2018-07-07 03:08:22
誠に勝手ながら、「ころころ ぐでたま」は、サービスを終了させていただくことになり
2013, 2017 SANRIO CO., LTD. (E)著作(株)サンリオ
Android4.1 以上
2018-07-07 03:07:24
简介:observa las imagenes y adivina la palabra de la Biblia
quizz biblico
quizz de la biblia
preguntas de la biblia
2018-07-07 03:07:15
2018-07-07 03:07:13
简介:Professional Clarinet is a serious music app for everybody.
This is a Virtual Clarinet application for android mobile phones and tablets. High quality sounds from a philharmonia orchestra, New and noteworthy featured app, Multi-touch lets you play chords. Good quality of screen resolution.
You can play the instrument in your tablet or mobile phone.
2018-07-07 03:06:44
简介:Let #39;s train the sound by wearing a sense of pitch.
I can not sing well unless I can get the key.
Let #39;s practice the foundation if you are not good at it.
Test your perfect chord pitch(absolute chord pitch).
b Recommended for this person. /b
Those who are looking for practicing methods that do not get bored
Those who want to measure the level of improvement in sound quality
A person who wants to acquire a sense of sound with a game feeling
b Basic sound feeling will be on time now. /b
As long as you do it, the sound increases.
Pronunciation is improved by training.
font color="Black" b ────────────────────
How to play
──────────────────── /b /font
b ■ Rules /b
1. First of all, please listen to the sound.
2. Tap the notes you play with the keyboard.
3. In case of correct answer I will go to the next stage.
4. In case of incorrect answer, use the keyboard to hear the ringing sound again Please tap.
5. 10 Time taken during game is the score and Become.
6. Answer as soon as possible and short time to other Please compete with the players.
b ■ Game Screen Display /b
· Total score
When you clear it, the remaining game scores will be added.
· Game count
Clear the surface to advance.
· Game score
The time taken during the game is displayed as the score.
b ■ Game level /b
· Easy
I play the game with the sound of the white key.
The three sounds will be at the same time.
The number of games on stage will be 5 games.
· Normal
Both white key and black key sounds.
The three sounds will be at the same time.
The number of games on the stage will be 10 games.
· Hard
Both white key and black key sounds.
The five sounds will be at the same time.
The number of games on the stage will be 10 games.
b I have a track record of 300,000 people. /b
If you are not confident, as a practice application,
If you are confident, please compete with people speed.
b Free, so let #39;s try it first. /b
2018-07-07 03:06:19
简介:This quiz is a tribute to Death Note and our Lord Kira.
Kira Quiz has about 50 questions, you have 3 chances to complete all. Losing all chances you will back to the first question. The questions of the quiz are:
[QUESTION 1] What is the name of Light Yagami #39;s shinigami?
[QUESTION 2] Who #39;s the character below?
[QUESTION 3] Who was the man sentenced to death who had to pretend to be L on TV?
[QUESTION 4] Who is the character below?
[QUESTION 5] What is the group below?
[QUESTION 6] How was L called by his team?
[QUESTION 7] Who was the first victim dead by Kira?
[QUESTION 8] Who is the character below?
[QUESTION 9] Who is Misa #39;s shinigami?
[QUESTION 10] Who is X-Kira?
[QUESTION 11] What is Mello #39;s real name?
[QUESTION 12] Who is talking with L?
[QUESTION 13] Who killed the Third Kira?
[QUESTION 14] Who was the first FBI member that Kira killed?
[QUESTION 15] Who is the character below?
[QUESTION 16] Who was the only human who tasted an apple from the shinigami #39;s world?
[QUESTION 17] Who killed L?
[QUESTION 18] How many Shinigamis have appeared in the human world in anime?
[QUESTION 19] Complete:
[QUESTION 20] What is the price of the shinigami eyes deal?
[QUESTION 21] How many Kira(s) in the anime found the Death Note on the floor?
[QUESTION 22] Who is the character below?
[QUESTION 23] Who loves chocolate in the anime?
[QUESTION 24] What is Near #39;s real name?
[QUESTION 25] Who killed the killers who killed the parents of Misa Amane?
[QUESTION 26] How many times Light Yagami did the shinigami eyes deal?
[QUESTION 27] What sport do L and Kira play on Campus?
[QUESTION 28] What is Near #39;s group name?
[QUESTION 29] Who was the character below?
[QUESTION 30] In how long does a person die to be having his name written in the Death Note with no specified cause?
[QUESTION 31] quot;The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell. quot; Is this rule true or false?
[QUESTION 32] Who killed Light Yagami?
[QUESTION 33] Where did L and Kira meet for the first time?
[QUESTION 34] Who killed H. Ukita?
[QUESTION 35] Are shinigamis immortal?
[QUESTION 36] What episode L died?
[QUESTION 37] How many shinigamis died in the anime?
[QUESTION 38] Who is the character below?
[QUESTION 39] Mello did the shinigami eyes deal.
[QUESTION 40] How does Teru Mikami call Light Yagami?
[QUESTION 41] How was L known (name) in Light Yagami #39;s university?
[QUESTION 42] Who killed Watari?
If you have any suggestion for question, contact us at [email protected]
(c) Shadow Priest 2017
2018-07-07 03:05:54
简介:There are many choices of Disney songs in this piano game. You can play the piano from the songs here, as well as to entertain yourself and those around you, enjoy the piano music of the song, calm yourself, and train your finger speed in this piano tile game.
With an interesting and interactive view so you do not feel bored in playing. Increasingly faster game levels make you challenged, do not let you lose, tap the red tiles and do not have any red tiles missed, follow the tone of the song.
2018-07-07 03:05:14
简介:Ce jeu allemand de Mots Fléchés pour mobile est libre et intéressant! Avec ce jeu vous apprendre le français avec beaucoup de plaisir!
Un grand jeu de Mots Croisés (Mots Fléchés)!
- Langue : Français.
- 10000 mots croisés gratuits en France dans Crossword France (mots-croisés américains)
- Choisis la taille de la grille entre 3x3 et 25x25
- Une très longue liste de mots: Jeu avec une infinité de combinaisons
- Trois niveaux de difficulté: Facile, Moyen, Difficile
- La grille se remplira de mots à deviner
- La grille s #39;adapte automatiquement à votre terminal
Mots Croisés Français gratuit libre, mots flechés facile, jeu de logique, jeu de réflexion, jeu intelligent, mots fléchés gratuit, free crossword puzzles, jeux de mots,
apprendre le français, learn french, jeu gratuit en francais, mots meles en français
Un des jeux éducatifs et amusants !!!
***Wikipedia*** [ Les mots croisés ( mots fléchés ) sont un jeu de lettres connu dans le monde entier. Son but est de retrouver tous les mots d #39;une grille grâce aux définitions données en annexe. Des définitions sont données pour toutes les lignes (mots horizontaux) et toutes les colonnes (mots écrits verticalement) de la grille : ainsi les mots de ces deux directions s #39;entrecroisent, d #39;où le nom de quot;mots croisés quot;. Le jeu se déroule sur une grille dont la forme est très généralement (mais pas systématiquement) rectangulaire. La grille est composée de cases blanches et de cases noires. Les cases noires servent de séparateurs, c #39;est-à-dire que toute série de cases blanches contiguës comprises entre deux cases noires et situées, soit sur une même ligne, soit sur une même colonne, correspond à un mot qu #39;il faut trouver. ]
2018-07-07 03:05:02
- 钢琴游戏灵感
- 避免白色瓷砖游戏
- 容易控制
- 迷人的旋律玩,而你玩游戏
- 愉快的图形和颜色
- 分享和挑战你的朋友的能力
- 打破传统的黑白模式,你可以选择你喜欢的游戏的颜色和声音
- 惊人的设计在“钢琴”风格与昂贵的桃花心木的提示,想象自己在一个新的钢琴在2017年玩。
- 你可以与你的朋友在Facebook或What #39;sapp分享游戏和结果
- 获得经验,打开新的水平。
- 和更多 ..
2018-07-07 03:04:32
简介:لعبة احزر صور الكرتون بنات ستمكنك من إختبار ذكريات الطفولة بخصوص مختلف الشخصيات الكرتونية للبنات المعروفة القديمة منها والجديدة وأيضاً العديد من أفلام الكرتون بنات و الانمي .
إذا كنت من عشاق الأنمي ومن محبي التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة , لا تتردد في تحميل وصلة الشخصيات الكرتونية للبنات في صورة وكلمة واحدة وشارك اصدقائك المتعة والثقافة ، حيث أنها لعبة جميلة ومشوقة هدفها تنمية مهارات التفكير المنطقي لدى اللاعب بالاضافة الى تنمية مفردات اللغة العربية واسترجاع اجمل ذكريات الطفولة التي لا تنسى خصوصا لدى البنات .
يحتوي التطبيق على صور العديد من الشخصيات الكرتونية و الأنميات القديمة ك ، عدنان ولينا، الجاسوسات ، البؤساء، ناروتو، صاحب الظل الطويل، دورايمون، إيميلي، جورجي ، همتارو ، كونان ، سالي، ماروكو، ابطال الكرة ، الحديقة السرية ، ساندي بل ، سندريلا ، الزا ، فتيات القوة ، دورا ، باباي ، وأيضاً عدة أفلام كرتون ك ليزي تاون ، ، فلة و القزم السبعة ، سندريلا ، ملكة الثلج فروزن إلسا ، ماشا . والمزيد من الشخصيات الكرتونية ..
وكذلك عدة شخصيات كرتونية و شخصيات الأنمي جديدة ك ساكرا, جودي ابوت , جورجي , ماشا , ايومي , هبارا , ايروكا ، جورجي , ماشا , جودي ابوت , لينا , بابلز , كوثر , نرجس , دافني , ستيفاني , سارة , جنى , زينة , ماروكو , لوسي , سندريلا , بلوسوم , زيتونة , باتركاب , دورا , فلونة ,كوزيت , الزا , ريمي , ايروكا , مايا , نغم , ساندي بل , ماري ,شيزو , فلة , اينو وغيرها من شخصيات الإنمي و الكرتون بنات ...
يتوفر التطبيق احزر صورة الانمي و الكرتون البنات على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعها طوال اللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة الكرتون او الأنمي التي استعصى عليك معرفتها لأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجاد الإجابة .
**** مميزات اللعبة تحدي كرتون النبات : ****
● حجم صغير جداً .
● لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في داته .
● مراحل متفاوتة في الصعوبة منها السهل ومنها الصعب .
● خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء .
● مناسبة لكل الأعمار .
● لعبة بدون نت .
حمل الأن لعبة احرز الصورة الكرتون نبات و اختبر معلوماتك ، تعلم استفد واستمتع بالتحدي الانمي الكرتوني ، هل تستطيع التعرف على كل صور الأنميات و الشخصيات الكرتونية للفتيات ؟ نراهن أنك لن تستطيع دون مساعدة اثبت لنا دلك .
● ملاحظة :
بعض الايقونات المستعملة في التطبيق : من موقع freepik.com
لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيد من الأسئلة .
2018-07-07 03:04:21
連続正解でPARTY TIMEがスタート!ライムのコンボをキメろ!
TrackMaker:AREA/DJ Poo/Sunny Boy Tokyo
2018-07-07 03:03:37
简介:Now you will be prepared to receive the best bubble shooter online game in the world. With Panda bubble shooter, you can play with your friends, play online games any time with all the friends in the world and your friends. Join Panda bubble shooter to welcome new mode: PVP Multiplayer, the world #39;s first panda online bubble shooter game.
Shoot pop Bubble Panda: A Great Puzzle Game By Fun Game For Free on Google Play!
Let help Angry Daddy Panda rescue baby pandas from The King of Buffalo - The Witch Evil with so many Magic, and Power. Your quest is shoot bubble to matching them,and be like a dynamite,blast bubbles will beat him to save baby Panda in Pop. You must pass thousand challenging levels. During journey , Power-ups and boosters will help you beat boss easier.
You can Match three bubbles to pop them in this magical shooting adventure. Panda Bubble Shooting is witch puzz game completely free to play however some optional in-game items will require payment or watch video received coins free.
- Easily earn coin, watch the video to get 20 coins each time.
- Daily gift 20 coins receive
- 1500+ challenges
- Easily control direction shoot bubbles
- Shop with a lot of Power-ups and boosters
- Amazing graphics,map not in city, cute panda jam !
- Play in wonderful scene, the most beautiful wonder.
- Smooth bubble games
- Share your high score when online with Facebook Friend .
- Reach top of the world with world ranking system.
- Play game anywhere and anytime ! Don #39;t care you have wifi or not because game doesn #39;t require you always online. You can play it on the street, in the plane, in the subway, in the car or bus on the road, even in a temple, a school. OK ? Just simply is offline game !
- Game are made for everybody , all age , boy or girl, children or adult , men or women, under or over 18 age.
And now don #39;t wait, this is really a special bubble am game, Download Panda Bubble Shooter: Fun Game For Free - One of the best shoot egg, shoot ball game for free, Play to fulfill your mania !
We always update more level in game weekly. Please mind to update.
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2018-07-07 03:03:23
简介:Welcome to the wonderful world of LOL surprise collectibles ! The usual egg eggs 2017 is no longer cool. Now you have thousands of different lol toys balls that are waiting for you to unbox them! Pop balls and get new toys and pets ! Surprise in every ball!
The game Magic Dolls: Eggs LOL Surprises is created by fans of original LOL dolls and isn #39;t the official application. All rights for images of LOL dolls and also pets belong to their authors. This game is intended for fans of original dolls and created in the entertaining purposes. The developer isn #39;t connected with the owner of the LOL Baby Dolls or Dolls Surprise trademark in any way.
Lol dolls
Lol Surprise dolls
Lol Surprise opening
Lol Surprise dolls
2018-07-07 03:03:17
简介:تقویت کردن مغز از راه های بسیار زیادی قابل انجام است برای مثال می توانید از خوراکی های مخصوص حافظه استفاده کنید و یا مسائل ریاضی را حل کنید.
یکی از بهترین روش های تقویت حافظه حل کردن جدول کلمات متقاطع است که بسیاری از پزشکان و محققان از آن به عنوان یک تقویت کننده مغز یاد می کنند.
جدول ها در اندازه ها و نوع های مختلفی وجود دارند اما بهترین آن ها را هر روز می توانید در روزنامه های مختلف پیدا کنید و همجنین سعی کنیدحداقل روزانه تا حد توانتان به این جدول ها فکر کنید. در ادامه برخی از مهمترین دلایلی که برای جدول حل کردن می توان از آن ها یاد کرد را ذکر می کنیم.
2018-07-07 03:03:00
简介:Do you love Pretend Hotel amp; Pretend Airport? Do you love Pretend Daycare, My Pretend Home amp; Family? Then you will LOVE My Pretend Family Mansion - Big Friends Dollhouse amp; Pretend Play Games FREE!
My Pretend Big Family Mansion invites you to check out the biggest Pretend Series game yet with a variety of rooms to explore!!
Enter the Golden Gates of this rich neighborhood, and step into the Biggest Mansion you have ever seen!
My Pretend Big Family Mansion is like one big Giant Dollhouse and Playground for Kids and even big kids!
Explore the living room with a gorgeous, winding staircase, grand piano, and kitchenette! Play with video games, relax near the aquarium tank full of exotic fish and relax on the couch!
Head over to the kids room, and play with toys, accessories, and fun items in the play room, fit for kids of all ages!
Head into the parent #39;s master bedroom, and explore all the rich amenities they have to offer! A large bed with city views and a spa tub with the best in accessories are just the beginning!
Explore the huge garage with exotic cars, race cars, and even airplanes! Oh My! This family has it all!
Head over to the Big Family Mansion #39;s very own sports center equipped with all kinds of sporting equipment - they even have a basketball court!
Find the secret lever near the aquarium, and head down to the basement where you will discover tons of artifacts, antiques, and other collections from their travels!
Cool off at the exotic rooftop pool with a drink, and a fun floaty and watch the television!
Tinker with cars, motorcycles, swim at the pool, take the golf cart for a spin, play video games, explore the arcade, the rooftop pool, and never, ever leave this mansion because it has everything you could ever want!
My Pretend Big Family Mansion is our biggest pretend series game yet, and there are plenty of rooms to explore in this enchanted mansion!
2018-07-07 03:02:42
简介:The animals puzzles is a wonderful puzzle game for both adults and children.
Many thoughts were invested to provide this educational and entertaining app at the same time.
The game offers several key features:
The square pieces of the puzzle challenge the player much more than the traditional jigsaw puzzle. This mode helps the player to focus on finding the next adjacent small piece instead of focusing on finding piece #39;s location based on its shape.
A wonder 54 jigsaw puzzle.
A gallery picker puzzles creator.
A limited number of pieces are displayed for selection at a time. We have developed a special smart algorithm which decides which of the missing pieces to show during the play time.
The game tracks the player #39;s progress, and adjusts the complexity of the puzzle accordingly.
The player can select the number of small pieces in the puzzle. 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36 small pieces are available (36 pieces available on Tablet only).
A smart hint system is developed to decide when the user needs help. After a predefined number of multiple successive errors, the puzzle is displayed in black amp;white color to help the player proceeding. The hint disappears after succeeding one piece. The hint algorithm may also decide to show the hint constantly in some cases.
A cute interactive animation is displayed every several puzzles to provide more fun while playing the game.
We, at Forqan Smart Tech, have always sought to provide the best for your family through applications designed, and directed each age group separately, our belief in the feature each evolutionary stage passes by your son, but in order to lend life skills and the mentality to learn and grow and play correctly and properly, and to communicate with his peers and the environment surrounding it.
2018-07-07 03:02:17
简介:Hewan di sekitar kita jenisnya sangat beragam, ada yang hidup di air maupun di daratan, untuk itu kami buatkan aplikasi Tebak Nama Hewan ini agar kita lebih mengenal nama-nama hewan di sekitar kita. Kira-kira kamu bisa menebak dengan mudah atau tidak aplikasi tebak-tebakan ini. Buruan download dan instal aplikasi ini di HP Android kamu.
Spesifikasi dan fiturnya :
- Download nya cepat
- Aplikasinya ringan
- Gratis
- Desain grafis yang bagus
- Mendidik
- Mudah di jalankan
- Bisa dijalankan tanpa koneksi internet
- Ada mode bantuan dan poin yang berguna untuk membuka kata yang sulit
- Terdapat puluhan tebak nama hewan
- Bisa mengasah otak
Tunggu apalagi? ayo pasang aplikasinya sekarang dan mainkan. Berikan bintang terbaikmu dan komentar yang membangun ya, agar kami terus berkarya membuat aplikasi-aplikasi yang baru dan seru untuk kalian. Terima kasih.
2018-07-07 03:02:17
2018-07-07 03:01:57
简介:校园偶像音乐(LOVE LIVES)是包括在此App
这是简单的法则“踩出你的 动漫音乐 校园偶像编”
2018-07-07 03:01:42
简介:Professional Trombone is a great music application for you.
This is a Virtual Trombone application for android mobile phones and tablets. High quality sounds from a philharmonia orchestra, New and noteworthy featured app, Multi-touch lets you play chords. Good quality of screen resolution.
You can play the trombone in your tablet or mobile phone.
2018-07-07 03:01:39
简介:The goal of this game is to get your car out of a six-by-six grid full of automobiles by moving the other vehicles out of its way.
Parking Escape is a simple and a nice game.
How to play Parking Escape 2:
• you need to move your car to the exit
• horizontal cars can be moved from side to side
• vertical cars can be moved up and down
• use hints
2018-07-07 03:01:28
简介:구글플레이 부동의 1위
계속계속 업데이트되는 최고의 넌센스 어플!
-11월 15일 신규스테이지 추가-
소녀시대가 타는 차가 뭐게~
그럼 중학생과 고등학생이 타는 차는 뭐게~
뭐긴뭐야 중고차!
그게 바로 넌센스 퀴즈의 매력!
다 풀고 친구들에게 써먹는 이것이 바로
최신판 넌센스 퀴즈들이 왔다!
재밌는 문제~♪
기발한 정답~♩
◆맛보기 문제◆
1.허수아비의 아들 이름은?
2.송해가 샤워를 하면?
3. #39;죽이다 #39;의 반댓말은?
정답이 궁금하면 받아서 같이 풀어보자 ^^
개발자 연락처 :
2018-07-07 03:01:28
简介:Hangman is a puzzle of letters. Your goal is to try to figure out the word, for this you have five attempts to guess whether a letter belongs to the word or not.
It is a classic game that will make you remember your childhood. The gameplay is simple, and very fun.
There are several categories in Hangman, and thousands of words for you to guess!
The game has a beautiful and fun design, in order to make the gameplay better and enjoyable to the player.
Hangman is totally free, and you can download it right now
2018-07-07 03:01:09
简介:Pianika是一种口琴的小型充气乐器,但使用的键盘叶片宽度大约为三个八度。 Pianika直接打击,或使用连接到嘴巴的软管。一般来说,pianika是作为学校的教育工具。
2018-07-07 03:00:47
简介:Welcome to the frantic ball world!
This is a very simple and fun game, you can do these to get your reward:
- Tap on the balls of the same color to get them crash!
- Try to eliminate the more balls every time, leaving fewer and fewer balls.
- Eliminating more than five can eliminate all the same colors at the same time.
- Be careful! The balls will increase!
- Use these tips to stop the ball from filling your screen.
- Try your best luck to play Lucky Spin everyday
- Play Slots for fun and earn more rewards
Do not miss the most playful Balls Crash Game!