2018-07-06 10:09:10
简介:are you a fan of the most famous artist now ?,
now you can become a true fan by playing games from your artist.
This piano app is an app that contains the newest song song recently released, this app is also suitable for children. very easy to play and fun !.
this application is very easy to play. The rules are simple. Tap the piano black tile continuously to play music. Be careful with white tiles and never miss a piano black tile to finish each song.
* Graphics and sound effects are amazing.
* High quality piano music soundtrack.
* A smooth gaming experience.
There are many choices of BTS songs are:
- BTS: Blood Sweat amp; Tears
- BTS: Euphoria
- BTS: Fire
- BTS: Go Go
- BTS: Let Go
Download this app now and play forever for free while increasing your reaction speed and your music playing ability!
Thanks and do not forget to rate this app!
2018-07-06 10:08:23
2018-07-06 10:08:15
简介:Piano Music enables you to learn and play a simple piano keyboard on your phone or tablet for free.
* Simple piano with 88 keys piano keyboard.
* Play and learn popular and classic piano songs.
* New magic stars piano mode and lyrics mode.
* Change the sounds types with 8 different piano keyboards and musical instruments, such as Acoustic Piano, Bright Piano, Electric Piano, Nylon Guitar, Steel Guitar, Electric Guitar, Harmonica, and Trumpet.
* Beginner can learn easy kids songs with lyrics in English and Indonesian.
2018-07-06 10:07:15
テレビアニメも絶賛された 「STEINS;GATE」がGoogle playに登場!
※第1章終了時に自動でQUICK SAVEをおこないます。
第2章以降を購入した後に、タイトル画面から『LOAD』→『QUICK LOAD』と進みますと、第1章終了時のセーブデータが最後にありますので、そちらをタップしていただければ、第1章終了直後から続けて遊ぶことが可能です。
1.『メニュー』→『設定』→『アプリ(アプリケーションの管理)』→『Google Playストア』をタップ
2009年10月にXbox 360用ソフトとして発売され、プレイヤーからの評価を得て同年の ファミ通アワード優秀賞を受賞。
ゲームを構成する設 定や用語のほとんどは、実際に科学的に論じられたものであり、またリアル路線上に構築されたサスペンスは説得力を持ち、プレイヤーに知的好奇心と衝撃を与えます。
★Android用に最適化されたフォーントリガーシステムを搭載! ゲーム中の携帯電話の扱い方で予想もつかないストーリーが展開される!
★6人のヒロインが登場!(でも1人は男) ヒロインの固有ルートではさまざまな結末が!
★企画原案は志倉千代丸! キャラクターデザインにhuke、ガジェットデザインにSH@RP、シナリオに林直孝(5pb.)を起用!
※OPムービー、エンディングはXbox 360版に準じたものとなります。
自称『狂気のマッドサイエンティスト・鳳凰院凶真』と名乗り、『未来ガジェット研究所』という、メン バーわずか3人だけのサークルでヘンテコな発明をする日々を送っていた。
※Android OS 2.3.3以上必須。
Nexus 7
2018-07-06 10:07:13
简介:Bạn là người yêu thích các bài nhạc sôi động, trẻ trung?
Bạn vừa mới gắn bó với những bài nhạc của Sơn Tùng, Tóc Tiên hay các ca sỹ trẻ của Việt nam nói chung?
Hay đơn giản bạn đang kiếm một trò chơi về âm nhạc giúp bạn giải trí và giúp bạn hệ thống lại kiến thức âm nhạc của mình?
Cool Viet App xin giới thiệu trò chơi mới đáp ứng được mọi yêu cầu trên. “Nghe Nhạc Chuông của Ca Sĩ Trẻ và Đoán Tên Bài Hát” chính xác là một trò chơi về âm nhạc mà bạn đang tìm.
Chúng tôi rất vinh dự mang tới cho bạn một trò chơi giúp bạn xả stress sau những giờ làm việc căng thẳng bằng những bài hát hoặc giúp bạn bớt nhàm chán khi rảnh rỗi. Chắc chắn bạn sẽ yêu thích và không thể ngừng chơi trò chơi của chúng tôi.
Cách chơi:
* Bài hát vang lên bạn hãy nhanh chóng chọn ngay tên của bài hát tương ứng. Nhiệm vụ của bạn là thật nhanh trong khoảng thời gian ngắn ngủi mà chúng tôi đưa ra, các bạn hãy nghe giai điệu vang lên và nhanh chóng chọn tên của bài hát.
* Hãy nhớ thời gian càng trôi qua thì điểm số các bạn có được sẽ càng thấp.
* Điểm số sẽ được lưu lại để thách đấu với bạn bè và bạn cũng có thể chia sẻ kết quả của mình trên facebook để khoe với bạn bè.
Các tính năng nổi bật:;
• Phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi.
• Nghe nhạc vàng giải trí.
• Tích hợp với Bảng xếp hạng đầy thử thách.
• Chia sẻ Facebook cực kỳ nhanh.
Liên hệ:
Bấm LIKE trang Fanpage sau để cập nhật tin tức và phần mềm mới nhất từ nhóm.
Hoặc bookmark trang web sau: http://www.bestappsforphone.com
Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn,
Cool Viet App
2018-07-06 10:06:11
简介:享受创造音乐混音器在设备上直接与drup垫混合器的程序,开始实践,并编写的轨道。 惊讶的朋友,这鼓盘机是最好的dj混合器的程序对于你的智能手机!
你可以触摸你的手指和混合和从头开始你的音乐曲目有不同的音台dj beatmakers的。 鼓垫机有一个样本声敲击和漂亮的充满活力的真正电子混垫,使它顺利和完美的!
巨大的轨道和轨已经建立由专业音乐家和dj。 这个真正的腿混合器的程序可以让你立即创建一个伟大的结果没有任何特别培训。 你所要做的只是pratcice你的手指!
混鼓垫的应用程序绝对是一个不错的选择和所有谁感兴趣的音乐鼓instrutment的。 刚刚下载和享受!
享受最好的高质量混鼓歌曲。 和探索最佳的用户体验!
2018-07-06 10:05:17
简介:Raja Piano Tiles Indonesia Adalah Permainan Piano Dengan Alunan Musik Yang Populer Dan Terkenal Di Indonesia.
Jika Kamu Sedang Belajar Bermain Piano, Maka Ini Adalah Aplikasi Yang Sangat Cocok.
Ayo Buruan Download Aplikasi Nya Sekarang Juga, Jangan Sampai Ketinggalan.
Jadilah Seorang Pemain Piano Terhebat Dengan Pilihan Lagu Terbaik, Indah Dan Enak Di Dengar
Keunggulan / Keistimewaan:
- Tampilan Baru, Sehingga Membuat Pemain Merasa Lebih Nyaman
- Tersedia Banyak Lagu Pilihan Seperti, Pop, Band, Dangdut, Lagu Anak – Anak, Lagu Daerah, Dan Tak Lupa Juga Ditambahkan Lagu Nasional
- Mudah Dimainkan Oleh Siapa Saja Dan Dimana Saja
- Bermain Piano Tiles Ini Juga Bisa Menjadi Pengiring Kita Ketika Hendak Tidur
- Penepatan Not Yang Mantap, Sesuai Irama Dan Tidak Asal – Asalan
- Menggunakan Sistem Unlock Lagu
- Setiap Bermain Kamu Akan Mendapatkan Sebuah Permata
- Kecepatan Permainan Akan Semakin Meningkat
- Semua Lagu Berasal Dari Indonesia
- Support Berbagai Macam Type Smartphone
Cara Bermain:
Ketika Lagu Sudah Dipilih, Kamu Harus Menekan Tuts Yang Bewarna Hitam Dengan Tepat, Apabila Kamu Menekan Selain Tuts Hitam, Maka Permainan Akan Berakhir, Di Setiap Kali Bermain Kamu Akan Mendapatkan Sebuah Permata Yang Berguna Untuk Membuka Lagu Yang Bertulisan Premium.
Untuk Membuka Lagu Selanjutnya, Kamu Harus Mengumpulkan Mahkota Sesuai Dengan Jumlah Yang Dibutuhkan Oleh Lagu Selanjutnya.
2018-07-06 10:04:12
简介:音乐线 ( Music Line ) 是一款 3D场景 与 动听配乐 融合一体的音乐游戏,打造出超炫的视听效果和令人振奋的游戏体验
聆听美妙旋律,操控舞动的线!让它像蛇一样摇摆 ,看看谁能坚持最远
- 完美的旋律和惊人的背景音乐
- 操作简单,只需一个手指点击的音乐游戏
- 独特的角色(线,火箭,山,碎片,雪球)
- 丰富的场景(山脉,帝国,夏季,河流,圣诞节)
- 更多惊喜,更多挑战,更多奖励
现在下载这个免费的音乐游戏,让音乐线 ( Music Line ) 与你共舞!
2018-07-06 10:03:22
简介:b Magic Notes 2018 /b - The best music game to play the magic piano!
From Despacito, Let It Go, Chandelier to Faded, relax your soul with beautiful sounds!
Magic Notes 2018 bring 1000+ hottest songs to one piano game and free to play amp; enjoy more songs on your phone.
• Real Piano Sound - Fabulous Piano Sound
• New hits added daily across various musical genres: classical, popular hits, traditional and kids’ songs.
• Adjustable difficulty level. Three level of play piano difficulty: Easy, Medium, Advanced for each song.
• Beautiful game graphic and animation that will entice you to keep playing this magic piano game.
• Simple gameplay but challenging to master!
• Learn the piano rhythm of the song before playing.
• Enjoy listening to the instrumental rhythm of your favorite songs.
Tapping the screen to the tune of the piano rhythm might sound easy, but you’ll soon find out it is anything but. Our piano game is definitely challenging and addictive. Try it for yourself and see if you have what it takes to be a piano maestro!
Magic Notes 2018 is waiting for you!
Download now!
Permission: In order to provide the optimized experience, we would request “Storage” permission when you download this game.
Feedback: We’re always trying to make our Piano game app better so if you have questions or suggestions, please share them with us! [email protected].
Want a song that #39;s not available? Suggest songs on Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Magic-Notes-2056613011035493/
Privacy policy: https://goo.gl/9xd7QG
2018-07-06 10:01:20
简介:born February 3, 1977, known by his stage name Daddy Yankee, is a Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, actor, rapper, and record producer. Ayala was born in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, and was raised in the neighborhood of Villa Kennedy Housing Projects.[6] According to the New York Times, he is known as the quot;King of Reggaetón quot; by music critics and fans alike
Lets play the Daddy Yankee piano tap game with a tap following the rhythm of his music.
There are four types in this piano tap:
Daddy Yankee Dura Piano Tap is developed to fulfil everyone #39;s piano dreams.
Don #39;t touch on the gold tiles, tap the black tiles to keep the song going.
If you love piano or music, you will enjoy this piano tap app.
All piano lover should download this piano tap app!
There are many choices of Daddy Yankee Dura songs in this piano game. You can play the piano from the songs here, as well as to entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy the piano music of the song, calm yourself, and train your finger speed in this piano tile game.
With an interesting and interactive view so you do not feel bored in playing. Increasingly faster game levels make you challenged, do not let you lose, tap the red tiles and do not have any red tiles missed, follow the tone of the song.
Daddy Yankee Dura Piano Tap is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Daddy Yankee, or his record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes..
For entertainment purposes only.
Collect your score as much as possible, and look for the highest score.
Do not forget rating for this game, and thank you.
2018-07-06 10:00:16
简介:Tokyo Ghoul Piano Game is very fun. Beautiful music with:
- Unravel Tokyo Ghoul
- Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku Tokyo Ghoul
- Licht und Schatten Tokyo Ghoul
- Tokyo Ghoul Incompetence Piano
- Tokyo Ghoul Schmetterling
piano tones suitable be played every day.
This is a piano game app that contains the most top songs and soundtracks, let #39;s play the game piano tile with a tap to the beat of the music.
enjoy the piano music of the song and train your finger speed on the piano game tile, with an attractive and interactive look so you do not feel bored in playing it.
Welcome done all Tokyo Ghoul fans and keep playing Anime music.
Tokyo Ghoul Piano Tap is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Anime, or his record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
2018-07-06 09:59:20
简介:Create your Reggaeton with this Drum Pads application style! An application made for Android system, lightweight, fun and easy to use. Try it! There are 90 drum pads with different beats, vocals and loops for you to create the perfect beat and become a DJ.
If you already enjoys Reggaeton you will love this app! If you do not know the style, Reggaeton is a music genre which has its roots in Latin and Caribbean music. Its sound derived from the Reggae en Español from Panama. In Puerto Rico, this Spanish Reggae took on different lyrics and instrumentation and came to be known as Reggaeton. After its mainstream exposure in 2004, it spread to North American, European, Asian and African audiences.
This app is the most full Reggaeton Drum Pads on the Google Play. An ideal application for DJs and Music Producers. With it, besides create the beat, you can record your own voices and use it in the mixes. But it serves very well for amateurs, it is simple, intuitive and easy to play.
Please refer to Reggaeton Pads app:
* Multi Touch
* 6 complete kits of reggaeton music
* 90 realistic sounds
* Studio audio quality
* Like a Drum Pads
* Easy to play
* For DJs and amateurs
* 3 Examples
* Recording Mode
* Export your records to mp3
* Works on all screen resolutions - Cell Phones and Tablets (HD Images)
* Free
The app is free. But you can remove all advertisements buying a license! Experience the best Google Play Reggaeton app! Ideal for DJs, producers, musicians and artists.
2018-07-06 09:57:22
简介:Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the quot;King of Pop quot;, he was one of the most popular entertainers in the world, and was the best-selling music artist during the year of his death. Jackson #39;s contributions to music, dance, and fashion along with his publicized personal life made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.
Michael Jackson Piano Game is very fun. Beautiful music with:
- You Are Not Alone Michael Jackson
- Beat It Michael Jackson
- Man In The Mirror Michael Jackson
- Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson
- Billie Jean Michael Jackson
- Heal The Word Michael Jackson
piano tones suitable be played every day.
This is a piano game app that contains the most top songs and soundtracks, let #39;s play the game piano tile with a tap to the beat of the music.
enjoy the piano music of the song and train your finger speed on the piano game tile, with an attractive and interactive look so you do not feel bored in playing it.
Welcome done all Michael Jackson fans and keep playing Anime music.
Michael Jackson Piano Tap is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by King Pop Michael Jackson, or his record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
2018-07-06 09:56:14
简介:Dangdut koplo dan kendang adalah bagaikan satu kesatuan, keduanya seakan wajib diucapkan dalam satu tarikan napas. Kendang dalam koplo memang menjadi instrumen yang sangat penting. Sebab tanpa kendang, koplo tak pernah jadi koplo.
Banyak orang boleh bilang, bahwa semua lagu bisa dikoplokan. Hal ini sangat beralasan, toh kenyataannya memang begitu. Dari lagu Surat Cinta untuk Starla-nya Virgoun sampai lagu cadas Welcome to The Jungle-nya Guns and Roses, asal sudah digarap oleh para personel Sera, Monata, New Pallapa atau OM-OM lainnya, maka langsung koplolah dia.
Salah satu parameter koplo atau tidaknya sebuah lagu adalah dari faktor kendangnya. Ia yang memegang kendali. Lagu Surat Cinta untuk Starla tanpa iringan kendang hanyalah akan jadi lagu pop semata, begitupun dengan Welcome to The Jungle yang tanpa iringan kendang maka tetap akan jadi rock, bukan rockdut, apalagi koplorockdut.
Nah, bicara soal perkendangan dangdut koplo sekarang ini rasanya sangat lancang jika tidak menyingung sosok yang satu ini: Cak Met.
Jika selama ini Sodiq dikenal sebagai raja dangdut koplo, maka Cak Met adalah panglima dangdut koplo.
Ini tentu tak berlebihan, sebab selama ini, Cak Met memang dikenal sebagai salah satu pemain kendang koplo paling brilian. Ia menjadi role model para pemain kendang pemula yang sedang merintis karir.
Kepiawaiannya bermain kendang sampai membuat lelaki bernama asli Slamet Rudi Hartono ini punya julukan tersendiri di kalangan penggemarnya: Ky Ageng Slamet.
Pergumulan panjangnya dengan kendang sudah terjalin sejak lama. Cak Met sudah akrab bermain kendang sejak kecil. Ia bahkan sudah naik panggung saat masih kelas 5 SD. Boleh dibilang, ia besar oleh air susu ibu dan alunan bunyi kendang.
Di tingkat profesional, ia juga legenda. Cak Met sudah bergabung dengan New Pallapa (dulu Pallapa) sejak tahun 1998. Itu artinya, ia sudah hampir 20 tahun berkarir di panggung profesional perkendangkoploan.
2018-07-06 09:54:15
简介:this app is a cool piano game that contains Doki Doki Literature Club songs,
this game was no less exciting other piano games,
and this game is very easy, you just press every black tile when you lift it, you need a full concentration level so you can finish the game this game can also to train the speed of your fingers and eyesight, You can get it here, the latest piano games with great graphics and quality songs,
complete the game and this game is available the most popular songs from quot; Doki Doki Literature Club quot; and many more interesting songs.
- A very interesting theme
- Most Popular Songs From quot; Doki Doki Literature Club quot;
- Classical level, Arcade, zen, bomb
- Choice of song or sondtrack
- Settings.
hope you are entertained with the game.
Good luck
2018-07-06 09:53:12
简介:this app is a cool piano game that contains Jojo Siwa songs, this game was no less exciting other piano games, and this game is very easy, you just press every black tile when you lift it, you need a full concentration level so you can finish the game this game can also to train the speed of your fingers and eyesight, You can get it here, the latest piano games with great graphics and quality songs, complete the game and this game is available the most popular songs from quot; Jojo Siwa quot; and many more interesting songs.
- A very interesting theme
- Most Popular Songs From quot; Jojo Siwa quot;
- Classical level, Arcade, zen, bomb
- Choice of song or sondtrack
- Settings.
hope you are entertained with the game.
Good luck
2018-07-06 09:52:18
迷你钢琴是钢琴演奏最简单的方法 - 你可以发挥你的眼睛闭上。只需轻点上的任意位置的钢琴演奏下一个音符或票据中的歌曲。所有您需要做的是处理的时机。您可以播放快或慢。
Play with your eyes closed and fool your friends!
Mini Piano is the easiest way to play piano - you can play with your eyes closed. Just tap anywhere on the piano to play the next note or notes in the song. All you have to do is to handle the timing. You can play fast or slow.
You can even learn how to play cool and popular songs!
Mini Piano comes with free songs such as: Amazing Grace, Alouette, Bad Romance, Hallelujah, Just Give Me a Reason, Numb, Let Her Go, Try and many more.
Play songs from different artists.
It #39;s fun, it #39;s magical, it #39;s FREE!
2018-07-06 09:51:14
简介:Are you a Wanna One fan ?? Wanna One Lovers ??
now comes the latest Wanna One Real Piano Tiles game with a more attractive look, very good songs and included in the favorite songs from Wanna One, Like Boomerang, Wanna Be, Energetic, and more.
With a tempo that fits with the song allows you to better enjoy this simple game,
This game is made as an appreciation of the developer Wanna One who have stolen the heart .. :)
Hope can make your day more fun,
If, there are less willing to chat via email listed ..
Thank you and happy to play.
2018-07-06 09:49:41
简介:♪♬ قانون العرب ♬♪
♪♬ آلة عربية موسيقية ♬♪
■ قانون احترافي مجاني
■ يحتوي على خاصية تسجيل
■ صوت القانون نقي وعالي الجودة
■ تقبل القانون العزف بكل الاصابع في وقت واحد
■ صورة القانون جميلة وممتعة و HD
■ Arabs Piano Arabic Org music game qanun kanun kanon qanon qanoon kanoon
■ ganoun qethara string instrument canon zither ghanon oud guitar music
■ أورغ اورغ اورج لعبة عربية مجانية جديدة قانون قيثارة آلة وترية موسيقية من التخت العربي
■ قانون العرب العربي المحترف القانون الذي لا يوجد له مثيل
■ قانون حقيقي بصوت رائع وإمكانيات عالية مبرمج من نفس شركة بيانو العرب وعود العرب (العاب بطاطس)
■ القانون المحترف لكل العرب !
■ حجم اللعبة صغير لا يتجاوز 11 ميجا
■ شكر خاص لعازفة القانون Yuko Takano واستاذها الفاضل سهاد نجم على الموسيقى الترحيبية (موشح لما بدى يتثنى)
إذا أعجبتك اللعبة قيمها ب 5 نجوم وجرب العابنا الاخرى
برمجة العاب بطاطس - Patates Games
2018-07-06 09:48:45
简介:♪♬ ناي العرب ♬♪
■ ناي احترافي مجاني - آلة موسيقية جديدة في سلسلة موسيقى العرب
■ صوت الناي حقيقي ويطرب الآذان
■ يحتوي على خاصية تسجيل
■ يحتوي على العديد من الخلفيات الموسيقية التي تساعدك على العزف
■ يحتوي على ازرار مساعدة مثل صوت تصفيق وزغرودة وصوت كمان
■ يحتوي على أصوات مشجعين يشجعونك على العزف ويطربون لسماع عزفك
■ صوت الناي نقي وعالي الجودة
■ تقبل الناي العزف بكل الاصابع في وقت واحد
■ صورة الناي جميلة وممتعة و HD
■ ناي مذهل لا يوجد له مثيل في كل المتجر ^_^ جربه ولن تندم
■ لعبة ناي موسيقى شرقي موسيقي بيانو الناي اوتار آلة موسيقية عزف الحان فرقة موسيقية طبلة فن لعبة عربية جديدة نفخ شبابة الزلامي المزمار الشبابة المجوز الأرغول
إذا أعجبتك اللعبة قيمها ب 5 نجوم وجرب العابنا الاخرى
برمجة العاب بطاطس - Patates Games
2018-07-06 09:47:21
简介:Mesa de FUNK DJ foi criado para ser uma verdadeira mesa para todos os djs e usuários que gostam de FUNK, tão legal quanto a Mpc de funk mais simplificada.
Mesa de DJ em HD e som com qualidade digital funciona em todos os celulares e tablets.
Faça um funk na sua casa hoje mesmo de graça, qualquer um pode usar e virar um DJ de funk.
Não precisa de internet para funcionar, bases e pontos de funk atualizados, recursos de loop e controle de som.
São mais de 85 pontos e bases com o melhor do funk, pontos ostentação, pancadão, melody e muito mais funk para você.
Chegou a hora de ligar o som no ultimo volume e se tornar um DJ de funk.
Melhor mesa de FUNK para celular, é o bicho !!!
2018-07-06 09:47:09
简介:Whether its dancing, fashion or just chilling with friends, AVATAR MUSIK WORLD provides the perfect social community for friends to meet up and have fun.
AMW FEATURES gives players more than just dance:
- Free to Play with Instant Access
- Dancing : dance alone or with up to 6 other friends
- Social : link with up to 100 Friends for private IM Chat
- Music : the hottest and most popular songs
- World : interesting places to unlock and explore - Beach, Downtown, Park, Private Yacht
- Fashion : show your style or just have fun with cosplay
- Fun : dance rooms with a range of privacy settings
- Fresh : new events, songs and features added monthly
- Rewards : earn and win in-game credits via game play and daily log-in
- Community : earn rewards via animal vet, farmer, police and hero challenges
AMW requires a stable internet connection.
We highly recommend a strong WIFI connection for the initial download.
Connect with us for the latest Avatar Musik news, contests or customer service help:
ENGLISH : facebook.com/TeaMobiWorld/
SPANISH : facebook.com/teamobiworldespanol/
PORTUGUESE : facebook.com/teamobiworldportuguese/
INDONESIAN : facebook.com/am.indonaga/
VIETNAMESE : facebook.com/am.teamobi/
FRENCH : coming soon
Enjoy Everywhere!
2018-07-06 09:43:15
简介:Juego en el que podrás Tocar los acordes de Guitarra de Música Cristiana
en el juego encontraras:
Música de alabanza
Música de Adoración
Música de Marcos Witt
Música de Barak
Música de Miel san Marcos
Música de Roberto Thalles
Acordes Cristianos
Y mas Artistas Cristianos
2018-07-06 09:40:24
简介:Professional All Musical Instruments
quot;clarinet quot;
quot;drum quot;
quot;flute quot;
quot;music play quot;
quot;guitar quot;
2018-07-06 09:39:20
简介:Find the best anime music songs in piano tiles anime app u free /u 2018. Lets play the piano tiles anime themes with a tap following the rhythm of the music.
There are some piano anime music, which are:
- anime piano tiles attack on titan
- tokyo Ghoul piano music
- attack on Titan piano music
- piano tiles anime fairy tail
- anime piano tiles sao
- anime piano tiles tokyo ghoul
- anime piano tiles naruto
- and more...
Feature Application :
- Free Application
- Offline App
- Small Size
You can play the best b piano tiles anime songs /b game free. Download Now...!