation.
Download Superhero Wrestling Battle Now.
2018-07-07 20:47:52
简介:반전의 반전, 왕들의 전략 에잇킹덤즈!
★ quot;에잇 킹덤즈 quot;오픈★
■ 에잇킹덤즈 군주님들의 커뮤니티에서 동맹군을 만나보세요!
- 8개의 왕국, 단 하나의 왕좌!
자신의 왕국을 생성하고 성장시켜 단 하나뿐인 왕좌에 도전해 보세요!
약육강식의 대륙에서 왕좌를 차지하기 위한 8개 왕국의 뜨겁고 치열한 전쟁이 시작됩니다.
- 다크사이드, 반전의 시작
영원한 승자도 패자도 없다. 패배가 드리운 전장일수록 반전은 시작된다!
다크사이드로 변환하면 열세의 전력을 단숨에 뒤엎을 수 있는 강력한 힘을 얻게 됩니다.
그 힘은 상상을 초월할 정도로 강하지만 아주 큰 댓가를 치루게 됩니다.
- 영웅, 전장을 지배하다!
전장을 지배하는 자가 왕국의 주인이 될 것이다!
영웅은 전쟁의 선봉장에 서기도 하고 집정관이 되어 왕국의 통치를 돕기도 합니다.
훌륭한 나의 파트너 영웅을 획득하고 성장시키세요!
- 그래픽, 화려하고 아름다운 왕국
가로형 모드와 화려한 그래픽으로 볼 수 있는 아름다움의 극치!
미려한 그래픽으로 구현한 왕국의 건물들과 캐릭터들은 게임의 높은 몰입도를 제공합니다!
[스마트폰앱 접근권한 안내]
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
*필수적 접근 권한*
1. 주소록
- 고객응대에 필요한 단말기 정보를 수집합니다.
- 전화번호 수집이나 전화 걸기 기능을 사용하지 않으니 안심하시기 바랍니다.
2. 사진/미디어/파일 접근
- 외장 메모리에 게임을 저장하기 위한 권한 입니다.
- 단말기 용량부족 시 원활한 게임구동을 위해 외장 메모리에 게임을 저장 할 수 있습니다.
[스마트폰앱 접근권한 철회]
* 안드로이드6.0 이상 *
접근 권한동의 후, 다음과 같이 접근 권한을 재설정하거나 철회할 수 있습니다.
1. 접근 권한 별 철회 방법: 단말기설정 gt;앱 gt;더보기(설정및제어) gt;앱설정 gt;앱권한 gt;해당 접근권한 선택 gt;접근권한동의 또는 철회선택
2. 앱별 철회방법:단말기설정 gt;앱 gt;해당앱선택 gt;권한선택 gt;접근권한동의 또는 철회선택
* 안드로이드6.0 미만 *
운영체제 특성상 접근 권한 별 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱을 삭제하는 경우에만 접근 권한 철회가 가능합니다. 안드로이드 버전을 업그레이드하여 주시길 권장 드립니다.
개발자 연락처 :
(13529) 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 152번길, 알파돔타워 14층
2018-07-07 20:46:34
简介:오버워치 미니 게임
영웅들을 강화하여 몰려오는 적들을 물리치세요
영웅들의 스킬을 조합하여 사용하세요
오버워치 공식 앱이 아닙니다
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-07 20:45:58
简介:디펜스 로얄 - 파라오의 반격은 실시간 PVP가 가능한 전략 디펜스게임입니다.
악한 신의 저주에 빠진 이집트를 구하는 임무를 맡게 된 것을 환영합니다.
전략 게임의 새로운 시대를 열어가는 디펜스 로얄은 매니지먼트와 타워디펜스 장르가 절묘하게 조합된
신개념 전략 게임입니다.
다른 타운의 공격으로부터 자신의 기지를 방어하고, 동시에 적진에 우리의 정예부대를 투입하여 전투를
승리로 이끄십시요!
악의 신 세쓰를 물리치기 위해서는, 본진을 방어하고 성장시키는 것이 중요합니다.
새로운 건물을 세우고, 오시리스 신의 은총을 받으면서, 본진 병력을 업그레이드 하십시요!
그 길만이 사막의 질서를 바로잡고 신과의 전쟁에서 승리할 수 있는 길입니다.
4가지 게임 모드
* 제국 경영 : 자원을 활용하여 도시를 성장 시키고, 군대를 강화하세요.
* 실시간 유저대결 : 유저들과의 실시간 오펜스/디펜스 대전을 통해서 최강의 전략을 뽐내세요.
* 캠페인 : 세스신의 군대에 맞서서 이집트 수복을 위해서 전략 디펜스 게임을 즐기세요.
* 방어 전략 : 다른 유저들이 자원 약탈을 못하도록, 타워를 세우고, 또한 강화하세요!
개발자 연락처 :
2F Wiz Bldg.,Bong-eun-sa-ro 429, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
[email protected]
2018-07-07 20:45:17
1.精致画面 流畅低耗
2.酷炫技能 流光特效
3.百变造型 闪耀个性
4.人怪混战 激爽PK
5.休闲娱乐 荣耀归属
邮箱:[email protected]
2018-07-07 20:44:48
简介:Game Maker is a brand new Android app that creates amazing games without programming. You can also code your own games with Game Maker.
Create your new game with Game Maker
Features of Game Maker :
Create runner/ platformer games
Create shooter style games e.g space shooter
Create jumper style games.
Create smasher games e.g ant smasher
Share and rate buttons
No coding required.Just fill the details and select images then generate your game.
More game types to be added soon.
Game Maker also allows you to build games using popular open source game frameworks like PHASER and LOVE2D.
You can add your own game framework and code your game according to your likes then generate a fully functional APK or export your games to Android Studio format.
Download Game Maker free on Google Play
For any queries on Game Maker , contact us using our email address below.
All images used in Game Maker are freely available on opengameart.org
Disclaimer: Please check the license of the frameworks you will use with Game Maker on the frameworks #39;s website. Game Maker is to be used with only open source game frameworks.
2018-07-07 20:43:53
简介:欢迎尝试由Aristocrat Gaming推出的最好的免费拉斯维加斯赌场老虎机方式的老虎机应用程序-现在更有着世界上最多的2百万免费老虎机游戏币奖励!
b 免费的老虎机游戏让您乐在其中! 来自真实赌场风格的网上老虎机游戏! /b
在网上体验来自真正的拉斯维加斯赌场老虎机的震颤! Heart of Vegas 老虎机邀请您来玩来自世界最好的赌场最受喜爱的 Aristocrat老虎机游戏。 玩真正的Aristocrat老虎机游戏,本游戏排名全世界赌场最受欢迎游戏之列.....
- 来玩栩栩如生的AMC活死人老虎机游戏
- 玩免费的水牛王老虎机游戏 – 最常玩的老虎机游戏之一
- 在玛雅插槽老虎机游戏中通过日月老虎机游戏获胜
- 玩猫咪小姐老虎机-快听可爱的猫咪叫声!
- 辣椒王老虎机游戏为各种东西加点料
还有来自拉斯维加斯由Aristocrat Gaming推出的各种老虎机游戏,如五十雄狮、幸运88、金龙献瑞、大红老虎机、红心接龙、海豚宝藏等等!
Heart of Vegas 老虎机带给您:
- 每日免费游戏币奖励!
- 持续增加的新的免费老虎机游戏!
- 获取巨额的累积奖金和令人刺激的胜利!
- 通过每日转轮和每小时老虎机奖励赢取成千上万的免费赌场游戏币!
您 i ”爱” /i 拉斯维加斯赌场吗?
安装Heart of Vegas赌场老虎机游戏您会立即明白为什么人人喜爱Aristocrat老虎机游戏!
b Heart of Vegas 老虎机 – 最好的免费拉斯维加斯赌场老虎机应用! /b
i 本游戏供成年人 (21岁以上)玩耍,并且不提供 ‘真钱’赌博或赢取真钱或真钱奖励的机会。 在本游戏中练习并不意味着在‘真钱’赌博中一定成功。 /i
2018-07-07 20:43:19
简介:b ***** PLEASE RATE 5 STAR ***** /b
Amazing games MiniCraft Exploration Lite !!
Unilimited resource you can use, and limited tools you can craft .. use your imagination to build castle, shelter, house, road, farm, hunting tools. Beware of zombie, monster and bee monster.
Exploration Lite Divers - In this game you are expecting wonderful 11 worlds full of different mysteries and adventures.
You expect a lot of interesting things. What are you waiting for? Such a second game you will not find!
- Day and a night time mode
- Survival from monsters and fighting the zombies;
- Farming plants and Raise a chicken, pigs, cows, sheep mobs
- Flight mode ready
- HD texture packs
2018-07-07 20:43:06
简介:Hold on to your popcorn, because your movie experience just got a whole lot better. Noovie ARcade is the revolutionary app that combines the big screen at your local movie theater with Augmented Reality for a gaming experience like no other.
Head to a Noovie movie theater early, and Noovie will prompt you to take out your phone when it’s time to play. Then, the big screen will turn into your larger-than-life game setting. Simply aim your camera at the screen and start playing!
After the game, check the leaderboard to see how you did and share your score with friends. Plus, improve your skills anytime, anywhere by heading to noovie.com. Ready to get your game on?
2018-07-07 20:42:51
简介:!! IMPORTANT NOTICE !! Use this demo to find out if your device is able to run Arma Tactics and/or performs well enough. If it does but you can #39;t see the full version at the Google Play Store, drop us a line at [email protected] and we will unlock it for you.
Arma Tactics takes the best from the popular strategy genre... and goes mobile. The finest assets used in the critically acclaimed Arma series on PC now come to life on the mobile platforms, in one of the best looking mobile games to date.
Arma Tactics is a turn-based close-combat strategy game, where the player takes control of a four-member Special Forces team. There are no given strategies, rails to move on, or paths to follow; it‘s up to the player to decide how he will play through both the story-driven missions and generated missions with randomized objectives. Whether using stealth or a more direct approach, players will need to use their strategic thinking and use both basic and advanced weaponry while facing many different opponents - ranging from unorganized local militia to smart and skilled mercenaries.
* Having problems? Please drop us a line at [email protected]
* Want to know about upcoming content? Keep checking www.facebook.com/ArmaTactics
2018-07-07 20:42:50
简介:Gioca a Burraco GRATIS con i tuoi amici o contro il computer.
Puoi giocare su ogni dispositivo Android.
Partecipa ogni giorno a entusiasmanti TORNEI ed EVENTI.
Appassionati entrando in uno dei tanti Club e fai scontri quot;all #39;ultima pinella quot; con i Club avversari.
Questo non è solo un sito di burraco ma anche una splendida community dove potrai chiacchierare con i tuoi amici e dove potrai conoscere migliaia di nuove persone davvero simpatiche.
Oltre 500.000 giocatori, un tavolo ti sta aspettando!
- Su tutti i dispositivi Android;
- Gioca contro il computer senza connessione internet, puoi bloccare la partita e riprenderla quando vuoi;
- Divertiti a sbloccare decine di obiettivi;
- Gioca con i tuoi amici in linea con WiFi o 3G;
- 2 o 4 giocatori;
- Gioca al Burraco Italiano oppure ad altre varianti come il Burraco Reale,Burraco Aperto,Burraco Chiuso,Burraco STBL;
- Entra in un Club o creane uno con i tuoi amici e sfida i giocatori degli altri Club;
- Scala la classifica personale e quella di Club;
- Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici con i messaggi privati,la chat club e le tante faccine;
- Tornei più volte a settimana;
- Un evento appassionante ti aspetta ogni giorno, scoprili tutti;
- Il gioco è gratuito ma prevede alcune limitazioni per gli utenti FREE.
Per giocare al massimo unisciti alla nostra comunità di utenti VIP!
- Il gioco è basato sul regolamento ufficiale della F.I.Bur. (Federazione Italiana Burraco)
2018-07-07 20:41:53
简介:Let your young child build creative, virtual play houses with fun, brightly-colored LEGO DUPLO bricks, and play out everyday life with characters, pets and simple routines and scenarios they know from their own life.
Designed specifically for the skills your child is developing at this age, LEGO DUPLO Town can help your toddler or preschooler develop fine motor skills, understand the world around them, increase vocabulary, and express their views and ideas.
- GREAT FIRST LEGO DUPLO EXPERIENCE: With simple, intuitive symbols and
decorations – and an entertaining bulldozer function – it’s easy to learn the basics of
building and stacking.
- BUILD AND BREAK DOWN: Just like real life, kids can build and demolish as many
houses as they want! Your child can experiment with cause and effect, with big virtual
bricks designed for small hands.
- EXPLORING: Fun surprises and hidden secrets await your curious world explorer: What
happens when your child taps the sun? Or the clouds? Or when a DUPLO figure goes to
the toilet?
- REAL-LIFE ENVIRONMENTS: Themed places that represent real-life environments and
relatable activities like making pizzas or playing in puddles!
- ROLE-PLAY: Your child will meet, interact and play with familiar characters and pets
that help develop social skills and encourage empathy.
- AGE-APPROPRIATE: Bright animations, icons, and navigation for easy gameplay – no
reading or writing skills required, and the automatic save function is perfect for both
short or long play experiences.
- SAFETY FIRST: Your child will play in a safe, closed environment, with NO advertising,
links to external websites, in-app purchases or hidden data collection.
Why play with LEGO DUPLO?
LEGO DUPLO aims to be your Partner in Play when it comes to your child’s growth and development from age 1 1/2. We work with child development experts, educators, and parents to ensure that all LEGO DUPLO products – both in real life and in games like this – deliver value, safety, versatility, and an outlet for creative thinking that will set the stage for a love of learning and play that will last a lifetime. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your child’s journey!
Create and Connect
For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.
For contact details refer to http://service.LEGO.com/contactus
Our privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if you download this app.
Read more on http://aboutus.LEGO.com/legal-notice/Privacy-Policy and http://aboutus.LEGO.com/legal-notice/terms-of-use-for-apps
LEGO, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2017 The LEGO Group.
LEGO System A/S Website -- LEGO DUPLO Town app Support
2018-07-07 20:41:37
- 回合制战略游戏与来自世界各地的地图和国家
- 在单人游戏里切换电脑玩家的难度
- 跨游戏平台的多人游戏和暂停游戏,包括团队合作的比赛。
- 经济,人口和外交的管理。
- 地图场景,包括欧洲、南美洲、亚洲帝国、美洲战争,和世界征服等等。
- 地图编辑器和一个中央服务器托管和分发玩家制定的地图。
- 成百上千个帝国包括罗马帝国、迦太基、波斯、凯尔特人‘和印加等等。
- 高分,排行榜,成就和多人ELO排名
- 引人入胜的音乐、音效和美妙的贴图。
noblemaster] :-D
推特: http://twitter.com/noblemaster
2018-07-07 20:40:31
简介:Beach Buggy帶著爆炸性的續集回歸啦! 進入令人驚奇的沙灘車的混戰吧。 與充滿競爭力的賽車手一起競賽,這些賽車手每一個人都擁有獨特的個性與特殊的能力。 收集一系列瘋狂的動力驅動,如躲避球、暴怒、火球和浮游。 從沙丘汽車到巨無霸卡車,解鎖并升級一系列賽車。 在15條虛幻的3D賽道6個不停得比賽模式下,測試您的技能,并與一群熱情并有嚴重路怒症的賽車手競賽。
這是Beach Buggy Blitz,的官方續作,這個免費的賽車遊戲在全世界擁有三千萬的玩家。 速度快、激烈、樂趣與免費,Beach Buggy Racing是一個適合所有年齡段的賽車冒險樂園。
利用您的賽車技能與收集到的富有創造力的動力驅動,一路殺到重點線。 這不僅僅是一個美觀的3D競賽,還是一個擁有壯觀的基於物理遊戲設置的史詩般的戰鬥。
探索恐龍為患的叢林、噴發的火山、美麗的沙灘和神秘的沼澤。 每一個賽道都有隱藏的捷徑和驚喜。
與最多四個朋友一起在安卓電視、或與電視相連接的手機與平板電腦一起競賽。 (需要在應用程序內購買以及增加格外的遊戲手柄。)
方向盤、觸屏和USB、藍牙遊戲手柄的無縫切換。 自定義3D圖形設置,優化您的遊戲體驗。
如果您在遊戲中遇到任何問題,請發郵件到:[email protected]。 請在郵件中註明您使用的設備,如安卓OS版本,以及您遇到的問題的具體描述。
2018-07-07 20:40:22
2018-07-07 20:40:20
简介:Age of Civilizations is a turn-based strategy game in which your object is to dominate the world.
• Maps:
- Africa | [137 Provinces]
• Orders are submitted before each round. The number of orders you can submit during each round is limited by your Movement Points for that round.
• After orders are submitted, civilizations execute actions in turn order, which is randomized at the start of each round.
• Map
- The capital is the most important province in a civilization. If you lose your capital for 3 turns, your civilization will no longer exist. If you capture another civilization’s capital, you obtain all of its provinces. Capitals have a defensive bonus: +15% and an offensive bonus: +15%. Capitals have all buildings already constructed.
- Transparent provinces are neutral. Provinces with color belong to other civilizations.
- You can scale the map. To go back to the standard scale, double tap the map. If scale is other than standard on minimap you can see #39;! #39; in top right.
- Use the Economy and Population buttons to view each province’s Economy and Population values. Use the diplomacy button to view each province’s owner and engage in diplomacy (see Orders- Diplomacy View).
• Treasury
- Money is added to your treasury through income tax, which is based off your civilization’s total population and economy. Money is subracted from your treasury for military upkeep, which is based off your amount of military units (units at sea have a higher upkeep than units on land).
• Orders - Normal View
- Move: move units from one province to another. You can move between provinces you control or attack another civilization’s province.
- Recruit: recruit units from the selected province. This costs money and is limited by the population of the province. Recruiting from a province reduces its population.
- Build: construct a building in the selected province (see Building Types). This costs money.
- Disband: remove units from the selected province. This decreases military upkeep.
- Vassal: creates a vassal state with another civilization.
- Annex: brings a vassal state back under your full control.
• Orders - Diplomacy View
- War: declare war on a civilization.
- Peace: submit a peace offer to a civilization. If accepted, your civilizations will no longer be at war.
- Pact: submit a pact offer to a civilization. If accepted, the civilizations cannot attack each other for five rounds. This can be canceled through a War order one round in advance.
- Alliance: submit an alliance offer to a civilization. If accepted, that civilization will aid you in your military efforts. Use the War order to let allies know who your targets are.
- Kick: end an alliance with a civilization.
- Support: give money to a civilization.
• Building Types
- Fort: gives a province a defense bonus.
- Watch tower: allows you to see army numbers in neighboring provinces.
- Port: allows units to move into the sea. Units at sea can move back onto any land province, even if it doesn’t have a port.
• 235 Civilizations
• Vassals
• Offline and Online achievements
• Offline and Online Hall of Fame
• Google Play Game Services leaderboards and achievements!
• Random placment
• Random fill
• Random games
• Scenarios:
- Modern world
- Modern world Full
- World war I
- World war I Full
- Scramble for Africa
- Custom scenarios!
• Three different types of fog of war:
- Off
- Standard
- Full
• Tutorial
• Available languages
- English
- Čeština
- Español
- Deutsch
- Français
- Italiano
- 日本語
- Nederlands
- Polish
- Português
- Russian
- 한국어
- Türkçe
- 简体中文
- 繁體中文
- العربية
Special thanks to all translators!
Contact: [email protected]
2018-07-07 20:39:46
简介:Let #39;s play darts! Compete against real opponents in this stunning new multiplayer darts game. #39;Darts of Fury #39; is an action-packed, modern darts game made for darts newcomers and fans alike.
Pick up your darts, join Sparrows League and face your first challenger. Take aim, swipe to throw and compete against real opponents from all over the world. Earn XP to climb up the Leagues and aim for League promotion to unlock better darts, faster flights, tougher challenges, and bigger rewards. Can you reach the legendary Eagles league?
Set in a stunning and crowd-packed arena, Darts of Fury is unlike any darts game you #39;ve ever seen before. Perfect for both darts newcomers and darts fans. Interactive dartboards will highlight your targets, freeing you to concentrate on achieving the perfect throw. Meet #39;ShotBot #39; - your very own checkout guide drone. She #39;ll guide you around the board, calculating the safest path to that winning checkout. Big screen action, explosive celebrations, interactive dartboards, and digital oches all come together to launch darts into the 21st century.
Customise your darts with endless combinations of barrels, shafts and flights. With 80 darts, hundreds of flight designs and shaft stickers, you #39;ll be able to show off your unique personality to League challengers. Earn coins in League matches to upgrade to slimmer, faster darts and increase your chances of getting that elusive perfect #39;180 #39;.
In League, play #39;Tower X01 #39; - an explosive take on the classic #39;01 game. Race to score the most points and be the first to checkout without going Bust! In Training, test your accuracy under pressure in the fast paced #39;Round The Clock #39;. And stay tuned for more of your favourite darts games coming soon.
• Facebook and Google sign in so you can save progress across devices and play with your real name and photo
• Loads of achievements to collect
• Player stats
• Flag selection
• Language support
If you have any problems with Darts of Fury or you just want to tell us about a feature you want to see, then you can reach us at https://support.yaku.to
Note: Darts of Fury is free to download. However, some items are available to purchase with real money. If you don #39;t want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device settings.
2018-07-07 20:39:46
简介:font color="#4682B4" strong 领导壮大中的德国军队东进或投身苏维埃保卫祖国俄罗斯。在FROZENFRONT中化身一位聪颖的指挥官,正确选择战争策略,获得更高的军衔。 /strong /font
font color="#4682B4" strong 任务简报 /strong /font
指挥坦克和步兵 攻克敌阵!
派重型轰炸机 炸平敌军指挥部!
font color="#4682B4" strong 特点 /strong /font
font color="#4682B4" /font strong 免費遊戲 /strong
font color="#4682B4" /font 不断的全新任务,源源的梦幻奖励
font color="#4682B4" /font 多人在线战斗
font color="#4682B4" /font 二战题材的回合制策略游戏
font color="#4682B4" /font 激动人心的战役和充满挑战的任务
font color="#4682B4" /font 白热化的多人战斗
font color="#4682B4" /font 经典的德国 和苏联部队
font color="#4682B4" /font 战斗中可修理,伪装,构筑各种部队和建筑物
font color="#4682B4" /font 双方拥有步兵,炮兵,坦克和空军
font color="#4682B4" /font 六角网格可一览无余
font color="#4682B4" /font 细腻的画面和极为真实的声效
font color="#4682B4" /font 支持全屏
strong Supports Google Play game services /strong
1941 Frozen Front你可以完全免费体验整个枪之荣耀英雄版,尽管很多项目都可以进行内购。您可以在 Google Play商店应用上使用密码保护功能,防止他人无意中或擅自通过您的设备进行购物。
抓起游戏操纵装置,体验全新类型的安卓游戏 —— 我们支持以下操纵设备:
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感谢您选择‘ 1941 Frozen Front!
联络 HandyGamesTM:
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www.handy-games.com GmbH
2018-07-07 20:38:23
简介:An Adventures to conquer the legendary land with a real-time battle card mechanism!
✪ 5 Races Heroes: Humans, Orcs, Gods, Undead amp; Pirates!
✪ More than 50 optional Heroes Cards!
✪ 4 Type Heroes Card: Elite, Rare, Epic amp; Legend!
✪ Create your own Kingdom!
✬✬✬ Game Features
► The real adventures of The battle card at your fingertips.
► Combining strategy of Heroes and Magic cards, to bring the unique Battle experience.
► Competing with players around the world to become the Strongest King.
► Build a Kingdom, upgrade buildings, study magic, develop heroes, conqueror others castles, and grow stronger territory.
► Create alliances, discuss strategy and fight for honor of the Alliance!
► PVP, Treasure, Bloody Arena, Relic Exploration, Great Maps for Expeditions, Heroes Trail and many more
Official Website: https://www.indofungames.com/
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/DuelHeroesIndofun
2018-07-07 20:37:50
简介:■ 턴제 방식 전투! 다양한 전략이 가득!!
내가 주인공이되어 신선 좌자와 함께
떠나는 새로운 삼국지 여행!
■ 120여명의 장수들과 20여종의 병과!
장수를 획득하면 해당 장수의 원작 보이스까지!?
실제 일본 성우의 목소리가 담겨있는 삼극희SP!
■ 실시간으로 진행되는 보석던전!
평판을 채우면 레이드보스 소환의 기회까지!
원하는 시간에 보스를 소환하고 친구와 함께 처치하자!
■ 극강의 PVP 일기토 시스템!
실시간 점수 쟁탈을 통해 매주 최강자를 가린다!
일기토를 통해 최고의 장수 무신들을 획득 할 찬스까지~!
■ 실시간으로 진행되는 20vs20의 군단전 시스템!
토너먼트 방식의 긴장감 넘치는 진검승부!
다양한 전략과 군단원간의 협동심으로 승리를 이끌어보세요!
■ 그 외 던전돌파 시간을 경쟁하는 개인던전 시스템!
자신만의 독특한 색깔을 낼 수 있는 군주 특성 등
다양한 미소녀와 컨텐츠들이 지금 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
(주)스마트게임즈 TEL : 070-8210-1080
서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 31, 1305-2호(구로동, 코오롱디지털타워빌란트Ⅱ)