2018-07-05 13:40:58
2018-07-05 13:40:16
您当选为罗马附近的一个军队翼的领导者,你必须捕捉,并采取一个小城市“罗马”的控制,并在那里你会成立一个委员会和罗马市的共和国。在现实生活中这是你的战士童话仅仅是个开始。在本次战斗的罗马战争游戏你有你的区域,城市和政府把佣金的人导致对罗马共和国的enemy #39;swarriors征服。在游戏开始时,你会用对付敌人卡普亚城,庞贝和Veii国剑战斗。稍后,您需要一个苏瑞战斗,停止高卢部落的入侵。在共和国成立的参与。
- 建立了一系列的战士技能封住你的大胜利
- 多和非常具有挑战性的剑战水平
- 武士剑,盾,弓箭手,马剑战士,老坦克
- 逼真的动画士兵像一个真正的战士战士
- 真正的罗马战争感受血液,谋杀,争取胜利
- 攻击与重型陆军部队同步敌人年轻的国王
- 在WiFi和移动网络的离线和在线播放
- 伟大的和令人惊叹的高清图形和3D环境
2018-07-05 13:39:33
“NinJump真的很值得一试” ~ TouchArcade
“NinJump是一款非常值得一玩的游戏” ~ Gamezebo
“没有理由不玩NinJump” ~ SlideToPlay
● 精彩的攻击力提升加速道具!
● 忍者、飞镖和炸弹
● 多种多样的敌人和障碍物
● 直观的轻触控制
● 无尽的忍者乐趣
● 排行榜和得分分享
gt; gt; 马上安装NinJump。免费!
NinJump是Backflip Studios为您呈现的一款游戏,Backflip Studios同时也是Paper Toss、DragonVale、Spellfall、Army of Darkness Defense等手机游戏的制造者。在Google Play Store中搜索“Backflip Studios”,查看我们所有的游戏。在Twitter上关注@BackflipStudios,了解游戏公告及其它更新内容。
2018-07-05 13:39:20
在这场比赛中3场比赛; 你的任务是摧毁“法老”的所有诅咒珠宝。 通过点击一个宝石形成三个或更多个相同颜色的宝石的链子,并拖动到相同颜色的其他相邻的珠宝,并且它们都将消失。 法老将给你一些任务,像放弃埃及黄金或达到目标分数。 不要因为限制而浪费动作。 更容易地完成拼图级别,匹配并冲破4或5颗宝石。
2018-07-05 13:38:43
2018-07-05 13:38:33
简介:뚱뚱하다고 남자친구에게 버려진 비련의 주인공..!
이 주인공의 살을 빼서 남자친구에게 복수해주세요..!
여러 패션 아이템을 통해 주인공을 꾸미기도 하고, 살빼기 능력도
증가시키고, 운동 종류도 여러가지 알바를 통한 돈 벌기는 숨겨진 빅재미^^
새로운 육성 시뮬레이션과 탭 게임의 만남을 즐겨보세요.!!
게임 속 주인공의 통해한 복수과정을 통해 사이다(?)를 느끼실수 있으면 좋겠습니다.!!^^
재미있게 즐겨주세요!!
2018-07-05 13:38:26
简介:Funny Snipers - 2 Player Games free - A free shooting arcade game !
You can challenge with your friends and AI. Kick your opponent off the map to win.
b * Features: /b
- Local multiplayer
- Realistic physics
- Two mode: One player, two players.
- Beautiful graphics, pixel art game.
b * How to play: /b
- Tap the jump button to jump and. Hold the shoot button and release to shoot.
- Get 5 points to win.
b DOWNLOAD NOW !!!! /b
Enjoy with Funny Snipers - 2 Player Games. Beat your friends in amazing physics game.
b LIKE US /b
2018-07-05 13:37:32
简介:b Minecraft Minecart Mine Racer Adventures /b is a fun and exciting game that takes place in the Mine Crafting universe where you have to use your mine cart to travel on the super fast roads and rails without dying!
This is the game for you if you are looking for a fun racing game where you have to dodge roadblocks and avoid getting hit. The game starts of slow with you dodging only a few blocks but continues to speed up as you progress across the railway on each road. Unfortunately if you hit a stone block it #39;s gameover but you can always try again or respawn with gems to try again. As you avoid rocks using your mine cart by jumping over them and moving from rail to rail you can collect diamonds and emeralds. These diamonds are really valuable so try to collect as many diamonds as you can since they will boost your score. Try to stay alive for as long as you can on the Mine Crafting railway.
- You are travelling on a long Mine rail system
- You have to avoid getting hit by blocks
- Collect diamonds along the way from the Mine
- You can use the diamonds to revive yourself if you die!
- Craft new carts with your materials that you received from the Mine
- Swipe left to move to the track left of you if it is there
- Swipe right to move to the track right of you if it is there
- Swipe up to jump over mine craft blocks
- Collide with diamonds to collect them and add to your score
- Buy Crafting skins to look more awesome while dodging those blocks!
- Upgrade your cart to gain more lives instead of dying on first hit!
- Play online with friends or with random games
b MUSIC /b
Alan Walker - Spectre [NCS Release]
➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DJWalkzz
➞ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/walkzz
➞ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/DjWalkzz
➞ Twitter https://twitter.com/IAmAlanWalker
➞ Website http://www.alanwalkermusic.com/
We are not affiliated with Mojang or Minecraft. And it is not an official Mojang or Minecraft app. The Name, Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang AB or Minecraft.
2018-07-05 13:37:22
简介:감성적인 분위기와 대비되는 극한의 중독성을 가진 게임!!
핵전쟁으로 모든 것이 사라진 세계..ㅠ_ㅠ
혼자 살아남은 아기새가 미처 천국으로 떠나지 못한
친구들의 영혼을 구원해주기 위해 떠납니다 ㅠ_ㅠ
- 감성충만한 배경음악과 디자인
- 좌,우 터치만으로 하는 간단한 조작
- 극한의 몰입감! 중독성 갑인 게임 플레이! 화장실에서 못나옵니다 ^_^;;
- 120개의 스테이지 ( 계속 추가됩니다!! )
- 유튜버 소환게임! ( 방송 환영! )
►2015 BIC 출품작!
중년기사 김봉식의 마프게임즈의 야심찬 신작!! 낫 얼론
►MAF Games 대표 게임들!
- 중년기사 김봉식
- 뽀식이네 감자탕
- 영웅 김봉식
게임에 관한 문의는
[email protected] 으로 부탁드립니다!
계속해서 참신하고 재미있는 게임 만들어 나가겠습니다!
감사합니다 ^____^
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 영등포구 선유로 146, 1213호
(양평동3가, 이앤씨드림타워)
사업자 : 264-88-00126
통신판매업 : 2017-서울영등포-1124
2018-07-05 13:37:17
简介:MinuteQuest is a retro-styled, one-finger, time-killing RPG!
A 2D field where the only choice is to advance or die!
Kill fearsome enemies, crush immense bosses, level up, acquire riches, and collect ridiculous equipment whilst gradually advancing along the world towards your goal!
If you #39;ve got a bit of pesky time to kill, why not try it out?
Kill slime, kill time!
20150126 ver1.1.2
・New equipment added.
20150107 ver1.1.1
・New enemies and equipment added.
・Skill combination added.
・Renewal for lollipop.
20141228 ver1.1.0
・Renewal for lollipop.
・Add ranking system. etc
20140618 ver1.0.25
・New enemies and equipment added.
・The life bar now changes color according to remaining life.
20140525 ver1.0.24
・Returning to the castle now restores life
・The cost of healing at houses is now dependent on distance.
20140524 ver1.0.23
・Removed quot;POSSESSION quot; skill
・Fixed a bug in the quot;SCAPEGOAT quot; skill
20140523 ver1.0.22
・New enemies and equipment added.
・Removed unnecessary duplication in skill display when the same skill is activated twice by a certain combination.
20140519 ver1.0.21
・Fixed a bug which cause invisible buildings.
20140519 ver1.0.20
・Fixed the training skip button not displaying
・Added doors to previously cleared dungeons
(Felled bosses do not drop treasure)
・Fixed treasure log persisting over save files
・Revised the relationship between INT and magic defense
・Made equipment level also affect attack power, magic defense, etc.
・Made absorption skill weaker against brutal monsters.
・Change so that bosses are not revealed in training.
20140515 ver1.0.19
・Fixed a bug with scenery not appearing
・Moved the clock
・Added display of gold acquisition rate
・Fixed a bug with poison #39;s effects carrying on in death
・No longer move when touching the top half of the screen
20140513 ver1.0.18
・Fixed a bug with scenery not appearing.
・Added a readout of current distance
・Reviewed the rate of the appearance of brutal monsters
・Amended the training screen
・Fixed the elemental relationship between ice and water
20140510 ver1.0.17
・Fixed an automatic save problem
20140509 ver1.0.16
・Fixed an automatic save problem
20140509 ver1.0.15
・Fixed a bug where save data deletes on update
・Cut prices in weapon and armor shops
20140508 ver1.0.14
・Put title screen skip back in, made a temporary fix for save data deletion
20140508 ver1.0.13
・Fixed a bug with not getting Treasure levels
・Changed tutorial screen (on first launch)
・Removed title screen skip
20140508 ver1.0.12
・Fixed a problem where BGM kept playing even after pressing quot;Home quot;
・Fixed a terminal startup problem (less memory used)
・Added time display
20140507 ver1.0.11
・Show treasure acquisitions in info menu
・Fixed a bug in item quot;sets quot;
20140506 ver1.0.10
・Added an option to turn off hit effects
・Added in quot;brutal quot; monsters (powerful randomly spawning monsters)
These are indicated by a skull
・Added enemies and equipment
・Added a category in the help screen
・Readjusted the random equipment button
20140505 ver1.0.9
・Revised boss stats
・Fixed a bug where you cannot return to the castle on death
・Show if you already own a monster as a pet
・Revised the gold gained from Mimics based on level
・Improved the relationship between accuracy and luck
20140504 ver1.0.8
・Increased the distance needed to acquire gold
・Increased player movement speed
・Set max auto-levelling allocation to 99
・Fixed the number of Magic Doors (previously infinite)
20140503 ver1.0.7
・Added item quot;sets quot; function
・Improved the relationship between intelligence and accuracy
・Fixed the BGM never stopping
20140502 ver1.0.6
・Japanese spelling error corrected 「ほのう」- gt;「ほのお」
・Added a quot;next quot; and quot;previous quot; button to the equipment screens
・Added a loop between the last and first pages of equipment
・Fixed damage calculation with the quot;Chance quot; skill
20140430 ver1.0.5
・Fixed level-up components
・Revised prices of recovery in shops
・Fixed Twitter function
20140430 ver1.0.4
・Fixed level-up components
・Revised prices of recovery in shops
2018-07-05 13:36:52
*** ワンナイト人狼の手順 ***
1. プレイヤーにそれぞれ役割が割り当てられます
2. それぞれのプレイヤーは、その役割の能力を使います。
3. プレイヤー達は話し合います。人狼は自分が疑われないようにし、村人は誰が人狼か予想します。
4. 多数決で処刑するプレイヤーを決めます。
5. 人狼が処刑されれば村人陣営の勝利、そうでなければ人狼陣営の勝利です。(『てるてる』などの例外はあります。)
*** 役割の種類 ***
*** 利用素材 ***
『EVENTs Design 様』
『魔王魂 様』
『暗黒工房 様』
2018-07-05 13:36:21
简介:드디어~! 오락실짱 quot;컴온베이비! quot;가 최강의 컴온파이터가 되어 카카오톡에 등장했다!
각 나라의 슈퍼베이비들이 펼치는 최고의 파이팅 불꽃대전 스타트!!
컴온파이터에서만 볼 수 있는 개성만점의 다양한 quot;싸닥무기 quot;를 가지고 싸우며 강화,진화시킨다!!
실시간 온라인 대전 가능! 수많은 강자들을 물리쳐 최고의 월드파이터가 되어 보자!
카카오톡에서 친구들과 온/오프라인 대결 가능!
고해상도 지원 및 화려한 3D그래픽 연출로 리얼 파이팅을 느껴보세요!!
개발자 연락처 :
135-841 서울시 강남구 대치4동 905-24
2018-07-05 13:36:17
简介:Vortex Ball is a very interesting and addictive game.
Your task is to control the ball in the vortex by swiping your finger on the screen to avoid obstacles and collect rubies. It is reflection with one of the best creative simple game reflector friends challenge management high obstacles.
Try to play as long as possible to get more points.
2018-07-05 13:35:47
2018-07-05 13:35:39
简介:Funny Archers - 2 Player Games is fun arcade shooting bow amp; archery games free.
In this game you will be archery and need to kill all other enemies (archer, magic, tanker ) and to have the higher score. Master all skills and became a PRO archery.
b *** Features *** /b
- Many modes: 1 player, 2 player, online mode is coming soon.
- Simple and fun arcade shooting archery games free.
- Many skins to unlock
- Many items to upgrade: arrow, helmets, bow
- Beautiful graphics
b *** How to play *** /b
- Simple touch the screen, hold to string a bow and release to launch the arrow.
- To become a bow master, archery need kill all other archers to get better score
Become a bow master in Funny Archers - addictive games
b LIKE US /b
2018-07-05 13:35:29
简介:라면만들기게임을 엄마와 함께 해보세요.
엄마와 함께 라면을 만드는 요리게임입니다.
엄마가 라면을 만들고 있어요.
엄마를 도와 라면을 맛있게 만들어보세요.
[선택 접근 권한 안내]
선택 접근 권한은 동의하지 않아도 서비스 이용이 가능합니다.
통화: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
사진/영상/파일: 이용과정에서 기기에 게임 이미지를 캡쳐하는 기능을 위해 필요합니다.
저장: 이용과정에서 기기에 생성된 이미지를 다운로드 하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
기기 id 및 통화 정보: 게임중 통화가 필요할 경우 게임의 일시멈춤을 위해 필요합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
서울특별시 광진구 자양동 74-14 306호
2018-07-05 13:35:14
简介:Free Chess is the best free Chess game.
Touch the screen, move and drop the pieces, checkmate, Win!
Powerful Chess AI engine, super Chess Tutor, amusing challenge mode, increase your ranking and become a Master of Chess.
- 6 difficulty levels(Practice - gt; Expert), easier for the beginners.
- Chess Tutor, improving your Chess skill.
- Intelligence hints analyze every move.
- Update the endgame of chess everyday.
- Daily challenge.
- Various 3D themes for free.
- Support Tablet perfectly.
- Free Chess with Multiplayer Mode
2018-07-05 13:34:16
简介:Juego tributo al famoso arcade Kung Fu Master
Simulación del arcade clásico de las recreativas del 1983.
Ayuda de Bruce Lee a pasar los 5 niveles para salvar a su amada.
2018-07-05 13:34:15
简介:The TH9 maps of Clash Of Clans. Including the best War maps and top base layout.
These maps had good defense in the battle.
A lot of the top player #39;s real defense maps. It will make your base stronger and stronger.
The best the strategy map of Coc, defense map, farming map for everyone.
High resolution maps of Clash of Clans.
Free maps. Favorites function.
Including farming, trophy, hybrid, war maps.
*Top player #39;s real defense maps. Help you to become a top player.
*High resolution maps.
*Add your favorite map into your Favorites. Easy to review it.
*Including farming, trophy, hybrid, war maps.
*Build your village into an unbeatable fortress
*Easy to navigate between maps.
2018-07-05 13:33:15
简介:Steven has dreamed up arcade games for all his friends in Dreamland Arcade.
The Dreamland Arcade is open! Smash monsters with Garnet, pilot the Gem Drill with Steven, catch bugs with Onion, climb the Kindergarten with Amethyst, and train to be a sword master with Connie.
Cash in your tickets to earn G.E.M.S. (Game Enhancing Mini Squad). Unlock figures of your favorite Steven Universe characters, including Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Bismuth, Stevonnie, and more.
Activate your Gem powers! Use G.E.M.S. to unlock new abilities and outfits for every game in the Dreamland Arcade
This game is available in the following languages: English
If you #39;re having any problems, contact us at [email protected]. Tell us about the issues you #39;re running into as well as what device and OS version you #39;re using.
This app may contain ads for Cartoon Network amp; our partners’ products and services.
Terms of Use: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/legal/termsofuse.html
Privacy Policy:
2018-07-05 13:33:14
简介:Proguide REAL STEEL Boxing Trick fight is a replay player application in the REAL STEEL Boxing diversion.
if you are a fledgling in this REAL STEEL Boxing diversion it is incredible to fill in as an examination oversee.
Do you love Real Steel World Robot Boxing? This app suitable for you. This is complete guide and trick that can help you to unlock hard level for this game
2018-07-05 13:33:03
简介:font color="red" b A full blown fantasy RPG that can be played in its entirety for free! /b /font Where does the path of divine power lead? Introducing Revenant Dogma, a 3D battle RPG!
font color="blue" b The Path of Divine Power /b /font
Caine enters a ruins site in search of a feral relic said to be left behind by the gods and meets a mysterious girl in a mask.
This strange encounter becomes the catalyst of a grand scheme that will change the worlds of humans and therians.
Will this new-found power lead to prosperity or destruction...
font color="blue" b Dynamic Battles /b /font
A battle experience full of ambience featuring Transformations that enable various skills and Bursts that can deal massive damage.
font color="blue" b Fully Customizable Weapons /b /font
Weapons can be customized for stronger attack power or imbued with various effects.
Forged weapons can be sold for gold or broken down for reinforcing material.
Utilizing weapons effectively will be monumental in your adventure.
* The game can be played in its entirety without the need for in-game transactions.
* The actual price might differ depending on the region.
* Please contact us through the Contact button on the title screen if you discover any bugs or problems with the application. Note that we do not respond to bug reports left in application reviews.
* A Premium Edition that includes 1000 bonus in-game points is also available for download! For more information, check out quot;Revenant Dogma quot; on the web!
[Supported OS]
- 4.0 and up
[Game Controller]
- Optimized
[SD Card Storage]
- Enabled
- English, Japanese
[Non-Supported Devices]
This app has generally been tested to work on any mobile device released in Japan. We cannot guarantee full support on other devices.
Your use of the application requires your agreement to the following EULA and #39;Privacy Policy and Notice #39;. If you do not agree, please do not download our application.
End User License Agreement: http://kemco.jp/eula/index.html
Privacy Policy and Notice: http://www.kemco.jp/app_pp/privacy.html
Get the latest information!
[Facebook page]
2018-07-05 13:32:52
简介:Damar Online is a free MMO Strategy game, developed and localized by Game Power 7 Company.
Game Features:
- Plan, attack, defend and live a unique adventure!
- Strengthen your fort with powerful artilleries and buildings to protect it from enemies. Depend on special heroes to attack others’ forts.
- Legendary heroes are waiting for you to claim victory! Are you ready?
- Heroes like Clypher, Lyana, Crock, Sira, Flamour, Droko and more are at your command and waiting your orders to hunt enemies.
- Prove to everyone that your strategy is the best and destroy them all!
Download Damar Online now, and discover a world full of entertainment and challenges!
Our customer support team is always ready to provide you with the help needed via the following different methods:
- In-game customer support window.
- The game’s official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DmarOnline
- The game’s official forum: http://mobile.gamepower7.com/forum/
- Sending a message to the customer support E-mail address provided on this site.
Terms of use:
2018-07-05 13:32:45
简介:픽셀 미니언즈의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
당신은 미니언 소환의 달인, 워록이 되어 몰려오는 적들을 물리쳐야합니다.
워록과 미니언 친구들은 오늘도 굶고 있었습니다.
탐욕스러운 국왕이 사욕을 채우기 위해 세금을 쥐어짜냈던 것입니다.
더이상 참지 못하게 된 워락은 미니언들과 함께 국왕을 응징하기로 결심합니다.
빼앗긴 재산을 되찾기 위해!
* 고객지원 및 기타 문의
* 안내 *
- 본 게임은 부분 유료 아이템 구매(In App Purchase, IAP)를 포함하고 있습니다. 원치 않으신 구매를 막기 위해 구글 플레이 스토어의 환경설정에서 PIN코드를 설정하시기 바랍니다.
- 게임 플레이 정보는 게임 내에서 구글 플레이 계정과 연동할 경우에만 보존할 수 있습니다.
기기 변경이나 앱 삭제시 Guest 계정에 대한 플레이 정보는 저장되지 않습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
사업자등록번호: 412-14-51242
통신판매업 신고번호: 2018-성남분당-0459
2018-07-05 13:32:05
简介:The Master of Concussions is back for more!
Come along Fred #39;s latest and most vertical adventure yet – from sky-high to the fiery depths of the earth. Upgrade your character #39;s skills, discover amazing power-ups and smash a new host of annoying characters.
★ Zoom past dozens of new ridiculously dangerous traps.
★ Dynamic music track that follows the action!
★ Upgradeable skills.
★ Physics-controlled characters.
★ Challenge and beat your friends.