2018-07-05 13:54:00
简介:You’re in for a heaping helping of exciting adventure in the world of Mad Dex 2, one of the greatest platformers of all time!
You’re Mad Dex. You’re little, but you’re brave. The love of your life has been kidnapped by a merciless monster that has taken over the city, and now all you can think about it how to save her from his vile clutches.
Use your special parkour abilities to overcome all the obstacles, avoid all the traps, beat all the bosses, fight your way to the big bad, and save your girlfriend! Put your agility to the test as you run, jump, stick to walls, fend off your evil foes’ deadly attacks, and never give up!
Mad Dex 2 is a hardcore platformer, an exciting, challenging game for anyone who’s willing to go the extra mile to reach their goal.
• Epic free-to-play action game
• 75 levels with various difficulties in 5 chapters
• Exciting story
• Hardcore boss battles
• Awesome visual effects combined with unique physics and exciting gameplay
• Wide variety of traps
• Characters with different skills and upgrades
• Peppy soundtrack
• Global leaderboard for every level
• Speed: get medals after fast level-complete
• Explorer: secrets at each level
• We read every review, so YOUR IDEA just might make it into the game one day!
Only you can save Miss Dex!
Good Luck at the game !)
Thanks for playing Mad Dex 2!
Don #39;t forget to rate the app and give us your feedback.
We are constantly trying to improve the game and we love hearing your thoughts !
2018-07-05 13:53:29
b 怎么玩 /b
b 特色 /b
★ 超过30个精美的角色
★ 极简美术画面
★ 四种操作方式
★ 即将开启在线PVP模式
2018-07-05 13:53:18
简介:通过TravMobi可以方便快捷的登录你现有的Travian: Legends账号。
- 经典完善的游戏界面。
- 随时可以升级和保护你的村庄。
- 快捷地发送攻击和完成冒险。
- 浏览地图,与其他玩家进行互动。
- 还有更多...
2018-07-05 13:53:02
避免,以防止可能的破坏和玩简单一个手指本身 - ( ㅇㅂㅇ)=b
但不会简单地玩〜 ( +ㅂ+)/
5.用子弹所以现在推杆物理敌人和~~~~反弹技能南希 -
*** 更新信息可以通过Facebook和Twitter进行检查 ***
2018-07-05 13:52:35
简介:Stair Dismount is a 3D ragdoll simulation game featuring the indestructible Mr. Dismount amp; friends.
Push Mr. Dismount down the stairs for maximum damage! Experience somersaults and barrel rolls in convincingly accurate 3D physics simulation!
Use photos of your friends to decorate Mr. Dismount and share your acts of loving kindness via email, Facebook and other social circles!
Dismounting is not to be attempted at home or outside, and should be left to trained professionals. Secret Exit does not recommend or condone dismount attempts outside 3D computer simulations.
See the video on stairdismount.com
- The most convincing personal impact simulation seen on mobile devices!
- Multiple inspiring locations for rapid descent
- Intuitive controls
- Select faces from the device Photo Library
- The crunchiest sound effects ever heard in a digital entertainment product
2018-07-05 13:52:34
简介:快来加入ANGRY BIRDS史上最强冒险!
从一个秘密基地发起起义的反叛小鸟赢得对抗邪恶胖猪的第一场胜利。在战斗中,反叛间谍窃取了胖猪帝国的终极武器计划,PIG STAR(坏猪死星),并竞相推出Rebel Birds(反叛鸟)计划。现在他们需要你的帮助!
加入Angry Birds传说中的Star Wars(星球大战)最强冒险!乘着胖猪军队从Tatooine(塔图因)的沙漠深处到胖猪死星的银河之旅时,用力挥动光影弹弓把胖猪军队炸飞 - 但是切记!你会面对可怕的Darth Vader(达斯维达),胖猪军队的黑武士!你能成为绝地武士大师并给星系带来和平吗?
现在就抓起你的 lightsaber(光影剑)加入冒险吧!愿原力与鸟同在!
在Twitter上关注@ angrybirds
观看视频,阅读漫画,并在angrybirds.com /starwar提交玩家艺术原画
在facebook.com / angrybirds点选喜欢我们并问好!
免费版Angry Birds Star Wars 包括第三方广告。更多详情,请查看我们的隐私政策。
2018-07-05 13:52:06
简介:※ 기존 Rayark사의 사이터스를 결제하신 분들은 AppZil 사이터스를 결제하게 되면
중복결제가 되오니 이점 유의해주시길 바랍니다.해당 사유는 환불이 되지 않습니다.
※ 개인의 실수 또는 단순 변심에 의해서는 환불이 불가능합니다.
※ 100만 다운로드 계획으로 매 업데이트 시 무료 챕터 공개되던 업데이트가
100만 다운로드 완료로 인해, 해당 이벤트에 따른 업데이트가 종료되었습니다.
레이야크 5주년 이벤트가 종료되었습니다. 감사합니다.
★ 마침내 Cytus 10.0을 공개합니다!
- 새 챕터 Night Keepers
Night Keepers가 작곡한 8곡의 신비로운 음악과 함께, 수수께끼로 가득한 장소 quot;미지의 섬 quot;을 탐험해 보세요.
- 특별하고 새로운, 다양한 히든 트랙 추가
구석구석 숨어있는 새로운 곡들을 찾아보세요!
- 리절트 공유 기능 개선
새로워진 공유 기능으로 이전보다 편하게 소셜 미디어에 여러분의 점수를 공유하세요!
- 싱크 기능 추가
이제 iOS 기기에서도 타이밍 싱크 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.
★ Cytus 9.1
- 챕터 L에 20개의 새로운 채보가 추가되어 도전을 새롭게 즐길 수 있습니다.
- 챕터 L의 9.0버전의 모든 채보가 그대로 보유됩니다.
- 일부 곡의 판정 정확도를 높이기 위해 채보를 수정하였습니다.
★ Cytus 9.0 본격 출시!
- Chapter L
Implosion을 작곡했던 오케스트라 gaQdan이 Ice가 쓴 스토리인《L》에 의해 곡을 제작하여 Chapter L을 통해 리듬게임 역사의 새로운 페이지를 열었습니다. 플레이어에게 어디서도 들어보지 못했던 서사곡 10개를 제공해 줍니다.
- Chapter Deemo
Deemo에 수록된 10곡을 통해 Cytus에서 전혀 다른 경험을 제공해 줍니다.
- 서비스 업데이트가 종료되므로 9.0에서 Kamcord 녹화 기능을 제거했습니다.
※ 메모리 용량을 최소 500mb 이상 충분히 확보 후 설치해주시길 바랍니다.
※ 갤럭시 단말기에서는 여유 공간을 충분히 확보하신 뒤에
[시스템 설정 - gt; 소리 - gt; 화면을 누르면 진동 체크해지] 후 플레이하면
정상플레이가 가능합니다
각종 이벤트는 AppZil Cafe(http://cafe.naver.com/appzil)를 참고하세요!!
※ 현재 무료 버젼에서도 사이터스(Cytus)의 모든 곡을 무료로 즐기실 수 있습니다.
- 앱 내에서 결제(2,200원)를 하시면?
1.쿨타임 없이 게임을 바로 즐기실 수 있습니다.
2.게임도중 Retry를 통해 바로 다시 게임을 재개 할 수 있습니다.
3.한 번 결제하시면 평생 무료업데이트 가능합니다.
♚사이터스에서 100여곡의 환상적인 음악게임에 도전하세요!!♚
사이터스에 대한 루머와 미스테리가 항간에 떠돌고 있습니다.
그 중 많은 이들이 궁금해 하는것은 “아이콘이 왜 로봇인가? quot;, “스토리 라인은 지어낸 것이겠지?”입니다.
최신버전의 안드로이드 사이터스를 통해서 이 모든 미스터리가 풀릴 것이라는데……
◆ 사이터스 스토리 방식으로 전면 개시
◆ 사이터스는 완성도가 높은 세계관을 갖고 있으며 새로이 추가한 곡을 선택하는 방식을 통해 사용자로 하여금 보다 쉽게 이해하면서 사이터스의 세계로 들어갈 수 있습니다.
◆ 특징 ◆
- 전세계 유명 작곡가의 28개 이상의 곡과 56개 이상의 편곡을 통해 많은 곡을 수록
- 손으로 그린 아름다운 아트 스타일(스크린샷으로 표시)
- 쉽고 직관적인 액티브 스캔 라인 시스템과 3가지 유형의 노트
- 독창적인 디스플레이 모드를 통해 플레이어와 친화적인 노트 미리보기가 가능
- 강한 비트와 리듬으로 만족스러운 탭 피드백을 제공
- 9 등급 이상의 난이도로 재미와 도전 정신을 자극
- 다양한 음악 장르 제공: 팝, 재즈, 트랜스, 하드코어, 드럼 앤 베이스 등
- 게임 센터, 리더보드 및 통합: 전세계로의 과감한 도전
- 페이스북과 연동하여 자신의 Cytus 스킬 과시가 가능합니다.
◆ 재생 방법 ◆
- 액티브 스캔 라인을 따라 움직입니다.
- 라인을 통과하면서 각 노트를 탭핑합니다.
- 라인이 노트의 중심에 있을 때 탭핑 시간을 조절하여 높은 점수를 얻습니다!
◆ 스토리 ◆
먼 미래 사회에서 지각력을 갖춘 유일한 존재는 바로 로봇입니다.
그들은 인간의 정신을 보유하고 있는 마지막 존재들입니다.
그러나 인류는 멸망하지 않았습니다. 바로 인간의 기억을 이 로봇에 전달할 수 있는 기술이 존재하기 때문입니다.
하지만 메모리라는 한정적인 공간으로 인해 새로운 기억이 오래된 기억들을 하나둘씩 차츰 덮어 쓰며 지워나가게 됩니다.
그래서 인간의 기억에 존재하는 마지막 정서마져도 서서히 사라져 가는 것을 막기 위해 로봇은 그 정서를 음악으로 전환하고 이를 Cytus라고 부르는 장소에 차곡차곡 저장하고 있습니다.
결국 로봇은 이러한 다양한 음악을 사용해 각각의 영혼이 존재하는 인간이 가지고 있는 정서와 꿈을 경함하게 됩니다...
게임에 대한 스토리는 아래 URL를 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
Cytus 공식 사이트: http://www.rayark.com/g/cytus
Rayark 공식 사이트: http://www.rayark.com
Follow Cytus https://twitter.com/CytusRayark
Like Cytus http://www.facebook.com/rayark.Cytus
AppZil 리뷰 블로그 : http://blog.naver.com/appzil
AppZil 웹 사이트 : http://www.appzil.com/
AppZil Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/AppZil
2018-07-05 13:50:36
简介:Play the classic and most fun Bubble Shooter game for FREE! Train your brain and solve all the awesome puzzles and challenges. Bubble Shooter is the BEST matching game. Enjoy the most popular bubble shooter game, which is all about popping bubbles and solving puzzles. Hit, smash and pop balloons for the highest score, and win fabulous prizes, gifts, and coins in this fun game!
Let the fun begin today, download now and match at least three bubbles of the same color to pop. Beat all the challenges, and explore thousands of levels packed with cool features and awesome boosters. Get this fun puzzle game on the play store and play it now for FREE! Warm up your fingers and prepare for some bubble popping fun!
Bubble Shooter is a perfect free brain training game - no internet connection or wifi required so you can play anytime and anywhere. We took the classic arcade game, and added some new, awesome game features to this bubble game that you’ll love!
Enjoy a Fun Bubble Game
* A classic bubble game mode - solve all the different puzzles to win!
* Thousands of thrilling levels filled with fun and adventure.
* Cool graphics and visual effects.
* Smash and explode bubbles with no need for internet or wifi!
* Get ready to challenge your color matching skills!
* Charge up with awesome boosters that will help you blast through the levels.
* Boost your gaming experience with great power-ups: the bomb and the fireball will take out surrounding bubbles and cut through a safe pass.
Pop balls in the fun game, solve challenges, and blast the colorful balloons away! Here is how to do it:
PLAY amp; WIN!
* Take aim, match 3 colors and shoot the bubbles!
* Clear all the colored balls from the board.
* Hit and blast the bubbles and advance through the game.
* Pop bubbles on your device today and win amazing gifts and coins.
* Win points and reach high scores.
* Tap to change the color of your bubble, bubble swap is completely free.
Join the bubble popping fun, play with family and friends and see who can reach the top score.
What are you waiting for?
Get ready, aim and shoot bubbles!
All rights of Bubble Shooter are owned by Ilyon Dynamics Ltd.
2018-07-05 13:50:28
简介:បើបានសាក អ្នកប្រាកដជាជក់ចិត្តជាមួយហ្គេមបាញ់នាឡិកា។
ក្នុងរយៈពេលកំណត់មួយ តំរូវអោយអ្នកបាញ់នាឡិកាដែលបានតំរៀបនៅក្នុងហ្គេម ពីមួយទៅមួយអោយអស់ទើបទទួលបានជោគជ័យ។
នៅពេលដែលអ្នកលេងឈ្នះកំរិតមួយ ហ្គេមនិងចាប់ផ្តើមនូវកំរិតបន្ទាប់ដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ត។ អ្នកលេងបានកំរិតកាន់តែខ្ពស់ អ្នកនិងជួបជាមួយកំរិតកាន់តែពិសេសៗថែមទៀត។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកចាញ់អ្នកអាច ប្រើប្រាស់ផ្កាយដើម្បីពីកំរិតដែលអ្នកកំពុងលេង។
នៅចាំអ្វីទៀត ចាប់ផ្តើមលេង ដើម្បីប្រៀបធៀបពិន្ទុជាមួយមិត្តរបស់អ្នក។
2018-07-05 13:50:11
简介:= Game Features =
◆Over 50 different Power Rangers with unique skills◆
Choose 3 of your favorite Rangers from our growing library of Power Rangers and do battle with minions and monsters, in this endless running action app! Play as one of 3 Rangers, even Morph into a Megazord using special coins found during gameplay
◆Easy and simple controls◆
Control three Power Rangers at once! Jump, double jump, even attack
◆Choose three available Rangers and RUN!, RUN!, RUN!◆
All three Rangers run and attack simultaneously, control all three with the push of a button.
◆ Play again in a snap!◆
Earn “E-Coins” by defeating minions and monsters alike! Power up and upgrade your Ranger with E-Coins!
◆Team up! ◆
Choose 3 Rangers from the same Ranger team and unlock bonus secret attacks! Upgrade those Rangers to “A-grade Rangers” and experience even more powerful action!
◆ Summon your Megazord!◆
Summon a Megazord for exciting attacks
◆Bonus Stage!◆
New bonus levels open daily!
Background audio track adds excitement to the gameplay!
We love hearing your thoughts!
Contact : [email protected]
[Power Rangers fan Page]
[Personal Information Protection Policy]
2018-07-05 13:48:18
简介:Have you ever dreamed of going to quot;Hogwarts School of Wizards and Wizardry quot;? Have you waited for years for the letter from Hogwarts and didn #39;t get it? Do you still believe there #39;s a wizard in you? Do you fancy going to Hogwarts school and be in one of the four Magical houses? Do you want to cast a spell with your wand from quot;Ollivanders wand shop quot;? Have you ever felt what would your wand look like? Have you ever felt the urge to cast the quot;Patronus quot; charm and repel quot;Dementors quot;? Well, I have a good news folks. This app will fulfill all your wishes. Just answer the questions truthfully as you feel like and the magical app will sort you into one of the Hogwarts house, give you the wand and you can discover your own patronus. Be sure to be loud and clear while casting a spell.:)
Re-live the magical moment of Harry Potter world. Use this app to be sorted into one of the Hogwarts House. Just answer the questions and let the magical sorting hat do the rest.
Find your wand. Just answer the questions and specific detail of the wand will be provide to you.
Discover your own Patronus. Cast a patronus charm to repel the demetors. Just think of the happiest and powerful memory while doing so.
Now, five new exciting games added. Test your knowledge on Harry Potter world. Guess the Harry Potter movie name and character #39;s name based on the emoticons. Sort out the characters to the house and play the role of Sorting hat. Test your knowledge on spells. And finally go on the adventure to find answer to the puzzling questions and the fun fact hint lies in the previous questions. :)
Play the games and enjoy. :)
You can cast a spell quot;Lumos quot; and quot;Nox quot; to turn off and/or on light. Just use this app in below link. Hope you guys like it.
Ultimate Sorting Hat app:
Spread the news! Let the magic begin!
2018-07-05 13:47:44
简介:它的時間來準備您的 貓咪 人心生膽怯了這些滑鼠遊戲的人心生膽怯 ! 下載「遊戲的人心生膽怯 : 滑鼠」富耐性、趣味收藏的讚嘆 貓 遊戲與音效。
您是寵物發燒友嗎 ? 您是否想要有一條 貓 娛樂或 貓 玩具應用程式在您的裝置上嗎 ?
歡迎使用「遊戲的人心生膽怯 : 滑鼠富耐性」、「很好地顯示喜歡您的寵物 小貓 人心生膽怯。 它的運作方式就像虛擬貓玩具和不讓您的寶貝貓自討沒趣。 有幾個遊戲中的應用程式 ( 包括免費滑鼠搜尋與貓鋼琴遊戲。
quot; 遊戲的人心生膽怯 : 滑鼠富耐性」已經有很長的清單的滿意 小貓 讚嘆不已。 這裡是意見的部分進行 :
•「我的 貓 深受它、 摯愛的滑鼠 , 我還沒看過她這麼高興就像之前她只有 3 至 6 個星期內舊」。 說 Doug Moyses
•「我很好只是 小貓 曾手術和他無法做任何事情所以他 app 來玩遊戲的我讓他試試這一和他愛上它與他只有幾週歲真的很適合 小貓s 」。寧靜
•「喲女孩 圖案我無法停止大笑當我的 貓 、剛啪螢幕 ! 下載這個太棒了 」 ! EPIX PIXLZ
•「我的 小貓 ... 有興趣在滑鼠好像是遊戲。 大部分的遊戲的人心生膽怯真的不喜愛人心生膽怯 ... 這一部不 ! 我真希望您可以給我們三個 ( 或全部 ) 遊戲的自由而付出的四個遊戲。 但還是很不錯的點子」。說可能 Smith
主要功能 :
•已最佳化的所有 Android 裝置 ( 包括標籤
•您可以使用 IAP 功能的應用程式來解除鎖定更多遊戲
quot; 遊戲的人心生膽怯 : 滑鼠富耐性」是必須要有遊戲的裝置如果您是寵物發燒友 , 尋找 貓 玩具應用程式。 這些免費 貓 遊戲同樣令人愉快的兩個俏麗人心生膽怯甚至人類。 下載遊戲用滑鼠右鍵並祝您使用愉快 !
請留下您的評論和良好評級如果您喜歡的遊戲。 我們會使用您的回饋意見進行變更並改善遊戲讓您有更好的經驗下一次。 謝謝您 !
2018-07-05 13:47:00
简介:quot;The best part of Red Ball 3 by far, is the depth and variety of its puzzles. quot; GamePro
quot;Worth checking out if you #39;re itching for a platformer with a bit more bite. quot; AppSpy
quot;Red Ball 3 has a solid platforming foundation and lots of cool level ideas... quot; Slide To Play
Saving your girl from a scheming baddy is hard enough anyway - but it’s harder when you have no arms or legs! Red Ball and Pink Ball were planning little baby balls together - until the dastardly Black Ball rolled Pink away! Now Red must bounce, float, and roll his way around Black Ball’s fiendish traps to find his girl and ensure the villain gets his comeuppance.
Across levels as varied as the Pyramids, a volcano and rollercoasters, Red Ball must find hidden passageways, balance on rolling rocks, fly helicopters and control bizarre gadgets in order to make it past the traps.
Give this game a go and you’ll have a ball!
- 20 challenging levels;
- Physics-based platforming;
- Hidden tunnels and cool gadgets galore;
- A huge variety of levels;
- A quirky soundtrack for every level;
- An intuitive touch interface.
FOLLOW US: http://twitter.com/Herocraft
WATCH US: http://youtube.com/herocraft
LIKE US: http://facebook.com/herocraft.games
2018-07-05 13:45:28
这是自己的风格的第一个原始游戏。 当心副本。
[email protected]
2018-07-05 13:45:21
简介:아기가 달리면서 성장하는 게임이예요.
구덩이는 점프로 뛰어넘을 수 있고, 장애물은 점프로 못 넘고 피해야 해요.
신발을 먹으면 거대화가 되어서 장애물들을 부딪쳐 날려 버릴 수 있고, 점프를 하면 주변의 장애물들을 다 날려 버릴 수 있어요.
여자아기 캐릭터도 추가가 되어 기존의 게임보다 훨씬 재미가 있어요.
많은 리뷰 써 주세요^^
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
사진/영상/파일: 이용과정에서 기기에 게임 이미지를 캡쳐하는 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
저장: 이용과정에서 기기에 생성된 이미지를 다운로드 하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-05 13:45:12
简介:The player navigates Pac-Man through a maze containing various dots, known as Pac-Dots, and four multi-colored ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. The goal of the game is to accumulate points by eating all the Pac-Dots in the maze, completing that #39;stage #39; of the game and starting the next stage and maze of Pac-dots. Between some stages, one of three intermission animations plays. The four ghosts roam the maze, trying to kill Pac-Man. If any of the ghosts hit Pac-Man, he loses a life; when all lives have been lost, the game is over.
Near the corners of the maze are four larger, flashing dots known as Power Pellets that provide Pac-Man with the temporary ability to eat the ghosts and earn bonus points. The enemies turn deep blue, reverse direction and usually move more slowly. When an enemy is eaten, its eyes remain and return to the center box where the ghost is regenerated in its normal color. Blue enemies flash white to signal that they are about to become dangerous again and the length of time for which the enemies remain vulnerable varies from one stage to the next, generally becoming shorter as the game progresses. In later stages, the enemies go straight to flashing, bypassing blue, which means that they can only be eaten for a short amount of time, although they still reverse direction when a Power Pellet is eaten; starting at stage 19, the ghosts do not become edible (i.e., they do not change color and still make Pac-Man lose a life on contact), but they still reverse direction. There are also fruits, located directly below the center box, that appear twice per level; eating one of them results in bonus points (100-5,000).
2018-07-05 13:44:28
2018-07-05 13:44:26
简介:Boredwalk: Your pocket-sized arcade.
It #39;s pretty simple:
1. Play Games - We have many fun and addictive games to play, from classics to modern hits. New games are added all the time!
2. Win Tickets - Score more, win more Tickets. Find the games with the Jackpots -- hit them and win even more Tickets!
3. Get Real Stuff - Redeem your Tickets for brand new items. We have millions to choose from and shipping is 100% free!
2018-07-05 13:43:55
简介:The classic brick breaker game with a new twist! Your new Arkanoid addiction!
Can you be the villagers #39; hero and break them out of the monsters #39; stronghold?
Keep up with the bouncing ball and deflect it with your paddle in this classic breakout game!
From the creators of Coin Dozer and Prize Claw 2, Brick Breaker Hero is a whole new Arkanoid adventure!
Monsters have come to terrorize each kingdom in the land, and the villagers need a hero!
A hero has come, wielding a powerful shield and armed with magic spells to cast at the monsters and their brick obstacles. Will the Hero prevail, defeating the monsters and breakout the villagers?
Brick Breaker Hero is the breakout Arkanoid game you need to play!
Direct the Hero through the adventure, bouncing the ball off the shield and into the fray of obstacles. Break and destroy each brick, much like classic Arkanoid, until you #39;ve succeeded each level #39;s mission! Destroy enemy minions, collect treasure, clear levels, and break out the helpless citizens!
- Classic brick breaker Arkanoid breakout gameplay with a modern, mobile twist!
- Over 200 fun and challenging levels with more coming soon!
- Many power-up spells your hero can cast, containing spectacular effects and aiding your quest to win each level!
- Unique kingdoms, each with their own theme and unique adventure!
- Boss and mini-boss fights, each having a new ability to challenge your hero!
- Easy to play, difficult to master: Try to achieve 3 stars on each level!
- Connect with Facebook friends and see who can get the highest scores!
- More features to come!
Brick Breaker Hero is a free game that is supported by the ads we and others display. To do this, we work with a variety of online advertising partners who collect data from users of our games and other games to show you ads that are relevant to your interests. Do not install or launch our games unless you consent to this use and sharing of data, as further explained in our Privacy Policy (http://gamecircus.com/privacy-policy/).
2018-07-05 13:43:33
- 在线多人模式(常规)
- 在线多人闪电模式(每场比赛每场10场)
- 单线离线模式
2018-07-05 13:42:40
简介:font color="red" b Play a grand RPG through to the end for free! /b /font
Welcome to the new Asdivine and get ready as a tale about divine encounters with mankind and mankind #39;s encounters with the divine is about to unfold...
b An Adventure of Divine Proportions! /b
Among the many worlds the deities have created, there is one world that abounds with life known as Asdivine. But when a spate of disturbances erupts across the globe and an ever spreading murk threatens to destroy it, Izayoi, the deity of Asdivine himself, takes up his cause to save the world he created with his own hands. Unfortunately, suffering from a loss of his own divine powers, is there any hope he can he succeed? Find out as the curtain raises on this adventure of divine proportions!
b A New Benchmark in Quality /b
Following in the footsteps of the critically acclaimed Asdivine Hearts, Asdivine Dios further enhances its palette of visual expressions. While still maintaining the beauty of the original 2D artwork, some of the most fluid character motion and bold effects ever seen in a handheld RPG have been realized with amazing results!
b Bigger and Better than Ever Before! /b
Boasting a voluminous story, an expansive world, treasure filled dungeons, exciting battles, weapon creation, and more… the all-inclusive RPG experience is finally here! Not only does quality, but content also goes hand in hand as players are now able to customize weapons and even combine magic and skills to rack up damage to new heights!
Plus, with more options than ever before, battling it out with hordes of foes has never been so fulfilling! But wait, that #39;s not all! In Asdivine Dios, limitless enemies and loot, a multitude of subquests, and even bosses that will blow your mind await!
*Asdivine Dios can also be enjoyed in its entirety without the need for additional purchases. While in-app-purchase content requires additional fees, it is not necessary for finishing the game.
* A quot;Premium quot; Edition that includes 1000 bonus in-game points is also available for download! For more information, check out quot;Asdivine Dios quot; on the web!
*The actual price might differ depending on the region.
* Please contact us through the Contact button on the title screen if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews.
[Supported OS]
- 4.0 and up
[Game Controller]
- Optimized
[SD Card Storage]
- Enabled
- English, Japanese
[Non-Supported Devices]
This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee full support on other devices.
Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and #39;Privacy Policy and Notice #39;. If you do not agree, please do not download our application.
End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html
Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html
Get the latest information!
[Facebook page]
2018-07-05 13:42:21
b 与D-MAN战斗: /b
- 在游戏的每个场景中,有15个难度级别,僵尸的类型更加多样化,更难以杀死。
- 在杀死僵尸之后获得金币和红宝石,在游戏中进行任务以升级武器
- 通过轻拍你的手指玩游戏来控制你的霰弹枪
- 游戏像真实的
- 游戏设计细致,精致
- 紧凑的游戏大小
- 免费安装
b 最新 /b :收集6個無限寶石,這樣你就可以消滅屏幕上的所有殭屍。
游戏是One Pixel游戏开发团队的努力。我们很高兴收到玩家的意见,并给予评级5 *来支持开发团队。谢谢!
2018-07-05 13:42:16
简介:《惩罚者》是一款由Capcom于1993年发行的格斗通关类游戏,游戏中只能选两个人。游戏的人物造型巨大,达到了CPS1的极限。93年CAPCOM推出的究级ACT大作, 据说人物比例和系统道具达到了ACT游戏系统应有的膨胀系数极限, 不管描述的如何抽象, 这款游戏应该是我们耳熟能详的“骷髅战士”, 其中“摇红人”的秘技在中国机厅广为流传。由于本作只有两位主人公, 因此也只支持双打。一路上, 你了解到是一个代号 quot;The Kingpin quot;的黑帮老大策划了这一系列城市犯罪。最终你将他的总部 quot;King Hotel quot;展开最后的决战。不同的主角会触发不同的幕间对话, 这倒是个不错的设定。
2018-07-05 13:41:21
- 拖动/刷卡跳或滑动,并向左或向右移动
- 电源UPS会自动当你让他们激活
- 购买新的人物和升级大功率UPS的硬币收集
- 9可爱的猫选择。
- 卡通般的环境
- 惊人的力量起坐:硬币磁铁,火箭,超级走车等。
- 卡车,轿车和客车,以避免!
- 许多障碍物躲避
- 酷我音乐
- 火箭将让你以最快的速度飞过来的障碍,并让您有机会收集大量的硬币。
- 卡丁车的意志使你更快,这将要求所有的闪避能力不镇压反对的东西。如果你碰到了什么东西与你卡丁车只会失去的车辆,但仍保持运行。
2018-07-05 13:41:20