2018-07-05 20:47:21
简介:맞고는 지겹고, 3명 고스톱은 가로(?)여서 할만한 화투 게임이 없다고 생각하셨나요?
요즘 스마트폰 화면이 커져서 맞고도 한손으로 치기 어려우셨죠?
이 모든 고민을 해결할 3인고스톱 plus가 출시 되었습니다.
※ 3인 고스톱 plus 는?
- 3명이 치는 고스톱 게임 입니다.
- 세로로 치는 3인고스톱 입니다.
- 유일하게 한손으로 칠수 있는 고스톱 게임 입니다.
- 끝내주는 손맛!
- 빠른 진행!
- 현실의 룰.
- 피로하지 않는 디자인.
- 실시간 랭킹.
- 한계가 없는 레벨.
- 다양한 통계.
- 자동 저장 편안함.
- 무료! 공짜!
3인 고스톱plus는 말그대로 3명이서 치는 고스톱으로 조금 더 현실감 있게, 조금 더 편하게 게임을 즐길수 있도록 만들었습니다.
※문의하기([email protected])
※등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-170215-001 호
개발자 연락처 :
131, Jayang-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (05026)
BRC : 132-81-81274
2018-07-05 20:46:10
2018-07-05 20:45:08
简介:在《绚丽风采 - Angela 的时装狂热》中,一切都显得非同寻常!被丈夫欺骗并丢了工作后,Angela 几乎要放弃自己的梦想。直到她遇到人生中的一次意外,才...颇负盛名的时装女皇 Truly 挑选 Angela 为七名决赛选手之一,参加一场夺取其皇冠的竞赛!Angela 陶醉于的诱人的派对、华丽的酒店,并和她喜爱的名人暗通款曲。但在表面的光鲜下,Angela 的偶像 Truly 隐瞒了一个苦涩的秘密…
- 在这款由《美味餐厅》的获奖制作者们为您推出的《绚丽风采》第 2 季中,您将盛装登场
- 畅玩 61 时间管理故事关卡、29 个挑战,并成为一颗闪耀的时装明星
- 到世界各地的精彩纷呈的地方旅行,会见名人
- 帮助 Angela 设计漂亮的服装, 在世界最盛大的时装竞赛中让她的模特大放光彩
- 通过这些绚丽的形象和最新时装潮流,激发自己的灵感,丰富自己的衣柜
在 Facebook 上成为《绚丽风采》粉丝:
享受其他 GameHouse 原创故事:
- 绚丽风采 - Angela 的甜蜜复仇
- Delicious - Emily #39;s Hopes and Fears
- Delicious - Emily #39;s Home Sweet Home
- Delicious - Emily #39;s New Beginning
- Delicious - Emily #39;s Honeymoon Cruise
2018-07-05 20:44:27
简介:Show that you can make full use of your driving skills in this b realistic parking simulator /b taking place around a lifelike b Shopping Mall /b environment! Learn to drive all of b 12 awesome cars /b , varying in size, performance and handling!
REALISTIC SHOPPING MALL: Drive and park around an authentic looking environment
12 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM: Sports cars, sedans, delivery vans and more!
60 CHALLENGING MISSIONS: Show your driving skill, pass all challenges with flying colours!
FUN, RESPONSIVE DRIVING MODEL: Driving never felt this good!
REAL TRAFFIC: Avoid crashing with other cars on the road!
b Shopping Mall Parking Lot /b offers an opportunity to drive multiple vehicles of all shapes and sizes around authentic looking, immersive environment! b Select from a wide variety of cars /b , covering all popular types. From an awesome American muscle car, through a sports car, a truck, a delivery van to even a long bus.
Immerse yourself and test your driving skills in this unique and enjoyable simulator. Feel the real pride that comes from accomplishing different tasks quickly and efficiently. Quench your thirst for speed but don’t afraid to step on the brake when needed. Remember – safety is as essential here as speed. If you crash and don’t get to your destination, you will not get your rewards.
Each mission is a different test of your driving skills, reflexes and coordination. Each track is full of obstacles and surprises. You will b drive around a shopping mall and in an underground parking lot /b , exploring all of its nooks and crannies. There’s not time to shop though – you have tasks and tests to complete to show that you’re the true pro driver.
Driving the bigger vehicles is more challenging but also immensely rewarding. Get to know the area driving the more practical cars and you’ll be ready to complete all the challenges in the more demanding ones! You can treat each task as a lesson preparing you for challenges ahead. Whatever you do, be careful to drive safely and do not crash!
You will be rewarded for your performance in each mission. The faster you complete it, the more you will earn. You can then use your in-game fortune to unlock additional vehicles that unlock subsequent trials. Shop for the coolest cars and see how you can use them on your quest to becoming the best b Shopping Mall Car Driver /b !
In addition to the normal game mode the game also features and additional unlockable gameplay variants for easier driving.
2018-07-05 20:44:27
본게임은 게임물관리위원회의 정식으로 등급분류를 받은 게임으로서
구글계정이 없거나 미성년자는 온라인 대전 게임을 플레이할 수 없습니다.
등급분류번호 ( CC-OM-160519-002호 )
1. 국내 유일의 [한글 튜토리얼]이 들어있는 마작게임입니다.
( 단 10분만 투자하면 드라마나 영화를 보면서도 항상 궁금했던 마작 플레이하는 법을 이해할 수 있습니다 )
2. [리치 마작]과 [국표마장]을 동시에 즐길 수 있는 앱입니다.
3. 4개의 혼패(조커패)를 실시간으로 체크하는 세계 최고 수준의 마작엔진이 탑재되어 있습니다.
튜토리얼과 연습게임은 본인인증 없이 자유롭게 이용할 수 있으니
마작이란 게임에 대해 궁금하셨던 분들은 부담갖지 마시고 설치해보세요.
( 대전게임은 본인인증이 필요 )
[마작이란 ?]
마작은 바둑과 더불어 수천년을 이어온 전통이 있는 게임입니다.
마작은 운보다 실력이 더 중요하게 작용하는 게임으로서
포커와 같이 세계적인 대회가 열리고 프로 마작기사가 활동하고 있습니다.
마작은 4명이 모여야만 플레이 할 수 있는 특성과
많은 경우의 수를 생각해야만 하는 게임의 난이도 때문에
국내에는 널리 알려지지 않았지만
독특하고 재미있는 게임임에 틀림이 없습니다.
지금 이 지적이고 스릴넘치는 전투에 참여해보세요.
■ 필수적 접근권한 안내
- 전화 걸기 및 관리 : 주민번호 대신 기기고유번호를 사용하기 위해 필요합니다.
- 기기 사진, 미디어, 파일 액세스 : 게임데이터 저장 및 읽기를 위해 파일 접근권한이 필요합니다.
안드로이드 운영체제는 6.0 버전부터 동의 방식이 크게 달라졌기 때문에 해당 스마트폰 내 소프트웨어 업데이트 기능을 이용하여, 본인 스마트폰의 운영체제를 안드로이드 6.0 이상으로 업그레이드할 수 있는지 확인하고 업그레이드하시기 바랍니다. 또한 운영체제가 업그레이드되더라도 기존 앱에서 동의한 접근권한이 바뀌지는 않기 때문에 접근권한을 다시 설정하기 위해서는 이미 설치한 앱을 삭제 후 재설치해야합니다.
■ 접근권한 철회방법
- 운영체제 6.0 이상 : 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 선택
- 운영체제 6.0 미만 : 접근권한 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱 삭제로 철회 가능합니다
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-05 20:44:23
简介:Ultimate RummyCircle offers the best rummy gaming experience on your Android device. It’s powered and brought to you by Rummy Circle, India’s most popular rummy website. While you enjoy the awesome game-play, RummyCircle ensures the best outputs and reliability. Thanks to the ever-expanding user-base of 5 Million, RummyCircle is the best place to start your rummy adventures, be it bet, classic or deals rummy.
b Awesome Features for the Best Rummy Gaming /b
Ultimate RummyCircle app comes with a grand set of features. You get real-life rummy game experience on an Android device. Some of the most notable features are:
- The graphics and interface of Ultimate RummyCircle are so impressive that you can compare it to an actual card-based rummy game. Even if your phone has a smaller screen, Ultimate RummyCircle will optimize the visual experience to the best level.
- Ultimate RummyCircle hosts 5 million rummy game players from India. All you need for playing games is an account and internet connection. Every second, you will have another opponent to play with.
- Ultimate RummyCircle consumes the least amount of mobile data and works fine in 2G and 3G data connections. Thanks to the good build of the app, you don’t have to worry about device slowdowns either.
- With Ultimate RummyCircle, there is no worry about losing all your chips. Every four hours, you will receive free chips. You can keep playing using the free chips, no matter what type of rummy you like.
These features obviously add value to your rummy gaming experience.
b Different Games to Entertain Yourself /b
You can find three types of rummy games in Ultimate RummyCircle for Android. They all offer a unique and effective gaming experience, no matter where you are.
- b Classic Rummy /b is for the rummy gaming enthusiasts out there. You can jump into the world of classic rummy games, and challenge the other players in Ultimate RummyCircle. It’s the best choice when you need to pass your time.
- b Bet Rummy /b requires you to understand the game so well and be confident about your cards. Then, it’s possible to increase the bets on every turn. Obviously, you have a chance of winning big when you bet big.
- b Deals Rummy /b in Ultimate RummyCircle brings the real spirit of multiplayer gaming into the world of rummy games. You can engage in gameplay with multiple Rummy players out there.
b Some Rules to Follow in Ultimate RummyCircle /b
Just keep the following rules in mind while starting your next rummy game in Ultimate RummyCircle.
1. The game in Ultimate RummyCircle is played between 2 to 5 players.
2. The game uses two standard decks of 52 cards each.
3. Each player will be dealt 13 cards at the beginning of every Ultimate RummyCircle game.
4. To win the game, you need to arrange the available cards into valid sequences or sets.
5. You can create a sequence by placing 3+ running cards. These cards, however, should be of the same suit. For example, you can create a sequence like 5 6 7 .
6. You can create a set by combining 3+ cards of same face value, but different suits. An example is 3 3 3 .
7. A Joker card is selected at the start of every game. It can be used in place of any other card. That is, if you don’t have a card in 3 3 3 , Joker can be used in that place.
8. One or more Jokers can be used for completing sequences and sets
9. You create a Pure Sequence if there is no Joker card is used. However, in 5 6 7 , you can use a Joker card in the place of 6, but the sequence will not be Pure.
10. It’s compulsory to have two sequences for finishing an Ultimate RummyCircle rummy game. Out of 2, one should be a pure sequence.
Record_Audio - This permission helps us serve better-targeted ads based on media consumption. The ad revenue helps us make better games for you! You can opt-out at any time, just visit our privacy policy.
From the makers of India #39;s #1 Rummy site, RummyCircle and #1 Teen Patti app, Ultimate Teen Patti (UTP)!
2018-07-05 20:43:53
简介:Spades Multiplayer is a Live, Online, Multiplayer FREE gaming app from Artoon Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Which you can play with your family, friends or anyone, anytime anywhere in the world. Spades is also known as Bidding, Paired Bidding and Blind Bidding Card Game.
Spades is one of the traditional trick-taking card games like Hearts, Euchre and Canasta but this trick taking card game is played in pairs in which spades is always the trump. Spades also have different game modes like Whiz, Mirror, Suicide and Solo which are popular in different countries.
Unique Features:
1. 5 Different Modes: Partner, Whiz, Mirror, Suicide and Solo.
2. Play with Real Peoples: No robots like other Spades game. Play with only real players anywhere in the world.
3. Play With Your Friends: Locate your friends and join their table with a simple click of a button.
Awesome Features:
1. Extreme User Friendly: Easy and refreshing interface.
2. Chat amp; Gift: Live in-game chat and exchange gifts and have lots of fun.
3. Works Fast On Slow Internet: Works smoothly on slow Internet connection even like 2G.
4. Play your way to top the Leaderboards!
Get Free Chips:
1. Initial Chips: Download now and get 10,000 chips FREE!!
2. Daily Free Chips: Get more free bonus chips than any other Spades game.
3. Invite Bonus Chips: Get more chips on inviting friends.
4. Weekly Winner Chips: Get Millions Chips on every week by participating on Weekly Contest!
Any suggestions? We always love to hear from you and making this App better.
Thank you.
2018-07-05 20:43:20
简介:2017 most fun Fairy Tail game quot;Dragon mage quot;,Fighting blood, Friendship blood!
2017 most fun Fairy Tail game quot;Dragon mage quot;!
You need to recruit mages in the game , to complete the task, to develop the strongest team!
Nearly 300 mages, more than 100 kindsand equipment, allowing the player full of fun and surprises.
2017 most hot-blooded game hand travel shock attack!
[Game Features]
- Authentic and colorful -
Restore the true image of the second element, respect the original
200 styles of Mages, there is always your favorite one
- Free control of blood fighting -
Semi-automatic combat system, farewell look at the game era, the manual release of the strongest skills
Blood PVP combat, personally create the strongest team
- One hit kill talent fetters -
Gorgeous kill effects, rich talent yoke system
Natural skills, the mysterious bond super bonus
- Farm forging Passion Guild -
Perfect farm system, forging the strongest equipment
The strongest guild, let you find your own home
[Games Support]
If you encounter problems captain in the game, please get help through the following ways:
Facebook page: https: //www.facebook.com/dragonmage.game
The official line id: 3734895
QQ group: 376 069 840
E_mail:[email protected]
2018-07-05 20:42:45
简介:맞고는 이제 그만 지금 부터는 3인 고스톱으로 즐기자~
- 맞고는 지겹다?
- 고스톱 치시고 싶으셨는데...맞고만 있었나요?
- 그래서 맞고만 치셨나요?
이제 이런 지겨움과 어쩔수 없음을 해결해줄 3인 고스톱이 정식으로 구글에 오픈하였습니다.
3인 고스톱은 말그대로 3명이서 치는 3인용게임 입니다.
현실과 똑같은 룰과 인원수로 고스톱을 좀더 현실적으로 잼있게 즐길수 있도록 만들었습니다.
바닥판과 패가 너무 그림스럽다?
3인고스톱의 패와 바닥판은 실사 이미지를 그대로 가져와 제작하여 억지스러움을 제거했습니다.
※주의 : 자세히 보면 손때도 보이니 너무 자세히는 보지 말아 주세요. ^^;;
- 현실보다 더한 손맛!
- 빠른 게임 진행!
- 현실과 동일한 룰.
- 눈이 피로하지 않는 디자인
- 실시간 이루어 지는 랭킹
- 무한레벨
- 다양한 통계확인.
- 자동저장
- 그리고 무료!
(본게임은 결재가 없는 무료게임입니다.)
※문의하기([email protected])
※등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-161214-005 호
개발자 연락처 :
131, Jayang-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (05026)
BRC : 132-81-81274
2018-07-05 20:41:38
简介:b Gin Rummy /b get ready for a card game that makes all other forms of entertainment look like deadwood: b Gin Rummy! /b Gin Rummy Offline is a hugely popular card game, where the aim is to form sets and runs of cards before your opponent. b Gin Rummy /b is a terrific game that you #39;re sure to enjoy. Score Big with Gin Bonus, Big Gin and Undercut!
b Gin Rummy /b is simple and quick to play, and if you are new to the game then gin rummy provides everything you need to learn it! Get free Gin Rummy, the matching card game for free. Gin Rummy offline is now available for android mobile phones and tablets with its high quality. Download now and play for free. You can play Gin Rummy - Offline anywhere you want. There is no need for an internet connection. You can earn millions of chips and play in high-bet rooms against artificial intelligence if you are a really good Gin Rummy player.
b Gin Rummy Variations :- /b
b Gin Rummy Mode :- /b
In standard gin, only a player with 10 or fewer points of deadwood may knock. Knocking with 0 points of deadwood is known as going Gin or having a Gin hand, while knocking with deadwood points is known as going down.
b Knock Mode :- /b Players have Knock button only when sum of cards (Deadwood) are less than 11 point.
b Gin Mode :- /b Players have GIN button only when sum of cards (Deadwood) is Zero.
b Straight Gin Rummy :- /b
In Straight gin players are required to play until one of them can go gin. Knocking is not allowed. Scoring and rules remain the same as standard Gin Rummy.
b Oklahoma Gin Rummy :- /b
In this version of Gin Rummy, the value of the first up-card is used to determine the maximum count at which players can knock. If the up-card is a spade, the hand will count double. So if the first up-card is a 4, you can knock and go out with only 4 or fewer points in your hand; and if the 4 was a spade, you would get double points that hand.
b Gin Rummy Offline /b is a card game for two players, combining elements of the card games Rummy, Cribbage and Euchre. Another version in this variation (mostly in match play) and in Hollywood Gin (see below), a second deck of cards will be used to determine the knock value of a hand. The knock value card will be dealt from the bottom and turned over on top. Above rules apply but both players are dealt ten cards with the last hand winner picking first from the deck.
Do remember to rate “Gin Rummy”. It makes us happy to serve you even better. Any suggestions? We always love to hear from you and making this App better. Email us at [email protected]
b Gin Rummy is a terrific game that you #39;re sure to enjoy. Play the best free offline game and improve your skills. /b
2018-07-05 20:41:36
简介:لو خيروك تطبيق سهل يحتوي على مجموعة من الاختيارات المتنوعة و الشيقة و الطريفة و المقززة و المخيفة بالاضافة الى انه مجاني و بدون انترنت لا تحتاج الى اي اتصال انترنت لتستمتع مع اصدقائك بهده اللعبة الجمبلة ليس كباقي الالعاب التي تحتاج الى انترنت صروري للعب ,
لعبة لو خيروك هي لعبة تحتوي على مجمةعة اختيارات و اسئلة يجب عليك الاختيار بين اختيارين وأن ترى بنفسك هل كان قرارك مثل قرار أغلبية الناس الدين جربو لعبة لو خيروك ,محتويات اللعبة مناسبة لجميع الأعمار الصغار كما الكبار, جربها بنفسك لعبة ممتعة وجدا مثيرة سوف تعجبك, ومن ناحية أخرى مضحكة وجميع الأسئلة تتحداك في اتخاذ قراراتك.
تحتوي اللعبة على :
اكتر من 200 سؤال .
اللعبة تعمل بدون انتلانت
لو خيروك بين تغسل وجهك بـ بيبيسي أو لو خيروك تاكل بيضه نيه وش بتختار ؟
لو خيروك تتزوج من شريك قبيح أو لو خيروك تروح المدرسه طول عمرك وش بتختار ؟
لو خيروك تاكل بطاطس أو لو خيروك تاكل لحم باقي عمرك وش بتختار ؟
لو خيروك تكون فنان موسيقي ولكن أعمى أو لو خيروك تكون رسام عظيم ولكن أصم وش بتختار ؟
لو خيروك العاب بنات او لو خيروك العاب اطفال وش بتختار ؟
سنقوم بتطوير لعبة لو خيروك المرجو ترك تعليقاتكم حول اللعبة و انتقاداتكم و المشاكل التي واجهتموها و اي شيئ يفيد في تحسين اللعبة وشكرا
2018-07-05 20:40:29
简介:Adopt the cute little virtual pet Moy and enjoy countless hours of exciting and fun gameplay. With life-like emotions, stunning graphics and fluid animations it will feel just as if Moy is real, and you will hopefully love him just like a real pet.
So do you have what it takes to adopt, love, play, dress up, teach, clean and decorate Moy and his little home?
b Life-like emotions /b : Moy will act like a real pet and get happy, sleepy amp; sad depending on how you treat him.
b Nurture /b : Take care of your Moy by feeding, cleaning, play with and getting him to sleep when he is tired.
b Customize /b : Dress Moy and choose from over 1.000.000 combinations of dresses, shirts, hats, beards amp; glasses.
b Build /b : Build the house of your dreams by choosing wallpapers, furnitures and decorations.
b Garden /b : Grow your own flowers, flesh-eating plants and mushrooms in the adorable garden.
b Stickers /b : Find and collect lots of virtual stickers of Moy doing silly things!
b Music /b : Create music with the virtual instruments such as: piano, drums amp; guitar.
b Pet evolution /b : Combine small pets and watch them evolve from eggs to cute creatures.
b Mini-games /b : Play one of the 15 mini-games and earn money!
b Paint /b : Draw beautiful images with over 18 different colors and share them with your friends.
b Building Blocks /b : Experience real physics in the building block room.
b Aquarium /b : Take care for fishes and style your own aquarium.
2018-07-05 20:40:20
简介:맞고게임이라고 대충 만들지 않습니다.
게임빌 고퀄리티 프리미엄 맞고 정통맞고
시리즈 최신작! 방대한 스토리와 게임구성,
국내 최강 그래픽과 게임엔진, 리얼한 손맛!
지금 바로 정통맞고2012로 No.1 타짜에 도전해보세요!
★정통맞고2012는 이래서 최고다!★
여러분, 정통맞고2012가 왜 최고 맞고 게임인지 아십니까?
지금부터 확실히 알려드릴테니 까먹지 말고 타짜를 꿈꾸는 수많은 초짜들한테 알려주세요~~~
- 진짜 화투 아냐?... 실제 맞고를 치는 듯한 착각에 빠지게 하는 Full HD 고퀼리티의 디테일한 그래픽!
- 풋내기부터 타짜까지... 실제 사람들과 치는 듯한 착각에 빠지게 하는 적절한 난이도와 뛰어난 인공지능!
- 이미 300만 타짜 양성... 9년간 7개 타이틀을 출시한 국내 1위 브랜드 맞고 시리즈의 최신작!
- 24시간이 짧네... 최강 몰입도를 자랑하는 개성 만점의 19명 대전 상대, 그리고 그들과 펼쳐지는 재미난 스토리!
- #39;고 #39;, #39;스톱 #39;, #39;쩍 #39;, #39;뻑 #39;, #39;쪽 #39;... 리얼한 손맛을 더욱 살려주는 스타 성우 보이스와 다양한 사운드, 그리고 진동 amp;화면 연출!
*스마트폰 앱 접근권한 안내
접근권한 별 안내
앱 이용 시 아래와 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위해 접근 권한을 요청하고 있습니다.
[선택적 접근권한]
- 주소록 : GAMEVIL LIVE 로그인을 위해 사용
※ 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도, 해당 권한과 관련된 기능을 제외한 서비스의 이용은 가능합니다.
※ 안드로이드6.0미만 버전을 사용하시는 경우에는 선택적 접근권한을 개별적으로 설정하실 수 없으므로, 6.0이상으로 업그레이드 하는 것을 권장 드립니다.
※ 일부 앱의 경우 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며, 아래와 같은 방법으로 접근권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
접근권한 철회방법
접근 권한 동의 후, 다음과 같이 접근권한을 재설정하거나 철회할 수 있습니다.
설정 gt;애플리케이션 관리 gt;해당 앱선택 gt;권한 gt;접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
* 본 게임의 일부 아이템은 구매가 필요하며, 종류에 따라 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.
뉴스 amp;이벤트
홈페이지 : http://www.gamevil.com
모바일웹 : http://m.gamevil.com
페이스북 : http://facebook.com/gamevilfan
개발자 연락처 :
주소: 서울시 서초구 서초중앙로4 게임빌 빌딩
문의: 02-1588-4263
사업자 등록번호: 119-81-34778
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2012-서울서초-1166호
통신판매업신고기관: 서울특별시 서초구청
2018-07-05 20:39:34
简介:b Learn how to play poker! /b From an introduction to basic poker rules, to advanced poker tactics. This offline poker app explains the hand combinations, poker terms, hand rankings, who wins, split pot, side pot and much more! It #39;s poker explained in an easy way with clear instructions and lessons.
Practice while you learn texas holdem rules! This poker trainer teaches poker dummies, but also has great poker tips for advanced holdem online players.
b This Poker Tutorial includes: /b
- Instruction for beginners and advanced poker players.
- Clear tutorials about when to fold, how to bet and when to go all-in.
- A cheat sheet, a manual for poker hand ranking, learn what beats what in hand values. It #39;s easy to learn as it matches yahtzee rules.
- Quick rules on hands to play and when to fold.
- Instructions for All in rules.
- Learn how split pot works.
- How does a side pot work.
- Betting rules and who will win in poker.
- Practice offline poker, no internet required, and get yourself ready for poker online.
- Poker game rules are explained.
- Tips are paused, so you can read and learn poker on your own pace. You don #39;t need to pause any video tutorial, you will learn it at the poker tables.
- Learn hand analysis and poker odds and probability.
Be a poker star in a Vegas Casino! Install this great poker app now and learn Texas Holdem poker today!
-This easy to use Android app is offered for free by the offline and online Poker Game: GOVERNOR OF POKER!
- Suggestions or issues: [email protected]
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GOP3/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/youdagames
2018-07-05 20:38:21
简介:명절 때나 삼삼오오 모여 즐길 수 있었던 3인 고스톱.
혼자서도 생각날 때 가볍게 즐기고 싶은데
방법이 없을까요?
그렇다면 3인 고스톱 PLUS를 플레이 해보세요!
3인 고스톱 PLUS
200만 유저가 선택한 고스톱 PLUS의 3인용 버전!
아무 때나 꺼내서 가볍게 한판!
3명이 치는 고스톱 특유의 쪼이는 맛, 수 싸움의 묘미를 부담없이 즐기세요!
매끄럽고 깔끔하게 돌아가는
3인 고스톱 플레이를 지금 경험해보세요!
- 기다림 없이 바로 게임 시작
- 매끄럽게 돌아가는 3인 고스톱 플레이
- 화투패를 내리치는 생생한 느낌
- 화끈한 배수의 대박판
- 맞춤 속도
- 깔끔하고 재미있는 애니메이션 효과
- 장시간 플레이 해도 눈이 피로하지 않은 깔끔한 디자인
- 나만의 테마 설정
- 다양한 효과음 설정
- 레벨 올리기
- 실시간 기록 경쟁
- 빠른 게임 종료
- 이 모든 것이 무료!
※등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-170412-006 호
개발자 연락처 :
A-407,452, Yangcheon-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 07574, Republic of Korea
2018-07-05 20:38:19
★ 全球最火爆的消除游戏,经过了重新地设计,高清地画面,优质地体验又重新回归到我们的身边:
✓ 5种全新的萌猫猫,丰富的可爱表情.
✓ 全中文界面支持。
✓ OpenGL2.0 急速渲染,超流畅体验.
✓ 实时刷新全球排行.
★ 游戏玩法:
✓ 点击两个或两个以上的同色猫猫即可消除,单指操作哦.
✓ 没有时间限制尽情思考吧,但每一关有过关分数,达到才能过关哦.
✓ 合理运用魔法鱼道具,帮你刷新更高的记录,登上全球高分榜.
★ 小提示:
✓ 同时消除的同色猫猫越多,获得的分数越高.
✓ 剩下猫猫越少你获得的额外奖励将更多.
得分公式 #1
(分数 = 同色猫个数 x 同色猫个数 x 5)
2 猫 = 20
3 猫 = 45
4 猫 = 80
10 猫 = 500
20 猫 = 2000
关卡奖励公式 #2
(奖励分数 = 2000 - 剩余猫个数 * 剩余猫个数 * 20)
10 猫剩余奖励 0 分
9 猫剩余奖励 380 分
8 猫剩余奖励 720 分
拾取所有猫 奖励 2000 分
★ 游戏特性:
✓ 自动保存游戏进度,您可以随时退出或者接电话,想玩的时候即可接着玩.
✓ 支持Scoreloop.
2018-07-05 20:38:15
简介:It is the speed of the card game.
The rules are simple, but as the name of speed, so to place the cards in a hurry,
It is a card game that there is little reflexes.
When you play two people, your opponent #39;s card looks flipped, so it may be training your brain.
This app, you can play the Speed easily at free time.
Please play this app all means.
■ Rules of speed
Players and computers each have 26 cards.
The top of the screen is the computer, the bottom of the screen is the card of the user.
The user can move it by touching the card that you want to put out.
You can place cards with numbers 1 or larger than 1 in the center card to the center.
After putting it in the center field, each hand is refilled automatically.
If the cards of each place can not be placed in the center,
Put each hand of the user and the computer one by one to the central place.
Repeat this and win if the hands are missing before the computer.
There are four levels of difficulty.
Every time you win the computer, the level goes up by 1, and the computer becomes stronger.
2018-07-05 20:37:50
简介:Global Poker - The ultimate poker experience. The world #39;s best Texas Hold #39;em Poker game. Play with friends or meet people from around the world.
Free Chips! -- The only poker room to give out free chips every 15 minutes! Plus free daily bonuses each day!
Game Modes – Play Texas Hold #39;em Poker on our Regular or VIP or Steal or Bust Tables!
Jackpots – Hundreds of people win our progressive jackpots each day!
Leaderboard – Compete against 250,000+ other players world wide, compete to be number one in the country or world leaderboards.
Capture — Take a screenshot of the gameplay! Upload that amazing win moment to Facebook!
Experience – Climb the ranks by collecting experience from Noob to Hall of fame!
Play Anywhere – Play Global Poker on Desktop amp; Mobile with your Facebook profile.
Become a fan! – Join our community for support and bonuses!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobalPokerPro/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/globalpokergame
2018-07-05 20:37:36
简介:2가지 방식의 훌라를 모바일로!
전투와 조커카드 추가의 2가지 타입으로 보다 재밌고 다양한 훌라 플레이 제공
단순한 룰과 전략성!
단순한 룰과 전략으로 누구나 쉽게 오래도록 즐길 수 있는 전략성을 가지고 있습니다.
승부욕을 자극시키는 게임!
빠르게 돌아가는 경기와 단순한 룰은 플레이어의 승부욕을 자극시켜 다수의 플레이도 재미있게 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다.
상대의 패를 읽는 심리전!
상대가 등록했던 카드를 기억하면서 짜내는 서로 간 심리전이 플레이어를 더욱더 즐겁게 만들어주는 게임입니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 광진구 능동로 3길 54,
제 2017-서울광진-0732 호 (광진구청)
2018-07-05 20:37:15
简介:Hello ARMY!
quot;Love, BTS! quot; is a role-playing game that allows you to talk and text with members of BTS! You can now talk to all BTS members just a tap away!
Talk to any of the members and they will talk with you back. Select among many different chat options to choose between various story lines. Call each member to hear them talk to you.
- Real-time message notifications
- Ability to call and receive calls from members
- Customizable ringtone
- Customizable themes
- Customizable options, including: dialog speed, personal name, bias selection
- BTS members can send personal pictures to you
2018-07-05 20:36:57
简介:Classic Solitaire, and more, with your guide and apprentice wizard, Phileas Foxx!
Travel between worlds, take on 100% all-new levels, and experience a brand new Spell #39;Boost #39; system!
- Hundreds of individual levels and 3 stars to collect per level.
- Customise your spell selection to play the game YOUR way.
- Visit ancient lands, distant worlds and steampunk locations.
- Complete streaks and combos to boost your Bonus Bank and buy more spells.
- Daily Rewards.
- Works offline!
Fans of puzzle and card games like Klondike, Patience, Spider, Pyramid, Mahjong, Yukon, Golf, Countess, Tri Peak / Tri-Peak / Tripeak, Freecell and Solitare Saga will love it!
Email [email protected] for help and support with this app.
2018-07-05 20:36:37
• 开始游戏
2018-07-05 20:36:12
简介:Classic zuma generation ever. Survive four confidential scenes to win the secluded treasure! Complete generally levels, and gave the old college cope to gain three stars in each level.
How to play:
Marble Zuma Empire is shooter marble games, challenging and addictive game ever. shoot ball from your frog to eliminate set of marble.
How to play:
1. Shoot marble to match three or more of the same color.
2. the bomb would destroy most of the ball
3. Tap on the transmitter to exchange the position between current and next marble.
4. Combo and Chain increase score.
Feature Marble Empire
1 easy to play, hard to master
2 30 fun level
3 unlock 3 world
4 Fresh Graphic
5 nice sound effect
6 play this classic game and enjoy it.
2018-07-05 20:35:05
简介:NEW!!! Check out the “Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation” bonus track: be an IMF agent and outrun the Syndicate to retrieve classified intel in Casablanca!
With over 4.5 million downloads under its belt and the support of passionate fans worldwide, the SBK Official Mobile Game is back for a new season.
Join the fray in the 2015 eni FIM Superbike World Championship: pick the bike of your dreams from the biggest brands in the world (Aprilia, Kawasaki, Honda, Ducati, Suzuki, MV Agusta, BMW) and hit the track! Ride shoulder to shoulder with the big guys, such as former champions Tom Sykes and Sylvain Guintoli! Push yourself to the limit in the new Time Attack Mode and don’t be afraid to unleash your inner speed demon!
Offering an advanced bike handling model based on player feedback, SBK15 is the next installment to the officially licensed, high-octane motorcycle racer on mobile and features:
— 13 WSBK rounds, including the brand-new Chang International Circuit in Thailand
— 24 elite riders grouped in 14 racing teams
— 3 game modes, namely Championship, Quick Race and Time Attack
— Enhanced physics engine
— Maximum control flexibility, with 9 configurations including gyroscope and virtual controls
— Realistic 3D graphics with dynamic lighting effects
SBK15 was developed in conjunction with Dorna WSBK Organization to ensure an accurate representation of the white-knuckle Superbike racing style and offer the most realistic motorcycle racing experience on mobile.
For any enquiry or support requests, please contact us at: [email protected]
Check out great videos and more on our Facebook page!
Find out more about the game on the official Web page:
Follow us on Twitter:
2018-07-05 20:34:31
简介:Bid Whist is an exciting, popular partnership trick-taking game. It is played with a standard 52 card deck plus 2 jokers, for a total of 54 cards. There are 4 players consisting of two teams; each player sits opposite their partner. The game starts with each team at zero, and the object of the game is to reach a score 7 or more points, or force the other team to go negative 7 or more points. Points are scored by bidding for and winning tricks, which in this game are called books.
*No Trump Bids will double your points (win or lose the bid)
The Bidding
The turn to bid goes around the table only once starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Each bid consists of a number from 4 to 7, and a suffix quot;uptown quot;, quot;downtown quot;, or quot;no trump quot;.
The number indicates the number of books above 6 that the bidder #39;s team will contract to win - for example a bid of 5 is a promise to win at least 11 books (6 + 5). As there are 13 books in all, 7 is the highest possible bid.
Uptown (or quot;high quot;) means you intend to name a trump suit, and that high cards will win.
Downtown (or quot;low quot;) means that you intend to name a trump suit, and that low cards will win.
No Trump means that there will be no trump, and that if you win the bidding you will then determine whether high or low cards will have preference.
Added an option for Easy or Traditional(Hard Bidding). With Hard Bidding, you can only see the Kitty Cards after you have selected the Trump Suit and Direction(Uptown or Downtown) of your hand. With Easy Bidding, you can see the Kitty cards before you select the Trump Suit or Direction(with a No Trump Bid).