2018-07-05 21:05:25
简介:Play game in two languages. English and Georgian
It has many categories you can choose witch one you want to play.
We will add more functions.
The verbal game is started with the players getting into a circle. Then, the first player says a simple statement starting with quot;Never have I ever quot;. Anyone who at some point in their lives has done the action that the first player says, must drink.Play then continues around the circle, and the next person makes a statement.
2018-07-05 21:05:13
简介:엠티를 가면 꼭 하게 되는 마피아 게임! 하지만 사회를 보느라 꼭 한명을 먼저 탈락시켜야 하는 안타까운 상황이 발생하는데요, 이제는 더이상 그러지 않으셔도 됩니다! 마피아 게임 어플이 사회를 대신 봐 드립니다~ 한명도 빼놓지 말고 재미있는 마피아 게임을 즐기세요~
2018-07-05 21:04:39
游戏中的“二十一点”,也被称为“21”, - 在世界各地的赌场最流行的游戏之一。大酒杯 - 卡片游戏中玩家一争高下的经销商。游戏的目的是得分恰好21分以上的点比经销商,而不超过21的阈值。
在“海盗旗”庄家必须拿牌,如果他有16分以下,在17分以上的情况软停止。与组合“二十一点”的赢3比2,和保险 - 2比1。
- 触摸控制所有的筹码。
- 卡分离双降,增加奖金。
- 对可能的组合“黑杰克”庄家保险。
- 免费无限的芯片数量!
2018-07-05 21:04:32
简介:Hi Poker - NetHiGames
하이 포커
설치후 3초 만에 즐길수 있는 포커 게임
버튼 3번만으로 방안에 입장
베팅 버튼 위치를 내마음대로~
무료 금고 시스템
다양한 이벤트
스마트폰에서 네트워크로 유저들과 같이 즐기는
포커, 바둑이, 섯다 게임입니다.
※ 하나의 앱에서 즐기는 포커, 바둑이, 섯다
※ 매일 매일 1억씩 총 10회 제공되는 무료충전
※ 10분 마다 터지는 최대 1000억 당첨 복권
※ 승리 포인트를 쌓아 최대 1000억 코인을 받을수 있는 승리 이벤트
※ 매일 플레이만 하면 최대 1000억 코인 추가 지급
※ 친구를 초대하면 함께 100억 씩 지급 하는 친구 초대 이벤트
※ 손님 계정 사용하는 유저의 정회원 전환 기능
※ 편리하고 다양한 로그인 방법 구글 로그인, 손님입장, 정회원 가입
※ 올인 당해도 금고에 넉넉히 넣어 주는 올인 보상금
NETHI GAMES All rights reserved.
※ 게임물관리위원회 등급분류번호
- 포커 : CC-OM-170118-001
- 바둑이 : CC-OM-170118-002
- 섯다 : CC-OM-170118-003
※ 통신판매업신고번호
- 2017-대전서구-0501
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-05 21:04:02
简介:맞고 PLUS
개수만 많은 맞고게임들!
전부 똑같고 재미 없으셨죠?
이젠 모든 걸 내 취향에 맞추어 즐기는 맞고가 나왔습니다.
경상도 규칙? 전라도 규칙? 우리동네 규칙...
이제 이런 고민 하지 말고 규칙정도는 내가 정해요!
언제까지 개발사에 맡길거에요?
판돈도 내가 올리고 싶은 만큼 올리자구요!
버스에서! 지하철에서! 한손은 손잡이를 한손은 맞고 쳐야 되는데...
맞고+ 는 한손으로 됩니다. 오른쪽 하단에 패가 몰려 있어 한손플레이가 용이 합니다.
자동 플레이!
잘 됩니다.~
환경설정에서 조정하시면 됩니다.~^^ㅋ
무료 고스톱!
맞고+는 인앱이 없는 무료 입니다.
※문의하기([email protected])
※등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-170412-002 호
개발자 연락처 :
131, Jayang-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea (05026)
BRC : 132-81-81274
2018-07-05 21:03:42
简介:b Play FREE Texas Holdem and Omaha Poker Games at Poker Live Pro – the latest poker app by GameDesire! /b
Enter the world of free, online poker! Join Poker Texas Holdem Live Pro to feel the thrill of real entertainment! Advance with your poker chips and buy into high-stakes poker tables. Compete against the best poker players and prove you’re a true poker star! Poker Texas Holdem Live Pro invites you to join adrenaline-filled poker tournaments and single-hand battles as you bluff, bet and win with your poker hand.
b Additional Features to Enhance your Poker Experience /b
★ b Professional /b : Extensive poker stats, poker table variety, true multiplayer experience.
★ b Reliable /b : Similar high-level poker game experience on all platforms and devices.
★ b Progressive /b : Very generous poker tournament offerings with a supportive bonus system.
★ b Incredible Design /b : Top-of-the-line visual interface, creating a very slick poker game design.
★ b Game-Aspects /b : Multi-tabling poker strategy possibilities coming soon!
b u Play Poker Texas Holdem Live Pro – The BEST FREE POKER experience on all devices! /u /b
Step into the Poker ring with the masters! Whether you just started to play or you’re already a poker combinations superstar, Poker Texas Holdem Live Pro suits all levels. In this Texas Holdem poker game, you will be able to start your poker journey at the stake level of your choice.
b Use our Happy Hour Bonus and cash in on your poker-winning hands /b
b Put on your Poker Face and start playing /b
Play like the pros with a large variety of poker rooms and top-of-the-line poker tournaments. Get ready to play anytime with thousands of online poker players. With our Welcome Poker Bonus and Free Daily poker chips, you will never wait to play! Poker Texas Holdem Live Pro is full of jackpots, special bonuses and achievements – so you can start-off small and gradually improve your Texas Holdem poker rankings!
b Cash-in on Poker Bonuses! /b
b True Multiplayer Texas Holdem Poker card game /b
Challenge your friends to a card game or play against any of the thousands of worldwide poker stars. You can invite other poker players to your poker table, chat with them and exchange poker game strategies. With cash tables in a range of amounts and daily poker tournaments, you will feel the exciting rush of going All-In!
Texas Hold’em Poker games come to life with Poker Live Pro by GameDesire - the most professional poker app you’ve ever played!
The game is intended for an adult audience.
The game does not offer quot;real money gambling quot; or an opportunity to win real money or prizes.
Practice or success at online poker or social casino gaming does not imply future success at cash poker games or real money gambling.
2018-07-05 21:03:32
找到工具,使用它们,订购部件,并通过私有的,专业的汽车车身车间变成具有赛车品质的赛车。这是您制作的最酷的车型之一,并且您会出于对汽车的热爱,有趣和愉快!如果您喜欢我们的 quot;修理我的车 quot;游戏,这个游戏不会让您失望。
2018-07-05 21:02:28
简介:Prepare to go bananas with this popular card game - CRAZY EIGHTS!
While the concept of CRAZY8s has assumed many other names one thing is certain - THIS VERSION is as fresh as they come!
- Play crazy eights online or offline - Internet is not required!
- No squinting! Graphics of cards and game table are large and clear.
- Simple rules - suitable for kids and family-friendly.
- Multiple game variations - Crazy Jacks and Crazy Aces!
- Two player or four player games (vs. computer).
- See how you rank in the list of crazies on the Leaderboard.
- Go bonkers with the Achievements based on number of victories.
- Scoring is set. No number crunching required.
- Compatible with Android phones and tablets.
- Choose from two or four players (CPU play).
- Each player is dealt 8 cards.
- The remaining cards are placed face down on the gaming table. This is the quot;stockpile. quot;
- One card is revealed face-up and game play begins!
- Shed your cards, matching the rank or suit of the revealed card...
- ...if you CANNOT discard a card during your turn, then draw a card from the stockpile.
Shed your cards as quickly as possible by matching the rank or suit with the top card on the discard pile. The player who sheds all their cards first, WINS.
When a player plays an EIGHT, he must decide the suit for the next turn. Subsequent players must follow the named suit or play an eight.
CRAZY8s is a FAST MOVING, HEART-IN-YOUR-THROAT game you will want to play again and again - all the way to the Looney Bin!
CRAZY EIGHTS is family-friendly. Great for kids! Instructions are simple enough for enjoyable play upon the very first game!
CRAZY JACKS: Instead of eights, choose to make Jacks wild.
CRAZY ACES: Swap out eights for Aces for more crazy fun.
Points are totaled at the end of the game. CRAZY EIGHTS app automatically calculates the final score based on the remaining cards in your opponent(s) hands.
Cards are worth as follows:
- CRAZY EIGHT = 50 points
- FACE CARD = 10 points
- SPOT CARD = points equal to face value
Your final game score is added to the previous scores on the Leaderboard.
The name quot;Crazy Eights quot; charts back to the 1940s. The term was coined in the military, designating mentally unstable soldiers. Today, you don #39;t have to have a screw loose in order to enjoy the CRAZY EIGHTS game!
2018-07-05 21:02:18
蜜月是一生的旅程 - 第一次漫长,异国情调的旅程。规划之后最重要的一个方面就是进入包装的画面。所以你必须为他们的梦想之旅选择婚礼夫妇和其他事情惊人的衣服。
享受这个职位的仪式游戏,不要忘记与所有的朋友和家人分享,并通过喜欢我们的Facebook页面分享您的评论 - https://www.facebook.com/tecvividgames/
2018-07-05 21:02:09
奸诈的道路和轨道在高速公路和在舞台上自由驰骋布局。享受重型卡车行驶在冒险traffic.yo的需要丰富的精密的驾驶技能,需要快和感知的道路,以避免事故和收入硬币和电源UPS .Burn了街道和经验无尽的赛车通过高速公路激增繁忙的交通和日/夜模式弯曲前进道路。驾驶你的梦想卡车和,你赚的硬币买新的升级你的卡车。比赛通过填充交通,逃避交通,拿起电源UPS,硬币加分超车接近。高速公路是无止境的,添加的驱动程序需要通过交通尽可能通过各种车辆和种族的躲避,尽量不要撞上车辆,以避免结束了比赛。这场比赛将挑战甚至是世界上最熟练的车手。如果你喜欢卡车,那么这就是游戏!
- 易于学习和驱动器
- 逼真的3D视图座舱
- 无尽的游戏模式
- 不同的地点和卡车的选择
- 模拟样控制
- 游戏和高速驾驶,免费曲目
- 真实的物理汽车是最好的技术在世界上,给人极致的游戏感受与搬运重型卡车转向倾斜和按钮控制。
- 令人惊叹的背景音乐让肾上腺素各级。
2018-07-05 21:02:06
简介:4 Player Solitaire! Nertz is a crazy ninja fast, real-time, multiplayer card game like Solitaire. Nertz is a combination of the card games Speed and Solitaire.
The goal of the game is to play all of your Nertz cards before the other player do. Game play is similar to Solitaire but all players share their Foundation piles and need to play ninja fast to win.
Nerts can be played with any amount of people; this version plays with 4 players. Each player uses their own deck of cards in a solitaire–style competition that requires speed and skill. The object of each hand is to try to be the first player to call out “Nerts” by getting rid of their thirteen-card Nertz pile. A game of Nertz is played to a score of 100. Pounce and Blitz Dutch rules are 99% the same as Nertz. Solitaire Showdown, Double Dutch,Peanuts, and Squinch player will pickup nerds fast.
2018-07-05 21:01:33
简介:집에 있는 quot;화투 quot;로 고스톱만 치시나요?
이제 quot;화투 quot;로 증강현실을 이용하여 다양한 3D 동물을 만나보세요.
이 어플은 도박과는 전혀 관련이 없습니다.
증강현실과 카드보드를 체험하기 위해 quot;화투 quot; 그림을 사용했을 뿐입니다.
증강현실과 카드보드 모드로 실감나는 3D 동물을 즐겨 보세요.
그리고 quot;사진 quot;도 찍을 수 있으니 다양한 동물과 quot;사진 quot;도 찍어 보세요.
아이들이 무척 좋아할거에요.
아이들에게 화투 보여 주기 꺼리신다면 quot;개발자의 다른 어플 quot;을 검색해 보세요.
2018-07-05 21:01:15
简介:Gin Rummy, the classic two-player card game you know and love. Gin Rummy offers four levels of difficulty, four unique game modes as well as extensive statistics tracking. It is an unparalleled game play experience!
Now with 5 unique game modes, unlock Oklahoma, Straight, Hollywood and Manual 3-2-1 for additional ways of enjoying the game! Also, included is a brand new Re-Deal powerup. Don #39;t like the cards you got? Use a Re-Deal! You #39;re guaranteed to get a much better hand!
Also with Facebook integration! Personalize your game, earn experience with every game, never lose your statistics! Your statistics are now stored in the cloud and shared between all your devices.
Features include:
• Realistic gameplay and graphics
• Intuitive single player gameplay
• 4 difficulty options and more coming soon!
• 5 game modes: Regular, Oklahoma, Straight, Hollywood and Manual 3-2-1!
• 6 unique Themes!
• Extensive Statistics, including games and hands breakdown.
• Re-Deal powerup!
• Facebook integration - personalize your game and save your progress.
2018-07-05 21:00:59
우리네 흥겨운 가락과 익살맞은 캐릭터로
전국팔도 많은 사랑을 받아온 민속맞고의 뒤를 이어~
한층 재미가 업그레이드 되버린 민속맞고2가 드디어 나왔소이다!
아글씨, 민속맞고2로 말할 것 같으면~
☞민속맞고의 흥겨움은 그대로인디!
☞대박이 뻥뻥 퍼지는 재미가 기가 탁 막히고!
☞실시간 주간랭킹 경쟁의 긴장감 넘치는 재미에!
☞눈을 찡그릴 필요 없이 그래픽은 더욱 선명하고 큼직큼직해 졌으며!
☞남녀노소 온가족이 즐길 수 있도록 더욱 쉽고 간편해졌다!
긴 말이 필요없소~
우리 민속맞고2는 밤새 즐겨도 돈 한푼 들지 않응께~
허구언날 시간 때울 걱정일랑 옆집 바둑이나 줘불고~
일단 한번 다운받고
신명나게 한판 쳐보시구랴!
※게임물관리위원회 등급분류번호 : 제 CC-OM-160204-003 호
2018-07-05 21:00:47
简介:If you love driving car in city, offroad, desert or special equiped road for high-speed - download car racing toyota camry simulator 3d: drift edition right now for free.Completely realistic traffic when you will car driving camry. You get well apportunity city drive camry simulator on your own car not only 1 car. Try to be expert in car drive city camry simulator!
☆ Optimized for low-end phones. ☆
- It is well optimized for low-productive phones
- Painting on your car.
- There are 4 different models of sports cars
- At once three locations are open!
- Popular, Sports, fast cars as close as possible to reality
- 3D - graphics
- Tuning of wheels, suspenders, managements and is a lot of another on your taste
- Realistic management and sounds of an exhaust!
- New garage with realistic lightmapping
- Upgrade system for Engine,Brake and speed
- Robust steering wheel, buttons and touch steering
This game offers open world for the best car racing camry simulator experience: driving sport camry in forest, drift, swamp driving, parking in city, extreme driving and flip around huge detailed open city and have fun! cars; lamborghini aventador, gallardo, dodge challenger , mustang.The most realistic and extreme racing camry simulator you #39;ll ever experience! You can try car parking carolla on 3 locations - desert parking carolla(sprinter), city parking espada and etc. Download and try that!
The best traffic racing simulation now offers different camera angles with outdoor camera. It #39;s very hard because it #39;s a really cool car and need take effort to car racing camry simulator. Our car racing camry simulator - is better game where you can drive camry racing with other cars or car racing camry , or drift in time when you car racing. Also you get 3 locations where you can with car racing camry on highway racing, traffic racing, off road racing land cruiser or racing on jeep. Each sports car can be fully customized to how you like, design and choose how you would like your own personal sports car to look like.
DOWNLOAD and get unforgettable feeling from realistic driving.
Models list:
Auris. Avensis. Caldina. Camry. Carina. Celica. Chaser. Corolla. Corona. Cresta. Crown. Estima.Fortuner. Harrier. HiAce. Highlander. Hilux. Land Cruiser.Land Cruiser Prado. Mark II. Prius. RAV 4. Sprinter.
2018-07-05 21:00:17
简介:온라인 멀티 플레이 보드게임으로 편하게 즐길 수 있는 빅투 홍콩훌라.
플레잉 카드로 즐기는 훌라 게임의 종류.
13장 씩 분배하는 방식으로 빅투, 홍콩훌라, 써틴훌라라고 불리는 게임.
무제한 무료 게임머니가 제공되는 온라인 게임으로 편하게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-05 21:00:13
2018-07-05 21:00:02
简介:■ 원조 No.1 맞고 ■
맞고는 모두 똑같다? 맞고의신은 다른다!
Full HD+ 퀄리티로 깨짐 없는 환상적인 그래픽!
화려한 이펙트로 눈돌릴 곳이 없다!
맞고는 느리다? 맞고의신은 빠름! 빠름! 빠름!
최적화모드로 나에게 맞는 최상의 속도로 세팅!
맞고는 재미없다? 방송국 작가가 직접 쓴다!
시나리오에 빠져들 수 밖에 없는 흡입력!
반전에 반전을 거듭하는 악마의 스토리!
한번 받으면 절대 후회 없는 없다!
■ 스페셜 기능■
1. 올인모드
성격이 급하시다구요? 올인모드로 한방에 해결하세요!
모든것을 한방으로 승부하는 화끈함을 선사합니다!
2. 판돈 업그레이드
쪼잔하게 100원, 500원? 난 화끈하게 올린다!
상위 1%인 당신을 위해 추천합니다.
■ 접근 권한 안내
[필수적 접근권한]
휴대전화 상태 및 계정: 이용자 계정 생성 및 확인을 위해 필요합니다.
접근권한 철회방법
- 운영체제 6.0 이상 : 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
- 운영체제 6.0 미만 : 접근권한 철회가 불가능하므로, 앱 삭제로 철회 가능
※ 본 게임은 한국 게임물관리위원회(KGRAC)에서 정식으로 등급을 받은 게임임을 알려 드립니다.
[게임물 등급 분류 번호] CC-OM-130206-002호
개발자 연락처 :
전화번호 : 010-2812-0513
사업자번호 : 113-86-89493
통신판매업신고 번호 : 제 2015 - 서울구로 - 0241호 (발급기관 : 구로구청)
2018-07-05 20:59:41
简介:광고가 전혀 없습니다
남한북한 병사들이 맞고대결을 펼치는 유쾌코믹한 온라인 맞고게임 입니다.
(스토리모드에서는 재미로 시작한 고스톱 대결이 결국 남북통일에까지 이루게 된다는 황당+코믹+ 감동의 내용이 있습니다)
총7명의 캐릭터들이 등장하며, 캐릭터마다 개성있는 북한사투리를 성우님들의 혼신의 약빤 연기력으로 표현해 주셨습니다.
김정은의 목소리를 어떻게 표현했는지 직접확인해보세요. 녹음하는 내내 웃겨 쓰러졌습니다
차원이 다른 대작 맞고 quot;무조건 받으라우~ quot; (음성파일 무려 1,500 여개)
* 실력에 따라 대박을 낼수 있는 시스템이 존재합니다.
고수분들은 본인의 실력을 마음껏 발휘해 보세요
결제가 완료되지 않을시 아이템이 들어오지 않습니다
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
2018-07-05 20:59:18
简介:If you like space shooting and survival games and like to simulate sky shooting in for glory and duty, then galaxy space invader is the one you should be shooter playing.
Galaxy Shooter is a fast-paced top-down perspective shoot space war game.
Required skills are more than fast reactions and memorising enemy invader attack patterns.
This space shooter is an exciting addictive epic galaxy war game with 200+ missions, 100+ invaders and a lot of spaceship upgrades.
Start your spaceship engines and join to this ultimate galactic war game.
★ Beautiful levels with immersive missions to complete.
★ Multiple extreme boss battles.
★ Upgrade your shields, guns, missiles, lasers, mega-bombs and magnets.
★ Risk everything to rescue civilians.
★ Brand new weekly tournaments against other players.
★ Boost your final score with a host of in-game achievements.
★ Rescue fallen opponents to win extra lives and stars.
★ Accessible to beginners, as well as hardcore shooter addicts.
★ Full voiceover and incredible electronic soundtrack.
★ Seven gorgeous scenes,Vivid sound effect!
Download Galaxy Shooter amp; Enjoy it !!!
2018-07-05 20:59:12
简介:■■■■■■ 게임 소개 ■■■■■
탐정이 되어 6명의 미녀 조수들과 함께 대한민국내 악당들을 맞고로 응징한다!
수십명의 악당들을 검거하라! 풍부한 탐정 스토리와 실감나는 연출!
각 나라의 12명의 여성들을 위험에서 구출하고, 데이트 맞고와 슬롯을 즐겨라!
큐티, 섹시, 아나운서등 캐릭터에 따른 다양한 음성 또한 이게임의 묘비!
탐정스토리, 위기의여자들, 은밀한데이트 등 풍부한 즐길거리!
맞고와 함께 슬롯머신으로 대박을 노려보세요!
패를 내리칠때의 시원한 손맛과 타격감을 직접 경험하세요!
족보에 따른 다양한 연출로 게임의 재미 업!
[필수적 접근권한]
게임에 필요한 데이터를 저장하고 불러오는데 사용합니다.
더불어 게임에 필요한 각종 상태를 기기에 임시 저장 또는 로딩 하기 위해 사용합니다.
※ 선택적 접근권한의 허용에 동의하지 않아도, 해당 권한과 관련된 기능을 제외한 서비스의 이용은 가능합니다.
※ 안드로이드6.0미만 버전을 사용하시는 경우에는 선택적 접근권한을 개별적으로 설정하실 수 없으므로, 6.0이상으로 업그레이드 하는 것을 권장 드립니다.
※ 일부 앱의 경우 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며, 아래와 같은 방법으로 접근권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
[접근권한 철회 방법]
안드로이드 6.0 이상: 설정 gt; 앱 gt; 권한 항목 선택 gt; 권한 목록 gt; 접근권한 동의 또는 철회 선택
안드로이드 6.0 미만: 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나, 앱을 삭제
※ 앱이 개별 동의 기능을 제공하지 않을 수 있으며 위의 방법으로 접근 권한을 철회할 수 있습니다.
※ 본 게임의 일부 아이템은 구매가 필요하며, 종류에 따라 추가 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
대표번호 : 02-2081-2013
사업자등록번호 : 357-88-00845
통신판매신고증 : 제 2018-서울구로-0447호 구로구청장
2018-07-05 20:58:35
简介:Gin Rummy Extra Plus Classic Card Games is the popular rummy card game. Get one card, discard another and collect the best set for the victory.
- PLAY FOR FREE: Experience all features totally free.
- RULES amp; HELP: Useful for beginner
- TABLET amp; PHONE: Supports Landscape Portrait view
- DIFFICULTY OPTIONS: Easy, Medium and Hard difficulty settings
- MODES: Classic, Oklahoma, Straight, Hollywood
. Fully automated melding or sorting of cards.
. Fully automated game play: meld, knock, gin, big gin, undercut and bonus are processed automatically.
. Fully automated save game, auto-save when exit.
. 3 different decks of cards available
. Extensive Statistics, including games and hands breakdown.
. Win challenges level up
. Fast and smooth game play
- FREE BONUSES - Countless opportunities to earn free coins, easier than ever!
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/rummyextra
2018-07-05 20:58:20
• 扶正家具、挂饰和灯具让房间看起来整齐。
• 把娃娃和泰迪放回椅子和床上。
• 把垃圾丢进垃圾桶,这样地板看起来才干净。
• 擦洗掉墙壁上的污渍,看起来才干净。
• 扫掉地上的尘土和天花板上的蜘蛛网,打造一个适合公主居住的房间。.
2018-07-05 20:57:25
简介:Cribbage, or Crib, (much like Solitaire, Hearts, or Spades) is a classic card and board game many of us remember playing with our Grandpa. And now you can play our free cribbage card game on your Android device. Cribbage Club is a fun, easy to play cribbage game that you can enjoy anywhere! Whether you #39;re just learning the rules, or a cribbage pro, Cribbage Club has something to offer everyone.
Looking for a b cribbage board /b ? Included with Cribbage Club is a free cribbage travel board for those times when you want to play with your own cards and just need a cribbage board to keep score!
b Featuring: /b
● Elsa, Jack, and Anne: play with 3 computer friends of varying skills and abilities; Elsa is a beginner, but Anne is a Cribbage Pro!
● Complete instructions with game rules and a glossary of Cribbage terms.
● For beginners, a tutorial mode to help learn to play classic Cribbage.
● Saves your progress, so you can resume at any time.
● Game statistics for each difficulty level.
● Manual or automatic scoring of your crib and hand.
● For expert players, you may play with Muggins scoring!
● Google Play Achievements.
● Classic Cribbage Board.
● Bonus Cribbage Solitaire game.
b Extras make Cribbage Club the Ultimate Cribbage Game!: /b
New!: Cribbage Squares Solitaire: take a break from regular Cribbage and try this Cribbage Solitaire game when you want a quick distraction. It #39;s a fun way to think about scoring Cribbage hands whether you are learning to play, or already a Crib expert.
Crib Discard Analyzer
Cribbage Hand Calculator to settle arguments when playing cribbage.
Cribbage Travel Board - peg board to track your score when you want to play Cribage with your own deck of cards, but don #39;t have a cribbage board available.
2018-07-05 20:57:14