2018-07-07 02:33:16
简介:هل مملت من التطبيقات المكررة والرديئة في عالم الالغاز ؟
هل تبحث عن تحدي حقيقي ولعبة نسعي لتكون افضل لعبة عربية تعليمية لسنة 2018 ؟
لعبة وصلة ثقافية 2018 معلومات عامة هي لعبة عربية مسلية لتنشيط الذاكرة و تنمية الذكاء و الإستفادة من عدة معلومات متنوعة في شتى المجالات . معلومات عن أنواع السيارات و أسئلة دينية كرة القدم ألغار Alghaz لغز صعب مع الحل لعبة wasla ألعاب أولاد و ألعاب بنات للكبار و حتى الصغار مما يمكنهم من تنمية ذكاء و تنشيط العقل . لعبة kalimat mota9ati3a لتركيب الكلمات المتقاطعة مثل رشفة فطحل العرب و من سيربح المليون .
**مميزات التطبيق **
- اللعب بدون انترنت
- لعبة لغز و صورة
- تحتوي على ايات قرأنية
- خفيفة على الهاتف المحمول
- واجهة البرنامج جدابة و عصرية
- مئات الاسئلة المتفاوتة الصعوبة
- لعبة كلمات متقاطعة
كلمات لايجاد لعبة :
الغاز وحلول
وصلة اسلامية
- وصلة فوازير وألغاز ثقافية
- فوازير وألغاز ثقافية متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار
- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءك
- فوازير والغاز تقليدية
- فوازير
- الغاز ثقافية
- أسئلة ثقافية
- معلومات عامة
- اكمل الجملة
- اسئلة دينية و اسلامية
- مشاهير عرب و عالميين
- اسئلة ذكاء
- رشفة
- اعلام و دول
- الرياضة العربية و العالمية
- كرة القدم العربية و العالمية
- تاريخ
- على الشاشة
- زووم على الصورة
- افلام عربية
- المعرفة الإسلامية
- العاب ذكاء للكبار و صغار
- تعليم اللغة عربية و اسلامية
- الفران الكريم
- وصلة جزائرية
- وصلة مغربية
- وصلة سعودية
- وصلة مصرية
- ألغاز ثقافية متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار
- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءك
- التاريخ
- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية
- الرياضة
- معلومات عامة
- أسئلة دينية
- احجيات وأمثال شعبية
- مرادفات
- مشاهير واعلام كرة القدم
- جنسية اللاعبين
- كأس العالم و دوري ابطال اوروبا
- وصلة كرة القدم كلمات المتقاطعة
- الدوريات الاوروبية الكبرى (الانجليزي ،الاسباني ،الايطالي ،الالماني ،الفرنسي ،البرتغالي ،الهولندي)
- الكرة الدهبية
- هدافي العالم والمنتخبات العالمية
- وصلة رياضية
- القاب الفرق الاوروبية
- منتخبات اوروبية و عربية
- وصلة كروية الكلمات المتقاطعة
- ارقام قياسية في عالم المستديرة
- افضل اللاعبين العرب
اسئلة حديثة
اسئة متنوعة
اسئلة رقص و موسيقي و اناشيد
اسئلة ترفيهية
اسئلة عامة
ثقافة عامة
اسئلة اسلامية . رياضة كرة القدم و السباحة و امثال شعبية و سياسية
عاصمة الدول
اسماء الدول
ماركات سيارات و غيرها من وصلات
كلمات متقاطعة في غاية الروعة مفيدة
وصلة عربية
وصلة الاصدار الاخير
كلمات متقاطعة
- أغاني مغربية متنوعة
- أسماء الفنانين
- أكمل المقطع
- عنوان الأغنية
- ثقافة غنائية
- معلومات عامة
- أسئلة موسيقية
وصلة جزائرية
رشفة كلمات متقاطعة
2018-07-07 02:33:08
简介:Graduate from Moron to Genius as you tap, twist, and shake your way through these fun and tricky challenges! Master the game, then laugh as your friends and family struggle with these seemingly simple puzzles!
The Moron Test is one of the most popular mobile games ever with millions of players worldwide. Play now and experience why The Moron Test is an Google Play Store favorite!
The Moron Test - it #39;s fun to FAIL!
- Simple, addicting gameplay
- Six sections featuring hundreds of fun puzzles
- Funny characters, sound effects, and music
- Global leaderboards and achievements
- Beautiful graphics
- You will LOVE watching your friends FAIL!
- Old School
- Late Registration
- Winter Break
- Food Fight
- Skip Day
- Tricky Treat
2018-07-07 02:32:25
简介:Block Puzzle Wood Classic 1010 是一款上瘾类Block Puzzle游戏。采用新的方块风格,我们开发了这款Block Puzzle Wood 经典版游戏。该游戏是最适合孩童和成年人脑力训练的游戏之一,因为您需要通过设置方块来解决难题。
Block Puzzle Wood游戏是一款玩起来简单、且适合所有年龄段人群的娱乐性游戏。游戏规则很简单,就是把方块放到拼板上,通过水平或垂直线来破坏实线。当剩下的方块没有空间可放时,游戏结束!
为什么要玩Block Puzzle Wood Classic 1010?
- 本游戏虽然简单,但您却很难成为游戏大师。您玩的时间越长,游戏就越难!
- 简单、便于查看界面,木质风格
- 本游戏免费,不需要连接到WiFi。这意味着您可以在任何地方离线玩游戏。
- 退出时可以保存游戏场景
- 没有限制时间,所以您可以自由思考最好的木制主题Block Puzzle游戏
如何玩Block Puzzle Wood Classic 1010?
- 将底部三个方块中的一个拖到拼板上,然后在拼板周围移动它们
- 将方块放到拼板的空白位置
- 试着沿线放置方块。当方块变清晰时,您就会获得分数
- 经典的Block Puzzle木制风格
- 挑战游戏,您可以自由地把自己的方块放在拼板上
- 完美的益智游戏
- 方块不可旋转
- 没有时间限制!没有网络要求!
- 支持电话和平板设备
现在就下载Block Puzzle Wood Classic 1010体验吧!
2018-07-07 02:32:14
简介:Fantastyczne krzyżówki!
- Polska wersja językowa.
- Nieskończona liczba kombinacji.
- Ogromna lista haseł.
- Możliwość dostosowania rozmiaru planszy, od 3x3 do 25x25.
- Trzy poziomy trudności.
- Panel wypełnią hasła do odgadnięcia.
- Rozmiar panelu dostosowuje się do urządzenia.
- Optymalne działanie na tabletach.
Nauka i zabawa w jednym
Krzyżówka - zagadka słowno-literowa polegająca na odgadywaniu lub dopasowywaniu haseł i wpisywaniu ich w krzyżujące się ze sobą rubryki. Krzyżówki różnią się od siebie stopniem trudności, wielkością. Można je konstruować tylko w tych językach, gdzie pojedyncza litera alfabetu reprezentuje indywidualną głoskę, dlatego niemożliwe jest układanie krzyżówek w języku np. chińskim. Na koncepcji krzyżówki opiera się również gra Scrabble.
Historia krzyżówki
Pomysłodawcą krzyżówki jest Amerykanin Arthur Wynne, pracownik quot;działu sztuczek i kawałów quot; gazety New York World. Pierwszą krzyżówkę zamieścił w niedzielnym dodatku quot;Fun quot; ( quot;Zabawa quot;) do quot;New York World quot; z dnia 21 grudnia 1913 r. Była ona wzorowana na grze towarzyskiej, w którą grywał jego dziadek - quot;Magiczny kwadrat albo podwójny akrostych quot;. quot;Original crossword puzzle quot; zawierała 32 hasła. Rubryki oddzielone były czarnymi odstępami. Pomysł spotkał się z tak dużym entuzjazmem ze strony czytelników, że w 1924 r. ukazała się książka quot;Crossworld puzzle quot;. Zawierała wybór 50 krzyżówek publikowanych dotychczas w quot;Fun quot;. Okazała się bestsellerem. W ciągu miesiąca rozeszła się w nakładzie przeszło pół miliona egzemplarzy. Wynalazek nie został opatentowany. W kilka miesięcy potem nowinka trafiła do Brytyjczyków, którzy rozprzestrzenili ją na inne kraje Europy. Pojawiły się też czasopisma poświęcone wyłącznie temu rodzajowi rozrywek umysłowych, nad którymi łamią sobie głowy miliony ludzi na całym świecie.
Krzyżówka w Polsce
W quot;Kurierze Warszawskim quot; z 31 stycznia 1925 r. w dziale zadań redagowanym przez autora licznych szarad, Karola Hoffmana, opublikowana została anonimowo quot;łamigłówka krzyżowa quot;. Redakcja ufundowała 5 nagród dla osób, które nadeślą poprawne rozwiązanie. W tydzień po tym krzyżówkę autorstwa Kazimierza Makarczyka załączono do warszawskiego tygodnika quot;Ilustracja quot;. To ten szachista właśnie jako pierwszy podał nazwę quot;krzyżówka quot; będącą tłumaczeniem angielskiego wyrażenia quot;cross word puzzle quot;. Wkrótce krzyżówki zaczęły publikować kolejne polskie gazety. Wikipedia
learn Polish, polska gra, słowa, Polski
Wykreslanka, Łamigłówki i układanki
2018-07-07 02:31:56
简介:下载次数超过 *2700 万!!!
抓住掉落的配料,打造美味汉堡,赚取大把钞票! 将汉堡高高堆叠直入天空:汉堡堆叠得越高,小费就越多! 解锁新的汉堡食谱、新的配料和新物品,不断装扮人物,自定义快餐车。 你还在等什么? 立即打造汉堡!
2018-07-07 02:31:37
简介:jubeat plusとは?
おなじみの楽曲を多数配信! 配信楽曲は洋楽・Jポップ・アニメソングなどから4曲500円で販売中!
1. 「SETTINGS」メニュー内の「判定タイミングの設定」を選択します。
2. 曲に対して判定が遅いと感じる場合は「-」ボタンを、曲に対して判定が早いと感じる場合は「+」ボタンをタップして調整を行ってください。
1. ストアメニューから、購入済みタブに移動します。
2. 購入情報の確認後、タブ内に購入済みのパックリストが表示されます。
3. 再ダウンロードを行いたいパックを選択し、「ダウンロード」ボタンを選択します。
4. 現在、端末上に所持していない楽曲が再ダウンロードされます。
*購入情報の反映にはGoogle Playでアプリをダウンロードしたアカウントにひもづいています。情報が反映されない場合は楽曲を購入したアカウントとアプリをダウンロードしたアカウントが同一かどうかの確認をお願いいたします。
Android 4.0 以上(一部非対応端末あり)
2018-07-07 02:31:32
简介:与我们可爱的恐龙—— Dino 见面!一只每一个孩子绝对喜爱的恐龙!
24 幅以恐龙为主题的可爱拼图供婴幼儿玩!
快通过 24 幅拼图进行探索!
针对 1-8 岁的儿童
* 24 幅拼图,从第一幅拼图 6 片型,到最多 16 片型的拼图. 在游戏中每一个拼图都是独一无二的
* 创建您自己的拼图 - 画画活动
* 四种不同的活动 - 拼图、刮刮卡、随机拼图、色卡。
* 记录您的声音,并点按播放
* 宽范围的难度级别 - 从初学者的 2 片型到学前儿童与一年级的 30 片型!
* 讨趣的动物,精美绘制的高清图形非常生动
* 易于学习与操纵,即使是很小的孩子
* 可互动的动物声音效果,积极和愉快的反馈。
* 拼图解谜之间还有多种附加小游戏 - 弹出气球、气泡等等。
* 在设置菜单中控制拼图设置、游戏音乐、声音效果
* 儿童安全按钮,以防止意外进入成人相关网页
* 色彩缤纷、可爱的高清图形,适合于新型高清设备
* 积极和愉快的反馈,每一个动作你的孩子做 - 音色和效果
* 有趣和引人入胜的拼块,无论是外形规整的拼块或传统造型的拼块
* 大拼块,容易让孩子挑选和移动
* 随着您孩子拼图能力增加,为您的孩子增加难度级别
* 儿童安全按钮,以防止意外进入成人相关网页
请注意,这是精简版版本。前3 幅拼图免费。如果您喜欢本游戏,若想解锁剩余关卡,您可在单一应用程序内进行购买,以解锁完整的游戏。
2018-07-07 02:31:25
简介:Game quot;Funny Charades quot; similar as the party game quot;Activity quot; - is dedicated to greater number of people (ideally more than 3).
The rules can be edited various ways, we will describe one of the possible ways how to play this game.
Players will divide in groups of 2 people (minimum of 2 groups). In each round the activity is chosen (word description, drawing, pantomime) and a word (with 3, 4 or 5 points value, depending on the difficulty level), which the player tries to describe, draw or show using pantomime to his team player. If the team player correctly guesses the word, their team will get points.
Activity - Word description - it is required to describe the chosen word. It is not allowed to use the root of the chosen word.
Activity - Drawing - it is required to draw a picture on the paper or in our application from which the team player will guess the word. It is not allowed to write any words into the picture.
Activity - Pantomime - it is required to show the word using pantomime in a way the team player would guess it. No word commentaries are allowed.
There is limited time for performing the activity (can be changed in settings). If the word is not guessed in this time, the team can not get the points. The team, which achieves the required number of points (can be changed in settings) first, wins.
All players (teams) will guess some randomly chosen rounds (can be switched off in settings). Team, which will correctly guess the word will get points. If that team is not the one performing the activity, the performing team will also get 2 points (as a reward for correctly performed activity).
Application contains word database in these languages:
english, czech, german, hungarian, russian, slovak, slovenian, bulgarian
In case you are interested in other languages, write us an e-mail: [email protected]
Key words: funny charades, charades, activity, activity game
2018-07-07 02:31:01
2018-07-07 02:30:41
简介:Andoku 3 Free is a Sudoku number puzzle game for smartphones and tablets. The game contains Sudoku puzzles of various difficulty levels and detailed instructions. It is aimed at beginners and experts alike.
b Features /b
intuitive navigation
appealing design
auto-save running games
unlimited undo and redo
enter notes
numerous assistance functions
many game variations
nine difficulty levels
cloud synchronization
enter your own Sudoku puzzles
game statistics
b Game variations /b
Andoku 3 Free offers numerous other game variants in addition to the standard version of Sudoku:
• X Sudoku
• Hyper Sudoku
• Percent Sudoku
• Color Sudoku
b Tutorials /b
Andoku 3 Free comes with tutorials that teach you many solving techniques. Based on specific game situations, the tutorials explain the solving techniques step by step.
The solution techniques are ordered by difficulty, ranging from very simple (Introduction, Hidden Single, etc.) to very difficult (XY Chain, Sashimi Swordfish, etc.).
b Enter your own puzzles /b
Would you like to solve a Sudoku puzzle from your local newspaper on your smartphone? With Andoku 3 Free you can easily enter your own puzzles.
b Cloud synchronization /b
The game allows you to save your progress in the cloud. This also allows running games to be synchronized between different devices.
You can start a game on your smartphone and continue to play on your tablet later!
2018-07-07 02:30:20
简介:มาแล้วว!! quot;เกมถอดรหัสภาพ ดาวินชี่ 2 quot; เกมที่หลายคนรอคอย ให้คุณได้ทายภาพ, ฝึกทักษะ, ไหวพริบกัน บนมือถือและแท็บเล็ตกันได้แล้ววันนี้
เหรียญในเกม เป็นตัวเลขสมมุติ ใช้เล่นเพื่อความบันเทิงเท่านั้น
เวอร์ชั่น 1.0
-ถอดรหัสภาพ จาก 18 ตัวอักษร
-มีตัวช่วยบอกใบ้ ครั้งที่ 1 และ 2
-สามารถย้ายแอพฯไปที่ SD Card ได้ เพื่อเพิ่มพื้นที่การจัดเก็บในมือถือของท่าน
2018-07-07 02:29:23
简介:This is the place to come for laughter! But how funny these stories can be completely depends on you!
Mad Libs are stories where the user (you) enter your own information to fill in the blanks of pre-written stories and create randomized stories that can be extremely entertaining. take your time, choose your words carefully, be creative, be random!
We will be updating regularly to add stories. Version 1.0 release is only the beginning.
2018-07-07 02:29:17
简介:★오버액션 토끼방에 어서 오세요★
KakaoTalk스템프에서 대인기 시리즈「오버액션 토끼」 게임 어플이 등장했어요.
밥을 주거나, 놀아 주거나, 토끼들 방에서 같이 지낼수 있는 귀엽게 키우는 게임이에요.
KakaoTalk스템프의 토끼들과는 다른 재미있고 너무 귀여운 토끼들의 생활을 바라 봅시다 !
【어떤 게임?】
・방에서 키우는 게임
토끼 방에서는 밥도 주고., 쓰다듬어 주고, 같이 놀아주거나 할 수 있어요.
여기에서 밖에 볼 수 없는 정말 귀여운 움직임이 만전 !
좋아하는 가구나 장식을 배치하고, 당신과 토끼들의 표적인 방을 만들어요♪
가구나 장식을 점점 추가할 예정이에요 !
・간단 퍼즐 게임으로 토끼와 대모험 !
퍼즐을 하면서 토끼와 같이 세계 모험해요.
토끼의 세계 여러 나라에서 여러 토끼들과 만날 수 있어요.
만나 토끼들은 당신과 방에서 같이 생활해요 !
모든 종류의 토끼들과의 만날 수 있게 힘내세요♪
*퍼즐 스테이지나, 새로운 토끼들 키우는 게임 가구나 장식품은
갱신으로인해 추가됩니다.
*문의하실 때는 게임안의 설정 화면으로부터 연락하세요.
*일부 단말, OS의 버젼에 의해서는 플레이가 안될 경우가 있습니다.
2018-07-07 02:29:15
AndroidOS 4.2以上 メモリ2GB以上
※AndroidOS 4.2未満は非対応となります
1. 推奨環境及び推奨機種以外での動作はサポート外となります
2. お客様のご利用状況により、推奨機種であっても動作が不安定になる場合がございます
3. 推奨環境に関して、「AndroidOS 4.2以上」と記載している場合でも、
このアプリケーションには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE (TM)」が使用されています。
ボーイフレンド, ボーイフレンド(仮)きらめきノート, きらめきノート, リズムゲーム, ぼーいふれんど, ぼーいふれんどきらめきのーと, BF, ボイフレ, ボイきら, ぼいきら
2018-07-07 02:29:14
简介:Play an unlimited number of tailor-made crossword puzzles for free!
This app contains a database of many thousands of straight and general knowledge clues and answers, so that it can generate unique crosswords based on your own interests, ability and device. Tailor made crosswords mean more fun for players, and produces more relevant games. Later you can progress to more challenging games, but always playing crosswords that are relevant to your interests.
Note that this application includes options to use US Spellings only, and give a US bias to the general knowledge questions.
You can configure for the generated crossword puzzle:
1) Grid size (hence adapt the crossword to your available screen size)
Specify exactly how many columns and rows to use (from 3 to 20). Even non square grids (e.g. 12x15) are possible.
2) Grid Type
In addition to British style crosswords, the game can also generate grids to be Arrow Crosswords (Arrowords), where the clues are integrated into the grid, or as Compact style grids, an unusual but very useful condensed grid format, especially for small screens
3) Clue Difficulty
Difficulty of the clues (straight and general knowledge) can be configured from easy to very difficult!
4) Type of Crossword
Choose to play with normal clues only; or with a mix of normal and general knowledge clues. Crosswords with only general knowledge clues are also possible.
5) Clue Genre
Tailor the crossword to your interests! Choose to have clues from particularly genres, e.g. Music, Entertainment, History, Politics, Nature etc.
6) Country Bias
The app adapts the general knowledge questions, according to where you live
7) US or UK Spelling
Choose if crossword answers use American English or British English spellings
You can configure for the display:
1) Zoom in amp; out
You can zoom in amp; out of the grid, and move around, making it possible to play larger grids even on smaller screens
2) Screen layout
Choose how much screen space for the grid and how much for the word list, using our unique movable split bar.
3) Orientation
Can be played in portrait or landscape mode. Just rotate your device and the display adjusts automatically.
4) Clue and Keyboard font size
Configure the size of the words bigger or smaller, depending on your device and your eyesight!
Useful game aids mean you can always finish the crossword:
1) Play Concurrently
Ability to save and reload games, so several games can be played at the same time
2) Built-in crossword matcher
The game can show you potential answers for an uncompleted word in the grid. The game uses the length of the word and the letters that you have already entered and displays the matching words, by using a built-in dictionary of 65,000 words. This aid even works for the general knowledge clues! Also includes the ability to look up word definitions or details on a fact or person.
3) Validate
Confirm if a given answer is correct
4) Reveal Word or Letter
If you can make no further progress, choose to reveal a letter or the whole word to a clue of your choosing
5) Anagrams
At very easy level, an anagram of the answer is shown as part of the clue, to provide further help. With this aid it should be possible to complete most crossword puzzles.
6) Show Wrong
When the grid is completed, the app will show all wrong answers, to allow you to correct and complete the game
Each game is assigned a difficulty level from 0 (easy) to 9 (very hard). The difficulty level is determined by the settings. Each difficulty level maintains the high scores (measured by fastest time to complete the game). The game displays the best 20 scores for each difficulty level.
Compare your high scores with others around the world by using Google Play #39;s quot;Game Services quot;.
2018-07-07 02:28:46
简介:Word Cookie Jam gives you lots of fun, helps you practice vocabulary knowledge. With a completely new and innovative style? Try it now.
Word Cookie Jam is a very fun and exciting word puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE !
The aim of the game is to find all hidden words.
With this game you can easily improve your vocabulary, concentration and spelling skills.
Are you ready to find delicious words cookies at your kitchen oven?
Embrace your brain power to discover words.
The more special thing is that word chef helps your child practice intelligence, along with the simple vocabulary level of the chef. Help your child develop his or her mind in a completely separate way
2018-07-07 02:28:23
简介:You won #39;t have to take a paper booklet with your favorite logic puzzles with you anymore. From now on you can just play it everywhere on your phone or tablet.
LogiBrain Grids is a grid-based logic puzzles game. Solve these logic puzzles to keep your brain sharp!
Decode written clues and use the grid to mark a relationship between two items and eliminate the other possibilities and solve the puzzle.
Optimized for phones and tablets instead of paper, this app has the ability to erase errors or show the solution when you get stuck. This makes it easier and quicker to focus on the logic puzzle.
These logic puzzles are for the true logic problem fanatic! Try 20 puzzles for free. If you like it, more packages are available for in-app purchase, each with 20 unique puzzles, for hours of puzzling fun!
The game features several puzzles of 3, 4 or 5 squares which all have a different difficulty level. This difficulty is shown in the picture behind the title of the puzzle.
If you like logic puzzles then LogiBrain Grids is definitely something for you!
Can you solve the puzzles?
Enjoy the game and have fun!
- 20 free logic grid puzzles included to get you started.
- Different difficulty levels so that there is a puzzle for everyone.
- Long press option will check quot;V quot; for the box and check quot;X quot; to all boxes vertical and horizontal to it.
- For each puzzle a high score is tracked so you can see how long it took you to solve the puzzle.
- Remove errors with the #39;Erase errors #39; button.
- Made a mistake? You can always use the undo feature.
- Are you stuck? Use the #39;Show solution #39; option.
- Resume your automatically saved games at any time.
- Detailed explanation for new users.
- Zoom and drag the puzzle to match your screen size for small screen devices.
- Designed for tablet and phones.
- Additional packages of 20 puzzles each are available for in-app purchase and more will be added regularly.
If you like LogiBrain Grids, please take the time to give us a nice review. This helps us to make the app even better, thanks in advance!
We offer the puzzles in the following languages:
* Game data is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.
Questions, problems or improvements? Contact Us:
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.pijappi.com
Follow Us:
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/pijappi
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/pijappi
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnTMN4YcKQho_YboBVzq22w
- Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/118396775938990523219/posts
2018-07-07 02:28:18
简介:Play together with your friends and family.
Climb the Everest of creativity and explain the keyword to the others without using forbidden ones!
There are almost 2000 keywords available in the game and special algorithm guards them not to repeat!
Unique and pleasant layout provides positive experience and makes your eyes relax.
To play you need at least two teams with at least two people in each of them.
The goal of the game is to explain your team players as many words as possible in the shortest amount of time. You can find more specific rules in the game.
Some of our graphics were designed by Freepik
2018-07-07 02:27:32
简介:The LDS Word Search Puzzle let #39;s you choose from multiple size boards from simple to challenging puzzles.
Find the words listed on the side in the letter grid in the middle. Intersecting words are hidden forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonally. When you have found all the words you have solved the puzzle!
Choose between different color schemes
Hide the word list for more of a challenge!
Works off-line
Each puzzle has a word theme
Words can be hidden in any direction, including diagonally and backwards
Words can be selected from start to end or end to start
Randomly generated. You will never see the same puzzle twice!
Resizes to fit your screen, large or small.
Optionally play a timed game
Multiple size boards ranging from 8x8 simple game to challenging 32x32
Your game settings are saved
Hints for Word Sleuths:
Search for obvious or rarely used letters or double letters in words.
Scan each row for a letter and when it is found, then search the surrounding letters for the next letter in the word.
2018-07-07 02:27:25
◉免费 免费 免费
2018-07-07 02:27:25
◆Chain BeeTの特徴◆
・SPEED ノートの落下速度を調整
・MIRROR 譜面が左右反転
・HARD ゲージが空になると即終了の上級者向けオプション
・AUTO 自動演奏
・収録楽曲の一部を紹介(曲名 / 権利者様)
ハルジオン / 魔王魂
Celluloid-Splash.ver- / 煉獄庭園
スペースホッパー / まんぼう二等兵
きみの言葉がぼくを消していく / ひなた春花
怒涛流星 / Ucchii0
藍煉の人形 / -45
数奇な運命の少女 / M-ART
Liquid Time amp;Solid Air / ユーフルカ
レイナブルクの休日 / 音楽の卵
Twitterで Chain BeeT の更新情報を発信しています。
× ChainBeaT(Chain BeaT)
○ ChainBeeT
2018-07-07 02:27:18
简介:*** Superb word search game in several languages with ranking amp; online competition ***
Very Addictive word searching game with several packs based on different topics!!!
*** Game Facts ***
- One and only Word find game with scores, ranking and online competition.
- Each pack is based on a particular topic with nine levels.
- Normal, Medium, Hard amp; Expert difficulty modes.
- Challenge your skills in 4 difficulty modes in several packs.
- Compete with thousands of players around the world.
- Languages : English, Spanish, French, German, Italian amp; Portuguese.
*** Game Play ***
- Swipe over the characters in the board to form words shown above it.
- Find all the words in the list to complete the level.
- Faster you find words higher the score amp; ranking.
Word Swipe is one of the best android puzzle game and casual game supporting all popular mobile devices.
*** Other Features ***
- Awesome graphics with fluid animations.
- 5 Themes supported : Board, Fabric, Paper, Wood amp; Metal.
- Choose your board size to match your skill.
- All packs have individual player ranking system based on the highest Score achieved.
- Your rank naturally improves along with your skill as you play again and again, thats what makes WordSwipe so addictive.
2018-07-07 02:27:15
简介:Let’s go for amazing b Word Cookies 4 /b journey!
b Word Cookies 4 /b is a very fun and exciting word puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE! The aim of the game is to find all hidden words. With this game you can easily improve your vocabulary, concentration and spelling skills.Embrace your brain power to discover words.
Here comes the perfect game for you, b Word Cookies 4 /b !
*** HOW TO PLAY b Word Cookies 4 /b ***
+ Words can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal and even backwards.
+ If you #39;ve found a valid word it will remain highlighted and marked on the word list as found.
+ Find all the words in the list to complete the level.
+ Faster you find words higher the score amp; ranking.
+ Swipe your finger over the word to select it.
+ Simple and Easy!
+ Support both Phones and Tablets.
+ Find derived words from main words and develop your brain amp; vocabulary skills.
+ Great exercise for the brain.
+ Daily bonus rewards.
+ Discover hidden words from mixed letters.
+ Visually pleasing to play cookies in various kinds!
+ Feel achievement with Increased point by making more cookies!
+ b Free coins payments /b .
+ Easy and Fun play. No Time limit.
+ You can play offline in anytime.
b Word Cookies 4 /b is b FREE to download and FREE to play /b .
Please do not forget to let us know what you think about the game!
Thank you all for downloading b Word Cookies 4 /b .
+ b Word Cookies 4 /b contain ads like banner, interstitial, video.
+ b Word Cookies 4 /b is free to play and b Free coins payments /b .
2018-07-07 02:26:50
简介:The ULTIMATE Logo Quiz
How good are you? Can you identify all the logos to complete the game?!
We see these logos every day and everywhere. On TV, walking along the street, in magazines ... simply everywhere! How many brand logos can you guess?
You may surprise yourself.
- Fun trivia game for family and kids
- A way to exercise your brain.
- Friendly interface to make you will feel at home while you guess the brands
- Enjoy solving 1000+ logos
- Over 23 catagories and more to come
- Helpful clues! Each logo has 5 hints!
- New hint is granted for every correct guess
- Extra description for solved levels
- Available for tablets and HD devices as well
- Frequent application updates
- Varying difficulty level
- Scoring mechanism with points
- Leaderboard to compare your score
- Food
- Cars
- Web
- Sports
- Watches
- TV
- Tech
- Music
- Petrol
- MixBag
- Drinks
- Electronics
- Industry
- Health
- Cosmetics
- Fashion
- Organizations
- Media
- Kids
- Banks
- Shops
- Airlines
2018-07-07 02:26:46
・式宮舞菜 (CV:牧野天音 )
・月坂紗由 (CV:鬼頭明里 )
・市杵島瑞葉 (CV:田澤茉純 )
・柊かえ (CV:立花芽恵夢)
・本城香澄 (CV:岩橋由佳 )
・長谷川みい (CV:空見ゆき )
・伊津村紫 (CV:小澤亜李 )
・伊津村陽花 (CV:花守ゆみり)
・式宮碧音 (CV:高橋未奈美)
・一条瑠夏 (CV:諏訪彩花 )
・岬珊瑚 (CV:田中あいみ)
・白鳥天葉 (CV:日岡なつみ)
・帆風奏 (CV:阿部里果 )
・緋村那岐咲 (CV:長妻樹里 )
・坂東美久龍 (CV:山田奈都美)
・西館ハク (CV:佐藤実季 )
・南風野朱莉 (CV:高柳知葉 )
・城北玄刃 (CV:西田望見 )