2018-07-06 01:04:07
简介:From quot;PRO.APP quot; series which is totally downloaded 8 million,
here comes quot;Old Maid quot; which popular as a classic game.
What card is coming the next?
It #39;s addicted to thrill.
- Popular between women and men.
- Win, you get a good feelings. Lose, you #39;ll challenge the next game.
- Game is endless. Can #39;t stop enjoying.
- Rule is very simple! Recommend to waste your time!
Believe in yourself!
* You can enjoy 3 variant version beside Old Maid.
[A] Old Maid (unmatchable : Queen)
[2] Old Maid - Random (unmatchable : Random One)
[3] Old Maid - Random amp;Joker (unmatchable : Random One amp;JOKER)
[4] Old Maid - Joker (unmatchable : JOKER)
* Feels good operation! You can play smoothly.
- Operation is very simple! When you get a card, to only tap the card!
- Before be taken your card, you can shuffle and change the placement.
* Wow! Opponent is like a human?
- You can see opponent #39;s finger!
- Opponent is unique 15 people.
- Moving the card to bargain with opponent.
- Lost or the choice of card.
* Enjoy long time with many helpful options.
- Depending on your feelings, you can change card and background.
- Share your friends by SNS, when you win!
- Get the diamond to collect daily stamp.
- Aim to No.1 at world ranking!
- Check your past game record!
* Enjoy Old Maid in your relax time!
* Inquiry
- If you have any questions or report bug, please contact us by email from information page. We will answer individually.
- And, we will make an effort of our product, so please give us your feedback on product usage.
PRO Corp.
PRO.APP Trump Series
Old Maid
2018-07-06 01:03:14
这不是一个独立的app - 你需要用“纸牌接龙”app来运行它!
2018-07-06 01:03:12
简介:Concentration app.
Cards that are used in applications, #39;Handy Menu -Sushi- #39;
The sushi came. Talk to.
Game Mode quot;friendly, quot; quot;normally, quot; quot;difficulty quot; quot;infinitely quot; and has been prepared.
In each level, one card storage time varies.
Friendly: 5 seconds
Normal: 3 seconds
Difficulty: 1 second
infinitely: 5 seconds (mode in which the game is over when you make a mistake).
2018-07-06 01:02:56
简介:The Solitaire brings the popular card game Solitaire (also known as Klondike and Patience) to you with beautiful graphics and lots of play options.
Optimized for both landscape and portrait screens. Game rules and help page are provided for players not familiar with Solitaire.
Enjoy the best Solitaire app to kill your time!
■ 3 levels of difficulty
Solvable Easy/Medium/Hard levels deals are provided.
You can also view the solution for these deals.
■Random level
Try your luck with random deals. (Does not guarantee solvable deals)
Standard scoring for games based on playing time and number of moves.
The history of your play will be saved within the app.
Confirm your best score, winning percentage any time!
- 1 card draw / 3 card draw
- Select from 3 different card sets, 3 backgrounds
- Tap to move cards
- Undo amp; Hints
2018-07-06 01:02:15
简介:Nimmt is a strategic card game with 104 cards.
Select a card from your hands and lead it.
There are 4 rows on layout, your card added to the row by the rule.
A row should be less than 6 cards. If your card is 6th card on the row, you have to take back 5 cards except for you card.
As the number of cow icon means minus points, you will get minus points by taking back the cards.
After led 10 cards and check minus points, the player who have the least minus points is the winner.
2018-07-06 01:02:09
简介:サクサク遊べる『ハマる 大富豪』が新登場
▽ 無料 で ライフ も不要!
▽ ひとり でも 対戦 でも遊び放題!
▽ ローカルルール が 40 種類以上!
▽ ジックリ! ゲームモードが充実!
▽ ドキドキ! 階級によって背景が変化!?
▽ ワクワク! 勝利の報酬で日本が買える!?
ひとりでコツコツ! + みんなでワイワイ!
◆「ハマる 大富豪」の誕生
ひとりでサクッと遊べる「大富豪V」と対戦でも遊べる「ハマる シリーズ」を融合し、さらに楽しさに磨きをかけて、『ハマる 大富豪』として誕生しました。
ハマる シリーズの『ババ抜き』『七並べ』『花札こいこい』も是非お試しください。
- 最高ランクを目指す「チャレンジ」
- 難易度を選んで遊ぶ「カスタム」
[PRO.APP] ハマる シリーズ
ハマる 大富豪 - ライフ不要・対戦もOK
(c)P.R.O Corporation
Addictive! Daifugo
2018-07-06 01:01:15
简介:Everything always 100% free.
This is a very simple and powerful life point calculator for card games.
Everything is on one page, so everything is accessible with just one touch. It supports two players and it remembers their names.
It #39;s very easy to use it: just type in the scores and then tap #39;+ #39; or #39;- #39; below the selected player.
Scores get updated instantly and you can go on with your next move.
Most important thing: this application is 100% free!
2018-07-06 01:01:01
「くまのがっこう」 ソリティア
「くまのがっこう」 スピード
「くまのがっこう」 ババ抜き
「くまのがっこう」 ナンプレ
「くまのがっこう」 七並べ
[PRO.APP] トランプ・シリーズ
(・(エ)・)/「くまのがっこう スピード」
(c)BANDAI (c)P.R.O Corporation
quot;the bears #39; school quot; Speed
2018-07-06 01:00:08
San-X Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Imagineer Co., Ltd.
Android 4.3 以降
[email protected]
2018-07-06 00:59:32
在四个回收单元中各创建一叠牌,每叠 13 张,且花色相同。每叠牌必须按从小 (A) 到大 (K) 的顺序排列。
空当接龙仅使用一副牌玩,共 52 张,牌的正面朝上,排成八列。通过从这八列中移牌来创建四叠牌:
从列到回收单元。每叠牌必须由同一花色组成,并从 A 开始。
每一列中只能移动最下面的牌,被压住的牌是不能直接移动的。左上的中转单元中的牌都可以移动 。
事先计划。深思熟虑地移动牌以建立长串,清除列,并将 A 移到回收单元中。
若有可能,尽早先移动 A。当小牌埋在列中时,最好提前移出并将其移到回收单元。
清除整个列。在可能的情况下,移动某个列的每张牌,然后尽可能再以大牌开头填充该列,开头的牌不要低于 10。最好使用 K 开头。
2018-07-06 00:58:35
简介:리얼 증강현실(AR) 카드게임 킬드래곤(Kill Dragon)
스마트폰과 종이카드(AR 마커 이미지)가 결합하여 증강현실(AR)로 나타난 용(드래곤)을 잡는 신개념 리얼 카드게임으로 무기와 방패를 활용하여 용(드래곤)을 잡는 게임으로써 나쁜 용(드래곤)이 나에게 나쁜 문제와 어려움을 주기에 나쁜 용(드래곤) 60마리를 잡으면 문제가 해결된다는 컨셉입니다.
- 용(드래곤)의 체력과 나의 체력은 1.5배 정도 됩니다.
(예: 용의 체력이 100이면 나의 체력은 150~200)
- 용(드래곤)을 잡지 않고 있으면 용(드래곤)이 나를 공격하여 나의 체력이 먼저 소진하게 됩니다.
- 1부터 60레벨의 용(드래곤)의 캐릭터가 있고 레벨이 높은 용(드래곤)일수록 공격력과 체력이 강해져 잡기가 어려워 집니다.
- 다양한 스킬과 방법을 습득하면 용(드래곤)을 효과적으로 잡을 수 있습니다.
- 같은 레벨의 용(드래곤) 캐릭터도 게임하는 사용자에 따라 잡는 시간이 각기 다를 수 있습니다.
제작사 : JCM
연락처 : 1599-7153
2018-07-06 00:58:35
◇◆◇ ゲームの遊び方 ◇◆◇
? 個性溢れる素敵なカレたちと一緒に学園生活を楽しむ無料イケメンゲーム♪ ?
◇◆◇ こんな人にオススメ◇◆◇
[端末名]ISW13HT / SOL21 / L-05E / SC-02C
2018-07-06 00:57:58
Google playのカード新着無料トップ:【1位】を獲得!!
待望の『スピード ONLINE』 ついに登場!
本アプリのルール、テキスト、内容等、デザイン等、断りなく変更することがあります。 予めご了承の上ダウンロードをお願いいたします。
Android 4.0以降。RAM 1GB以上搭載、ストレージ空き容量1GB以上のスマートフォン、及びタブレット端末。
Android 2.3.3の端末においても動作することを確認しておりますが、一部の機種ではご利用になれない場合がございますのでサポート対象外とさせて頂きます。
2018-07-06 00:57:18
简介:在类似工艺 探索生存中,您可以在白天建立自己想要的东西,种植并牧养羊,牛或猪,并为它们提供所获得的水果。
在多人游戏模式下,通过多人模式在线创建并制作您的房屋,矿山,城市,村庄或任何您可以梦寐以求的任何其他用户创建独特的冰雕工艺房屋,以Like Craft风格装饰各种装饰元素和室内装饰 探索生存。
- 日间和夜间模式
- 新的逼真图形
- 网络游戏
- 在造物主/生存之间切换
- 种植植物并饲养鸡,猪,牛,羊群
- 从怪物生存并与僵尸作战
- 行动自由
- 美丽的游戏
- 操作简单方便
- 追求与敌人作战的元素
- 适合儿童和成人
- 游戏中的飞行模式
- 高清纹理包
2018-07-06 00:56:29
简介:카드52을 암기하는데 13장 26장 39장 52장등으로 4단계에 걸쳐서 암기하는 게임입니다.
먼저 카드를 암기하기 전에 숫자를 52개 이용해서 자신만의 암기법을 만듭니다. 예를들면 1번은 우리집 대문앞에 서있는 전봇대로 생각하고 2번은 오리가 물위에서 노는 모습, 3번은 8을 반으로 자른 모양등으로 생각합니다. 52개의 숫자에 대해 모두 위와 비슷한 방식의 기억을 만든후에 1번과 첫번째 나오는 카드를 연결짓습니다. 즉 하트3이 처음나온 카드라고 하면 전봇대에 하트가 3개 팍팍팍 꽂히는 모습을 상상합니다. 두번째 나온 카드가 스페이드9라면 삽으로 2번오리를 구덩이에 묻어버리는 식의 자신만의 연결법을 생각합니다. 이렇게 첫번째 나온 카드부터 13개의 카드를 연습하고
다음 29개 그리고 39개 52개 등으로 확장해 나가면 52개의 카드를 모두 암기할 수 있습니다.
각각의 단계마다 전세계에서 누가 가장빨리 암기했는지 기록을 측정하게 되면 신기록을 세우게 되면 그기록이 신기록으로 등록됩니다.
개발자 연락처 :
대전 서구 복수동
2018-07-06 00:55:13
简介:百家樂算牌法的原理, 是根據每靴牌所剩餘的牌數, 計算出該局開出的結果的機會率, 提高下注的勝算.
回報率等於100%時表示賭客與賭場打成平手, 當高於100%即表示賭客開始有利潤.
閣下除了可以利用本系統直接計算機會率以輔助下注外, 亦可以利用本系統研究各種點數牌的分佈對開出結果的影響.
2018-07-06 00:54:44
简介:Escape the rooms comes to Virtual Reality (VR).
Game is playable in VR (google cardboard) and normal touch (no headset required).
Download this free VR escape game and jump into the thriller experience of a lifetime; here are just a few of the features this game has to offer:
- Escape the room in VR
- Playable in VR or normal touch edition (no headset required) - see compatibility list below
- Highly detailed pixel perfect graphics (3D / HD)
- Challenging escape puzzles
- Awesome nightmare scene
- Unique scary effects and ambiance
- More episodic updates to come
p b 9/10 /b Review b IMPRESSIVE AWARD /b by VR Game For - i quot;What can I say, it #39;s a remarkable little game, so well made, the detailed graphics, the sound effects, the jumpscares, the puzzles, the simple gameplay mechanics— everything just works so well together. quot; /i /p
Just as you go to be bed the night before your wedding anniversary, all goes dark... You just woke up in a dark isolated room... Empty pockets, no memories, no clues... Why are you here and what happened to you? Is it night is it day... where I #39;m I? Unravel the sinister plot by escaping from room-to-room. Your wisdom and determination to survive will be your last lifeline... be ready to overcome your fears!
A distrait sound, the sudden appearance of a ghost from the darkness... What or who has trapped you here? Is it the cult slenderman or just a sick psycho serial killer? Seek to solve the puzzles and unmask the hidden secrets of this haunted mansion. Keep your eyes open as a spirit visitor may hide in plain sight, Be very prepared!
What becomes clear very soon is that you are trapped in a haunted house where haunted and lost souls seek to escape the terror and find their way to freedom. The nightmare unravels as you make your escape. Is a psycho bully keeping the dead trapped in a prison and what is your part in all of this? His ghost will appear in the first nightmare scene (room 3).
This game blends a scary horror experience with escape the room game-play backed with an insidious story that will unfold as you gain access (free) to new episodes. Like a good scary book or thriller this game will give you goosebumps and make you shiver down your spine. Filled with sudden scares and unexpected twists you will have moments that you never saw coming. With game play mixes traditional adventure puzzle mechanics with hidden objects while remaining accessible and easy to control through VR.
The game has been tested on a broad range of Google Cardboard goggles/headsets, but please reach out if you are having any issues on your specific headset.
b Episode One /b
Fist 5 rooms are not that hard and you may cruise through them. Please note this VR game is an episodic game which will offer new content as new chapters are released. The VR horror world will emerge piece by piece as the story and puzzles will fall into place. We treasure your feedback to improve the game for your playing pleasure. Room 1 should be fairly easy and it all becomes more difficult starting room 2. The third scene is a nightmare scene which is also fun to share with friends, or scare your brothers or sisters as a VR shocker or prank.
For those of you where VR based game play is overkill and makes you ill or nausea please don #39;t worry as the complete game can be played without any headset through regular touch as well.
If you like scary horror games and want to experience it in full virtual reality (VR) then this game is a must download. Enjoy it for free.
b *) Compatibility /b
This VR app is designed for Android mobile phones using Google Cardboard. Issues? Please check your Cardboard settings. You can usually scan a QR code of your headset to apply settings. Tested compatibility includes: Fove 0, VR View-Master DLX, Carl Zeiss VR One GX, Homido (V2), Nibiru, Xiaomi Mi, FreeFly, VRTX One, Stooksy, Tepoinn 3D, VR KiX, Durovis Dive, Merge VR, Refugio 3D, FIBRUM VR, ANTVR, VR Smartview, ColorCross, VRTRIA.
2018-07-06 00:53:17
简介:Indulge yourself in Teen 3 Patti. A brand new game in the teen patti line. Unleash your inner specialties of poker in this game. Teen 3 Patti lets you play with many different variety of poker cards. 100% free no additional purchases needed in this Teen 3 Patti game. All you need to do is download this game in your store and start playing. Play as a Teen patti in Gold in order for you to reach your true potential. This game will challenge you teen brain patti gold to the max as this is a memory platform game. People who loves betting poker and being a Teen well this Patti gold is the game for you. Teen 3 Patti will be able to meet your expectations in a poker/memory game.
Get the feeling of being in a casino with this marvellous Teen patti game background in this game. Invite all of your friends and family to play this game but if you have one of the players from the Indian Poker community then count you out of the Teen 3 Patti because they are a pro.
Teen 3 Patti gameplay :
- Match the teen patti getting gold match to get it correct.
- DO not be fooled because it is very challenging
- Teen Poker Patti will test your teen gold patti mind to the max
Teen 3 Patti is a game that is well recognised in India Poker. India poker is popular in India and Teen 3 Patti is one of them. Share this Teen 3 Patti with your family and friends to get it well known in the Indian Poker community. This will get Teen patti popular in the Indian Poker community.
Rate this game 5 stars in the store to boost it up
2018-07-06 00:52:41
简介:The #1 fishing hit game is now available on Android! Join over 16 MILLION Ninja Fishing players for FREE!
★ Featured by Google as Staff Picks! ★
★ quot;Higher than Angry Birds! An instantly addictive game. quot; - WIRED
★ quot;A perfect example of what I love about mobile games. quot; - IGN
★ quot;It’s insanely-addicting. quot; - Gamepro
★ quot;Takes that Fruit Ninja concept and then profoundly expands on it. quot; - Gamezebo
Otoro, a fitness challenged ninja, might not be the best fighter, but he sure has mad skills when it comes to fishing!
Cast your hook as deep as possible into the ocean, then use the tilt controls to reel back as many fish as you can. Finally, use the katana-powered touch technology to slice the scaly fish right out of the sky for maximum gold profit (watch out for the Dynamites).
Super addictive FISH amp; SLASH gameplay!
Master both tilt amp; touch controls to perfection.
Over *130* fish species to collect.
Earn GOLD to buy lots of super upgrades like katanas, boats, fishing guides amp; more.
Collect over 80 RARE TREASURES!
Construct cool buildings in the NINJA VILLAGE
Go fishing in 6 ISLANDS (+ more coming soon)
Hunt rare Elemental DRAGONS!
Find TREASURE CHESTS with goodies.
Super-sharp HD graphics.
Achievements amp; Leaderboards for Google Play!
We #39;re working on more free updates, please support us and tell all your friends about Ninja Fishing!
Like us on Facebook to get a sneak peek of the next updates: http://goo.gl/cxE7t
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Gamenauts
2018-07-06 00:52:14
简介:Want to get out of the daily life and relax for a moment?
Let #39;s play solitaire and enjoy the sight of the roses.
Main features:
Classic Solitaire gameplay (also known as Klondike or Patience)
Optimized for mobile phone play
beautiful Themes
Clean and user-friendly designs
Big and easy to see cards
Single tap or drag amp;drop to move cards
Draw 1 card or 3 cards
Auto-collect cards on completion
Auto-save game in play
Feature to Undo moves
Feature to use Hints
Standard or Vegas scoring
Timer mode supported
Left-handed supported
Landscape mode supported
Up to 10 top records
Offline play and no data cost
Multiple languages supported
If you like playing Solitaire on PC or Solitaire classic style then you will love this! This is the best Solitaire game in hands! Highly Addictive and 100% Fun, Download Now for Free!
Have a burning question? Send us a message!
2018-07-06 00:51:41
简介:Gun Sounds application comprises awesome and good quality collection of all popular guns including Shotgun, AK-47, Famas, M4A1, Scar H, Tar 21, Fal, M16a4, ACR, F2000, Min Uzi, P90, Vector, Ump5k, Mp5k, L86 Lws, RPD, MG4, Aug Hbar, M240, Intervention, Barrett 50 Cal, Wa 2000, M14/M21, AA 12, sniper along with their sounds. They are currently most popular gun in the world. Real Guns Sounds is one of the best in millions of Guns sounds application on market,It include clear and original sounds from various types of popular firearms. A very simple and amusing app for you or someone else to enjoy.
Select your favorite gun weapon of choice and start shooting by clicking on the screen!
The application have following features:
- Realistic and Awesome clear graphics
- Stunning original sounds
- Detail information about each weapon
All these features are available for free.
2018-07-06 00:50:25
简介:Card game Thousand (1000) is to play online. It is required to have installed and turned on applications quot;Google Play Games quot; and quot;Google Play services quot;.
You can change your avatar and nickname in quot;Google Play Games quot; application.
- Online
- Leaderboards
- Achievements
- Quick Game
- Invite
- Invitations
- Player has 3 minutes for his moves in round. If one of the player lose connection the game ends.
- Leaderboard quot;Points quot; shows the points gained in each game. Leaderboard quot;Wins quot; shows the number of wins in a fully completed games.
IMPORTANT: Due to the specificity of Google Play Leaderbords only quot;All time quot; results are correct. Weekly and Daily results are incorrect.
- Achievements for points scored and games won.
Quick Game:
- Play with two random opponents. A choice of Polish and Russian rules.
- Play with two friends or one friend and one random opponent. A choice of Polish and Russian rules.
- Receive an invitation to the game from other players.
General rules of the game Thousand can be found on the internet. Below are shown the specific rules that apply to this application.
Each player has 3 minutes for each round. When timer reaches 0 the game ends and the other players get as many points as they have scored.
Polish rules:
- Bidding by 10 points without increasing.
- You can not bid more than 120 without a king-queen pair and above 120 plus value of owned pairs.
- The obligation to give higher card if possible.
- Lock on 900 points.
- 1 allowed quot;bomb quot; without deducting points. Opponents get 60 points.
- The game ends when one of the player will score 1000 or more points.
- You can request redeal when you get 4 nines after dealing the cards.
Russian rules (variety of Thousand called 1001):
- Bidding by 5 points with the possibility of increasing.
- You can not bid more than 120 without a king-queen pair and above 120 plus value of owned pairs.
- No quot;Golden Round quot;.
- quot;Barrel quot; on 880 points.
- If a player who is on the quot;barrel quot; does not win for 3 consecutive hands, he falls from the quot;barrel quot; and 120 points are deducted.
- The third fall of the barrel resets the points.
- Win gives the score over 1000 points.
- You can not win without being on the quot;barrel quot;.
- Announcement is available only when at least one trick was won by the player.
- quot;Aces marriage quot;. 200 points for giving ace to trick when having all four aces in the cards. As well as king-queen marriage announcement you need to won at least one trick before.
- You can give quot;rospisat quot; any number of times. Bid value of points will be deducted. Opponents get 60 points.
- You can request redeal when you have 4 nines in the cards.
- You can request redeal when you have less than 14 points in the cards after receiving card from a declarer.
- You can request redeal when you get less than 5 point in the talon.
2018-07-06 00:50:22
简介:- Play through 90 levels!
- Find out what happened to the cat.
- Challenging physics based gameplay.
- Beautiful and colourful minimalistic world.
- Only 8 ads in the entire game and no in app purchases!
Cats are Liquid is a 2D platformer about a cat with the ability to transform into liquid.
The game has 90 levels, that are spread across 9 different worlds. It has a minimalistic but colorful style. Along the way the game introduces new mechanics, like flying and summoning bombs to break down walls.
The story is about a cat whose owner locked her in a set of rooms. She desperately wants to get out, but the rooms just keep continuing. Along the way the cat meets a new quot;friend quot; and gains new abilities. The story is told through small in game text pieces.
The latest news about the game can be found on the @lastquarterdev Twitter feed.
#CatsAreLiquid on Twitter
2018-07-06 00:49:21
简介:Call break Lite card game is a addictive and popular card game of tricks, trumps and bidding which is played by four players. Call break is a strategic trick based card game played in Nepal and India amp; in this trick-taking game spades is always the trump.
Tired of not having space on your Phone because of Big game sizes? No worries!
Our Call Break Lite version is only 1.1 MB in size!
Call break is also called as Ghochi, Lakdi or Lakadi.
The objective of the game is to score the highest points of all as well as to stop other players from getting higher points by breaking their call (Hence the name quot;Call Break quot;).
Call break is played with a single deck of 52 cards. Cards rank from high to low A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. Spades are permanent trumps in callbreak card game: any card of the Spade suit beats any card of any other suit. Deal and play in call break card game are counter-clockwise. In Call break the term quot;hand quot; is used instead of trick, and quot;Call quot; is used instead of bid.
Each player gets 13 cards and game begins with each player calling their possible winnable hands.
Player then plays with a predefined rules and make sure they win more than their called hands.
Otherwise the number called is subtracted. Game has total of 5 Rounds and player with maximum score at the end of 5 round is the Winner.
Call break is a famous Nepali brain teasing trick card game which is wildly popular.
Why don #39;t you try it right now?
Download Call break today for free and you #39;ll find an easy way to spend your time and have fun!
Try it and nourish your card skills !!
◆◆◆◆ Call Break Features ◆◆◆◆
✓ Extreme User Friendly: Easy and refreshing interface
✓ Ultra- Lite size: only 1.1 MB!!
✓ Compete against Expert AI
✓ Compatible for both Tablet and Phone
Please take your time to rate your experience with this addictive card game Call break and write a short Review.
Any suggestions? We always love to hear from you for making this game better.
Enjoy playing Call break!
2018-07-06 00:48:27
简介:经典纸牌已经流行了很长时间。 纸牌美人鱼保持所有的经典功能。 同时,还有更多新的游戏功能。 它在老桌面系统中称为klondike纸牌,在那里你可以每次绘制1或3张卡。 我们改变游戏控制,使其容易完成游戏。 在经典游戏中,你可能会卡住,这不是这个游戏中的问题。 你玩这个免费的美人鱼游戏越多的经验和奖金,你可以得到越多,然后你升级。 你可以赚钱通过拼图经典单石英美人鱼。 并购买鱼饲料在你的鱼缸。
#Draw 1和Draw 3
# 升级
经典的纸牌美人鱼很有趣。 试试!