2018-07-07 02:05:15
简介:It is a clicker touch game that you can enjoy simply as a quiz. We all become gods!
It #39;s a more casual and easy game for the creator of Grow Hidden Weapon.
The touch game and the numbers memorization game are combined.
Please take a rest and enjoy it.
Even if it fails to make a rabbit, remembering the hint can make a new rabbit unconditionally in two.
I am trying to be like a game though it does not look like a game, but I want you to have fun.
As for the material, there is the score of the SAT score, the inquiry, the greed of the gag, and the power of battle, so please touch and mix it!
Super rabbit and PPAP rabbit, magical girl rabbit, etc., collect dozens of rabbit cute and individuality than the cat!
It is a simple rabbit raising game that is one of the best in the world.
* Please note that deleting the game will delete the information of the rabbits that are obtained because you do not store data on the server!
2018-07-07 02:04:52
2018-07-07 02:04:16
简介:Un grand jeu de Mots Fléchés !
- Langue : français.
- Jeu avec une infinité de combinaisons
- Une très longue liste de mots
- Choisis la taille de la grille entre 3x3 et 25x25
- Trois niveaux de difficulté ( Facile, Moyen, Difficile )
- La grille se remplira de mots à deviner
- La grille s #39;adapte automatiquement à votre terminal
- Optimisées pour les tablettes
Un jeu éducatif et amusant.
Amusez vous bien !
« Les mots croisés ( mots fléchés ) sont un jeu de lettres connu dans le monde entier. Son but est de retrouver tous les mots d #39;une grille grâce aux définitions données en annexe. Des définitions sont données pour toutes les lignes (mots horizontaux) et toutes les colonnes (mots écrits verticalement) de la grille : ainsi les mots de ces deux directions s #39;entrecroisent, d #39;où le nom de « mots croisés ».
Le jeu se déroule sur une grille dont la forme est très généralement (mais pas systématiquement) rectangulaire. La grille est composée de cases blanches et de cases noires. Les cases noires servent de séparateurs, c #39;est-à-dire que toute série de cases blanches contiguës comprises entre deux cases noires et situées, soit sur une même ligne, soit sur une même colonne, correspond à un mot qu #39;il faut trouver. Cependant, il existe une exception : les cases blanches coincées entre deux cases noires mais isolées n #39;ont pas à correspondre à des mots ; par conséquent, l #39;auteur d #39;une grille de mots croisés ne fournit jamais de définition pour ces mots d #39;une seule lettre.
Un amateur de mots croisés s #39;appelle un « cruciverbiste » (ou un « œdipe »), tandis que l #39;auteur d #39;une grille de mots croisés s #39;appelle un « verbicruciste » ou un « mots-croisiste » (ou un « sphinx »).
Les accents et la plupart des signes diacritiques sont ignorés. Par exemple, en français, le Ê, initiale du mot ÊTRE, peut doubler l #39;une quelconque des lettres É, È et E du mot THÉORÈME, les deux mots étant écrits ETRE et THEOREME ; » Wikipedia
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2018-07-07 02:04:14
简介:播放找到差異300級 - 找到差异,它是免费的!
找到差异 也称为“找到差异” , “Find the difference” 或“发现差异”。
b 尝试最好的游戏找到差異300級 - 找到差异 /b
• b 300 +级全部解锁! /b
• b 通过完成等级来保存差异! /b
• b 游戏画面上没有广告 /b
2018-07-07 02:04:11
简介:Budge Studios 推出托马斯和朋友:快递!在这个虚拟的铁路游戏中,加入托马斯和朋友在多多岛展开特殊冒险吧!今天是托芬海先生的生日,火车头们商量了一下,决定给他开一个惊喜派对!帮助他们在岛上的各地地方收集和运输派对需要的所有物品。你运输的物品越多,派对就越特别!
• 在铁路上驾驶你的火车头:加速、减速或者倒着开!
• 发现并使用“增长币”提高火车速度!
• 收集不同的派对物品,从气球到烟火!
• 运送派对客人到城堡!
• 每运送一件派对物品可获得一把轧票钳!
• 挖宝藏!
• 在铁路沿线建造新的房屋和地标!
• 有 7 个火车头可以选择!
欢迎您发表提问、建议和评论。您可以通过 [email protected] 随时联系我们。
Budge Studios 非常重视儿童的隐私并将确保其应用符合美国的保密立法 Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 的规定。 如欲深入了解我们收集的信息类型及对信息的使用,请访问我们的隐私政策,网址:http://budgestudios.ca/?p=privacy。如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至我们的隐私官:[email protected]
在下载本游戏前,请注意本应用程序是免费游戏,但是也可通过应用内购买获得一些额外内容。此外,还可能包含来自 Budge Studios Inc. 关于我们发布的其他应用程序和来自合作伙伴的广告和受家长控制的社交媒体链接。
BUDGE STUDIOS 是 Budge Studios 公司的商标。
End User License Agreement : https://budgestudios.com/legal/eula/
2018-07-07 02:03:28
简介:Word games are fun ways for kids to expand their English vocabulary.
Features of the app:
* Word Search with levels
* Crossword with levels
* Missing Letters(Easy,Medium,Hard)
2018-07-07 02:03:23
2018-07-07 02:02:47
简介:Budge Studios 的草莓甜心糖果果园推出啦!Strawberry Shortcake 草莓甜心需要在你的帮助下打造出最甜蜜的果园!种下你喜欢的食物,从像浆果一样美味的甜甜圈到浆果类糖果,一边给它们浇水和增添阳光,一边看着它们开花结果。收获你的食物,完成游戏角色的愿望,并接收浆果风格的奖励来装饰你那美味的果园!
种植 13 中浆果味的糖果食物
为你的食物添加 7 种浆果口味
欢迎您发表提问、建议和评论。您可以通过 [email protected] 随时联系我们。
Budge Studios 非常重视儿童的隐私并将确保其应用符合美国的保密立法 Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 的规定。 如欲深入了解我们收集的信息类型及对信息的使用,请访问我们的隐私政策,网址:http://budgestudios.ca/?p=privacy。如果您有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至我们的隐私官:[email protected]
在下载本游戏前,请注意本应用程序是免费游戏,但是也可通过应用内购买获得一些额外内容。此外,还可能包含来自 Budge Studios Inc. 关于我们发布的其他应用程序和来自合作伙伴的广告和受家长控制的社交媒体链接。
BUDGE STUDIOS 是 Budge Studios 公司的商标。
End User License Agreement : https://budgestudios.com/legal/eula/
2018-07-07 02:02:17
简介:Известная всем ещё с детства игра в Города! Соревнуйтесь интеллектом с вашим телефоном! В базе данных игры доступно более 20 000 городов со всего мира! Вы можете выбрать 4 уровня сложности игры. В игре также доступен режим на 2 игрока, мультиплеера по локальной Wi-Fi сети или онлайн режим через интернет. Если вам на ум не может прийти город на нужную вам букву, то вы всегда можете воспользоваться подсказкой.
А чтобы не писать город вручную вы можете воспользоваться функцией голосового ввода. Чем больше букв в загаданном городе, тем больше очков он приносит. Делитесь результатами вашей игры с друзьями в социальных сетях.
В игре доступны различные темы оформления.
Если вы знаете город которого нет в игре, то напишите его в отзыве.
Возможно мы добавим этот город в следующем обновлении.
2018-07-07 02:02:13
简介:곰씨닷컴과 퍼스트폭스에서 제공하는 무료 공룡로봇 조립 게임!
quot;바리오닉스는 검은연합의 과학자이며 개인 우주선 quot;엑스마키나 quot;를 보유하고 있다.
주로 quot;엑스마키나 quot; 내부에서 기계 무덤에 버려진 부품으로 실험과 개조를 하며
자신과 대등한 실력을 갖춘 프테라 박사를 매우 싫어한다.
모든 다이노 로봇들을 그저 실험대상으로 생각하며,
다이노 로봇이 전투에서 파괴되면 수리해주지만
두 번째부터는 quot;엑스마키나 quot; 내부를 청소하는 청소 로봇으로 개조해버린다고 한다. quot;
흩어져있는 바리오닉스 로봇 부품을 조립하여
크고 강력한 공룡로봇을 조립해 보세요.
조립 후 다양한 기술을 사용할 수 있습니다.
새로운 공룡에 대한 아이디어를 리뷰로 적어주시면 꼭 만들어 볼게요~
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
주소록: 게임의 공유하기 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-07 02:02:09
简介:CHOICES THAT MATTER is a collection of epic text adventure games similar to the classic Choose Your Own Adventure books (CYOA).
New content is written and delivered periodically, making our stories the most complex in the CYOA category. No one player can discover the entire story in a single play through. See how many other players visited the same place as you, each time you conclude a story arc.
Are you ready for the most epic text based game out there?
ADVENTURE 1: And The Sun Went Out
Approximately 600,000 words and 2,400 choices in total!
What if the sun inexplicably vanished only to return hours later? Investigate with your AI companion, Moti. Uncover conspiracies. Discover ancient religions. Travel the globe.
Find out who is murdering scientists and what this has to do with the random disappearances of the sun. This is your journey, and only your choices can expose the truth.
ADVENTURE 2: And Their Souls Were Eaten
You have a gift. With your gift, the dead are never truly gone.
But what if there is a dark side to your gift? What if there are those who can pervert your talent, and alter the balance of life and death?
Travel across a steampunk 1830s Europe, where metal is magical, giving powers to those who wear it. Learn more about your ancient gift and what it means for you, your family, and humanity. Uncover the nefarious plot to destroy all life... and fight against time to stop your enemy from destroying everything you hold dear.
ADVENTURE 3: And Their Heroes Were Lost
You wake up in a dirty prison cell with no memory of who you are. And, you #39;re not alone. Who are the other prisoners? What are they to you? Are they your allies... or enemies?
Will you escape? Try to find out who you are? Why did the people who captured you steal your memories—instead of just killing you? Travel the world as you uncover the details of a past that holds many secrets, and a future that is in peril.
This story is ongoing!
quot;What’s really innovative about Choices...unlike traditional gamebooks that have a definite end, Choices: And the Sun Went Out is a continuing gamebook...allowing you to progress through the story over time. As you make choices in your story, it will advance in ways completely differently than other readers... quot; - PocketTactics.com
This app is supported by video ads which can be optionally disabled by purchasing a story pass.
Privacy policy: http://tinmangames.com.au/privacy/
2018-07-07 02:02:02
電子郵件:[email protected]
2018-07-07 02:01:46
简介:This game provides a way to choose a weight loss method in real life.
Help the fat girl change shape through slimming in this challenging game.
Are you ready to meet your weight loss goals?
Get started now!
*** Warning ***
- When you delete a game, stored data will be lost.
- When not watching the TV, please make sure that the data or Wi-Fi connection on your smartphone.
- All the permissions of the game is only used within the game.
If the in-game bugs and enhancements, please feel free to contact us page or e-mail.
We will reward with fast, accurate updates.
2018-07-07 02:01:44
简介:Griddlers Plus是Android平台上最流行的一款逻辑拼图游戏,又称数图游戏、hanjie、nonogram、绘图方块、KARE karalamaca、日本填字游戏、cryptopics或PIC-A-PIX。 数图的玩法是通过数字提示在白色网格中找出黑色或彩色块的位置。游戏最终结果是一幅图画。想要了解更多数图游戏信息,请访问:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonogram。 Griddlers Plus支持4种类型的数图谜题:标准(黑白)、彩色、三角、混合,应用配有大量免费谜题。
- 数千套谜题和永不间断的更新。
- 支持标准(黑白)、彩色、三角和混合数图。
- 丰富的用户操作界面,方便玩家解决大而复杂的谜题(支持缩放、滑动、多图块选择、撤消、重做、备份和恢复等功能...)。
- 您可以设计自己的谜题,并通过电子邮件、Google Drive、蓝牙与您的朋友进行共享...
- 您可以通过 Google Drive 在不同的设备之间备份/恢复您的谜题答案。
- 如游戏过程中出现任何问题,请使用“反馈”功能向我们报告,该功能允许我们获取您Android设备的详细信息,以帮助我们解决相应的问题。
- 请记住,数字提示只起到辅助作用,并不一定是最终的谜题答案。
- 如果您希望自己的谜题被发表,请将其发送给我们。
- 网络访问:此权限供广告服务使用。
- 存储:此权限用于在您需要时,将答案备份或恢复到SD卡上。
2018-07-07 02:01:40
Este juego les encantará tanto a mayores como a pequeños, ideal para tus ratos libres, pasar un buen rato con tus abuelos o bien para cualquiera que quiera divertirse. Esta sopa de letras desarrollará tus capacidades Un clásico que has de tener en tu colección.
En esta sopa de letras encontrarás 3 modos de dificultad y 3 modos de juego, difícil para algunos pero fácil para las mentes más despiertas.
b Nivel Fácil: /b Ideal para los pequeños de la casa. Un juego mental que desarrollará sus mejores capacidades. Podrá resolver el puzzle de manera sencilla e intuitiva. Entre todas las categorías que hay.
b Nivel Medio: /b El panel del puzzle es mayor, por lo tanto un poco mas difícil. Perfecto para niños y adultos. O bien personas mayores.
b Nivel Difícil: /b Un panel enorme solo al alcance de los mejores jugadores. Combínalo con el modo desafió secuencial y será una locura. Este es un nivel orientado a adultos y personas que quieran entrenar su mente con el clásico pasatiempos de toda la vida.
Es un reto mental para mayores y pequeños. Una sopa de letras diferente.
b Modo Clásico: /b El de toda la vida, muchas palabras las cuales buscarás en el panel.
b Modo Contrarreloj: /b El verdadero reto, juega con tus amigos contra el cronometro. ¿Quién ganará?
b Modo Secuencial: /b Novedad en este tipo de juegos, en todo el panel únicamente habrá una palabra y cuando la completes pasará a la siguiente. Así hasta el infinito.
Este juego mental cuenta una base de mas de 30 000 palabras. Divididas en categorías, no hay dos partidas iguales. Los puzles se generan de forma aleatoria cada vez que juegas. Y si dejas un nivel a mitad, se guarda la partida para que lo retomes después.
Nunca podrás de jugar con tanta categoría distinta pasando por alimentos, animales, países, transportes, marcas, navidad, deportes, etc.
En cada una encontrarás palabras temáticas relacionadas que se mostraran abajo, dependiendo de la dificultad el juego añadirá más o menos palabras. Depende de lo atrevid@ que seas.
Solo falta pensar contra quien quieres jugar, rétal@ y averigua quien adivina mas palabras.
Trabajamos duro para lanzar actualizaciones y que toda la familia disfrute de esta sopa de letras. Tu valoración y tu opinión son muy importantes para nosotros. No dudes en escribirnos. Tanto en Google Play como en nuestras redes de social media.
2018-07-07 02:01:26
简介:You can fish for anything if you have a white sail, wind and a spear.
Old man #39;s reckless voyage to the end of the ocean.
With personal combination of fish ability and spearing skills, catch the fish together with the old man!
[How to enjoy Fishing Adventure!]
1. With the spinning spear, earn gold by catching a lot of fish.
- Leave on a voyage to get various fish by getting a better boat!
2. Collect various spears.
- Spears have various attributes.
Catch fish by getting a spear that fits your personal play style.
3. Grow the caught fish in your fish farm!
- Fishes in the fish farm automatically generates gold.
Also, if you bring them on a voyage, they assist by using a special skills.
4. Check the fish guide
- You can check the various ability and characteristics of various fishes
5. Find out what waits on the end of the ocean with your unique spear and fish combinations.
- Find out your unique voyage method to race to the end of the ocean, by using well-combined spear attributes and fish skills.
If you have any questions, please contact to [email protected].
※ How to recover when lost save data
1. Delete the app completely.
2. Reinstall the app.
3. As soon as you start, Sign in using your existing Google id.
4. Make sure that the Google Cloud Load UI automatically pops up 2 ~ 3 seconds after login.
5. Select save data to load.
If the data is not recovered normally,
Please mail to [email protected]. I will help you recover your data.
Official Webpage : http://cafe.naver.com/slimeevolution
Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/owings37
Spanish language support :
Leyre González Pérez
Sara Rey Rodríguez
2018-07-07 02:01:21
简介:Farkle Blitz:
Played since the 14th century, Farkle is a timeless game enjoyed all over the world. It is simple to learn and fun to play. Simply roll six dice and try to get the best score over 10 rounds. Test your luck and skill against players from all over the world.
Farkle is also called Farkel, Zonk, Zilch, 5000,10000, Cosmic Wimpout, Hot Dice, Greed, Squelch and Darsh.
Facebook Game:
Fan Page:
We are constantly working on improving the game and your feedback is important.
You may reach us at: [email protected]
2018-07-07 02:01:00
简介:곰씨닷컴과 퍼스트폭스게임에서 제공하는 무료 옷입히기 게임!
상큼 발랄한 아이돌!
예쁘게 꾸며주시고,
힘 나는 리뷰 많이 많이 써주세요. ^^
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
사진/영상/파일: 이용과정에서 기기에 게임 이미지를 캡쳐하는 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
저장: 이용과정에서 기기에 생성된 이미지를 다운로드 하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-07 02:00:27
简介:Pyramid Solitaire is a puzzle game that requires logic and strategy to clear the cards. It is a 100% free game.
Objective of Pyramid Solitaire: Pyramid Solitaire is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, 28 cards in the pyramid and 24 cards in draw pile. There are 7 layers of cards with 7 cards initially playable on the bottom row. The objective is to clear all cards in the pyramid. Cards can only be removed if they are completely exposed with no overlapping cards. Aces count as 1, Jacks 11, Queens 12, Kings 13 and so on. Kings are discarded as a single card rather than as a pair.If there are no matches available, press quot;Draw quot; to draw cards from the pile. You can draw the entire stack 4 times .
You can now play Pyramid Solitaire free anywhere at anytime of the day. A true brain training experience. So challenge yourself and start playing for free now!
The main features :
*Extremely User friendly: Easy interface and smoother game play
* Free to play
*Two modes of play, open pyramid and closed pyramid
* Themes: Choose from variety of cards, card backs and backgrounds
* Sound effects
* Options menu to configure different settings
* Tap to move or drag and drop
* Auto-hint
* Unlimited undo
* Joker card option when no further move is possible
* Replay the same game
* Auto-save
* Statistics
* Daily, weekly and all-time Leader board
* Phone and tablet support
Download Pyramid Solitaire, completely free solitaire game on play store.
Follow us on social media for more:
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/Trending-Games-191957664945583/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/infocom
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvGTAczRPDxj_WK-0Ab3KhQ
2018-07-07 02:00:15
简介:This classic game of filling the white squares to form words will surprise you. Edujoy’s word puzzle game is easy to play, ideal for hours of fun entertainment while training your brain.
This free game results in an educational and enriching experience as you play. It has different levels of difficulty, making it perfect for anyone who is on the lookout for words placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom.
Find the hidden words! Our app is a classic mental game for all ages. Crossword has 4 levels of difficulty: easy for beginners all the way up to extreme for amateurs.
- 5x5: Crossword for beginners. It is easy to find the words and solve the puzzle as the clue system helps you find a new word when you get stuck.
- 7x7: The difficulty slightly increases and things start to get complicated.
- 9X9: This level is made for experienced players who are looking to test and train their brain with a classic puzzle game.
- 11x11 Only the bravest may face this level! A difficult feat for those up for the challenge. Do you think you #39;ll be able to beat it?
It is also available in several languages, which makes it ideal for learning new vocabulary in other languages. If you are learning Spanish, English, Portuguese or French, this is the game for you!
You will never want to play another wordcross game and end up referring it to your friends! Every time you play it #39;s a new experience due to our generating system that creates a brand new, random word puzzle. By doing this, it makes it challenging for you every time and allows us to keep you wanting to solve the puzzle. So, you will never get bored!
The word search boards are created with many fundamental topics: food, animals, cities, countries, transport, home, colors, sports… Are you ready to solve hundreds of fun-filled puzzles?
Press a cell to select a word and put the letters below in order to form the desired word.
Are you stuck? Don’t worry, we can reveal you letters, words or the entire puzzle in case you get stuck.
Edujoy has more than 60 games for children of all ages; from kindergarten to teens. Thank you very much for playing Edujoy games. We love creating educational and fun games for you. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to send us feedback or leave a comment.
2018-07-07 01:59:42
简介:Planning to play Poker or some other card game, but...
Don #39;t have a poker chip set?
Too many people and too few chips?
Baby in the house, who might just walk all over your card table :) (it has happened!)
Download Chips of Fury and get the card games going. Play with physical cards and virtual chips. Chips of Fury are a replacement for physical poker/casino chips. Just bring your own cards and get started.
Not convinced still? Perhaps you are a purist and you think that you don #39;t need virtual poker chips? You only want to play with the real physical chips? Let me tell you how Chips of Fury are better than chips made of ceramic (or the even the flimsy plastic ones).
- First of all, they #39;re non judgemental. They all look alike (⌐■_■). Even if you don #39;t have a dime to spend on a poker chip set, they embrace you.
- Second of all, they #39;re mathematical geniuses. They #39;ll do all the calculation logic you #39;ll ever need.
- Third of all, they #39;re unlimited in number, and they weigh nothing. A party of 10 wants an ultimate showdown? You #39;re on! Going to a beach vacation and want to play cards with your buddies there? You #39;re on! No need to lug around your poker chip set.
So wait no more. Get Chips of Fury. ?
2018-07-07 01:59:41
▼紙兎ロペ 公式サイト
2018-07-07 01:59:18
简介:This application is a perfect app to learn 24 Greek letters and alphabet: from Alpha to Omega. You can choose between three options:
1) Traditional names of Greek letters in English language.
2) Letters of Modern Greek language.
3) Names of letters written in Greek.
The Greek alphabet table and examples of use of Greek characters in Science and Math are also provided.
For each option, you can also choose the way of studying that suits you the best:
* Multiple-choice questions (including separate games for capital - uppercase - and small - lowercase letters).
* Quiz quot;Find the Letter quot; - the name is given, your goal is to find the symbols.
* Quiz quot;Name the Letter quot; - the Greek character is presented, you should type its name.
* Time game (give as many answers as you can in 1 minute).
Can you distinguish Phi and Psi? Test yourself right now! Alpha, beta, gamma, and go on!
This app is essential for those:
- Learning Greek and reading Homer in original;
- Joining a Greek fraternity or sorority (ever wondered what those ΦΛΥ stand for?);
- Studying science classes (math, physics, chemistry - there are Greek symbols in almost every formula starting with the number pi - π);
- Traveling to Greece or Cyprus (to understand signs and names);
- Wanting to learn more about other cultures and impress friends by knowing the letter ω.
2018-07-07 01:58:34
简介:Sparkle Epic is a tremendously entertaining marble popper action puzzle game. Match the orbs before they fall into the abyss and find your way through mysterious lands of startling beauty!
How to play:
1. Tap the screen where you want to launch orbs.
2. Match three or more orbs of the same color to make them disappear.
With more than 300 mighty levels to conquer, exciting orb types to pop, several level types to experience, and awesome boosters to equip, Sparkle Epic offers a marble popping experience like no other!
- Experiment with many kinds of orbs such as boulders and bombs
- Experience several types of levels
- Admire state of the art special effects
- Conquer over 300 challenging levels
- Supercharge your Orb Slinger with Boosters and Powerups
- Enjoy the soundtrack by the award-winning composer Jonathan Geer
Sparkle Epic offers fully optional in app purchases. No in app purchases are required to complete the game.
2018-07-07 01:58:30
简介:٩٠ ثانية لعبة ممتعة ممكن تلعبها مع أصحابك في أي وقت و أي مكان,
حاول تعرف أكبر عدد ممكن من الكلمات اللي حتظهرفي الجهاز الموجود فوق رأسك
من خلال العلامات و المعلومات اللي حتعرفها من أصحابك قبل ما يفوت الوقت
:مميزات اللعبة
.إلعب مع واحد أو أكثر من أصحابك -
.شير نتيجتك على فيسبوك -
.اللعبة فيها 4 أنواع من الكلمات اللي ممكن تخمنها -
- صور اصحابك و هما محتاسين.
:أنواع الكلمات
- أفلام
- حيوانات
- بلاد
- أشخاص
- اكلات
! لكل اللي بيحبوا يلعبوا و يضحكوا مع أصحابهم ... اللعبة دي ليكم
90Sanya is the ultimate family/fun game for your friends and family! You can play 90Sanya anywhere or
anytime with your friends and family.
Try to guess as many words as possible in 90Sanya before the time runs out!
Place the device on your forehead and try to guess the correct word when the other players try to give you hints and clues about it!