2018-07-07 02:20:18
简介:[오류 현상 관련]
게임 내 게임메뉴 - 고객센터 혹은 이메일 문의를 주시면 신속히 답변 드릴수 있도록 하겠습니다.
손끝으로 즐기는 온 국민의 짝맞추기 게임, 한게임 사천성을 즐겨보세요!
★ 한게임 사천성은 어떤 게임인가요?
한게임 사천성은 두개의 같은 패를 찾아 제거해 나가는 짝맞추기 게임으로
쉬운 규칙, 간단한 조작으로 누구나 쉽게 즐길 수 있는 퍼즐게임입니다.
★ 한게임 사천성에는 어떤 재미가 있나요?
① 스마트폰 게임 최초 4인 멀티플레이 지원
한게임사천성은 친구들, 다양한 이용자와 실시간으로 대전할 수 있는 멀티플레이를 지원합니다
접속중인 친구를 실시간으로 초대하여 대전하는, 긴장감 넘치는 멀티플레이를 즐겨보세요!
② 친구들과의 짜릿한 랭킹승부, 싱글플레이
매주 변경되는 다양한 게임맵을 클리어하고 친구들과의 랭킹에서 최고기록을 세워보세요!
③ 취향에 따라 골라 즐기는 다양한 게임 맵
쉬운맵, 어려운맵, 인기맵, 카페트맵, 황금열쇠맵 등 내 실력, 내 취향에 따라 다양한 맵을 골라 즐기세요!
④ 그밖에 더 다양한 재미는 사천성을 직접 플레이하시고 확인해 보세요!
놀라운 무료게임, 스마트 한게임
개발자 연락처 :
-주소:경기도 성남시 분당구 삼평동 629 NHN엔터테인먼트 플레이뮤지엄
-사업자 등록번호:144-81-15549
-통신판매업 신고번호:제2013-경기성남-1067호(성남시)
2018-07-07 02:20:01
2018-07-07 02:19:26
简介:Linedoku is a bundle of the best logic puzzle games all about lines and loops.
Enjoy colorful flow games, pipe puzzles, one-line puzzles, connect dots, make infinite loops or link numbers - The perfect time killers!
Challenge yourself, train your brain and become the puzzle king! ...or just relax and solve some levels.
b One Stroke /b
One of the kings of line puzzles. Draw a line from dot to dot and connect all the paths in 1 line.
b Block Puzzle: Lines /b
A classic Block Puzzle Game interpreted in a new way. Drag and drop the blocks over the board and cover all the dots. Blocks shouldn #39;t overlap and only be placed on the paths they fit into.
b Number Maze /b
Find a way; Connect the numbers smartly in ascending order and draw puzzling one-line-mazes.
Connect all the dots smartly and fill the grid to solve the level.
b Loops /b
Fun level: Infinity. Loop puzzles about spinning and connecting cells to create infinite loops. Discover all the unique art pieces that unfold themselves.
b Cross Path /b
Tired of Sudoku? Here #39;s a simple alternative. Fill the grid by drawing traces on the board. The number of traces per knot are limited and can only be drawn as straigt lines. The level is completed after every cell in the grid is filled.
b Color Flow /b
Draw traces between dots of the same color and create a flow of colors. Fill the whole grid and connect all the dots to master the level.
b Slide The Blocks /b
A classic slide puzzle. Shift and move the blocks and let the colors unroll through the path. Solve the level by connecting all the color sources with each other. The path also has to be a closed flow.
b Color Loops /b
Link the cells naturally together to create an endless flow of different colors. Be like a weaver of lines.
b Game Features /b
* Minimalist and adult design
* Play the best logic games all in one app
* One touch gameplay - play smoothly one handed
* train your brain with 4500 levels completely free to play
* no wifi, no problem - playable offline
* Clear your mind in the #39;relax #39;- mode
* Fill up brain power in the challenge mode
* Free content updates
* Compare your progress with other players on the leaderboards
2018-07-07 02:19:19
简介:b Who’s gonna be your date for the prom? Luke, the smart and kind Virgo, or Julian, the handsome and popular Leo?
#39;CYOA #39; (Choose Your Own Adventure)
Your best friend Amanda’s heart was broken by the one she loves. Will you tell her to give him another chance or forget the boy and move on? /b
These and many other choices are in your hands. Choose your path and find your soulmate in a story written by the zodiac signs. Finding true love and your happy ending is up to you!
MAKE thrilling choices that completely change your destiny and open up new paths peppered with interesting characters and new relationship opportunities!
LIVE an emotional love story in more than 20 exciting chapters. You’ll be on the edge of your seat to know what happens next!
CUSTOMIZE your character and make them just perfect: you never know when the love of your life might cross your path!
MEET new friends, go out with heart-throbbing dates, flirt and find romance in the most diverse scenarios.
UNLOCK the secrets of the zodiac signs that rule the love lives of every character. Make the horoscope work your way!
Take part in a charming story as engaging as any romance novel and shape it with your choices to find the real love of your life. The stars have so much in store for you, but you’ll have to get out there and meet lots of new people to make it all happen!
b Will you let the school bully mock you and your friends in front of the whole class or will you stand up to her?
Focus on getting into a great college on your senior year or put all your energy into making things work with your boyfriend? /b
Your fate is in your hands, now. Ready to find your star-crossed lover and have the time of your life?
Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
2018-07-07 02:19:13
简介:O bom e velho Jogo da Forca (Hangman) agora com temas bíblicos.
- 200 Perguntas;
- Mais de 20 níveis de perguntas;
- Ao errar, mostra a dica de onde encontrar a resposta;
- Ao acertar, mostra a o texto na Bíblia que responde a pergunta
- Permite compartilhar com seus amigos do Facebook, WhatsApp...
Como Funciona?
São varias perguntas do antigo e novo testamento divididas em 20 níveis. Para acertar, você terá o número de letras da palavra e uma dica relacionada. Você só pode errar seis letras, caso erre mais, será enforcado. Ao acertar uma palavra, a referência bíblica que explica a resposta será mostrada. Ao errar, uma dica de onde encontrar a resposta vai aparecer. A cada 10 palavras acertadas, você sobe de nível, e passa a jogar com palavras mais difíceis.
Aprender mais sobre a Bíblia nunca foi tão divertido!
quot;E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará. quot; João 8:32
2018-07-07 02:18:36
简介:This game is included in the quot;Escape the Sweet Shop Series quot;.
Escape from a lovely Crepe House!
quot;A Crepe House quot; is the 10th Escape Game produced by FUNKYLAND.
It has the same charming atmosphere as quot;A Halloween Candy Shop, the sister game quot;.
This game is fairly simple, you need only escape from one room.
Find the items and solve the mysteries to escape from a Crepe House♪.
How to Play:
- Just tap
- Tap the item icon twice to enlarge the display.
- Tap the [+] button in the upper right hand corner to display the settings screen.
Game Features:
- Beautiful graphics
- Auto-save
- Easy and fun, even for those not keen on escape games
- Perfect game length to kill time
The Save Function:
The game auto-saves items you #39;ve acquired and instruments you #39;ve unlocked, allowing you to restart at the last auto-save checkpoint.
In case you can #39;t restart, please check your device settings as there may not be enough storage space.
2018-07-07 02:18:25
- 每日 6 道死活题(3 种不同级别)
- 挑战模式:难度将根据您的级别提高或降低=
- 离线模式:试着解决每个题包中的所有死活题
- 多项设置
- 本应用自动回应您的走棋
- 选择您的棋色(黑、白、随机)
- 浏览解法,或只是获得一些提示
- 书本主题(黑与白)
- 多项错误修复
- 多项性能提升
- 增加中文语言支持
2018-07-07 02:18:15
简介:我们为新玩家限时提供超值的新手包!购买新手包就能以 1 折的超低优惠获得宝石、零件以及美丽的巧克力喷泉!
探索以你可爱的甜品店为核心的美丽 3D 虚拟世界!
Storm8 Studios是 Android平台上排名第一的移动社交游戏开发商。
本应用程序之使用皆受 Storm8 Studios 服务条款规范。个人资料的收集和使用皆遵守 Storm8 Studios 隐私权政策。您可以在 www.storm8-studios.com/terms 和 www.storm8-studios.com/privacy 上查阅上述服务条款和政策。
请注意:《甜点物语 2:甜品店游戏》 是一款免费游戏,您还可用真实货币购买游戏内物品。要取消这项功能,在设备上前往 Google Play 应用,点击菜单按钮,选择设置 gt; 使用密码限制购物,然后遵照说明完成设置。此外,《甜点物语 2:甜品店游戏》 或与 Facebook 等社交媒体相关联,Storm8 会通过这些服务获取您的信息。
关注 Storm8
2018-07-07 02:18:15
简介:** الحل يتطلب الاتصال بالإنترنت حيث أن جميع الحلول موجودة على خادم و ليست مضمنة في نفس البرنامج و ذلك لتصغير حجم البرنامج.
- الحل الكامل للعبة كلمة السر.
- يشمل حل جميع الألغاز (إلى لغز 289) مع طريقة شطب الكلمات.
- الألغاز مرتبة حسب المجموعات كما في اللعبة الأصلية.
- كل مجموعة تحتوي على حلول عشرين لعز.
نرحب باقتراحاتكم و آراءكم!
كلمة السر pass شطب crossword كلمات cross
2018-07-07 02:17:32
简介:#39;스마트 타자연습 #39;은 빠르고 정확한 핸드폰 타자 기술을 익힐 수 있는 타자 게임입니다.
지루 할 수 있는 타자연습을 게임으로 즐겁게 정확도와 속도를 늘려줍니다.
단어연습, 타자 게임으로 핸드폰 타자 연습을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
1000여 개의 단어로 타자 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.
내려오는 단어를 빨리 입력해서 좀 더 높은 점수를 획득해 보세요
단순하게 내려오는 단어를 맞추는 타자게임이 아닌 단어들이 파괴하는 벽돌을
수리하면서 높은 점수를 얻을 수 있습니다.
1. 단어 연습
단어의 속도와 정확도를 측정하는 연습 모드
2. 타자 게임
하늘에서 내려오는 단어들로부터 건물을 수리하면서 점수를 획득하는 타자게임
3. 통계
자신의 기록을 저장해서 보여주는 부분
**이런 분들 추천**
- 핸드폰을 새로 구매했는데 타자가 익숙하지 않으신 분
- 문자를 배우고 싶은데 핸드폰 타자가 서투르신 어르신
- 한글을 배우고 싶은 어린이
- 타자게임을 좋아하는 모든 분이 이용하시면 좋습니다.
- 계정 : 랭킹에 게임점수를 등록하기 위해 이 권한이 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
경기 수원시 장안구 송죽동 389-8 301호 +821020298995
2018-07-07 02:17:30
2018-07-07 02:17:13
简介:Welcome to Splash, the best fish game and #1 aquatic experience from the creators of Flutter.This spectacular simulator game challenges you to restore life to a beautiful Coral Reef.
As a reef caretaker, the fate of a vibrant and diverse ecosystem is in your hands. With the population of the ocean dwindling, you must raise and release a multitude of fish species to repopulate and fill it with life. Along the way be sure to keep your Aquapedia handy, as you’ll document exciting real-life facts about each species you uncover. Watch in wonder as your sanctuary comes to life, teeming with creatures that are both visually stunning and unique in personality and behavior.
So take the plunge! Splash is overflowing with eye-catching fish, beautiful ocean environments and relaxing gameplay that is sure to keep you entertained for hours to come.
- Build and nurture your own beautiful reef, adorned with stunning real life corals. Not just another Aquarium game.
- Discover a huge range of real world fish species including Angelfish, Lionfish, cute Seahorses and Jellyfish!
- Relax and play with your new ocean friends, guiding them through the reef and observing their quirky interactions with each other.
- Catalogue your discoveries and learn more about your ocean friends in the “Aquapedia”, full of facts about the marine life you discover.
- Connect with friends to exchange gifts and help each other along your journey.
- Become an underwater photographer and take snaps of your favorite fish. Customise the images and share your creations with your friends!
- Release your fully grown fish into the wild to repopulate the great ocean.
- Participate in special events to collect unique underwater species only available for a limited time.
- Level up to unlock more species, decorations, and space for your sanctuary.
Please note the “splashcam” feature requires read/write external storage permissions, in order to save in game screenshots taken by players to their devices.
2018-07-07 02:16:38
简介:Vous aimez mettre votre sens de la logique et votre vocabulaire à l #39;épreuve ? Alors TÉLÉCHARGEZ b Mots Croisés en Français /b pour vous remuer les méninges GRATUITEMENT !
b Mots Croisés en Français /b est un jeu de mots croisés créatif qui peut stimuler votre passion pour les défis cérébraux. Il comprend toutes les traits essentiels des jeux de mots brouillés afin d #39;être totalement ADDICTIF et DIVERTISSANT.
Les règles du jeu sont simples : Faites glisser les blocs de lettres pour former des mots et gagner des écus ! TÉLÉCHARGEZ « Mots Croisés en Français » sans attendre pour commencer à réveiller votre cerveau et devenir un crack du vocabulaire !
Le but du jeu est de former des mots correspondants à la définition donnée à la manière des définitions d’un jeu de mots croisés ( mots fléchés ). Pour ce faire, vous pourriez déplacer les pièces à fond blanc (mais pas celles à fond obscur).
Jeu d’agilité mentale et vocabulaire en français.
Faites glisser les lettres avec le doigt jusqu’à leur place correcte.
Un jeu éducatif et divertissant.
+ Faites glisser les lettres pour composer des mots afin de remplir les blancs de façon horizontale et verticale sur la grille
+Touchez le bouton de “Mélange” pour changer l’ordre des mots
+ Touchez le bouton des “Indices” pour en obtenir
De plus de nouveaux mots croisés viendront s #39;ajouter chaque semaine pour votre plus grand plaisir ! À bientôt !
2018-07-07 02:16:22
简介:★ 게임소개 ★
2013년에 오픈한 컴투스 게임입니다.
다양하고 재미있는 게임들이 들어있어요.
저희 게임의 매력속으로 빠져보세요~
★ 게임특징 ★
- 12종의 미니게임, 매달 새롭게 업데이트되는 미니게임들!
- 20여 종의 귀엽고 깜찍한 캐릭터,보고 있으면 빠져드는 비쥬얼!
- 이것이 끝이 아니다! 20여 종의 캐릭터에 입힐 수 있는 160여 종의 코스튬!
- 카카오톡 완벽 연동! 실제 카카오 친구들과 벌이는 랭킹 경쟁!
- 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교를 선택하고 다른 학교 친구들과 한주간의 치열한 승부! 같은 학교 친구들의 실력이 쑥쑥 오르면 매주 보상이 쏟아져요!
스마트폰 앱 접근권한 안내
접근권한 별 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
[필수적 접근권한]
[선택적 접근권한]
- 단말기 정보 : 게임 내 이벤트 진행 및 보상을 위해 사용합니다.
- 저장공간 : 게임 화면 저장/불러오기 등을 위해 사용합니다.
※ 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도, 해당 권한과 관련된 기능을 제외한 서비스의 이용은 가능합니다.
※ 안드로이드 6.0 미만 버전을 사용하시는 경우에는 선택적 접근권한을 개별적으로 설정하실 수 없으므로, 6.0 이상으로 업그레이드 하는 것을 권장 드립니다.
접근권한 철회방법
접근 권한 동의 후, 다음과 같이 접근권한을 재설정하거나 철회할 수 있습니다.
[운영체제 6.0 이상]
설정 gt; 애플리케이션 관리 gt; 해당 앱선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
[운영체제 6.0 미만]
운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
• 이 게임은 부분유료 아이템 구매가 가능합니다. 부분유료 아이템 구매시 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있으며, 아이템 종류에 따라 청약철회가 제한될 수도 있습니다.
• 이 게임의 이용과 관련된 조건(계약해지/청약철회 등)은 게임 내 또는 컴투스 모바일 게임 서비스 이용약관 (홈페이지에서 확인 가능, http://terms.withhive.com/terms/mobile/policy.html)에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
• 게임 관련 상담은 컴투스 고객센터 1:1 문의하기 통해 하실 수 있습니다 (http://m.withhive.com gt; 고객센터 gt; 1:1 문의하기)
컴투스와 함께 놀아요~!
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개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-07 02:16:05
简介:Fire fighters! Ready to become a fireman in this realistic fire fighting simulator? We #39;re on emergency rescue duty so you need to be ready to respond to fire emergencies at any time!
Fire truck driving has never been this intense, you don #39;t need to be a superhero firefighter but you #39;re under pressure to get on scene and rescue civilians!
Fire Truck Driving Simulator is not only designed as part of our fun kids games range but anyone can join in on this intense action and become a hero!
This isn #39;t just a basic fire truck driving game! Not only will you be driving your fire truck but also get out on foot, grab your hose and put out fires!
b Features: /b
- Huge city to explore! Either drive or explore on foot!
- Open world fire fighting!
- Car fires and building fires to extinguish
- Unlock new fire trucks as you complete missions and explore
- Realistic fire truck vehicles
- Intelligent AI traffic driving around the city
- Dynamic HD camera angles with full camera control
- Huge expansive city with tons of traffic
- Easy to play with easy to use controls fun for kids and the whole family to play!
- Full controller support
- Play on your phone, tablet or android TV!
Show us your fire fighting skills! Have you got what it takes to protect the city and be a true fire fighting hero?
Play Fire Truck Driving Simulator now for free, and we #39;re sure it #39;ll probably be the greatest realistic fire fighting experience you #39;ve ever played!
2018-07-07 02:15:45
糖糖消除:益智王 官方粉丝专页 : https://www.facebook.com/superbox01
本游戏支持韩文,英文,日本语,简体中文,繁体中文,Русский,Arabic,德文,法文,印度尼西亚, 马来语, 葡萄牙语, 意大利语, 土耳其语 西班牙文与泰文
【糖糖消除:益智王 游戏特色】
▣ 游戏规则简单经典,益智好玩的消消了游戏
▣ 1,700多个精彩有趣的游戏关卡(继续更新)
▣ 炫酷爽快的特效
▣ 没有生命值之类的游戏限制,可以一直玩下去^0^
▣ 不用流量,随时随地都能玩
▣ 只需要[33]M空间
▣ 支持所有平板电脑
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2018-07-07 02:15:30
简介:لعبة احزر صور الكرتون ستمكنك من إختبار ذكريات الطفولة بخصوص مختلف الشخصيات الكرتونية المعروفة القديمة منها والجديدة وأيضاً العديد من أفلام الكرتون و الانمي .
حمل الأن لعبة احرز الصورة الكرتون و اختبر معلوماتك ، تعلم استفد واستمتع بالتحدي الانمي الكرتوني ، هل تستطيع التعرف على كل صور الأنميات و الشخصيات الكرتونية ؟ نراهن أنك لن تستطيع دون مساعدة اثبت لنا دلك .
يحتوي التطبيق على صور العديد من الشخصيات الكرتونية و الأنميات القديمة ك الكابتن ماجد، عدنان ولينا، النمر المقنع، سيمبا، بوكيمون، ون بيس، ناروتو، القناص، دورايمون، إيميلي، بن تن ، همتارو ، مذكرة الموت ، كونان ، ،انيوشا سالي، عبقور، رامي الصياد الصغير، دراجون بول، ماوكلي، ، سلام دانك، السنافر، ، يوغي يو، القناص ، نقارالخشب ، سوسان، سيندباد، ماروكو، موكا موكا، جزيرة الكنز، سابق ولاحق، عهدا الأصدقاء، سلاحف النينجا وأيضاً عدة أفلام كرتون ك باتمان، سبونج بوب، توم وجيري، ميكي، بابار، ماشا . والمزيد من الشخصيات الكرتونية ..
وكذلك عدة شخصيات كرتونية و شخصيات الأنمي جديدة ك غوغو , ناروتو , زورو, كيلو , اوروتشيمارو , ايس , سبونج بوب , ساسكي , لوفي , كاكاشي , وغيرها من شخصيات الإنمي ...
يتوفر التطبيق احزر صورة الانمي و الكرتون على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعها طوال اللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة الكرتون او الأنمي التي استعصى عليك معرفتها لأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجاد الإجابة .
**** مميزات اللعبة تحدي الكرتون : ****
● حجم صغير جداً .
● لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في داته .
● مراحل متفاوتة في الصعوبة منها السهل ومنها الصعب .
● خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء .
● مناسبة لكل الأعمار .
● لعبة بدون نت .
إذا كنت من عشاق الأنمي ومن محبي التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة , لا تتردد في تحميل وصلة الشخصيات الكرتونية في صورة وكلمة واحدة وشارك اصدقائك المتعة والثقافة ، حيث أنها لعبة جميلة ومشوقة هدفها تنمية مهارات التفكير المنطقي لدى اللاعب بالاضافة الى تنمية مفردات اللغة العربية واسترجاع اجمل ذكريات الطفولة التي لا تنسى
● ملاحظة :
بعض الايقونات المستعملة في التطبيق : من موقع freepik.com
لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيد من الأسئلة .
2018-07-07 02:15:11
简介:Ambition #39;s Dream Series continues! Now create your very own Dream Boyfriend!
Immense levels of customization and constant updates and additions provide a truly limitless amount of variations to make your man truly unique! With changeable clothes, face, hairstyle, height and even personality, you are in complete control.
Plus, moving outfits give a whole new dimension of interactivity! With Live2D #39;s Motion Technology, watch him move and react to your conversations, touches and even... kisses...?!
The huge range of avatars is ever-expanding with the very latest in anime-style fashion, allowing you to make your man the most stylish in town. Choose clothes based on seasons, themes and more, and enter world of virtual cosplay!
Following the success of Dream Girlfriend and the fans chanting quot;where are our boyfriends?! quot;, this hugely popular Japanese title has finally made its way overseas with a full-English version! International otome, rejoice!
・Create your own fully-customizable, stylish anime guy (up to 3 in total)!
・Live2D technology adds a whole new dimension with Motion Rare outfits that move with emotion!
・With 8 different personalities to choose from, you can even choose the very way he speaks and behaves!
・A fully-featured walk-in closet with 15 different categories of clothing to customize!
・Chat, Work and go on Dates with your boyfriend to get closer, unlock new content and even earn in-game money!
・Regularly updated Events give you the chance to grab some extremely rare and limited edition avatars!
・Romantic moments for the ladies, and style points for the guys, too!
Join us on social media for all the latest updates!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreambfENG/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreambfENG
2018-07-07 02:14:25
简介:Do you like farming games, but farms make you yawn? Here is a new revolutionary way to build away! It is fun, it is simple, it is awesome! Check out quot;Farm and Click - Idle Hell Clicker! quot;
Forget about endless grind and other boring routines! Farm and Click is a HELL TYCOON SIMULATOR! Build tortures, hire demons, keep farming souls! Buildawaygame was never that unusual and funny! Upgrade and automate your equipment, invest in sins, earn more - create your demonic empire!
This is a new generation of idle clicker! Wanna be a devil? You #39;ve got that opportunity now! Tap! Build! Invest! Upgrade!
WHY quot;FARM amp; CLICK quot; IS SO COOL?
- You can construct weirdest magical things ever! Fill your demonic pit with fire!
- Diversity! Sinners come in many forms and races!
- It is all about fun! Pure farming experience with funny crops and simple gameplay.
- Awesome art and animation! Best idle miner ever!
- That #39;s a revolution in tycoon simulators! Tap away all your sorrows!
- There are a lot of upgrades!
- Idle clickers are awesome! So join the big community of fans of this genre! Upgrade endlessly! Swipe, click, tap and swipe some more!
- We made this game with love and care! Even more, than a previous one!
Prepare yourself to best building simulator in your life!
Ready! Steady! Tap! Tap-tap!
Farm and click is a really fun and entertaining clicker game for your friends and fam! Demons are your workers now. Invest in your Devil Company and make your Empire as profitable as possible. This is a new way to play farmawaygame or buildawaygame. Your idle simulator is on the highest level of entertainment! This clicks, taps and swipes will be easy to learn for all your friends and family! Compete between each other in this endless magic simulators. Make your empire more profitable by earning more money than others! Earn rewards, farm souls, build automate boilers and stuff! Easiest economic strategy ever! Your friends will love it! And they will help you to grow your demonic village.
Have you ever try to be successful? Did you try to build a solid company or kingdom to skillfuly rule it? You have a simple and quick way to try it out! You are probably waiting for a little farm or barn to start over. Rise some crops or animals like cows, chicken and horses. Well, Hell clicker is not quite a game of grains and vegetables. But it is not cruel and very family friendly! Our tortures are fun, your Pit Lord is kind, your magic is nice and neat, you are the capitalist of the year, the commerce of the eternity. Make a venture. Take your profits and relax! Being relaxed is the only way to get money. And by money we mean harvested souls!
Being a hell tycoon is not easyЕ But we made it easy! This is the easiest devil simulator in quot;dot com quot; world! And there is a reason for it! And this reason is a revolutionary way to see games. It is not just a funny tapping game for friends and family. It is much more! It is the world for you to dive in - it is the life of a devil. Sins, mortals, demons - they are in you pit now, in your hell, they are your responsibility. That is your personal story. But yet, it is funny! Make profit, be a capitalist. Did you see another buildawaygame or farmawaygame that makes this possible?
This game is all about clicking! It is a good old automate tapping simulator. So, prepare to tap, swipe, and click! Prepare to tap away! Tap! Tap-tap! Taptap!
Your house needs new hired help. Your friends and fam also need new profitable stuff. And you can get all of these with collecting puzzles! Collecting puzzles is a very important part of the game, by the way. This farmawaygame delivers! This is the coolest dungeon game of all dungeon games. It beat up any millionaire or rich guy fantasy. Do you wanna be an investor? Be the investor of hell inc! It sounds silly and silly it is! Silly and fun and inc... Wait, what?
Available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian
2018-07-07 02:14:17
简介:بازی میلیونر جدید برای شما برای بازی کردن یک بازی هیجان انگیز و متفاوت میباشد، درجه بندی به اساس موقعیت، درجه بندی در شهر شما و لیست درجه بندی دوست های شما در بازی، کی میخواهد سیستم درجه بندی پیشرفته را ببیند و از بازی لذت ببرد.
در این بازی:
- سیستم پیشرفته درجه بندی
- گزینه های کمکی در گیم
- متصل با فیسبوک برای دیدن امتیاز دوستتان
- درجه بندی به اساس موقعیت - شما درجه بندی در میان بازی کننده های منطقه تان را خواهید دید. موقعیت انتخاب شده میتواند خانه، دفتر، مکتبی که شما درس میخوانید یا فارغ شدید باشد.
کلمات کلیدی: بازی آزمونی، بازی جدید، بازی رایگان، بازی میلونز جدید 2017.
2018-07-07 02:13:30
简介:네 개의 사각형으로 이루어진 #39;테트로미노 #39;는 무작위로 나타나 바닥과 블록 위에 떨어진다. 이 오락의 목표는 이 #39;테트로미노 #39;를 움직이고 90도씩 회전하여, 수평선을 빈틈 없이 채우는 것이다. 이러한 수평선이 만들어질 때 이 선은 없어지며 그 위의 블록이 아래로 떨어지는데 테트리스 게임이 진행될수록 #39;테트로미노 #39;는 더 빨리 떨어지며 게임을 즐기는 사람이 블록을 꼭대기까지 가득 메워, #39;테트로미노가 더 들어갈 공간이 없게 되면 게임이 끝나게 된다.
테트리스 게임의 매뉴얼은 테트리스에서 I, J, L, O, S, T, Z와 같이 7개의 단면 #39;테트로미노 #39;를 일컫는다.[12] 비슷한 글자 모양을 가지고 있기 때문에 이렇게 일컫지만, 게임을 즐기는 사람들은 이러한 조각을 다르게 부르기도 한다
2018-07-07 02:13:13
简介:Easy Crossword Puzzles is the best game for you who like brain games, The Crossword gives you access to our puzzles anywhere you care to solve them. Easy Crossword Puzzles is a word puzzle that normally takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and black shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases, by solving clues that lead to the answers. In languages that are written left-to-right, the answer words and phrases are placed in the grid from left to right and from top to bottom. The shaded squares are used to separate the words or phrases.
The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words, by solving clues which lead to the answers. Easy Crossword Puzzles is a fun and engaging game app - it is free to download and all users get access to free puzzles, no subscription required!
Enjoy All fresh easy crossword puzzles weekly with a new themes, Test your brain power with a new puzzle every day that’s relevant to entertainment, pop culture, and sports news happening NOW!
2018-07-07 02:12:56
简介:Putting out a large square block (Daughter) from the box, stage clears.
On the title screen, slide the quot;daughter quot; block and put it out from the box and the game starts.
You can initialize by pressing the gear icon in the upper right.
The shortest clearing time of each stage is deleted.
Please press a number of the stage you like on the stage select screen.
The game begins.
When you touch quot;TAP quot; at the bottom right of the game, the panel comes out.
When you tap each icon,
@ON / OFF of sound
@Pause the game
@Display advertisement
@Return to the stage selection screen
are done.
Have fun.
2018-07-07 02:12:35
简介:곰씨닷컴과 퍼스트폭스에서 제공하는 무료 공룡로봇 조립 게임!
다이노로봇 12번째 공룡 출시!!!
흩어져있는 벨로키랍토르 로봇부품을 조립하여
크고 강력한 공룡로봇을 조립해 보세요.
조립 후 티라노 레드, 프테라 그린, 배신자 벨로키랍터와 대전을 할 수 있습니다!
새로운 공룡에 대한 아이디어를 리뷰로 적어주시면 꼭 만들어 볼게요~
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
주소록: 게임의 공유하기 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-07 02:12:17
简介:If you love Tamil then this is the game to play.
** You have to create a word 1 to 5 letters from 15 Tamil letters.
** Many letters which are very difficult to use will give you 2X, 3X and 5X scores.
** More than 60,000 Tamil words can be created.
Excellent Time pass for Tamil people.
Very good for students and children.