2018-07-05 20:24:13
简介:Nếu bạn là 1 fan hâm mộ của thể loại game bắn cá ăn xu đang cực kỳ HOT hiện nay thì chắc chắn không thể bỏ qua Bắn cá 3D, game bắn cá cực kỳ hấp dẫn trên điện thoại.Trò chơi Bắn cá 3D nổi tiếng đã được hoàn thành và đưa lên kho ứng dụng miễn phí. Các bạn có thể tải trò chơi ban ca an xu hay ban ca online mà không mất tiền mua xu như bắn cá siêu thị.
Trò chơi có các tính năng vượt trội hơn các trò bắn cá khác:
★ Đồ họa mượt mà, hình ảnh sắc nét và đẹp
★ Nhiều loại cá và các sinh vật biển vui nhộn trong quá trình chơi game
★ Đa dạng các loại súng bắn cá và các mức độ cao hơn
★ Chế độ chơi nhiều hơn, chế độ chơi cùng bạn đang được phát triển
★ Trở thành siêu cao thủ bắn cá ăn xu với 9 loại thần công cực mạnh.
Còn chần chừ gì nữa, tải ngay game Bắn Cá 3D về điện thoại ngay hôm nay để trải nghiệm cảm giác đầy mới mẻ chưa từng có ở các game bắn cá ăn xu đang có trên thị trường.
2018-07-05 20:23:24
简介:앞으로 업데이트 공지 여기다가 하겠습니다.
홈페이지가 바뀌어서 전처럼 공지하는 방법을 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ
2017-04-28 패치
+ 낮맵들 밝기 향상
+ 각종 효과음 교체 (저작권상 문제가 될 듯하여 빠르게 교체하였고 보다 나은 효과음을 구하면 또 바꿀것입니다. 지금은 좀 별로인 효과음이 있네요.)
+ 상점에서 아이템 구매하면 무슨 아이템을 받았는지 알수 있게끔 수정
+ 차고 클릭시 자동차를 살펴보기 편하게끔 카메라를 수정
2017-05-06 패치
+ 차고 그래픽 수정
+ 몇몇 차량이 색상이 이쁘게 들어가지 않던 점을 수정
+ 조작감 쬐에금 수정
+ 외발문제를 수정(거의 100% 발생하지 않습니다.)
+ 조금의 그래픽 최적화
+ 04-28패치 이후 Hakagi밤맵의 프레임드랍이 심한 것을 수정
+ 게임아이콘 새로 수정
+ 마크가 인트로에 뜨게끔 수정
* 휴일이 몰려있는겸 열작업해서 수정했습니다~
2017-07-07 패치
+ 조작감 패치
+ 플레이어 어시스트 하향
+ 자이로센서를 이용한 조작방법 추가
+ 인트로이미지 수정
+ 퀵매치 컨텐츠 추가
+ 차고 그래픽 수정
+ 낮 맵들 그래픽 수정
+ 최적화 패치
+ 한판 끝나면 돈들어오게 수정
+ 배경음악 변경
+ 브래이킹 이팩트 개선
+ 효과음 변경
+ 로그인 문제 개선
+ apk 아이콘 변경
+ 자동차 추가(10종 추가 하려 했으나 자금 문제로 3종 추가하였습니다. 용돈 들어오면 개선할 겁니다.)
+ 캐쉬 아이템 가격 인하 (5000원 - gt; 1000원(구글플레이에 등록가능한 최저가격))
+ 앱 다운로드 방식 변경
2017-07-09 패치
+ 구글 플레이 로그인 관련 문제를 재개선하였습니다. (계속 개선해야할 사항)
+ 신규 차량의 경우 외발확률이 높은 것을 하향하였습니다.
+ 자이로스코프 관련 버그를 수정하였습니다.
+ 차고에서 rpm소리가 들리는 것을 수정했습니다.
+ ai의 R34 바퀴가 정상작동하지 않는 것을 수정했습니다.
+ 차량 그래픽 상향 패치
+ 맵 최적화 패치
+ 로그인 관련 개선 (로그인 오류시 관련 창이 뜹니다.)
+ 최종 최적화 패치(성능이 확 올랐습니다.)
+ 차량 충돌시 너무 잘 뒤집어 지던 현상을 어느정도 패치하였습니다.
+ 조작 난이도 하향
+ 7월에 추가된 자동차 모델링 리뉴얼
+ 7월에 추가된 차량 성능 수정
+ 약간의 최적화 패치
+ 처음에 로그인이 잘 안될시 오류창 뜨게끔 수정
2017-10-24 게임 공지
1. 무한로딩에 대해 말씀드리자면은 많은 시도를 했지만 무엇이 몰라도 근본적인 해결이 되지는 않았습니다. 출시 초기에는 무한로딩 오류가 전혀 없었습니다만..어느 순간부터 갑작스래 생긴 오류인지라 뭐가 문제인지 가늠이 잘 안갑니다. 구글 플레이 서비스 설치, 재부팅을 시도해보시고 해결이 안된다면은 아직까지 해결방안이 없습니다. (다 제 실력이 부족해서 입니다..ㅠㅠㅠ)
2. 조작감 관련하여 말씀을 드리자면은 믿기 힘드시겠지만 SSR D는 4바퀴가 회전을 하여 작동을 하는 레이싱 게임입니다. 내부적으로 FF FR 4WD 따로 나뉘어저 있기도하고 실제 여러 복잡한 연산을 통해 작동을 하고 있습니다. 개발 초기에는 시뮬레이션 느낌으로 게임을 개발했는데, PC에서 구동 시 조작감이 괜찮은 반면 모바일에서 구동 시 게임이 너무 어렵게 느껴져 게임의 난이도를 낮추기 위해 어시스트 시스템을 추가하였습니다. 이 시스템이 자동차 조작에 대해 효과적으로 적용이 되지 않아 지금 같은 어색한 조작감을 만들어 냈다고 생각됩니다.
3. 브레이킹 진동 기능에 on off 가 없거나 이런저런 사소한 문제들을 제외한 현재 SSR D의 가장 큰 문제점은 시작 시 무한로딩과 조작감인데 이 두 가지를 수정하기 위해서 계속 패치를 해나가는 것 보다는 게임을 새로 만드는 편이 더 낫겠다는 결론이 나왔습니다. 지금은 다른 프로젝트를 진행하고 있어 당장 새로 만들지는 못하지만 내년 초쯤에 많은 부분이 확 바뀐 SSR D2를 개발할 예정입니다.
개발자 연락처 :
게임 문의
2018-07-05 20:23:20
**牙医游戏:清洁和修复牙齿**是一个牙医疯狂游戏与生动的图形,可爱的人物和现实的牙科仪器,让你感觉像真正的牙医!作为一名牙科医生是令人兴奋和有教育意义的 - 快乐无痛地找到您的病人的牙齿!就像刷牙游戏一样,我们的紧急医生游戏讲授牙医卫生方面的重要经验。
** 特征 **
√使用牙齿抽吸从患者口中吸出唾液 - 定期使用,否则会产生令人讨厌的惊喜
**如果您喜欢使用实际手术的水平和医生游戏的医院游戏,您一定会享受我们的“牙科游戏”,您可以在那里感觉像一名名牙医修牙和做大括号手术!让您的患者坐下来放松身心,作为专业医师和喉咙医生,解决他们所有的医疗问题 - 这个有趣的假装游戏保证了一个美好的时光!
**我们知道人们喜欢角色扮演和玩游戏,所以我们为所有梦想的工作设计了一系列紧急医生游戏,成为一名眼科医生,耳朵医生或疯狂的外科医生! **我的牙医:牙医医生游戏**是我们最新的医生游戏,包括牙齿清洁,大括号手术,喉咙手术等等级多种!
**没有任何理由再犹豫了 - 您的牙科诊所就是牙医,在病人脸上露出明亮健康的笑容!下载**牙医游戏:清洁和修复牙齿**,看看“修复人的牙齿”是多么有趣!
2018-07-05 20:22:24
简介:爱漂流? 现在漂移你的车,杀死要袭击你的僵尸。
目标是杀死和生存。 通过僵尸世界末日竞技场,通过杀死僵尸与你的车开车。 用先进的武器和盔甲升级你的车。
请随时向我们发送任何有助于我们使游戏更好的改进。 谢谢!
2018-07-05 20:22:18
简介:تبي تتعرف على الي معك أكثر ؟، المجلس هدوء وتبغى تفتح سالفة؟، أو جالس مع أصحابك وطفشانين ؟
quot; جلسة quot; تطبيق يخليك تتعرف وأنت مستمتع، سولف ، اتحدى ، جاوب و اتعرف.
Jalsah is social game that creates a friendly environment for people to chat and getting to know and discover each others faster while enjoying their time.
كيف تلعب
أول شيء جمع الـي معـك اجلسوا على شكـل دائـرة بعدين اختاروا مين يبدأ الدور.
اختار مع مين أنت جالس تلعب، وعلى أي أساس تختار ؟
أصدقائك/ ناس قريبين منك ودايماً تشوفهم.
أهلك/ بالبيت مع اخوانك خواتـك،والقرايـب.
الدوام/ زملاءالعمل أوالناس الي ماتمون عليهم.
شلتك/ أعز أصدقائـك ونـاس تمــون عليهــم مـره.
اضغط Play واختار بطاقة، البطاقات :
مثل/ حرك الجو وخل اللي معك يحزرون.
جاوب/ أسـئلة منوعة عشان تعرفـون بعــض أكثـر!.
أتحداك/ للناس الي قدها وتحـب التحـدي.
2018-07-05 20:20:21
简介:86 Daily Drift Simulator
- Perfect game to just chill with this awesome drift phyiscs amp; graphics!
- Improve your drifting skills!
- Full HD Graphics!
- Realistic Sounds!
- Simulator mode!
- Great city map!
- Illegal driving experience!
- JDM Style!
Check this game if you like real drift!
2018-07-05 20:20:16
简介:当你去一个水疗沙龙意味着你有问题,有些东西你不喜欢,你怎么看或变脏。今天,在沙龙的温泉前,等了几个女孩子要经历一个水疗。我们需要一点点帮助做这些事情,因为我们无法自己。在这个游戏中你必须要一个会帮你办理这些女士和他们的待遇。 1)首先,你必须浇水小女孩它们,然后将其删除更好。 2)必须申请在脸上一层面霜来滋润皮肤3)用专用工具,你可以从青春痘的脸就觉得奇怪,看起来更糟删除它们。通常的SPA疗程已经结束,但我们必须有另一件事。我们需要照顾的女孩化妆,所以我们要进去看看所有的彩妆沙龙。我们需要把隐形眼镜,他的眉毛和脸上粉末。然后,我们可以选择其中的一些配件,看起来好多了,因为出来的房间一定要确保它满足之后。斯波尔工作。
2018-07-05 20:19:47
简介:b Looking for a new hairdo? Want to get your nails done? Need some special make up? There #39;s no better place in Snuggford than Sally’s Salon! /b
It #39;s unlikely, but in case you haven #39;t heard of me... I #39;m beautician Sally! I #39;m on a mission to beautify women across the globe - all while searching for my long lost love. Doesn #39;t that sound exciting? Join me and the hilarious François on this unforgettable journey! ️
️ b BECOME AN AMAZING BEAUTICIAN /b and learn from the best (me!) during this hair-raising adventure
️ b PLAY 60 TIME MANAGEMENT LEVELS /b , and 18 extra bonus levels, as we run unique salons across 6 exotic chapters
️ b HELP ME PERFORM BEAUTY TREATMENTS /b as we search for my long lost love, the famous singer Julio (He #39;s so cute!)
️ b DISCOVER 12 MINI-GAMES /b and improve your beautician skills as we cut hair, apply face masks and match make up
️ b MEET FRANCOIS, MY RIGHT-HAND MAN /b - funny, clumsy, and you all know him from the Delicious Emily hit series
️ b IMPROVE OUR SALONS /b so we get special upgrades and products
️ b ENJOY MANY GUEST APPEARANCES /b from stars of the other GameHouse Original Stories (I do everyone #39;s hair!)
️ b COLLECT ALL THE TROPHIES /b to discover special beauty items, and earn all the diamonds and I #39;ll share my memories of Julio
b I #39;m back!!!! /b
Business is booming and I need an extra pair of hands! François and I could use your help making the town a little more beautiful, one treatment at a time. Especially now some breaking news has left me bursting with excitement!!
You won #39;t believe this, but it turns out my favorite singer and long-time crush Julio will be performing his farewell concert near Snuggford! As one of his biggest fans, I couldn #39;t be more thrilled. But there #39;s more. Can I let you in on a big secret? What nobody knows is that Julio and I had a summer romance 20 years ago! (shhh...)
But I #39;m afraid it might be too good to be true. Just now that I #39;m convinced we #39;d be able to rekindle our romance... Disaster strikes! Julio #39;s plane ️ seems to be missing on its way to the concert.
But I #39;m not giving up! I #39;m determined to find him, so François and I are going to set off on an incredible search! But not without you! Right? Right?
b Fix your hair up pretty, put some make up on, pack your nicest dress, and join us on our hair-curling time management adventure! /b
u Try the first few levels for free! The full complement of levels can be unlocked with an in-app purchase. /u
b Follow François and me on Facebook: /b
Sally: https://www.facebook.com/SallysSalonGames/
François: https://www.facebook.com/AskFrancois/
b Enjoy more GameHouse Original Stories, and try other games: /b
Heart #39;s Medicine - Hospital Heat: https://goo.gl/VOLClp
Heart #39;s Medicine - Time to Heal: https://goo.gl/pkAp5J
Delicious - Emily #39;s Message in a Bottle: https://goo.gl/PEyYzG
Delicious - Emily #39;s Hopes and Fears: https://goo.gl/NlFYvf
Fabulous - Angela #39;s High School Reunion: https://goo.gl/UmfsOC
Fabulous - Angela #39;s Fashion Fever: https://goo.gl/czC8qo
Dr. Cares - Pet Rescue 911: https://goo.gl/XNV042
Mary le Chef - Cooking Passion: https://goo.gl/xQRE0y
2018-07-05 20:19:41
- 令人惊叹的3D图形
- 景区环境,山川树木
- 平滑和现实的自行车处理
- 逼真的游戏声音
- 倾斜转向
- 不同的自行车可供选择
- 易于学习和驱动器
2018-07-05 20:19:41
简介:Criminal Russia 3D. Gangsta way is the best simulator of criminal life in harsh Russia!
It is a unique game with realistic physics and perfect 3D graphics with a real-time control system in open world.
- Third person gameplay: car stealing, man shooting and driving are all for you, with the most powerful 3D engine
- Uncutted adventure: real russian city with racing, fighting, car dropping, motocycle challenges, traffic race and even tram and bus races
- Authentic russian locations with local sights: cities and villages
- One and only traffic system with our own AI algorithm
- Different controller types: arrows, accelerometer and steering wheel
- Well detailed graphic from real cars and places
- Unique public transport system
- Endless space for police actions: hit and run, car stealing, police firefight and even more
- Exciting plot: unexpected twists, freedom of choice and rich rewards with money and guns. Walk the path from the courier to the head of a mafia family
- Shopping and styling. Choose your outfit from more that ten modern catalogs
- Special stores: unique weapons and armory
- Real-time level-ups and talent improvements
- A huge number of jobs and professions: from taxi driver to professional assassin
- Comprehensive car tuning: colors, spares, drives and every part you can imagine
- Totaly open world - only you choose what to do
Go on! Help Boris to become the Boss of Russian Mafia and car thieves king! Criminal Russia 3D. Gangsta way is your choice!
2018-07-05 20:19:22
简介:Casino Style Video Poker Five Card Draw Poker game. Enjoy an unlimited Video Poker game based upon the Original Video Poker machine. Payout is from Jacks or Higher.
You are given 5 cards, you select which ones to discard and you are given new cards. A payout table determines your winnings. Leaderboards and Achievements are captured, so you can compete with your friends and earn valuable google play experience points.
This game will help you learn some of the basics of Poker without having to worry about beating other players or in app purchases. This is not a multiplayer Poker game, it is based on the old Video Poker games that used to be popular in the 80s.
You can now set the bet amount to either $10, $20, $50, or $100 before your cards are dealt. You cannot change your bet after your initial cards are dealt.
Feedback is welcome and depending on your positive comments there will be additional development. I can be contacted at [email protected].
2018-07-05 20:19:10
简介:b Are you ready to discover a new addictive classic solitaire game?! /b
Watch beautiful 3D artwork come to life as you complete each level in Hidden Solitaire - Elven Woods! Relax with a couple of rounds of classic solitaire or challenge yourself with Klondike, Pyramid, and FreeCell Solitaire.
Difference Games’ Hidden Solitaire games are not your ordinary free classic solitaire games! Every release features a new beautiful set of professional artwork. Elven Woods is an all-time favorite of Difference Game solitaire lovers! As you complete each level, 3D artwork will come to life. You’ll get to see some of the most magical sights of sweet fairies and mysterious elves as they wander the great outdoors. Have you ever wondered what types of things elves are up to in their daily lives? This is your chance to find out! Elven Woods features peaceful artwork of a majestic fairytale woodland life.
PLAY classic solitaire game card with familiar rules and gameplay CHALLENGE YOURSELF with over 70 levels of increasing difficulty in Campaign mode! - OR- CHOOSE between Klondike, Pyramid and FreeCell in our Free Play mode! Switch it up depending on your mood. This is an all-in-one free solitaire app that will fine-tune all of your advancing solitaire skills
b SELECT difficulty and many other gameplay options /b
Practice your skills on easy, or challenge yourself on a more difficult level. True solitaire lovers will work to master all of the challenges!
b REVERSE moves if you make a mistake /b
Don’t get caught in a trap! It’s easy to change your mind if you decide your last play wasn’t quite right.
b UNLOCK beautiful background images as you complete levels /b
Hidden Solitaire Elven Woods features AWESOME 3D ANIMATION as you tilt your device after you complete each level!
b TONS of card styles to choose from! /b
Make this free solitaire game your own!
Need we say more? Log on to your personalized Solitaire app every day to redeem awesome daily rewards!
b MUSIC powered by Dolby on supported devices /b
Play through all of our levels to unlock more beautiful backgrounds and images that are carefully handcrafted by our game artists. Enjoy our Dolby quality background music that will elevate your gaming experience to the next level. In our Hidden Solitaire cards app you have the chance to enjoy features beyond the ordinary Windows solitaire app. We also created many levels to make sure you are never bored playing our Hidden Solitaire card game. Playing our addictive solitaire cards game is certainly different than playing other solitaire apps out there.
Try it today!
Please contact us [email protected] with feedback and suggestions.
2018-07-05 20:18:29
简介:驾车行驶在世界最快跑车以极快的速度和感觉赛道燃烧车轮多人赛车游戏16的沥青!开车像一个真正的专业赛车手身后留下你的对手大怒!感受赛车的竞争和速度大幅提升你的车到终点线,成为终极的赛车手!享受赛车街头最快的汽车的司机都非常令人兴奋和危险都通过交通和游戏模式喜欢经典的比赛,倒计时,锁定和漂移集织。 中国 多人 汽车 赛跑 游戏
多人赛车是最好的手机赛车游戏,你一直在寻找。您可以通过无尽的交通和现实环境中驾驶座舱鉴于你的车。倾斜你的设备拖你的车,无论你想,反超流量,赚取金币和自己购买新cars.Prove最快的车手在世界上,烧沥青在极端速度和赛车的感觉与此惊人的多人游戏的需要。在线赛车从来没有这么好玩!多人游戏是没有多人赛车游戏16.在激烈的快节奏的赛车游戏沥青赛车场沥青硝基不完整的。快速的赛车,在涡轮增压的赛车游戏涡轮增压的赛车手。多人赛车游戏16免费2016年体育类游戏。中国 多人 汽车 赛跑 游戏
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2018-07-05 20:18:23
简介:How quot;Private Multiplayer (Invite Friends) quot; works:
Once you touch quot;Invite Friends quot; you are put into the room, and you are the HOST. Touch quot;Invite Players quot; to send game invites via text, email or any popular messaging app on your device. Once the player receives the invite and clicks the link, they will be put into the room. When quot;Start Game quot; appears, the HOST can begin the game or invite more players.
How quot;Public Multiplayer (Join a Game) quot; works:
Once you hit quot;Join a Game quot; you are put into a room. If you are the first player in the room you are the quot;HOST quot;, and can start the game whenever you like. However, the game will start automatically after the timer hits 0.
If you are not the first player in the room, you have to wait until the game is started by the quot;HOST quot; or when the timer hits 0.
Joker. Joker. Deuce. Deuce. Yep, that #39;s right! Spades the way your friends and family play at home, college, reunions, and holiday get-togethers!
Why Black Spades is the Game for You?!
Authenticity - Black Spades is the only game on Android that has the rules you grew up with -- Reneg, Jokers, Deuces, Blinds and more.
Design amp; Gameplay - Black Spades was created for Spades players on all levels. From the beginner playing at home, to the expert playing on the go, our game was designed to get you straight to the action with no gimmicks.
Social Sharing - Black Spades was created to easily show off your Spades skills with friends and family. Share status updates, screenshots and videos of your game play!
Key Features:
- It #39;s still FREE.99! You don #39;t have to pay. We got you.
- (NEW) Added a Store with rule packs!
- Multiplayer teams with 2 - 4 live players!
- Single Player
- Smack Talk!!!
- Win streaks: Win consecutive games in a row for bonus coins!
- Reneg (RNG): Catch the other team reneging if you can!
- Buy coins to increase your Bank!
- Weekly Leaderboard with bonus prizes!
- The only Spades game with Jokers, Deuces and Reneg
- Realistic situational Spades playing by the Android AI players
- Instantly share your books and scores via Facebook and Twitter
- Record your games! Post video on Youtube or share video links
- All screenshots are stored in Photos for extra sharing via Instagram, iMessage, etc.
- Customizable rules and game options
- Offline mode (airplane play)
- In-game tutorials
- Selectable player avatars
- Custom soundtrack featuring an original track by quot;David Banner quot;
- The Black Spades News Ticker to keep you aware of current game events
- Push Notifications (Make sure you accept!) to get important game updates
- Guaranteed to increase your Spades playing ability*
Black Spades House Rules:
- 250, 350 or 500 point games
- Trump Card Ranking
Joker (HI)
Joker (LO)
Deuce of Spades
Deuce of Diamonds
Ace of Spade
- Reneg (play the wrong card and kiss those 3 books goodbye.)
- Spades can lead (play a spade whenever you feel like it, but don #39;t reneg)
- Blind Bidding (Go Blind 6 or Blind 7 when you are down 100 points)
In addition to our authentic rule set, realistic game play and social media connectivity, Black Spades is packed full of subtle details that make it a must-have game. For the complete list of rules and features visit www.BlackSpadesGame.com.
Follow us to learn about upcoming events and game updates:
Twitter: @BlackSpadesGame
Instagram: @BlackSpadesGame
Facebook: Facebook.com/BlackSpadesGame
Youtube: Youtube.com/BlackSpadesGame
*Do not call us if you get whooped in Spades. While playing Black Spades should make you a better player, we can #39;t help everyone. LOL. That statement was for your entertainment while reading this game description.
2018-07-05 20:18:20
简介:Crazy Balls is a free-to-play game! It is the best choice to kill your time!
You can play Crazy Balls while you’re waiting for a bus, waiting for your class or in a boring class or meeting. Crazy Balls will help you to kill your time without letting you miss your important stuff.
- Play without Internet!
- Auto-play When You Are Away!
- Free to Play!
- Hit and Destroy the Target!
- Endless Levels and Games!
You can play Crazy Balls every time and everywhere. Enjoy your relaxing and joyful time with Crazy Balls!
2018-07-05 20:18:16
简介:You have to go as fast as you can while following the given course and win the race!
Challenge yourself and your friend with addictive cool racing game.
Suitable for children and all ages. Enjoy it on phone and tablet.
Have fun !
■Game center support:
Compare your best time with others in the world.
2018-07-05 20:17:29
简介:Extreme GT Racing Turbo Sim 3D is the best car simulator of 2014, thanks to its advanced real physics engine
Ever wanted to try a sports car simulator? Now you can drive, drift and feel a racing sports car for free!
Be a furious racer on a whole city for you. No need to brake because of traffic or racing other rival vehicles, so you can perform illegal stunt actions and run full speed without the police chasing you!
Drifting fast and doing burnouts had never been so fun! Burn the asphalt of this open world city!
Full real HUD including revs, gear and speed.
ABS, TC and ESP simulation. You can also turn them off!
Explore a detailed open world environment.
Realistic car damage. Crash your car!
Accurate physics.
Control your car with a steering wheel, accelerometer or arrows
Several different cameras.
2018-07-05 20:17:26
简介:Your dream has come true. You #39;ve finally reached the Olympics, and you get to compete against world-class gymnasts to win gold for your country! If you want to be a star gymnast, you better look the part! Get a makeover, a manicure, and a new hairstyle! Come play the best gymnastics! Work on your amazing gymnast moves until they #39;ve ready for the Olympics.
Product Features:
- Dress up in a glittery gymnastic outfit and stand out at the competition!
- Don #39;t forget your makeup and nail, the details always impresses the judges!
- Design a cool stage for this world competition!
- Work on your amazing gymnast moves, Now #39;s your chance to represent your counry with pride!
- Oh no, you are injury. No worries, the doctor will treat you in time for the big competition!
How to Play:
- Use interactive controls to play the game.
- Get the glittery gymnastic outfit to win the competition.
- Tap to practise gymnast moves.
STAY TUNED with our social media!
Come join our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beauty-Inc/1490275731254673
Get us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Beauty__Inc
Come see our website: https://www.beautyapps.net
2018-07-05 20:17:00
简介:- gt; Missions
- gt; Third Person control
- gt; Cool Classic cars amp; Sporctars
- gt; Brilliant vehicle and drift physics
- gt; Open world Environment
- gt; Weather effects
- gt; Voices
- gt; 60 Cars 10 Motorbikes
Minimal System Requirements
1,3 GHz or higher CPU 1 GB ram 200 mb free space
2018-07-05 20:16:29
简介:Become the king of street racing and show off your professional racing skills! Defeat your friends and enemies and become No. 1 car champion in the world.
Drive your supercar in the dark forest, still hills, lively city. Challenge yourself with four different types of challenges: distance, speed, drift and overtaking. Driving on bustling roads or high-speed streets is very exciting. Drifting and overtaking in the top road racing racing game and enjoying unusual gameplay. Become a true superstar when you win a car race. Driving a different car is a great opportunity in the car drift game. In the race you can hear the tires burning on the ground, speeding up your speed, using super-nitrogen during the race and finishing at maximum speed.
Use your skills to win the game. Be a world racing guru and be wary of wasting time leaving the track due to mistakes.
Street Racing Car Traffic Speed Features:
- highly realistic racing game
- HD graphics 3D graphics
- Practical driving feeling with extra pleasure
- Simple and smooth control
- Stunning visual effects
- Dangerous and tricky path
- Challenging missions
2018-07-05 20:16:25
简介:You’ve helped countless mutant creatures evolve. Now, it’s time to go GALACTIC!
This is Evolution like you’ve never seen before!
Discover a whole galaxy filled with planets inhabited by different mutant creatures and combine them to achieve their ultimate forms in a new kind of Evolution game! Merge many different animal species in an ever-expanding universe!
After tamperi...er...helping with the progression of so many worlds, you’ll finally find out the answer of a very old question: what’s beyond the galaxies in the universe?
We honestly have no clue, but there will be a game for that too!
Different planets: combine mutant creatures in fox, rabbit and sloth-themed worlds, with more coming!
Meet the gods: beings of galactic awesomeness are waiting to be discovered!
Impostors: watch out for impostors trying to steal the spotlight from the creatures!
Drag and drop similar creatures to create new mysterious mutants
Use creature eggs to earn coins, buy new creatures and make even more money
Alternatively, fiercely tap a creature to make coins pop from their eggs
Different stages and many creature species to discover
A mind-blowing story with fantastical twists!
The unexpected mix of alpaca-like evolution and incremental clicker games
Doodle-like illustrations
Open ended gameplay: enjoy the freedom!
No creatures were harmed in the making of this game, only developers
Did you say helping the galaxy evolve is a cheesy dream?
Well that’s a very MILKY WAY to look at things, young one!
Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
2018-07-05 20:16:02
简介:Bid Whist by SNG is now ready for android mobile phones and tablets with its high quality and high level artificial intelligence. You can now download the best Bid Whist card game for free. Our main contribution is offline Bid Whist plus high level artificial intelligence.
It is very similar to spades card game. If you are familiar with Spades card games with trumps, Bid Whist will be your favourite game. This is the best Bid Whist plus you do not need internet connection.
- Smooth graphics and game play.
- High level artificial intelligence (machine learning and neural networks)
- No need for an internet connection.
- Totally free!
- No banner ads.
Bid Whist is intended for adult audiences and does not offer quot;real money gambling quot; or an opportunity to win real money or prizes. Practice or success at our game does not imply future success at quot;real money gambling quot;.
Enjoy this new game from SNG.
May the luck be with you.
2018-07-05 20:15:38
简介:This simple but elegant memory card matching game was designed for anyone that wants brain improvement. Our pairs card game offers Easy, Medium, and Hard modes so you can choose your level of difficulty.
- How to Play -
Take turns against the computer. You can turn over 2 cards at a time. When it is your turn again, use your memory to turn over two cards that match. each pair of matching numbers counts towards your score. The final winning score is determined by the player with the most pairs accumulated.
2018-07-05 20:15:23
简介:Edujoy向孩子们推荐凱蒂貓侦探游戏! 帮助Hello Kitty找到所有的对象,成为最
好的侦探! 测试您的视觉技能,并通过针对6岁以下儿童的有趣游戏提高您的集
玩你最喜欢的三丽鸥角色,玩耍时玩得开心。 挑战是找到项目,记住对象,并显
- 找到隐藏的对象
- 找出10个差异
- 查找项目
- 完成现场
- 匹配形状
- 解决迷宫
- 打鼹鼠
- 记住并找到新的东西
- 匹配正确的一面
- 词搜索
随着孩子的成长,宝宝和小孩学习从环境中辨别对他们有重要意义的信息。 良好
数学问题以及许多其他技能都很重要。 凱蒂貓侦探游戏,帮助孩子提高他们的注
我们喜欢为您创造教育和有趣的游戏。 如果您有任何建议或问题,请随时向我们
2018-07-05 20:15:10
简介:Spades is a popular trick-taking card game like Hearts, Euchre amp; Canasta, but this Multiplayer card game is played in 2 player teams which adds a total new element of strategy. In Spades, Aces are high and Spades are trump which is where the game gets it name.
Hardwood Spades Free breathes new life into your favorite card game with excellent graphics and soothing environments. If you #39;re new to the game, don #39;t worry you can find how to play with our tutorials.
You can play Hardwood Spades not just on your phone or tablet but on your computer and even your TV as well!
Play Spades online with players from across the internet or with family and friends. You can even post your winnings to Facebook for all your friends to see.
Game variations included:
* Partnership
* Partnership - Suicide
* Partnership - Mirrors
* Individual (solo)
* Individual -Mirror
* Individual-Cutthroat
* Individual -Cutthroat Mirror
Up your game, and test your skill in Tournament play. Full integration with Tourney King tournament service, allow you to play in or run tournaments of your own! Win prizes and glory in Showdown tournaments where winners of previous tourneys face off in a battle royal to crown the best.
Online Multiplayer social games are free to play.
We #39;ve got spades plus other card and boardgames:
Hardwood Euchre - Jacks are Trump in this trick taking game.
Hardwood Hearts - A great trick taking game where the goal is to take the least amount of points.
Hardwood Backgammon - Who can move their men to safety 1st?
amp; Video Poker Duel - Play competitive video poker just like you #39;d find in a casino.
If you also like some solitude, all of our games can be played as single player with multiple difficulty levels. But for the ultimate single player experience, check out our game Hardwood Solitaire IV available here on google play.