2019-03-10 07:08:26
简介:The pirates are in a critical situation !
All pirates sank in deep dark seas by the navy and its evil sea monsters.
It is time to sail and to revenge for your companions.
Make your fleet stronger, gather more crews.
Don #39;t stop your journey until conquering all the seas.
Key features :
- Easy and fun gameplay
- Unique sea battle experience
- Build and upgrade your own fleet
- Boss battle
- Big world with 200+ islands
- Special sea environments
Before you download this app, please consider that this app includes advertising, some of which may be targeted to your interests.
and some game items can also be purchased for real money.
2019-03-10 07:06:45
2019-03-10 05:46:20
2019-03-09 13:55:10
遊戲程式: 免費下載
- 為了 quot;於終端安裝遊戲與儲存資料 quot;
- 為了 quot;使用戶創建與確認帳號 quot;
- 作業系統6.0以上 : 設定 gt; 應用管理 gt;選擇APP gt; 應用程式權限 gt; 取消允許
- 作業系統6.0以下: 不可取消允許授權,只能將APP移除來取消
2019-03-09 10:58:51
简介:2018년 최고의 무협 액션 RPG!
【강자만을 위한 다양한 코스튬】
의상뿐만 아니라, 명검, 암기, 검혼, 발자국까지!
나의 취향에 맞게, 수백가지의 화려한 개성넘치는 코스튬!
【끝없는 전투와 치열한 대규모전쟁】
야외 BOSS 자유 척살모드! 오픈필드에서 벌어지는 치열한 보스 쟁탈!
문파전, 통합 1v1, 3v3 매칭전 등 다양한 전쟁 컨텐츠!
【당신의 눈부신 인연 이야기의 시작】
화사한 결혼식, 연인과 함께 던전 및 자녀 시스템까지!
당신의 눈부신 인연 이야기, 신명에서 시작하라!
【신의 영물, 패왕이 될 당신을 위한 기다림】
전설의 탈것을 타고 신명 세계를 체험하라!
신명의 여정, 신의 영물과 함께 명예를!
【오프라인에도 계속되는 폭풍 성장】
24시간 쉴틈없이 지속되는 오프라인 사냥 시스템!
장비, 희귀아이템 드랍을 오프라인에서도 경험하라!
[필수적 접근 권한]
- 사진/미디어/파일 : 게임 원활한 이용을 위해 Storage 접근 권한 필요
[접근권한 철회방법]
- 운영체제 6.0 이상 : 설정 gt; 어플리케이션 관리자 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 권한 gt; 접근권한 철회 가능
- 운영체제 6.0 미만 : 운영체제를 업그레이드하여 접근권한을 철회하거나 앱을 삭제
▒▒ 공식 커뮤니티 ▒▒
네이버 카페
2019-03-09 10:56:27
简介:Create and Play your own Online Game!
Using Nekoland Studio to create online games on your computer,
You can enjoy the game in Nekoland Player!
Download Nekoland Studio to create new game!
Download: http://cdn.nekoland.net/builds/Nekoland.zip
2019-03-09 10:54:40
简介:마침내 웹툰 RPG 역사를 뒤바꿀 전설이 시작된다!!
갓오하x열렙전사가 함께! 슈퍼히어로RPG!
론칭 전 다양한 소식은 공식카페를 확인해주세요.
공식 카페 : https://cafe.naver.com/herocantare
■■■ 게임 특징 ■■■
진모리와 열렙전사가 함께하는 모험
웹툰 슈퍼 히어로 드.디.어 뭉쳤다!
갓 오브 하이스쿨의 진모리 x 루시드 어드벤처의 열렙전사가 함께
인기웹툰 히어로들의 새로운 이야기
히어로칸타레만의 오리지널 세계: 테트라
게임 속 웹툰, 소설, 애니메이션으로 만나보세요!
전략쾌감! 머리도 눈도 즐거운 플레이!
스릴 넘치는 히어로블록 체인스킬!
애니메이션으로 보는 웹툰 영웅들의 화려한 필살기!!
계속 보고 싶은 히어로들
개성 넘치는 웹툰 히어로들과 새로운 히어로까지
고 퀄리티 2D의 매력을 느껴보세요!.
당신의 선택으로 결정되는 다음 이야기
뻔한 반복 전투는 이제 그만!
당신이 결정하는 모험을 경험하세요!
모험은 편안하고 즐겁게!
푹 주무세요!! 당신이 잠든 사이에도
히어로들은 도시를 지키며 강해집니다!!
※디바이스 권장사양※
Android OS 5.0 이상에서 이용 가능하며, 갤럭시 S4 미만에서는 이용이 불가능합니다.
※ 히어로칸타레는 불필요한 앱 권한을 요구하지 않습니다.
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
개발자 연락처 :
[email protected]
2019-03-09 10:49:04
b font color="#0100FF" 눈을 감으면 떠오르는 캐릭터 /font /b
2D에서만 만날 수 있는 개성과 매력
인생 최고의 애정 캐릭터를 에픽 세븐에서 만나보세요!
b font color="#0100FF" 스토리만 감상해도 즐거운 게임 /font /b
시작부터 엔딩까지 눈을 뗄 수 없는 애니메이션 영상
엔딩 보는 날까지 멈출 수 없는 몰입감!
b font color="#0100FF" 모바일에서 잊고 지낸 탐험의 감성 /font /b
전투만 반복하는 RPG는 이제 그만!
미지의 세계 탐험으로 새로운 재미를 경험하세요!
b font color="#0100FF" 최고의 퀄리티에서도 가볍고 편하게 /font /b
‘0초’ 로딩의 쾌적함
어디서든 멈췄다 편하게 이어하는 인터페이스까지!
b font color="#0100FF" 눈과 머리를 동시에 즐겁게 /font /b
화려한 연출과 무궁무진한 전략의 세계
모바일에서 경험할 수 있는 최고의 즐거움을 선사합니다!
※ Android OS 4.4 이상에서 이용 가능하며, 갤럭시 S4 미만에서는 이용이 불가능합니다.
b ▒▒ 공식 커뮤니티 ▒▒ /b
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네이버 까페
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[필수적 접근 권한]
- 사진/미디어/파일 : 게임 DATA 저장을 위해 Storage 접근 권한에 필요
* 에픽세븐은 안드로이드 6.0 이상 버전에 맞추어 선택적 접근권한을 개별적으로
동의하고 설정할 수 있도록 개발되었습니다. 만약 안드로이드 6.0 미만 버전을
이용하는 경우에는 단말장치 제조업체에서 운영체제 업그레이드 기능을 제공하는지
확인하여 업그레이드를 진행하시고 이용하시기 바랍니다. 또한 운영체제가
업그레이드되더라도 기존 앱에서 동의한 접근권한이 바뀌지는 않기 때문에
접근권한을 다시 설정하기 위해서는 단말 설정 메뉴에서 재설정하시면 됩니다
[접근 권한 설정 및 철회 방법]
- Android 6.0 이상 : 단말기 설정 gt; 앱 관리 gt; 앱 선택 gt; 접근권한 철회
- Android 6.0 미만 : 앱 삭제를 통한 접근 권한 철회 가능
상호명 : ㈜스마일게이트메가포트
대표자명 : 장인아
주소 : 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 344, 6층 (삼평동, 아이디스타워) 13493
전화번호 : 1566-9605
전자우편주소 : [email protected]
사업자번호 : 144-81-05911
통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2012-경기성남-1489 호
통신판매업신고기관 : 성남시
※ 유료아이템 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다.
개발자 연락처 :
주소 : 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 344 스마일게이트캠퍼스
연락처 : 1566-9605
개발자 연락처 :
주소 : 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 344 스마일게이트캠퍼스
연락처 : +8215669605
2019-03-09 07:37:18
简介:Try out the simplistic but still relishing version of Gwent!
2019-03-09 07:37:01
简介:Solitaire, also known as Klondike Solitaire or Patience, is the most popular single player card game in the world. If you like classic Solitaire, you #39;re going to love this solitaire game !
️ Klondike Solitaire draw 1 card or 3 cards
️ Auto complete
️ Hints
️ Tablet and smartphone support
Play the #1 FREE SOLITAIRE card game on Android now and see for yourself why so many others love this game !
2019-03-09 07:36:38
官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。
2019-03-09 07:34:36
简介:কেন হাজারী গোল্ড খেলবেন ?
১। সব ধরনের মোবাইলে ঠিক মতো চলবে।
২। কোন বিরক্তিকর অ্যাডস (বিজ্ঞাপন) নেই।
৩। অফ লাইন গেইম তাই খেলতে কোন ইন্টারনেট লাগবে না।
৪। আমরা কয়েকদিনের ভেতর অনলাইন মাল্টিপ্লেয়ার নিয়ে আসছি।
৫। সব ধরনের প্লেয়ারদের জন্য উপযোগী।
৬। গেইমে অটো এবং ম্যানুয়াল দুই ধরনের সর্টিঙের ব্যাবস্থা আছে।
৭ । টাইম পাস এর জন্য বেস্ট ।
৮ । বেস্ট সিপিউ (কম্পিউটার) প্লেয়ার ।
হাজারী খেলার নিয়ম :
হাজারী মানে হাজার- যে প্রথম ১০০০ পয়েন্ট করতে পারে সেই বিজয়ী । এটা চার জনের কার্ড গেইম । হাজারী কয়েক রাউন্ড ধরে খেলা হয়।
প্রত্যেক রাউন্ড এর শুরুতে সব প্লেয়ার ১৩ টা করে কার্ড পায়। কার্ড পাওয়ার পর আপনার কাজ ১৩ টা কার্ড দিয়ে চার টা হাত বানানো।
হাত সাজাতে হবে তিন-তিন-তিন-চার আকারে । মানে প্রথম তিনটা হাতে থাকবে তিনটা কার্ড আর শেষ হাতে থাকবে চারটা।
প্রথম রাউন্ড এর খেলা শুরু। সব প্লেয়ার তার বেস্ট হাত খেলবে। যার হাত সবথেকে ভালো সে এই হাত পাবে। হাত পাওয়া মানে ওই হাতের ১২ কার্ডের সব পয়েন্ট পাওয়া ।
পয়েন্ট সিস্টেম : A , K , Q , J , ১০ কার্ডের পয়েন্ট দশ করে। আর বাকি সব কার্ড ( ২ -৩-৪-৫-৬-৭-৮-৯ ) এর পয়েন্ট পাঁচ করে।
হাত এর শক্তি : তিনপাত্তি বা অন্য তিনকার্ড গেইমের মতো : ট্রয় gt; কালার রান gt; রান gt; কালার gt; পেয়ার gt; সিঙ্গেল
এর পর সবাই তার সেকেন্ড বেস্ট হাত খেলবে । যার হাত সবথেকে ভালো সে এই হাত পাবে। তারপর একই ভাবে তৃতীয় হাত ।
শেষ হাতে সবাই তার লাস্ট চারটা হাত খেলবে। এইখানে চারটার ভেতর বেস্ট ৩ টা কার্ড দিয়ে হাত বানানো হয়। শেষ কার্ড দুধ ভাত - শুধু পয়েন্টের জন্য। যে শেষ হাত জিতবে সে ১৬টা কার্ডের পয়েন্ট পাবে।
একটা রাউন্ড এর খেলা শেষ হলে পয়েন্ট গোনা হবে। এক রাউন্ড এর সর্বমোট ৩৬০ পয়েন্ট থাকে। এর পর শুরু হবে সেকেন্ড রাউন্ড। আর এভাবেই চলতে থাকে , যতক্ষণ না কোন প্লেয়ার ১০০০ পর্যন্ত যায় । আর একই রাউন্ড এ দুই প্লেয়ার ১০০০ পয়েন্ট হলে যার বেশী সে জিতবে।
- - -
ট্রয়ঃ একই র্যাঙ্কের ৩ টা কার্ড । হাই কার্ডের ট্রয় , লোয়ার কার্ডের ট্রয়কে বিট করে। হায়েস্ট ট্রয় A-A-A আর লোয়েস্ট ট্রয় ২-২-২ ।
কালার রান : একই কালার আর টাইপের ৩ টা কার্ড। যেমন A-K-Q হোল সবচেয়ে বড় কালার রান । A - ২ - ৩ হোল সেকেন্ড বেস্ট কালার রান। এর পর K-Q-J , K-J -১০ । আর সবচাইতে ছোট কালার রান হোলো ৪-৩-২ ।
রানঃ পাশাপাশি ৩টা কার্ড । কিন্তু এক টাইপের না।
কালারঃ এক কালারের টা কার্ড । কিন্তু সিরিয়াল আলাদা।
Hazari Rules:
In Hazari you get 13 cards at the start of each round. You need to divide your cards into 4 hands of 3-3-3-4.
All players must play their best combination first. The one with the best hand wins the hand. Whoever wins the hands collects all point of the 12 cards. A,K,Q,J,10 has 10 points each and 2 to 9 cards have 5 points each. Same way, second and third hand is played. In the fourth and final round you play the last four cards, consisting of the weakest of their 3-card groups plus a spare card. The winner of this final round takes all 16 cards.
Card Rank: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Combination Rank: 1. Troy, 2. Colour Run, 3. Run, 4. Colour, 5. Pair and 6. Individuals.
The game ends when one or more players has a score of 1000 points or more. If two players cross 1000 points in one round- whoever has more points win.
Troy: Three cards of the same rank. Higher cards beat lower cards so the highest Troy is A-A-A and the lowest is 2-2-2.
Colour Run: Three consecutive cards of the same suit. Ace can be used in a run of A-K-Q which is the highest or A-2-3 which is the second highest. Below A-2-3 comes K-Q-J, then Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-3-2, which is the lowest Colour Run.
Run: Three cards of consecutive rank, not all of the same suit. The highest is A-K-Q, then A-2-3, then K-Q-J, then Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-3-2, which is the lowest.
Colour: Three cards of the same suit that do not form a run. To decide which is highest, compare the highest cards first, then if these are equal the second card, and if these are also equal the lowest card.
Pair: Two cards of equal rank with a card of a different rank. To decide which is highest, compare the pairs of equals card first. If two players have pairs of the same rank, compare the third non-matching card.
Individual: Three cards that do not form any of the above types.
2019-03-09 07:33:31
简介:Have fun with Crazy Eights, Uno, Macao and so on in the exciting world of Uno Games!
Uno games gives you the possibility to add your own rules to the predefined game and even to create your own custom game with an easy to use rule editor.
You will be able to test your skills against 2, 3 or 4 virtual opponents.
You can choose from a list of 6 virtual opponents of various skills.
The games are played in tournaments of various lengths against opponents of 3 difficulty ranks. At any time you can start a new tournament and play your favorite game like Crazy eights for example and you can resume other started tournaments of games like Uno or Custom games.
Detailed statistics are available for each player.
Users with visual impairment can play Crazy Eights, Uno or Macao, this game is accessible with screen reading software like talkback,
Have fun playing Uno Games!
2019-03-09 07:33:03
简介:You can get coins through gameplay.
Like the Zookeeper puzzle game, you have to line up the same three colors.
But unlike the Zookeeper, you can move the block anywhere you want.
The heroine will hit the enemy as many time as the number of combo count.
To raise the basic stats of heroin cards, watch the movies associated with the card.
You can watch the heroine videos through coins.
Play the heroine game and watch the heroine movies(Wi-Fi).
We invite you to the world of the exciting and addictive #39;Heroine collector #39; scary city. Thank you.
2019-03-09 07:31:51
2019-03-09 07:31:00
简介:네이버 웹툰 베스트도전에서 화제를 모았던 쿠당탕 작가의 #39;일어나보니 치킨 #39;, 게임으로 부활하다!
지금까지 본적없던 #39;정신없는 #39; 녀석들이 몰려온다!!
밀면 밀수록 더 커지는 보상~ 그러나 보상이 밀릴수록 적들은 강력해진다!
개발자 연락처 :
2019-03-09 07:26:47
简介:Fantasy Escape Games is free escape game App. Inbuilt of 100 Fantasy escape games in one app. Each fantasy game have 1 hour of game play. more 2000 puzzles overall and all the puzzles have hints. This is logical escape game with good graphics and beautiful different fantasy locations. Each game contain video walkthrough separately just click button to see the video walkthrough in youtube. No needs of In app purchase and watch rewarded videos. Very very Long game surely Entertain more than 500 hours. Good puzzles and adventurous game All are free game app, full pack entertainment is waiting for you just download and play the game. Also, share your valuable feedback to us.
2019-03-09 07:26:07
简介:★ 미소녀들과 함께하는 달콤한 스쿨라이프! ★
아름다운 소녀들과 강렬한 메카닉이 공존하는
두근두근한 스쿨 라이프가 마스터를 기다립니다.
★ 애니같은 스토리 ★
학교를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 애니메이션 스토리,
아름다운 그녀들의 이야기를 들어주세요.
★ 당신만을 위한 치명적 파티 ★
다양한 타입의 미소녀들을 수집하여 소대를 편성하세요!
그녀들을 강화시켜 지상 최강의 소대를 만들어보세요!
★ 각양각색의 미소녀 ★
소녀에겐 향수보다 화약 냄새가 더욱 어울리죠!
전차, 전함, 전투기까지! 아름다운 소녀들을 지휘하여 전투를 승리로 이끌어주세요.
★ 사상 최대의 그랑프리 ★
사랑스러운 소녀들을 육성하고
나만의 작전으로 사상 최대 규모의 그랑프리에서 승리하세요.
★ 리얼 실시간 PVP ★
더이상 답답한 AI와의 전투는 그만! 플레이어 간의 숨막히는 실시간 전투!
1:1 PVP 뿐 아니라 3:3 태그배틀까지 다양한 조합과 타이밍으로 전투에서 승리하세요!
페이스 북 팬페이지 : https://www.facebook.com/Girlswas
네이버 공식 게임 까페 : https://cafe.naver.com/girlswarsm
★ 지금 소녀들이 당신의 지휘를 기다립니다.★
★ 스마트폰앱 접근권한 안내 ★
*필수적 접근 권한*
사진,미디어, 파일 : 게임데이터를 저장소에 저장하기 위함
외부저장소 읽기, 기록 : 고객센터, 커뮤니티에서의 이미지 사용 및 게임의 각종 설정과 캐시 저장을 위해 필요.
개발자 연락처 :
부산 해운대구 수영강변대로140길 글로벌 게임센터
[email protected]
2019-03-09 07:24:53
简介:Coin Dozer Jackpot is an arcade game that brings the old time coin drop game to mobile devices. Now you can enjoy this ever popular arcade game right in the palm of your very own hands! Endless hours of addictive fun that requires no cash and no quarters, but tons of coins, and tons of prizes! Special bonuses allow you to collect special coins, free coins, free games, and much much more. Coin Dozer Jackpot comes straight from your favorite arcade or carnival, and onto your Android device! The game you’ve spent countless hours playing at the fair, now in the palm of your hand! No pocket change needed! Drop some coins into the machine, and watch as they push exciting prizes and more shiny coins into your hand! Look out, though! Try not to push them off the sides and out of your reach.
Collect swords, squids, pigs and more to gain special bonuses, and get rewarded with more coins! Don’t worry, if your coins run out, more will be filling up your pockets very soon! Keep checking back to complete your collection of prizes! In Coin Dozer Jackpot, there are no annoying slot machines, pirates or zombies to steal your coins! Relax and enjoy Coin Dozer Jackpot, fun for both kids and adults! Coin Dozer Jackpot is simple enough to grasp, but hard to master.
Coin Dozer Jackpot’s design is not one that benefits the player, and a lot of the time you will run out of coins to use. You can either purchase coins with real money via an in-app purchase or wait for the countdown time to give you more coins. Push shiny gold coins and exciting prizes into your hands by dropping some from your pocket through the slots and into the coin pusher.
At its heart, Coin Dozer Jackpot is a gambling game that relies on a different set of skills than what we’re normally used to seeing. In that regard, it can feel a whole lot more fresh while still being every bit as fun and addictive. Have fun and enjoy playing!
Features of Coin Dozer Jackpot:
-- gt; Colorful and vibrant 3D graphics!
-- gt; Legendary treasure map with multiple adventure themed puzzles
-- gt; The best physics of any coin pusher game!
-- gt; Swashbuckling prizes
-- gt; Tons of prizes to collect
-- gt; Lots of special effects!
-- gt; A world constantly expanding, with more areas to be added soon!
-- gt; Multiple Levels and Experience To Gain
-- gt; Drop coins by tapping the area of the screen you want them to fall in.
-- gt; Shiny new coins
-- gt; Coin cannon guaranteed to shiver me timbers
2019-03-09 07:23:40
简介:Modifiye Edilebilir Araç
Hareketli Karakter
Araç İçi Kullanım
Araç boyama için farklı spreyler
Ücretsiz Garaj ve Modifiye
Gerçekçi araba modelleri
Farklı Haritalar
Kolay ve gerçekçi sürüş deneyimi
Gerçekçi ses efektleri
Ücretsiz sürüş modu
Drift modu
Yarış modu
Gerçek motor sesleri
2019-03-09 07:22:35
简介:LOL card surprise memory game app is finally arrived!
Many dolls surprise. Find 6 same cards and win a surprise LOL doll.
LOL card surprise memory game is the best app to entertain and amaze your children.
LOL card surprise memory game is an app dedicated to children with many surprises, dolls and fun.
How to play:
1. Click quot;START quot; to play
2. Touch the cards to turn them
3. Find 6 same cards to complete the game
4. When you complete the game receive a surprise LOL doll
5. Click on surprise LOL doll to hears the voice
In the app you will find 25 different surprises LOL dolls.
Let #39;s go to collect all the surprises!
2019-03-09 07:21:36
简介:In this crazy dinosaur game, you will control crazy dinosaurs to smash in the dinosaur world. There are 8 different dinosaurs: triceratops, parasaurolophus, velociraptor, stegosaurus, tyrannosaurus, tanystropheus… different dinosaurs have different sizes. You walk around the dinosaur world in many dinosaur forms and destroy the items. To destroy agriculture, cars and much more on your path to get the most points!
Play the real crazy dinosaur game and have lot of fun in destroying dinosaur world!! Smash the items and be the massive dinosaur and roam around the extreme locations. How cool is that!
In this Crazy Dino Game, you can decorate and paint the dinosaurs as you own ideas. Before you decorate and paint the dinosaurs, you need to feed and build intimacy with them.
Dinosaur games are always fun and this Crazy Dino Game will make you go crazy. Get yourself ready for the thrilling experience. Come And Smash In The Dinosaur World With The Ferocious Ancient Reptiles!
Eight strong and powerful dinosaurs with different sizes;
Fantastic 3D virtual world;
Different camera views;
Detailed and city environment
Two modes: mission mode and open world mode;
Forty thrilling missions in mission mode;
In open world mode you can destroy everything you want;
Awesome gameplay with attacking animations;
Fabulous sound effects;
Become the most dangerous dinosaur;
Free to play and enjoyable Crazy Dino Game;
Digital Goods: cash packs, remove ads, special offer, first-purchase rewards, outltets;
★NOTE: Crazy Dino Game is a free dinosaur game on Google Play and supported by Ad.
2019-03-09 07:20:31
简介:one man develop project#1 Rhythmic DIsc!
feel the Rhythm!
turn a circle!
and pop a ring!
2019-03-09 07:19:36
- 探索海底迷宫!
- 收集鱼类和各种海洋生物!
- 超过1,000个阶段
- 可在飞行模式下使用
- 无Wi-Fi连接
- 适用于平板电脑设备
- 删除应用程序时将重置播放数据
- 应用内购买和广告弹出窗口
[email protected]
2019-03-09 07:18:48